

It almost feels silly, when you look out on the scale of things. How can your pitiful hammer stop the onslaught, the hive mind of giant squid working together to overwhelm even the great behemoths? You're supposed to bash them into submission one by one? It's madness. You shouldn't be here.

Two Everwardens purposefully dart past you, their action goading you out of your self-reflection. As you push to join them, one of them pauses and turns around. It's Arraia, full of determination. "Kavitha," she says. "The giant squid are out here in full force. Stick close to me or Estre." She reflexively winds her rope, and smiles. "Don't worry, though. If you get into trouble, I'll fish you out."

Estre hefts his trident. "And remember," he says, "don't feel like you have to prove yourself. Stay safe. This is way beyond a normal fight. Not very fair for your first time." He smiles too, despite his reservations. "Give 'em hell, though."

You're too new to have been assigned a specific role; while you're supposed to focus on protecting the whales, you also have the freedom to help out where you can.