Borrowed Face

It was amusing to see Vice not getting his way. Ivo tried to talk with him, to annoy him further, but instead of raising to his bait, Vice turned up the music and kept driving.

Instead, Ivo turned to Davi, "Now you've gone and really pissed him off."

Davi was looking out the window with his chin resting on his open palm. "He'll get over it." He reached across the backseat to pat Ivo's thigh. "You just need to let him stew in it for a little while. If that doesn't work, just flirt with him until he forgets about it."

"I'm sitting right here!"

"Turn up the music higher if you don't want to hear us," Ivo said.

"No need. We're here," Vice said, driving off the street and sliding the car into an empty parking spot next to a curb. "Did you bring guns?"

Davi shifted in his seat when the car came to a stop. "Of course, but I didn't think this was the kind of meeting where we'd have to use them."