Invisible dude. Why now universe? Just when I thought nothing would go wrong.

"Why do you want to meet him? What happened now?"

"I just told you I got a call."

"Before we go too him I just wanted too apologize for. . ."

"We can talk about your shit later but right now I need to check on him." He just sped out on me.

So much for an apology huh brain.

Newsflash. I have never ever apologized to anyone and here i was trying to do just that and he ran out on me. He's never hearing this from me again.

I make my way down to Karen's lab. I find Nathan staring at the monitor or whatever that holo- digital screen like T.V thing he's looking at. Sometimes when I'm in this house I feel like I'm in another era where technology was the greatest thing and it seemed to be a God. Sandra had been living with this kind of tech in her house and she didn't know. Damn.

Anyway he looks really worried.

"What's wrong with him Nathan?"

"That's not good. I need Sandra." He ran out and within a count of one a stunned Sarah is beside him in her PJs and messed up hair with swollen lips and. . .

"Were you and Mason. . ."

"It's not what you think we made up then we got closer. . ." She added a bit to quickly before being cut off by a cold Nathan.

"I didn't bring you here so you can talk about your make out session with some asshole."

"He's not an asshole."

"Oh really because I can remember a certain argument."

"We've gotten passed that. I think everyone has."

"Well everyone except him I added." I added more disappointed at myself by that.

"That's just great to hear isn't it Ava Chrisland." Sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Geez wonder who shoved a stick up your ass."

"That would be the man whore with a small dick you call a boyfriend." He said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Don't start an argument with me. You are not going to find it funny at all." He jaws clenching and face turning red from anger.

"Fine I won't talk about him as far as you don't fantasize about him here." He said.

"I can do that so why did you call me here. Sorry, drag me here?" She corrected.

"How long did you tell me he was going to be asleep according to this your readings last time."

"He should be waking up soon let's say in a day or two."

"Great now I want you to take a look again and tell me if it's going to be the same result."

"What do you mean same result. I may be a high school kid but I actually take college classes so I'm not that dumb. Infact I'm actually smarter than Ava. I bet I'm smarter than Cass."

"Just Check the damn monitor." Yep she's really stressful when she's like that.

"Whatever. Sour pants." Muttering the last part audibly for us to hear though.

"What was that?" Nathan asked with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Nothing." She added oh- so- sweetly.

She went towards the screen. A frown took over her face.

"That's not good."

"That's what I said." Nathan said.

"That's not right. This doesn't make sense."

"What's the problem Sandra?"

"I don't know something is going on with his head and his neurons aren't working at the same speed or pace infact they are moving faster and working more quickly than they should. I don't know what's happening but if this continues he might get comatose or dead." She explains.

"Can't I just get through this night without hearing the word die." I say frustrated.

"We need Karen now?" Sandra says.

"Yeah well how do we find her." The moment I said that we all click because the next word that came out in unison was.


We ran into her room. Even Nathan ran at the same place with us which is weird considering how he likes to move with speed.

We all open the door at the same time and we get the biggest shock of our time. How can one night bring so many different things.

Right in front of us is a naked Cassandra under a Colton with only underwear.

"Guys it's not what you think I swear." I look up to Nathan to see any sign of hurt or betrayal instead he's smiling like a goof ball.

"Colton you finally made your move bro. I was tired of waiting for you to make a move. You finally grew some balls after what. Six years." He said all that smiling his head off a genuine smile. It's like he was glowing seeing them together.

"Shut up man." Colton said as Nathan hugged him.

Cass was still on under the duvet covering her body she looked really worried.

"What's wrong Cass?" Sandra asked. Tears swell up in her eyes a bit

"Cass it's alright. I don't have any grudges okay. You deserve Colton he's a nice guy and he can do everything I could never do for you."

"You don't deserve this Nathan. I like Colton but why do you always have to take the burn out of everyone ones happiness. You deserve something good and I couldn't do that." Nathan hugged her instantly.

I was feeling jealous. There's a lot between these two I don't know about and it makes me angry.

I look over at Colton but he's reaction was sympathetic towards Nathan than Cass. Isn't he meant to be jealous. That's he's girl.

"Forget about that Cass. You are happy I'm happy. I couldn't be more happier that you pick Colton. It doesn't matter if I get to shoulder everyone's burden. What matters is the ones I care about are okay and I'm letting anything happen to them okay." He said pulling back and using his thumb to clean a stray tear.

"You know I would totally kiss you after saying that but I think I'm engaged now." She chuckles a bit.

"Colton wouldn't mind, would you now pal."

"I really mind I don't need you all over her and she leaves me." Cass giggles.

"Fine but she's still allowed to peck me right I mean I love those things so much."

"Nathan I told you I won't stop those even if I'm married so don't bother he doesn't have a say on my pecks just my kisses." She says as she places a peck at the corner of his lips.

"Man this your girl is such a tease." Nathan groaned.

"I know right do you know what I suffered before I got her like that and you guys ruined it now I have to start trying from beginning." Colton said disappointedly.

"I know the pain bro. I know the pain."


Nathan stood up. When his phone rang.


Again a frown took over his face for the second time this night.

The call ended and he immediately smashed his phone on the ground out of anger I guess.

"Nathan what happened now." I asked concerned again.

"He's got Karen but he said we can't move to get her if not she'll be dead the second we try. He said on the day of the broadcast he will bring her to us."

"We aren't just gonna sit here and listen to him right?" Colton said.

"As much as I'd like to do something bro. We can't he's got the upper hand and somehow he seems to know all our movements so we can't do anything that could risk her life." Nathan explained.

"What about the invisible guy?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Cass asked.

"He said he'll release him from that state when he's done with the broadcast."

"And you think he'll do it." Sandra asked uncertain about this scenario.

"He has kept to every single part off he's word since he started this war against the world. I don't think he's the lying type. But whether he keeps to his word or not it doesn't matter because we can't find Karen if he doesn't want us too find them so we are stuck here with no other option then to wait."

"Why do I feel like we are playing a game of chess and we are just doing everything he tells us to do?" Cass asked.

"Well that's because we are Cass. It's because we are. I'm going to bed." Nathan walks to his room door before pausing and turns back to look at Sandra. "Sandra please help me apologize to your boyfriend." He said and ran up.

"God that boy has some stupid pride that doesn't let him apologize." Sandra said.

"What do you mean?"

"What she means is that Nathan has never apologized to anybody. Not even me. He rather dies than apologize." Cass explained.

"Wait that's doesn't make sense. He apologized to me before we went out."

"What?" They all said in unison.

"What? I just said he apologized."

"Was it like a make up gift or did he write I apologize in a card and hand it to you." Colton emphasized.

"No he literally said "I'm sorry." To me."

"Wow that must have been some argument." Colton said.

"No it was actually something minor about me drinking in a bar and some guys trying to get on me."

"Are you kidding me every one in this room has gotten into a fight with Nathan and he never uttered "I apologize." And he apologized over something as small as that. God I'm so going to us this against him. To taunt him." Cassandra said.

"Maybe this is why he never tells you guys."

"Yeah. Anyway did you tell Nathan what you wanted to tell him."

I suddenly saw remembered why I was at his door.

"No, we got interrupted." I say blankly.

"Well go try asking him now." I saw a spark in her eyes. She really wanted both of us too happen. I really want that too but I don't think he wants that.

"Maybe later he's kinda pissed off right now."

"Since when do care about caring if boys are pissed off. God that boy is softening you up Ava." Mason says coming from behind us.

"Shut up jerk."

"Ava forget your problems with Mason and go to Nathan." Cassandra said.


Author's Note

Thank you now this is all you will see about this night in this chapter. Read enjoy and comment. Really need the comments let ma here from you. Thanks