Before Things Changed

Night's still assuming I'm obsessed with him because of how I acted before. If I could just erase those memories! Before these things happened. I really was overly obsessed with Night; it was until that day that things changed.

*A month ago*

"Night, I like you. Since the first time I met you, I've been in love with you."

I saw a smile form on his face. "I like you too, Noelle." The words I've been dying to hear from him. It felt like I was falling all over again after he said that with such a sweet smile. That's right, I've been in love with Night, and now he's finally reciprocating my feelings. Is there anything better than this?

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded million times due to happiness. There's no need for me to reject this opportunity. Night gently held onto my chin, and he looked into my eyes; his warm hand caused me to feel ecstatic. The way his hair flutters by the wind with flowers blooming around him was perfect, and he's staring at me with those sweet, gentle eyes. He's the prince I've dreamed of since I was a kid. He's the perfect one for me!

As the mood got sweeter, I was about to close my eyes and kiss him, but I saw and heard how he scoffed at me. Eh? "Wake up, idiot."


My eyes were wide open as I saw that familiar ceiling of my room. "I want to cry," I muttered into thin air as I realized everything was just a dream. "Why do I have to wake up? You should have let me kiss him even just in my dream!" I grunted as I almost didn't notice my alarm clock ringing due to frustration.

I sighed. "When will I get used to this?" I've been dreaming of Night since the first time I met him. I thought it was really destiny. I was born and raised in a family filled with love and care. It's because I'm the only daughter of my parents, and they showered me with lots of love as I grew up. I got used to getting whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

Not until I met Night, who became the only person I couldn't woo. I'm 17 years old and still haven't gotten my first boyfriend. It's because Night won't notice me at all. "It's morning again." I need to go to school even though I don't like studying. I go because that's the only way for me to see Night.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before taking a bath. It's my usual routine before going to school.

"Ellie! Come on, you're going to be late soon." Mommy went inside my room wearing her casual clothes while holding a brush. "Here, I'll tie your hair, so quickly change into your school uniform." I went to my walk-in closet and changed into my uniform while looking at the full-body mirror.

Unlike the standard uniform of our school, my uniform consists of a white short sleeves shirt with pink trimmings on the end of the sleeves and collar. Tucked into my pink and black checkered pleated skirt, matching the pink and black checkered bow tie tied below my shirt's collar. The standard uniform's color is red and black, but I'm obsessed with the color pink. Even my room and closet are in pink color. I also wear white knee-high socks with pink stripes and pink platform high-heel shoes.

I posed in front of the mirror before leaving my walk-in closet. "Come, sit here. I'll tie your hair in a different style today." Mommy said, and so I did what she told me. My mother, Amelia Alcantara, adores me so much. Her gentle and elegant aura always makes me feel like I want to be like her as an adult. She's pretty and sophisticated like a queen. She would always do my hair for me and change it daily into different styles.

"Today will be twin tails befitting my princess Ellie." Those words made me giggle as mommy tied my straight black long hair into twin tails using my favorite pink ribbons. "There you go. My princess is so adorable."

I smiled while looking at the mirror. "I must look cute for Night today again."

Despite my obsession with Night, my mommy and daddy always supports me and even go all out to help me. But I want to get Night on my own. I must woo him to make him like me. I'm cute; I know I can make him fall for me.

"Ellie, you should eat before—"

"I'm going to be late. I'll be leaving first. Love you, mommy!"

I really am late. Our driver panicked as I forced him to drive quickly to the school because I was more afraid not to see Night during the morning rather than being late to class. But I already know that I won't be able to see him since he's an early bird. "Thank you!" I rushed out of the car as we reached the vicinity of the school. It's faster for me to run than wait for the car to arrive in front of the gate since many cars are in front of us.

"Be careful, lady Noelle!" I heard our driver remind me, and I waved my hand at him.

I can feel the gaze of all the students I pass by on me, but I don't have the time to bother myself with what others think. Since I was already late, I thought that Night must have been in his classroom, so I rushed to our classroom instead. The other students, mostly the girls, are whispering behind my back because of my uniform again. They hate that I have my uniform in a different color. They can't do anything about it since the school allows me to do what I want. It's because daddy sponsors the school.

"I thought you weren't coming."

I was panting and holding onto the wall as I walked inside the classroom. Ace greeted me with those words while looking at me with an eyebrow raised. She's holding another book that I will surely not understand even if I try to. "I dreamed of Night. But it didn't end the way I wanted it to." I said while smiling from ear to ear. Seeing Night in my dreams satisfies me so much that I can't control my expressions. That's also why my best friend, Ace, showed such a disgusted expression on her face.

"You're too crazy for Fuentes. It gives me goosebumps."

I nodded because I didn't have any plan to deny it. Almost all the students in our school know me as Night's stalker except for Night himself. I think? Those people called me crazy behind my back but would show me happy faces when I was in front of them. It's mainly because they didn't want to be on my bad side since my parents are wealthy. Most of the girls in our school are obsessed with Night; it's not only me. Night looks fantastic, and he's good at everything, after all. I'm okay with not having many friends since I already got Ace and Andy by my side.

"Hey." Ace snapped her finger in front of me. "You're drifting away again. You already know you must finish the poster and slogan Miss Valencia told us to do, don't you?" Just hearing that caused my mood to turn sour. I hate studying, but I also hate doing arts. I'm not artistic enough, and I draw precisely the same as I did in elementary school.

"But I don't want to. My drawing sucks."

"We all know that." Andy just arrived and already butted in. "Why is Ellie stating the obvious?"

Ace sighed as she closed the book she was reading. "It's because of that activity Miss Valencia gave us." She said. "As expected of our princess right here, she hasn't started yet despite today being the last day of submission."

Ace likes making me feel guilty about my actions; she's good at it. "Please help me," I begged Ace, and like the kind girl she is, she agreed. But of course, we can't do that activity in other subjects' time, so I was forced to skip lunch while Ace stayed with me.

"Here." She spoon-fed me with her lunch. Ace can be sweet sometimes. "I hope you'll do the activities as soon as possible." Ace said while watching me draw on the paper she gave me.

"I don't want to do this anymore. Can't I just search words for the slogan?"


I pouted and started making tantrums. "Don't be so dramatic. It's just a poster and slogan. It's not like Miss Valencia is making you solve mathematical questions you hate." I indeed hate mathematics, but arts are the same!

I can't do it if I don't like it. That's how I lived my whole life. "Can't I just ask Ryzen to draw for me?" I received a bonk on the head after I said that. Ryzen's really good when it comes to arts. We should utilize his talent more!

"Put it on Miss Valencia's desk and come back before the next class starts."