
Rohan who was on his way to the grass plane with some confidence again heard the thundering roar of the beast coming from behind. he again pressed his ears with both of his hands and muttered with shaky voice because of the fear" What the heck is that thing?"

After sometime passed he finally stabilized himself and look at the horn that was caught by his hand.

" Haah, I was thinking about summoning something when I reach the grass plane but Now I think that I will encounter other creatures in the grass plane." said Rohan with bitter look then he placed the horn on the floor of leaves and a panel suddenly came before his eyes.

[ Beast lord horn has place down on the ground]

[ will you like to began construction of the base here?]

[ yes/no]

Seeing this panels Rohan click on yes and the air in surrounding started to rotate in circles making it seem like little tornado with not so strong winds. this phenomenon stayed for 2 minutes after that the wind began to fade away. after some time everything become stable. Rohan look befor him to find a small pool which only contains darkness. but in the darkness were some star like object which were twinkling making it seem like night sky.

[ Construction of the base is completed]

[ Please give name to the base ]

Rohan who was looking at the beautiful pool startled by the sudden notification panels. he look at them and did not choose to name his base right now because there was nothing important here. he went near the pool and a notification came out.

[ Summoning pool Lvl 1]

[ Can summon monsters and beasts from other worlds with the help of Resources and energy points. Monster selection is random from goblin to dragon. so best of luck]

[ Lvl 1 Effect: 99% chance to summon tier 1 to tier 3 monster or beast. 1% chance to get random tier monster]

[ Lvl 1 troop summoning limit for a day: 10 max ]

[ 50 energy points for every summoning]

seeing this information Rohan nodded then thought about the tier and stuff and how it works. and somehow he instinctively got the knowledge after constructing the base and thinking about it.

In this world where monster and beast ruled the power system was divided into Tiers and levels.

there are total of nine tiers from tier 1 being the weakest and tier 9 being the strongest. and each tier have 10 levels in them. tier 1 and tier 2 beings were considered as live stocks while tier 3 have some combat power. but tier 1 and tier 2 were not useless because of their unimaginable quantity. they are also protected by powerful creatures of their pack.

first Rohan thought that with tier 1 or tier 2 monsters he can easily began his journey. but now he became worried after this knowledge come to his mind. he was conflicted now and thought that maybe summoning monster will make him only loose this energy points but he still thought about summoning it.

because unlike others who only get 100 energy points he have 10000 energy points. even if he finished todays quota. only 500 energy points wil be consumed.

so he go near the pool and took out the token from his pocket and showing it to the pool. and a panel notification came out.

[ Summoning will consume 50 energy points]

[ summoning began?]


Rohan took deep breath then press onto yes. After that the blue panel lit up and a tall figure like shadow started to condense on the pool but before the firgure even fully condensed something unexpected happened.

[ Congratulations on obtaining tier 3 level 7 Goblin warrior]



1). YOU CAN GET: 100 tier 3 level 7 Goblin warrior

2). YOU CAN GET: 1 tier 5 level 2 Goblin warrior

3). YOU CAN GET: 1 tier 4 level 1 Goblin rider

seeing this Rohan was stunned but after seeing the options he became very happy. he didn't think that he will able to this thing too. now seeing the option there was big smile on Rohan face. he saw the option and after thinking that he was still on the journey and right now wasn't the time to make a base. he canceled the 1st option. he also canceled the second option because the goblin warrior is maybe stronger than goblin rider in one on one battle but the goblin rider isn't alone. they have their own mount which is definitely not a horse but a strong monster. and a goblin rider is 4th evolution path of goblins. while goblin warrior is only third.

that is why goblin rider is stronger than goblin warrior and a tier 4 goblin rider still have potential to evolve because from tier 1 to tier 9 a goblin can evolve continuously but it is very very rare to find that kind of goblin. every time they reach level 10 which is max level for every tier. they will get a chance to evolve like a class upgrade job in the game after every 10 level.

A goblin warrior path is third evolution meaning that the goblin will evolve into goblin warrior in tier 3 and after that it will evolve into goblin rider at tier 4 but this goblin warrior has clearly reached tier 5 meaning that his evolution potential is over.

In monster world there are many monsters who can evolve infinitely as long as their evolution potential doesn't get vanished. but most monsters and beasts aren't that lucky so their evolution potential will be over at their second or third evolution.

fourth evolution is already very rare, from 100 thousands only 1000 will get chance to get their fourth evolution. after fourth the evolution will become random meaning no one knows from how many beings a 5th,6th,7th and etc evolution occurred. ofcourse their is a way to gain evolution potential even if it vanished which is to remain at the same tier where your evolution potential had vanished and continue to accumulate energy points from killing or trading and use them to change your body constitution.

after accumulating enough energy points which is different for different person. there will be a boby forming trial but this trial is very dangerous. out of 1 million only something like 100 people cross this trial and level up their evolution potential.

So yeah it is risky but this is not all. every monster have their races evolution potential cap. even dragons have evolution potential cap. a potential cap meaning that a race can not grow more than the potential cap. for example goblins. goblins can reach teir 9 like every species but the evolution potential of goblin race stopped at their fifth evolution. for creatures like goblins reaching evolution 3 is very difficult because of their easy reproduction and 5th evolution level cap.

Goblins are not the only creatures who have 5th evolution cap.there are many creatures who even have 3rd or 4th evolution cap. the shorter the evolution cap the harder it is for the creatures to evolve to their last species stage.

but there is a way for monsters to surpass their evolution cap which is race change. race change meaning that when golbin reach their third evolution. some goblins who are really lucky will get the chance to change their race into different races like vapires,orcs or any other humanoid monster race. they will also get the same chance of race change when they reach level 10 of their last evolution cap.

this knowledge came to Rohan's mind after he summoned his first goblin and get gist of things work for monster and beast. with their living conditions, needed resources, food and etc.

Rohan choose the third option and the tall shadow which was condensing change into a figure sitting on huge creature shadow. the shadow was still condensing and was showing colours and fur of the beast.