Hot and Cold

That was something unnecessary coming from Makoto. I ignored him and carried Mizuki towards Dr. Tricia's office since she got bruises on her chin and knees. "Should I carry her?" Night asked while he was following me, causing my forehead to crease. 

"Do you want to be carried by Night?" I asked Mizuki and she nodded so I let Night carry him while his other hand holds mine. 'Why does he has to hold my hand, though?' "Why are you holding my hand?" It's not like I'll get lost here if he doesn't hold my hand. 

Night didn't answer while I hold onto Taka's hand on the other. "You guys look like a family; it's making me tear up," Makoto said. He's still following us on our way to Dr. Tricia's office. I ignored him and it looks like Night doesn't care about him either. "Wow, you guys are cold to me. You really suit each other."