Kill us both with one bullet

All eyes turned towards Ivo. Even the ambient music, coming out of speakers scattered throughout the room, seemed to dim.

Vice was the first to break the silence. He chuckled and ruffled Ivo's hair. "Come on, babe, I know you're angry with her but there's no need to take things that far."

Ivo recoiled form Vice's placating touch, and kept his gaze trained on Juju. "I mean it. Same rules apply, you either go through the dare or I shoot you in the head. Your choice."

He caught a flicker of ice as Davi's eyes met his for a split-second, but his impassive face revealed nothing.

Juju's eyes narrowed in consideration. She was probably rethinking her initial impression of Ivo just as he had with her. Sizing him up. Mentally unhinging her jaws like a python to see if she could swallow him whole.

After deliberating, the corners of her lips pushed up in a terse little smile and she reached for the handgun. "Fine."