

The whales blast the ocean with sonar, signaling the beginning of the ceremony. Everyone gathers, and you can see Ichtare elevate themselves up above the general mass of partygoers in order to give their speech. You turn and listen.

"Fellow merfolk," says Ichtare, "gracious whales. Every year we give thanks for the gifts of life that we bestow upon each other in a mutually beneficial alliance. This year is no different, and yet it is also extraordinary."

There's something arresting, calming about the council leader's voice, and you're curious if this year's speech is going to be different from what it has been in years past.

Three whales approach Ichtare from behind, with their leader Elho in the center position. That's strange; usually a lesser whale would do the honors.

"We merfolk have gotten to experience firsthand what it means to fear death," Ichtare continues without acknowledging Elho's presence. "It's reinvigorated my dedication to our alliance and shown me the importance of saving and protecting those for whom death is too great a reality."

The three whales open their mouths. Ichtare holds the Orb of Eternity up high, letting the light shine.

"And it's reminded me of the value of the gift we've been given. With that newfound appreciation, I rededicate myself and my city to your protection."

Ichtare turns around and puts the Orb squarely in Elho's mouth. Elho swallows the Orb, and there's a cheer from the crowd. That part's always the same.

Tamru shakes his head. "Well, that was as meaningless as I thought it was going to be," he says. "It didn't even mention Flynn or Tephra." You look around you. You've drifted fairly far away from the rest of the crowd by now. There's nobody within earshot.

Tamru slows down and leans in close. "Now that we're alone, I want to know what you really think about the whales' deal. Would you really give up a part of yourself to solve your problems? Would you take the deal? Or would you have the strength to refuse it forever and ever?"