The Younger Sister

Do you mean that Shiho? Night's younger sister? I looked at her and my mouth gaped. 'Oh god, she's so pretty!' Her skin sparkles like porcelain and her monolid eyes cause me to stare at them as I find them stunning.

"Did I disturb your time, lady Noelle?" She asked in a gentle tone. This must how angels sound like. 'Are these people sure this girl is Night's younger sister? They bear no resemblance at all!' I thought as I shook my head. 

"Shall I prepare tea for the ladies?" Himari asked with a smile and I nodded. Rika helped prepare the table and I sat in front of Shiho. She's smiling while staring at me causing me to feel awkward. 'Does she hate me too because I'm forcing her brother to marry me?' I can't remove those thoughts from my head as I started biting my finger.