Isn't good enough to be an acquaintance

Juju made an obnoxious 'ooh' sound and looked between Davi and Ivo with a conspiratorial grin. Vice preened, and slid his arm from the back of the sofa to Ivo's shoulder, pulling him to his side.

"I want to hear this."

His tone was haughty, but his body felt taut like a bowstring where it was pressed to Ivo's side. Whatever he said, Vice was not looking forward to reliving the end of his and Davi's relationship.

Davi leaned forward, arms resting over his knees, a fresh cigarette caught between his thumb and index finger. He took a slow drag and met Kiko's eyes. "I was betrayed."

Kiko grinned mirthlessly and slunk one arm over the back of his own sofa. "It seems to be catching. You can't trust anyone for longer than it takes to put your dick in them, and even then..."