Red Run

Ivo's memory of the events that followed was like a fragmented mirror. He only recalled flashes. Alina speaking tersely, calling the pilot back to the helipad, cursing at him to hurry.

Davi, bloody and stoic, strapping his gun holsters back into place, even though they pulled at his wounds and made the red run.

The three of them walking down the glass corridor Ivo was sure he would never see again.

Kuroda's smug voice, flashing his golden eyes at Alina and telling her: "my contacts, so you can get in touch after hearing back from your father."

The pilot's screams as soon as he saw Ivo. Alina telling him to shut up about he upholstery and get them out of there.

All the while, Ivo kept reliving Kuroda's touch. Seeing him taste his tears with satisfaction.