Everything that happens at that moment was confusing. What just happened here? Did the TV just turn into a computer. The A.I suddenly spoke up again.

"Authentication required. Facial matches are negative. You are not authorized to access this area." It said then shut down. Wow

We sit down for a couple minutes quietly not knowing what to do.

"So does anyone care to explain how this happened." I start.

"There's an A.I in my house and I didn't know it." Sandra said still in shock.

Just then Karen arrives.


This whole thing that happened here right now got me thinking. Was this what Karen was using to talk to the man the day I woke up? Where did Karen get this kind of tech from? And how the hell is Karen involved in this mystery project that's causing this problem? Who was the guy that went to Ava house and how come I didn't see him?

At that moment Karen arrives and by the looks of it not without something bad. Ava tries to speak but again, Karen was faster.

"Turn the TV on there's something important going on."

"What is going on?" Sandra said.

"Turn it on Sandra!" She did as she was told. Karen was panicking I could feel it but she didn't like people being  panicked how I know that I don't know but she was doing a very terrible job at it. When Sandra turned on the TV nothing out of the ordinary was happening. And then the old stuff we all see in the movies occurs.

"We interrupt this broadcast for some breaking news." It was him, the same hooded guy I saw in the building and like before I couldn't even make his face. How does he where a hood like that.

"Few weeks ago a house caught on fire, I did that. Two weeks later the Chrislands went missing, I did that. The two detectives that tried to look into that case by adding another expert detective, all of them died, I did that." How does someone kill people using paralysis and a coma. Now that I think of it he did paralyze me. "But I'm just starting this shit of mine. I'm coming for those behind the scenes of the Project Legacy. The government of the US and Russia, the Illuminati and the groups under it especially the Illuminados." What the fuck? Did he just say Illuminados? Just remembering that day. . . I can't take this anymore.

"Which channel is this?" I ask standing up from my seat while the broadcast is going on.

"What do you want to do?" Sandra asks.

"I need to get there."

"Absolutely not young man. It's too dangerous." Karen said almost assertively

"You and I both know that the cops won't be able to handle this guy. . ."

"And you can?"

"I don't know but I can't sit here and do nothing. This guy knows stuff that I don't and I need answers out of him. . ."

"Miss Ava Chrisland. . ." We all turn our attention to the TV screen again " I ask to you for some thing as nicely as I could but I guess. . . you won't co- operate without losing someone so I'm gonna give this one last trial. . ." He said and the screen moved to the figure of a beaten up guy. Way to beaten up if you asked me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! No, noooo!!" That was the next I heard coming from her was a piercing scream like that of a psychiatric patient.

" This is your dad. He's suffered a great deal my hands. I've made him do things to himself he wouldn't want to do to himself. He has suffered enough and I think it's time to put him out of his misery. Grant my request or the next person will do this in front of you or maybe something a little bit more torturing." I hear a gun being cocked behind the camera and he gets shot by a gun tough enough to blow out his brain and that's what it did.

"Daddy! No, why you? Why? What did I ever do?" She said broken from tears. There goes another broken soul like me and someone I loved so much.

"This goes as a lesson for all the members of the groups or organization I just mentioned. Your sins on that night 7th June 2005 have come to hunt you. One more thing, Miss Karen Anderson. . ." What!

"I'm coming for you last to give you the same amount of respect you showed to someone who cared about you but if you try any funny business I won't hesitate to make you the first. Your partner has paid for his crimes your time is coming. All of you. And for your reports put the name psycho for me. Later in the future I'll tell you my name and show my face."

"He's at the Star TV station hear in Tennessee."

"How did you. . ."

"You want your answer or not?" She said then I zoom out. While I'm on the street I start thinking. That bastard. What did he hope to gain by doing this? Illuminados is a name I never thought I'd hear again. The last time I heard that name I lost it all that very day and now it's bringing another set of bad luck. Shit. I find myself in front of the station in a matter of seconds but when I get inside there is not a single soul in the station. No bodies lying dead on the floor as I was expecting every were was completely empty. CCTV surveillance was active but yet not a single soul came to the building that day. Maybe it was hacked so I use my smarts to check if anyone was ever in control of the system but no evidence of the place being tampered with. It was just a clean day where no one comes to work which was a bit suspicious for a TV station. I decide to go home to report the situation to Karen. When I get home so many reporters and cop vehicles where I'm front of the house. This is not turning out good. I walk up to Karen after getting through the squeezing press. I will not lie most of the women among them have amazing boobs and it's even more amazing to touch even if it's just a little. Grown men sure do enjoy. I get to Karen.

"What's going on?" Don't worry I'll be fine. They just want to settle a few things."

"Where is Ava?"

"She's in the car already. Don't worry she'll be okay I've called my lawyer so it will be alright. You and Sandra should get comfortable at home. I know you have questions but I can't answer them it's for your own safety your in the dark."

" We're gonna cross that bridge when we get there right now just make sure you both come back safe, okay." When I get back. I see Sandra shivering in fear.

"Hello is somebody okay." She looks up to see me and jumps towards me for a hug. It was all warm and feeling wet tears on my cloth I know she has been crying herself to piss since we left.

I haven't seen Sandra crying and feeling so helpless a bit. If Sandra didn't just see me as a brother that has been living with her for so long even though I'm not even her adopted brother, she would be excellent girlfriend material. Mason doesn't deserve a girl like her. Trust me I mean what I say.

"Why are you crying empress?"

" Thank God I your okay. Did you find him?"

"No, I'm sorry. The whole building was empty. Not a trail to track. Sorry."


"Are you alright?" I asked really worried.

"I'm fine I'm just gonna be in my room now." She just said and left. This isn't gonna end well at all. Even I'm scared in away but nothing could scare me more than that day when I lost everything.

The house was quiet Sandra was still in her room and the doors are shut. I make some toast and jam. Sandra's the one that does the home cooking even her mom doesn't cook she just orders. Sandra learns it online and boy her cooking is real bitching'. Real good stuff, I am really lucky. She needs to eat. She hasn't done that since yesterday night and this is today around 6pm. No one should judge me but she refused to eat anything and I tried my best but this time she's gonna eat it whether she wants it I not . I go to her room door and knock but she doesn't reply.

"Sandra open up. I just wanna see your face a bit." She doesn't respond. I start to vibrate my body so fast that the atoms of my body are on the lesser frequency with the molecules of the door allowing the atoms in my body to be fast. Fast enough to pass through the pores of the door on a molecular level. For the layman to understand this it's just like how air passes out though pores in paper or water coming out of a punctured water balloon. So I pass through the door. I see the room in a mess though it's cleaner than mine. What do you guys expect I'm a growing boy. Sandra is in a mess.

"I told you to stop entering my room like that." She looks up at me with swollen eyes that are completely red like the last time Cassandra gave her some ecstasy pills. It turned out she was allergic to that set and I had never received a much bigger scolding from Karen in my life than I did that day.

"Well you wouldn't let me in so I walk in." The places turns quiet. " Eat up I made some for you. Their not as great as yours but. . ." I drop the plate in the table closest to her bed.

"I'm not hungry."

"Sandra it's been a day already and you haven't had anything."

"Can you just leave me alone?"

"You know I won't give you the same breathing space your mom gives right?"

"If you don't wanna leave I'll go then. . ." She stands up and without effort I cover the distance between us and take a hold of her hand.

"You called me your brother. And what brothers do when their kid siblings are hurt? They look after them."

" Your not my brother."

"Strong words but I remember you calling me that I had a lot on my head when I first came here. You may not be my sister but you've done stuff for me that I don't think a person would do for his friend. Either way you like it your stuck with me and it's both of us to the end." I could tell she wasn't trying to get away again but it's just so sad to see her like this so I pull her into a hug.

"I don't know what to do Nathan." She starts after we sit on the bed in front of my freshly made toast that's gonna go to waste. "I'm scared. I thought this would be one of the typical guys you've put in jail before as the speedster but this guy seems too be two steps faster than any move we make. Then I saw that video where he shot Ava's dad and he said mom was next. I don't know what to do too protect mom. You see Nathan that's what I'm scared of. Being powerless and helpless. He's gonna kill us and we're gonna be staying hopelessly in this situation." She said in between sobs.

"I can't say I blame you. I know what your feeling. Feeling powerless. . ."

"No be you don't." She cuts in quickly like Karen does. "You have the speed the money and all the girls you want."

I just chuckled and lay on the bed while she just watches. I look up at the ceiling to stop the tears that try to bust out of my eyes.

" That doesn't solve anything Sandra. You could have all the speed in the world and it doesn't solve a thing. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't damn scared right now like the whole story is trying to re write itself again." The betrayal tears slip down my eyes as I take a little trip down memory lane.

"What story?" No I can't tell her. Not yet.

"That's for another day but I swear to you Sandra I won't let any thing happen to your mom." I stand up too leave but I could see she was gonna object it so I ask. "You mind if I stay here and sleep tonight?"

"Thought you'd never ask?"

"Good but before we sleep could you at least try the toast it's one of my finest."

"I hope I don't end up in that toilet after this. You should have just ordered pizza and stuff."

"The last time I checked it was your turn to pay for that so I'm still gonna wait."

"Well keep waiting."

"Maybe Mason will pay it for you."

"Yeah then Ava would feed you."


"Don't try hiding it you and her are gonna have something going on very soon."

"No way."

"That's what you said with Cassandra."

"I'll give you that one. Eat up while I sleep."

"You are gonna wait for me."

"Yes ma'am." After all this I think we are gonna be just fine.

"And by the way?"

"Yes empress."

"I'm not the kid sister I'm the older one in both of us."

"We are both seventeen." I chuckled.

"Doesn't put us in the same level of maturity."

"Whatever you say empress."



"I'm up what is it Sandra." I look up to see Karen and I remember Sandra was sleeping on the same bed with me.

"It's not what it looks like mom." Sandra said.

"We'll talk about what it looks like Sandra. Nathan, Ava's missing."

"What the fuck?"


I know I wasted a lot of time on this one so I tried to make it as interesting as I could. This chapter was a real tearjerker in my mind but reading it was totally not what I expected in mind. I wanted kidnapped person to be Karen but it was just too soon so I changed my mind. Find out what's gonna happen next. Ava's dad is dead. What is Nathan's backstory that made him cry? What is the government got to do with Project Legacy? What is project Legacy find out in the future chapters. Leave your comments by the way. Love to read it. Mind, Speed, Hate the Psycho. This book was already on Wattpad so get to reading it there faster