Until Then

I gasped as I saw Z let his body fall out of the room. What floor is this place on? How could he just jump like that? 

"Are you alright?" Night kneeled in front of me, asking that with a worried tone. "Noelle?" I was taken aback when he called my name. 

It was the first time Night Yamaguchi called my name with such an endearing tone. 

"I-I'm fin—"

Night immediately pulled my arm, surprising me and cutting me off. "This. Did he do this?" That's when I noticed that my arm was wounded and it's been bleeding. 

"Fuck." I heard Night curse aloud as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. Even though I know that he's obsessed with cleanliness, he still touched my bleeding arm and used his white handkerchief. 

"I apologize." Why would he apologize? "It was my mistake. I shouldn't have left you alone like that." 


I balled my fists. "Stop it already." He looked at my face after I said that.