Why So Lonely?

'S-Shoot! Why is he here?' 

El wore his sunglasses back and stood up from the bed. "I'll get going now." He said, and when I thought he'll leave, he suddenly gave me a peck on my cheek, catching me off-guard. "See you tomorrow, Ellie." With that, he took his leave. 

'Why does he has to kiss me in front of Night?! No! Why does he have to kiss me at all?!'

Silence filled the infirmary while I only looked on the floor. Why do I feel like I'm in trouble because of what happened? Even though I didn't do anything, and it was all El's fault, I feel like Night will lash out at me. 

"Does being my fiancée make you look down on me?" I heard that same cold and unfriendly tone I hadn't heard for so long; it gave me goosebumps as I looked up at his face. His expressionless face stared right at me. 

"What did I even do?" He's going to scold me because of something I don't have control over?