Sounds Like a Plan

"Rest here, okay?" Aziel left the room after that and the young girl that was with us entered after him. 

"Hello, big sister." The young girl said. "Want Emi to help you?" She asked. 

I didn't know how or what to respond to her since I don't even know who she is. "Do you know me?" I asked, awkwardly. My head's all fuzzy and I can't even sit straight anymore. 

"Yes! Big sister is big brother's girlfriend." 

Huh? Who is he referring to with the 'big brother' term of her? "What's your name?" 

The little girl climbed the bed and covered me with the blanket. "My name is Emilia. I am big brother's younger sister." She introduced herself proudly. 

"Big brother? Do you mean, Aziel?" 

She nodded lots of times. "It's been so long since big brother and Emi met. Big brother said that he'll be taking care of Emi for now because papa and mama are fighting." Emilia added with a smile. 

"Why are they fighting?"