My Girl

Just when I thought that Night will finally arrive, days passed by in a flash and I was still stuck in this room with Aziel. 

"I want to go home." 

"Don't you want to spend more time with me?" Aziel asked as he entered the room. "Come on, let's go swimming." He said while showing me tons of swimsuits he brought inside the room. "You can pick any of these. We have the whole island to ourselves after all." 

I ignored him as I lay back on the bed and covered myself with the blanket. 'It's better for me to stay here than— wait…' Why am I rejecting his suggestion!? If I get a grasp of this place, then I might get a chance to escape. 

"Okay," I said as I got up. "I'll go." 

Aziel's smile widened as he showed me all the swimsuits he has brought. "Choose here, or if you want I can make my subordinates buy a new one." I shook my head as I picked the most normal one and went to the bathroom.