All black, no stars (NSFW)

Ivo hung his head, trying to get his breathing under control. Davi's thrusts were growing more demanding, he was chasing his own pleasure now, instead of using his body as an instrument to please only Ivo and Vice.

The sound of his laboured breathing rose gooseflesh all over Ivo's skin. Davi wasn't as openly expressive as Vice. His pleasure was not so easily drawn out, but it only made all the little slips of control more rewarding. He was wound so tight, so tightly disciplined, Ivo loved hearing him fraying at the edges. 

Each rough intake of air meant he was closer to letting go. 

It made it very hard for Ivo to hold on, especially combined with the sinuous squeeze of Vice's insides. He slipped his calf around Ivo's thigh to give himself more leverage to fuck himself on his cock.