Into the Night

The supposed to be an ordinary day turned into one of the most significant events that changed my life. My loving mother, that would always greet me with her kind and gentle smile is now nowhere to be found, and so is my caring and doting father. Everything… just everything. It all changed in a blink of an eye.

Our house, once defined as tidy, turned into a chaotic mess. It seemed like my mind couldn't accept this sudden reality, but the brutal beating of my heart made me know how all of this was true. Every step I take makes my anxiety go far worse than before. Strangers are lying on the ground, unconscious, with blood coming out of their bodies. Who are they?

When I got inside my parents' room, I froze at where I was standing. The weird sickening dry metallic scent got in my nose as my eyes landed upon the sight of that red sticky liquid all over the room.


"W-What happened here?"

As I roamed my vision, I saw the blood splattered all over the walls and on the floor. My father and mother's belongings are all gone. The only things left are the broken pieces of mom's cabinet and her favorite lampshade, which are also broken on the ground. It's not the same room I once knew. It made me gulp as I started having difficulty breathing because of the strong scent of blood.

I can still remember how I used to giggle with both of my parents inside this room. The humongous bed is gone, and the white carpet near their bed is drenched with blood that it'll make you think of red as its natural color. Everything turned blood red, and the scent nauseated me, but I couldn't leave. No, I don't want to leave.

There's a specific place in the room where I saw a fresh pool of blood.

In the middle of that pool of blood, there he was standing, Night Fuentes. "What are you doing here?" He turned to me with those cold and unfriendly eyes still looking at the ground. "Where are my mom and dad?" His all-black suit is covered with blood, and so did the black gloves he removed and threw into the floor.

His shiny black shoes were also soaked with blood. I gulped as I gazed at Night's hair which was once known for its clean and neat look, but now it's in a mess as he pushed it back with his bare hand.

There's a trace of blood on his cheek, which he annoyingly wiped with a clean white handkerchief he pulled out of his pocket. I noticed how cold and emotionless his black eyes were as they landed on me. It made me swallow saliva again as I felt fear of the unknown. This is not the Night I know; this isn't my prince charming. That's when a thought came into my mind, a lingering memory of what I witnessed the other day. It makes my skin crawl realizing that what I saw could be true if I stop denying it, Night might have done the same thing he did to that unknown guy, but now my parents became his new victims.

I swallowed my fear. "T-That." I pointed to the pool of blood where Night was standing at. "Whose blood is that?" He looked down and looked back at me with a nonchalant expression. Night didn't answer and just stared at me. W-What does that mean? Why isn't he answering?

"Is it… my parent's blood?"

Night nodded without saying a word causing me to gasp as I back away. Suddenly, I feel even more nauseous than before. Knowing that the pool of blood belonged to my parents made my stomach churn as thousands of scenarios ran inside my head nonstop. My breathing grew heavier, and I couldn't look Night in the eye. "D-Did you—" I feel my body trembling as I stop myself from vomiting. "—kill my parents?" It might sound like an absurd question, but in this situation, how should I take this?

The anxiety caused me to continuously swallow saliva as I glanced at Night. What I asked him might be impossible before, but I already knew deep inside my heart that there was something wrong with Night. That all I know about him might be lies. Even though the way he looks at me with those cold eyes and not caring vibes is the same, he doesn't feel the same anymore. Before, I only felt attraction despite his cold attitude towards me, but now I feel fear.

This person is not my Night.


It made my heart drop hearing him say that. Night said those words without any care as if he wasn't the one being questioned at all. It's like it didn't matter to him if he did kill my parents.

I can't breathe properly; it feels like I'm being suffocated just by Night's stare. It's painful. The question that keeps repeating inside my head is, 'How could he do this?' My parents weren't the type of people that deserved to be killed like this.

"What did my parents do to you?!" Without realizing it, I raised my voice at Night because of the fear and anger that overflowed inside me.

It's not about losing all our properties and money. I don't even care that my belongings are gone, and my clothes are destroyed. I can fully accept everything, but losing my parents without a proper reason? That's what I cannot accept and will never accept.

How will I stay calm in a situation where I might lose everything to the man I promised to give my everything to? I didn't know that he'll take everything away from me literally. He's not a prince anymore, but a monster.

Instead of answering, Night's expression didn't change as he immediately pulled a gun from his back and aimed it at me. It took my breath away, and I became frozen in fear. I couldn't move and didn't dare to move because I was afraid he might shoot me on the spot. "I-I don't understand why you're doing this." Tears started falling out of my eyes as I couldn't break eye contact with him. It's like an assurance that he won't shoot me while looking me in the eye. "P-Please, at least tell me your reason."

I heard Night loading his gun, causing me to flinch. He's still aiming the gun at me. I'm clueless about how to get out of this situation anymore. If I die here, how would I avenge my parents' death that they don't even deserve? "Did my parents wrong you?" Night tilts his head and raises an eyebrow as if telling me the reason is apparent. But not for me. Fear is the only thing I can think of now, and I can't imagine my parents doing something terrible things to others.

I'm scared.

Night stood in silence with his gun still pointed at me. The tension in the air mixing with the smell of blood makes my heart beat faster and louder to the point that I can't hear anything else. My puffing continues as my senses get numb with terror. Is it okay for me to wish for someone to come and help me in this situation? I'm not strong enough to fight back against this person, and I don't have the courage either. All I can do is wish for it to be over. Even at this moment, I wish for a prince to come and save me.

"Young master!"

I heard a voice outside the room, but I still couldn't move, fearing the chance that Night might shoot me quickly. I know Night is from a prominent family, but I didn't know that he's a young master. Is it acceptable for him to do something like this? Why would a young master like Night kill people as if he's an assassin?

My vision's getting blurry due to the tears that I can't stop falling, and I still can't move an inch. "P-Please," I begged softly as I closed my eyes while taking a deep breath. It's almost useless since I have nothing left. Even if I survive here, my mom and dad are gone. I'll be in debt all my life, making me suffer until I die. "I don't want to die." Still, I can't wish to die here. I don't want to die here.

The strong wind gushed right into the window behind Night. I remember hearing on the news this morning that a typhoon is coming. It made the shards on the floor fly towards me, making me wince due to pain as they injured my cheek and knees while Night looked like he wasn't affected.

Despite my pleading, Night ignored my words with that unchanging expression; he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. The deafening sound of the gun caused my body to feel weak as I heard something ringing in my left ear. It's like something hard hit my body, making me lose the energy on my knees.

The last thing I saw was Night looking down on me, and everything went black.