Another Chance

The day passed as if nothing had happened. No one learned of that incident; it must have been the work of the yakuza. I locked myself in my room studying all day since Tomoe canceled our lessons like Kenji had told her to do. She only gave me notes to read and study while taking a break. I also need to focus on the special examination that will be held next week, Wednesday. 

I sighed. 

El's been sending me messages and even a picture of him to tell me he's alright. I apologized and thanked him for protecting me, but after that, I started ignoring his messages. It'll be for his own good if I keep my distance from him.

"Shall I bring some snacks, young miss?" Rika asked. 

I smiled as I massaged my temples. "It's fine. I'm not hungry yet." Rika left after that.