Ch 1: "The Man Named Alexis"

There is an unceasing passion and agnosticism carved into a man's personality; unfortunately, everyone seeks to get rid of him and lose him from their lives.

But, like a vine that clings and climbs unknowingly until you notice one day, it will someday strangle you if you appear to be unconcerned. That would kill you. He'd be an Ivy if I had to describe him as a vine. One that is lethal.

It's an honor to be killed by a plant rather than a human, who would tear your body limb to limb and in other unjustifiable ways as if they didn't acknowledge you as a human being, to begin with. They are ruthless and have no sense of morality to obtain what they desire.

But an Ivy, which will strangle you from head to toe, weaken you, and exhales the perilous thing it has, is a terrific method of dying beautifully, like a human-made cocoon formed by a plant or rather mummified by a plant and still left artistry in you despite being a corpse.

The anguish you'd feel is the last thing you'd remember when the hug of death that makes you blue is still left in warmth as if preserved.

Alexis relishes both drugs and sex. Nonetheless, fuck a group of people whose mouth thirsts for pleasure, attention, and money. Greed and lust are driving forces.

He'll do it until he's tired of it and sick of it.

A biologically Alpha person. Age 26. Alexis Grayson - at the age of ten, she led an underworld organization. A tycoon. His gloomy and unpleasant-looking warehouse, located at the end of a dark alley, is untidy, smells of metal, and appears to have been abandoned for a decade. If the blood on the floor hasn't splattered the place. It's full of various drugs, people huddled together and moaning, pleasure escaping through their mouths, still begging and yearning for more pleasure.

A man rammed roughly echoed the entire room with loud moans and bed creaks. As the person in his limit to drive and lost his mind with the level of pleasure given, he repulsively fucked him hard.

A tingle of cold sensation travels through his body, causing him to shiver from head to toe while the man looking down at him smokes.

A group of six men was spotted in a bed, driven by sexual desires and fucking each other careless as if there would be no tomorrow as this scene would leave them drained the next day.


"Won't you make it more pleasurable?" Alexis urges, fucking the man roughly while pulling his hair back.


The breath becomes denser, and the tension rose steadily. The demand for the pleasure he seeks was still insufficient to meet his needs.

As they shift positions, he bites the man's ear and pinches his nipples, then spreads his legs wider and grabs them upwards while ramming his insides roughly.

"S- Sir, It hurts... It felt so deep," whined the man, his voice were hoarse and tired. It felt good, no doubt, but the amount of pleasure was excessive, and he began to catch his breath and breathe heavily.

He seizes the man and climbs on top of him, clinging to his body. The man begs for a break, but the more you resist, the harsher Alexis will be on you.

A split second has passed. The man has reached his point numerous times, but Alexis has yet to reach it.

The pleasure intensifies until they reach their climax. Alexis treats the people around him one after the other, desperately begging for his attention. He'll use it, toss it away when he's tired of it, and never let them meet him again, or at the very least stare into each eye.

A toy for his pleasure and a man for his profit. No one can stand up to him, which makes him more arrogant, and with his egotistical demeanor, you're either shot dead or die in his hand in bed.

Unfortunate for anyone who dared to enter the trap he set. That will be their undoing, even if the trump they saved comes in handy when the clock strikes midnight and time runs out.


[ 20 years ago ]

"Father, how's mother, will she ever come back?" I asked, drowsy from the milk my father had prepared.

"She will. When you sleep, you'll meet her." It was a blur, but I saw my father smile at me, so I obediently do so and become assured. He places his hand to my eyes as if trying to close them and let me fall asleep, only darkness fills my vision.

(Say, father, how does my mother look? What kind of person is she...?)

My mind was racing with questions. There are numerous "what ifs" that have no answer.

It left me questioning the unknown, which I knew would not provide an answer.

My mother was, without a doubt, an angel. Like someone I've never seen and am only living in my dreams.


Why does someone like her have a scumbag and a man who isn't deserving of her? He only causes her suffering.

Why would a man impregnate a woman, a man who refuses to accept responsibility?

Why would a man show devotion and affection for a woman but end up hurting her?

What if she didn't meet my father?

Even though I wasn't conceived into this world, I would live happily as long as my mother did. I would neither return time nor willingly give my life to her. Where she can live her life while smiling.

That's what I thought at that time.