It's been a week since my encounter with that strange note. The strangest thing is what happened after I saw the note.



I called the cops the moment I get the note in my hands. I was so scared that I thought anything could happen to me at that moment so I went out of the house to take a breath of fresh air. After a few minutes the police arrive at my house gate. I take them inside the house that was looking like a mess. After that they search the house and let the CSI do there jobs of picking prints and other technical stuff that I don't care about. A man and woman whom I am assuming we're both detectives came to me asking me different sort of questions and I answer them with every ounce of honesty I can muster. When they finish interrogating I bring out the paper from my pocket.

"They. . . They left this note." I say then hand it over to them. The woman takes the note and reads it, then says three words I least expected to hear in my life.

"There's nothing here."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like, it's blank." I take the note and look at it again and to my horror it's blank. Not even the "Hi" I saw at first nothing it's like an empty piece of paper.

"You have to believe me officer. There was a note. The letters were appearing on the lines. . . You don't believe me do you?" I pause and continue. "I know this crazy and stupid like I'm a kid trying to gather attention but I just want my family back please." I'm almost crying at that point then the female officer pats my shoulder and said.

"Listen kid there are a lot of weird things going on in the world since the last seventeen years and no one knows the cause. This whole scenery you've created is not for my level of expertise but I can get someone who has been solving cases like this in Tennessee for the last fourteen years. I'll give you a call when I need you to meet him for now go to your house and rest a bit. We found nothing that shows your house was attacked except it's messed up state." They said then left.



  Since then I haven't stepped out of my house. Sandra texted me to come to school saying we are having test but I don't really want to go out but she swore she was gonna come pick me up so there was no running away from that. I try to clean up the house to the best of my ability. I thought I wouldn't have to do this kind of work since my dad became super rich, now I feel as if I'm about to become super tired with doing this.

  The next morning Sandra picks me up from home because I don't feel like driving infact I don't feel like doing anything I just want to stay at home and think of different ways to find my family from whoever took them. When I get to school broken and depressed no one seemed to care about what happened but then again why would they care. All they care about is me being the fashionista of the school and today I'm just too damn tired to reach there expectations. The chemistry test starts, one of the hardest subjects in the history of the world and I didn't study for it I am so going to fail. During the test I'm just moping around and not writing. I can't even focus on my book. After looking for a while someone taps me. Nathan passes me his sheet and I know exactly what he wants me to do with it. I take his sheet and start copying and pasting everything he wrote into my sheet. Within a minute or two I am done and hand it over to him. I'm a boss in that area to.

"Thank you, Nathan."

He stands up submits his sheet and leaves the room without a word. Did he just do that out of his own generosity or did something happen? Now that I think of it Nathan is a speedster who could help me. No, I can't drag someone into problems that don't concern him, I can't be that selfish can I? But the people we are talking about are the dearest people in the world to me and I'm not ready to lose them yet. Who am l kidding? Who would help me in my situation? I hate this life. Why did it have to be so unfair just when things were going so well that bastard whoever he or she is came and ruined my life.

I make way throughout the rest of the day. I bump into someone trying  to find Nathan to talk him into helping me but I couldn't find him. I go to Sandra and ask her to give me a ride home and she immediately leaves Mason to attend to me. That's the thing I like about her. She would put everything behind her for a friend "sisters before misters. "That Mason doesn't know how lucky he is that he hit a chick like her. Not only is she fucking pretty she has heart. A big and kind one.

"Sorry babe but I have to take her away from here. Call me later tonight." She turns to me." Let's go." We go to her car.

"Are you seriously interested in dating Mason?"

"Are you?"

"No, it's just that. . . You're just to good for him don't you think?"

"Well that's for me to decide right?"

"I know but. . ."

"Listen you were with him and you left him willing so you shouldn't complaining. Okay."

"Fine I won't bring it up again just don't come crying to me if something goes down."

"I'm not like you who takes high school relationship seriously his just a friend for benefit who picked my interest."

"Wait you guys haven't done any of that yet, have you?"

"Who knows, now we go home." She said and drove away. I slept in her car, when I wake up after she disturbs the best sleep I've had in days. When I get down from the car I'm in Sandra's garage.

"Sandra what's happening? This isn't my place."

"Well I thought we haven't had a girls night like we used to have everyone in a week so I thought you could stay today."

"I can't Sandra, I. . ."

"You what? Have things to do? Come and I both know if I leave you alone you would just go home and cry yourself to shit so you are staying here."

"Fine, but I don't have any extra clothes."

"Don't worry about that my PJs always fit you perfectly so we got that covered."

"You're brother is also. . ."

"So what now, your shy around boys?"

"Some guys. You know his the only person that has actually made me a little bit nervous around him."

"Well he did that to me at first. Especially with his speedy whooshing powers. Don't worry after today we might be able to convince him to go around the city to look for your parents."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Anything for a sister. Let's go in."

  We spend the whole day watching movies and playing board games while arguing who was more handsome Jason Norman or The Kid Laroi. In the night the real fun began by making concoctions out of pizza. I wonder why i tried that. Who mixes pizza with hot dog and burger. That toilet is in for some serious trouble consider it punishment for looking at our ass everyday. We took a shower I borrowed some of her PJs for the night. Some pillow fights came along and then we built a fortress out of pillows. That sounded childish but that's how we roll together and there ain't nothing like that love. We are playing games with a playstation now the latest model when someone walks in.

"Sandra what is going on here?"

"Oh Nathan your back. What took you so long."

"Looking around for someone. Is that my console? Is that my game? Your playing my league with my clan?" He rushes over to Sandra's position on the seat.

"And you're losing? Really Sandra you couldn't have found any other thing to  do than ruin my career in the gaming world." Okay, have to admit they were wasting us big time in this game but what can I say we had to keep the vibe going right.

"I don't even have the strength to start an argument with you so do whatever you want."

"What's wrong? Did you get in trouble today."

"No I'm fine."

"Then who was it you were looking for."

"A scientist."

"What were you doing looking for a scientist? Plus we have mom around and her company of craze scientist."

"His name is Gabriel Chrisland. Does that ring any bells?" That hit me like a bomb.

"Gabriel Chrisland is my dad. Why are you looking for him."

"Because. . . I think he might be in deep trouble. The guy that beat up the last night is after him."


"So let me get this straight. The night you came back home broken someone threatened you that he was going to hurt my dad." I say getting angry.


"And you couldn't tell me?"

"Well how was I to know he was your dad? You didn't exactly tell me "Hey, my dad is Gabriel Chrisland. Tell me if he's in danger.""

"Okay, both of you calm down the best we can do is try to find him." Sandra says trying to calm the rising temper in me but I can't stay here I stand up so I stand up going to the door to do the needful.

"Where are you going?" Sandra asks.

"I'm going to the two detectives helping me find my dad and I'm going to tell them all I know."

"You can't reveal my identity to anyone or else you are in danger."

"Danger of what you beating the crap out of my life."

"People that are after me are in high and low places are after my head. If you tell anyone you know me they'll be after you too. You can't do anything stupid especially with the organization doing everything in there power to hunt me."

"What? There's a group of people after you and you didn't tell me." Sandra says angry all ready.

"I'm sorry sis but I can't afford you guys to be involved in this shit anymore so please don't tell what happened to me to anybody."

"I don't care how many people are after you, I have to save my family."

"It's a good thing you are here if you had gone earlier you would have been in the same situation with them." Mrs. Karen says walking into the room and interrupting the rising anger in us.

"What do you mean by that mom?" Sandra asks to clear the confusion in the air.

"The detectives on your case Ava and the special detective they wanted you to me.". She takes a deep breath before continue. "They were all paralyzed and in a coma for a while before dying within five to ten minutes."

"What?" I ask in utter shock in disbelief.

" Was it an in human attack?" Sandra asks.

"Yes. But we don't know his ability at all."

"You see what I'm saying Ava? You are gonna hurt or kill people if you involve them in anything concerning my life as a speedster. Please don't involve. . ." Just then I receive and incoming  call on my phone from an unknown number. I go to my phone I pick it up and answer the call.


". . . " No one speaks at the end.

"Anybody here?" When I get no reply.

"Maybe it's just a couple of kids playing pranks." I say and just when I'm about to hang up. A voice comes through.

"A couple kids won't be able to know your name is Ava Chrisland and break into house and kidnap your parents. I came to warn you if you involve any more members of the police, I would kill everyone related to you including best friends. Don't waste lives unnecessarily I gave you a set of instructions in your school today. I put it in your jacket when you bumped into a minion of mine that I controlled so follow its instructions. Secondly if the speedster knows about what I've said now they will all die. Let me help you with a lie,tell them that it was the person that kidnapped your parents telling you not to involve the police anymore, okay bye bye. Have a nice night I'll be dreaming of you sweetheart.


I don't know what whoever called her said to her but she is really shaken.

"What happened?" Sandra asked with fear in her eyes.

"Nothing just the guy who took them telling me not to talk to police again." I knew that can't be what the guy said but I decided not to push it. What an asshole.

"How did he get your number?" I ask not trying make things harder for her.

" Let's not make things harder for her now Nathan. Ava you should go to bed and get some rest."

"Thank you ma'am." She said and went upstairs to the guest room.

I stay up thinking about this guy might be and I'm so tired of thinking so I go up. When I go upstairs I see the door to Ava's room open slightly. I go into the room and see her crying. I notice a note in her hand. I move with my speed to read the note. It said.

"If you want to meet your family, you'll tell me who the speedster is. Write your decision on the note and drop it in your locker tomorrow and don't tell anyone I'll know if you do.

                                              Love you.


Oh shit what kind of trouble am I in for. Immediately I leave.


This is the end of this chapter I'm very sure none of you expected that twist. Don't worry there's gonna be a lot more twisting to reveal the true motives of this villain. Anyways I need suggestions for a cult name in italics or latin so if you guys could help no problem. Thanks for reading.