Even if I Die

I heard Carla screaming my name as I could feel myself falling on my back. 'Am I going to die here?' My heart stopped beating, and I could see Francesca looking down at me with an eyebrow raised. 'Did she just push me off the platform?! Isn't this murder? Oh my god!' All different kinds of thoughts came running inside my head. What will happen if I fall into that lake? Will the pressure crush me, or am I going to live? 

Is this where I'll die? 

I tried screaming at the top of my lungs before I fell into the water, but that's when I felt the harness the man put on my body pulling me up, and I bounced lots of times. 'What?' I was dumbfounded as they pulled me back up. 'I thought I was really going to die back there. Was it an illusion?'