
  Ace's POV 

I heard the loud coughing of my mom on my way to the living room. "I told you to take your medicine." She only smiled at me as she gestured for me to come near. "What is it this time? I'll be late for my job." 

My mom who's sickly and can't handle having too many jobs only takes care of the house and my younger sibling. "I know we're having it tough these days, but remember to rest, my dear." She said as she pats my back and caressed my hair. "After I get back to normal, I'll be working again so you don't have to worry anymore." I've been hearing that lots of times now, but it doesn't matter anymore. 

"I still need to work for my tuition, and Shane's preparing to go to middle school," I said as I picked up my bag. "I'll be coming home late, I think I'll buy a cake later."

"You don't have to." My mom reminded but I ignored her and rushed to the door. It's been hectic ever since that incident happened.