In Trouble

Night left after that and I stayed laying on the bed. 'I should at least take a bath before going to sleep again.' I thought as I went to the bathroom and washed, but when I got out, Tomoe was already waiting on the chair in the middle of the room. 

Is she here to make me know that she hates me all over again? 

"What are you doing here?"

Tomoe stood up from the chair and looked at me from head to toe. "I must ask you something." 

"And that's why entered this room without warning?" The way she looked at me from head to toe makes me feel like she was judging me in her head. 

Tomoe rolled her eyes. She's not even trying to hide her annoyance. "I am not doing this for lady Noelle. I finally accepted that you are an important person to Yoru." She sighed. "This is your last chance. You must leave this place immediately if you want to live." 

What is Tomoe talking about? She sounds like my father. 

"Why should I leave?"