Not good news for us

Yunmi just needed an extra pair of eyes. She had combed through several conversation logs, hundreds of files of text, audio and video, and while she had a good idea of what they could send over to Vital, there was some other stuff she firmly believed was better kept between them.

"Like, there's the usual shit you'd expect from an engineer like him: quality of life upgrades on water and air purifying systems for the lux compounds and apartments, some new media system that seems pretty cool but that I can already tell will never see the life of day because it's too easy for us street rats to tap into, a few guns for the contractors and police, which I'm thinking is what we should send to Vital..."

Ivo tried to keep up with everything, but Yunmi was showing him several schematics in some of the monitors, text logs in another, and flickering through the video logs of people Kuroda had been in conversation with in the past month.