Out of the Mansion

Rika's clearly making a fuss, but there's no way I'll waste this chance. I'll bust my way out if they don't let me go. Despite my foot's continuous bleeding and fingernails getting blisters, I climbed the wall. As I reached the top, I lost my footing. I immediately fell back to the ground, causing Rika to scream. I barely managed to dodge the enormous rock waiting on the ground. If that hits me, it'll tear my back, that's for sure.

My whole body felt heavy, but I still don't want to stop. Maybe the adrenaline rush made me unable to feel the pain. I wanted to get up, but it was more challenging than usual. That's when all these men started appearing out of nowhere, and they grabbed both my arms and legs, stopping me from climbing.

"Let me go!"

"What do you think you're doing?"

My whole body stopped resisting, and I felt my heart stop after hearing that voice. My body is glued to the ground, and I can't move. Fear— no, it wasn't just as simple as fear. The creeping sensation of disgust and anxiety made me stay where I was lying as if pulling my strength out of my body.

Is it because I discovered too many of his secrets? Sweat's still coming out of his temples as he stares at me with those dead eyes. It always gives me shivers.

"Y-Young master! The miss's foot is bleeding; it must be because of the residuals of the shards yesterday."

Rika helped me get up and sit on the ground while being careful. That's how I saw that Night isn't wearing a shirt, and he's sweating buckets. There are visible scars on his body, making me gulp as I averted my gaze. He started talking to those people who held my arms and legs. "Let me handle this." Night said in a different language. Are they purposively using a different language while talking, so I won't be able to understand what they're saying?

Night suddenly knelt in front of me, causing my eyes to go wide open. He lifted me without warning, making me blink a couple of times. I could feel his bare skin touching my body as I instinctively wrapped my arm around his neck, fearing I might fall off. Being this close to him and feeling his body made me realize how buff Night's body is. His muscles are firm, and it feels different to touch him like this?

However, the despicable memories I had of him made me let go of his neck. It feels disgusting whenever I touch him, but I can still fear my heart beating so loud due to fear.

Where is he taking me? Is he going to torture me? Did Kenji snitch on me? My heart beat's so loud, and I'm starting to hear something ringing in my ears.

"Let me go." It sounded half-hearted because I was weaker than usual.

Night didn't listen as he walked back inside the house with me in his arms. My dizziness is getting the best of me, and I can't start punching Night now as I feel weak. I think the pain from my foot is finally kicking in now that my body is resting. Even if I don't want to, my body can't stop leaning on Night as it feels like I'm about to fall if I don't do that.

"Why are you doing this to me? What more do you want from me?" My questions were still left unanswered as Night brought me into another room. When he lay me down on the bed and turned his back on me, that's when I saw the massive tattoo on his back. It caused me to gulp as I stared at it as if it was my first time seeing a tattoo. I saw many tattoos from other people, but not like this one.

It's like one of those from a leader of a Japanese mafia, a colossal dragon— wait a minute. "Are you the leader of a Japanese mafia group?" What do they call it? Right! Yakuza! Is he also lying about his age? What if Night's already an old man, but he just looks young?

Night faced me with still no emotion in his eyes. "What would you do if that's the case?" I swallowed a huge lump in my throat. I've never heard an answer that long, and it keeps making me speechless with how deep and husky his voice is. "I told you to stop doing stupid things." He said as he turned his back on me and went out of the room. As soon as he got out, another person came inside.

"Hello there." A woman wearing a white coat with a gentle smile greeted me. "I'm Dr. Tricia. It's nice to finally meet you, Noelle." She said, but I couldn't greet her back. I'm still in shock with all that happened. My failed attempt to escape and Night's appearance are the only things inside my head right now.

Dr. Tricia treated my wound and reminded me of things I needed to keep it from getting infected. Still, my mind isn't paying attention to everything she says. When she finished, Kenji and Rika helped me return to my room. It isn't just a room; it's like a cage.

"Young miss, please tell me if your foot hurts," Rika said with a worried tone. "It's my fault for leaving you all alone. From now on, I won't leave your side." She said with such determination thinking that it'll help me. It makes me confused; I wonder if Rika's a sadistic person, and she's saying all of that to torment me because she's indeed making it worse. Considering that it's my choice to get out of this place, thus causing this injury. "Do you want me to get some snacks for you?"

I didn't say anything. Still, Rika went to get some snacks. "Haaa." I sighed as I looked out at the window, but it was already blocked by something. Is that their solution to my plans to escape? I'm stupid because I didn't think of the window before I escaped; now, it's blocked before I could even use it.

They really don't want me to leave this place, but why? I just can't understand. Am I in debt to them? Did my father's company go to ruins because of this Japanese mafia group? "I don't know." All I know is that I miss both my parents and my nanny.

The whole day passed with me just staying bedridden because my foot won't stop bleeding. Dr. Tricia kept going in and out of my room because of that. If they let me go, this wouldn't happen to me anyway. Why can't they just let me go? "Why won't Night let me go?" I asked Rika as soon as she entered my room.

Rika looks like she's hesitating. "I-I'm in no position to answer that, young miss. But you'll know very soon." She said. What's with that very vague answer? How would I know if no one's telling me anything? Why can't they just tell me? Am I really a hostage? "T-The boss is coming soon. He will tell the miss everything."

The boss? Isn't Night the boss? Rika looked on edge, so I didn't bother asking her anymore. It's not like I can trust anything she says either. Or she might just be working here and forced to take care of me. Maybe she's also in debt or something like that, working here to pay her debts. Even though I was in pain the whole day, I never saw Night again, which gave me inner peace. If I see him now, I might feel weird again. It's too complicated.

When I thought they'd be putting tighter security, they didn't. I think these people are underestimating my skills. Do they think I won't try escaping because of this injury? I'm glad they thought of it that way because I will still try to escape even with this wound.

Although I told myself that I'll be thinking of another way to escape, I slept the whole day as soon as I drank the medicine Dr. Tricia gave me.

Today is Monday, and it's raining hard outside. I can only hear the sound of the rain and nothing else. How am I going to escape while it's raining? It'll be bad for my wound. "Do you want another tea, young miss?" Rika asked after she replaced the bandage on my foot.

I shook my head as I stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow will be my birthday, but I still can't get a hold of my friends and parents. Are they worried about me? Did daddy send another person to help me? My best friend, Ace, would be dead worried by now.

"Do you feel cold, young miss?"

I ignored Rika; I was not in the mood to talk. The rain makes me feel listless. "Please leave me alone for a while." Rika didn't retort and left with a gloomy expression. As soon as she got out, I left the bed and walked toward the closet. There must be some clothes I could wear there since I'm only wearing my sleepwear.


A smile formed on my face as soon as I saw the clothes inside the closet. Even though I said it'll be hard to get out with this rain, it's the best time to do so. Night's at school, and with the heavy rain, the people here will think I won't go out. The noise I'll make will be covered by the sound of the rain. Am I clever or what?

I changed into casual clothes, shorts, and a white shirt. I'm lucky that it fits me. I gulped as I opened the door; no one was waiting for me outside. It's hard for me to walk with my foot all injured, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Since the garden was on the left side, I should try going to the right. But that option was no longer available when I saw those big men coming from the door to my right. This leaves me no choice but to climb the wall again.

I sneaked towards the garden, and there was no one there. Thank goodness! But am I really going to climb the wall? Think Ellie, think. I observed the place to find another way out, and I chuckled as I saw a hidden back door near the vines at the far end of the walls. How come I didn't notice this before?

Maybe because I wasn't calm that time. I pushed the door sneakily, and it opened without much effort. It'll be a waste to have tighter security, but isn't it too lacking?

It doesn't matter. As soon as I opened the door, I started walking away from that place. I might recognize some places even if I don't know where I am. I should at least go to the nearest convenience store where I can borrow a phone. Although I thought I could do it, it's more complicated than expected since my foot keeps aching, and I know the wound's opening again, and because of the rain, my feet are soaked.


That's when I saw a convenience store right beside me. When I was about to open the door, I saw a familiar face inside, which immediately made me run to the back alley. It was Kenji! I can't let him see me here.

But my foot hurts.

I sat on the wet ground while panting. It'll become harder for me if I start worrying about my wound.

"Uhm, are you alright?"