My Love for You

"Ellie, don't go." 

I ignored Aziel's voice and went with Night. "Wait, are we going to jump from here?" I asked with my eyes wide open after seeing that Night plans to get out through the window again. 

He smiled at me and pulled me towards him. "Just trust me." Night pulled me into his arm and he made himself fall on his back causing me to scream at the top of my lungs. 

'Is he actually crazy!? He's holding onto me while falling on his back! He'll break his back!' I thought with my eyes shut close as I hold onto Night's arm. We're going to die! 

When I felt our impact on the ground, we bounced back into the air making me open my eyes. "Were you that scared?" I looked at Night and I saw a smile on his face. 'W-What just happened?'