Night’s Failed Birthday Celebration

"Oya? Who's this?" Makoto saw this chance to tease me again. "Is this Noelle's former lover? And I didn't know your nickname is Ellie. How amusing." He said with a wide smile on his face. 'Can he stop? Honestly, I don't want to hear this guy's voice any more than this.' 

El just then noticed that I'm with people he doesn't know. "Oh, I apologize for disturbing your time with your family." He said. 'Oh god, I can feel Night's gaze on me and I don't want this feeling at all.' I thought as I smile. "I just want to wish you a happy new year. See you next time." I smiled at him and he left with the person he was with. 

"Who was that, onee-chan?"

"Yeah, who was that?" Makoto added with a grin on his face. "Would Noelle explain it to us, even if we're just the family of your husband?" Makoto emphasized the word 'husband' causing me to grimace. It's like he's forcing me to say who El was just because they're Night's relatives.