Sector MG, Part 1: The Founding

KND Arctic Base; three years ago

The transport vessel arrived with a new shipment of potential operatives. Most of them were rather ordinary, except for a particular girl with deep blue hair, dressed in a light-blue coat with black pants and boots. "Good time-of-day, Cadets Next Door." Marcus Drilovsky greeted the line of cadets. "My name is Marcus, and I'll be your Drill Sergeant for these upcoming weeks of arduous training. You'll be tested in all areas, up to and including airship piloting, stealth, combat, and of course teamwork. Now, why don't we begin with some introductions? I'm sure at least one of you are targeting a certain position amongst the ranks. So, spill it. What are you good at?"

"Uh, my name is May, and I watch my dad build stuff in the garage!" a girl said.

"My name is David, and I like to play shooting games!"

"Good, good… What about you, Blue Girl?"

"Huh? Oh, my name is Wendy, and I'm a wizard!" said the girl with blue hair.

"A wizard?" asked Marcus, the other cadets murmuring in curiosity.

"Well, a student wizard. Heh heh, I haven't even started school, yet." She blushed. "But I'm pretty good at magic. Here, I brought my own wand!" She raised her Lamia Scale made of rose quartz.

"That's… interesting. I don't think we've ever had an operative that could use magic. I've heard of wizards, but I scarcely see them."

"Does that mean I'm the first?!"

"Calm down, sweetheart. You'll need to know more than magic if you wanna pass MY training."

"No problem! I'll face whatever challenge you have planned for me!" Wendy spoke with determination.

And so she did. When cadets were ordered to race across the snowfield, Wendy crossed the finish line in half a minute. Of course, she had to do it again without bending, but even then, she had the strength and willpower to succeed. During combat training, Wendy was a master at airbending and quick evasion, and even without her powers, she defeated her fellow cadets with ease. During espionage, she could miniaturize herself and her teammates or make distant barrels levitate and distract their opponents. The only part Wendy mainly had trouble with was the piloting.

"WAAAAAAH!" she screamed while controlling the virtual S.C.A.M.P.E.R..

But it was a minor setback in her training. When graduation came, Wendy was the first one in line. "I am proud to present the Kids Next Door's first official magic operative, who passed training with flying colors, Wendy Marvell!" Cheren Uno announced. "Wendy, enter your booger in the Code Module and choose your numbuh and sector."

"Uh… but I cleaned my nose this morning."

"A nosehair will do."

"Hehe. Okay." Wendy pricked a hair from her nostril and stuck it in the Code Module. "I choose the codename Numbuh 700, and as for my sector… I choose Sector RZ!"

"YAAAAAAY!" Lee Andrew and his friends cheered.

"Heh heh! I thought you would. Alright, Wendy, go up and join your team."

"Don't wizards have laws against showing their powers to normal humans?" Maddy asked Chris.

"Used to be the same with benders. Besides, the KND has more power than any government nowadays, she'll be alright."

"YES!" exclaimed Lee, grabbing Wendy in a hug. "I'm so happy you're finally in our sector!"

"I am too, Lee! This is gonna be great!"

A few months later; Cheren's office

"Thank you for coming, Sector RZ." Cheren began. "The reason I invited you here is because of your new mission success rate. The good news is, you've accomplished every mission given to you ever since Wendy joined your sector. The bad news is… the only people who seem to be doing anything are Wendy and Diwata."

"What are you talking about?!" Lee shouted. "The rest of us do stuff!"

"Exactly." Cheren raised a paper. "According to the report from the mission to stop King Goobot from frying the entire state of Alaska, 'Diwata used her moonbending to open a hole into his flagship's hull, while Wendy used magic to transform all his soldiers into chickens. Oh, and me, Lulu, and Lee did stuff, too.'"

The group stared awkwardly at Denny. "…Well, I procrastinated a bit when writing it because it wasn't really a long mission, but then I couldn't think of stuff to say about us."

"Sigh. May I speak to Wendy in private, please?"

The team exchanged worried glances before heeding their leader's request, leaving Wendy alone with him. "Um… did I do something wrong?" she asked.

"Wendy, there's no easy way to say this, but… I think you're too good for Sector RZ."

"…I am?" She was a little embarrassed. "I mean, I appreciate the praise, but I don't quite understand."

"Wendy, the truth is, Sector RZ is a tad… inexperienced, to put it nicely. You've shown impeccable skill with your magic and abilities, and I'm just afraid that you would eventually discourage them from trying harder. In fact, the only sector I can think of where you would fit at your current level would be Sector V, but they have too many members already. I suppose I could put you with those giant kids…"

Wendy bit her lower lip, thinking she would feel even more out-of-place next to giants. "But there aren't any more magic users in the KND, are there? What am I supposed to do?"

"…Well, we can always have you transferred to the Avalaran KND."

"You said the same thing about the giant kids!"

"That's because the Avalarans have giants! And they also have magic users."

"But I don't know anyone on Avalar. All my friends are here on Earth."

"Then the solution is obvious!" declared a girl from the entrance. The two faced the doorway and found Mako Mankanshoku. Hallelujah! "All we have to do is bring MORE wizards into the KND! But in order to do so, we need to make things more accommodating to the wizarding culture. We'll start cooking with magic cauldrons and serve toads and witch's toenails for lunch. Ditch TV and start using crystal balls!"

The two bore awkward looks. "I don't think we need to go THAT far…" Wendy said. "But it is a good idea. Let's start advertising the KND to magic communities! We'll tell them that we've started accepting wizards and we'll set up treehouses in magic towns! Whaddya say, Cheren?"

Cheren was hesitant to answer. He thought back to the giant operatives and his reasons for wanting to transfer them. If wizards were to be welcomed, the normal humans would feel even more discouraged. "Cheren?" Wendy spoke again.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I think it's a great idea, Wendy!" Cheren grinned.

"Great! Just leave it all to me! (And Dr. Facilier.)"

With the witch-doctor's help, they drew up and copied several advertisements for the KND. They paid owls and magical postmen alike to deliver the posters to any and all available mailboxes.

It took some time, but little by little, children with magic blood received the posters and began to consider. Now accepting wizards! (Don't worry, we won't tell anyone!)

It wasn't until a year later when magical applicants really began to flood in. Some children only began to study magic at the age of 11, so any younger than that may not go well. A brown-haired boy was currently returning to his home in Motorville, raising a poster. "Hey, Ollie, whatcha got there?" asked his friend, a taller yellow-haired boy with glasses.

"It's a poster for the Kids Next Door! We got it at school. It says they're accepting wizards now."

"Really? Are you thinking of joining?"

"Well, kind of. I mean, it could be fun. And you could come with me, Phil!"

"Hah hah! Yeah right, they get a million Muggles like me every day. You're the only one weird enough to work with them, Ollie."

"That's too bad, Phil. Because with all the technology they have, you could probably build something faster than a racecar."

"Hmm… That's actually not a bad idea… Ah, what the heck. Sign me up!"

Wendy herself had been passing posters out to fellow students at Hogwarts. She gave one to an older boy with dark-purple hair. "The Kids Next Door, huh?" he asked. "Hey, Wendy, do you know Chris Uno?"

"Huh? Oh, I think I've heard of him. I don't know him personally."

"Hmm… I think I might like to meet him."

In Japan, a young witch was delivering some of these posters to local neighborhoods. She decided to take a look at one herself. "The KND, huh? Hmmm… I've always wondered what it would be like working for them."

Sector RZ

"Here's my design for the first magic treehouse." Wendy showed Lee a sketch. "I call it Sector MG; also known as Sector Mage. I based the design off of a place called Fairy Tail, when I was sucked into that other dimension. I was going to name it Sector FT, but I just… didn't think I would do it justice. Heh heh."

"It looks cool." Lee said. "So, are you going to lead that sector?"

Wendy frowned. "Well… I guess I could. But I can stay here if you want me to."


"What's wrong, Lee? Do you… want me to go?"

"It's… not that I do, Wendy… but I think you should."


"Cheren is right, Wendy. You're extremely talented, even on modern KND terms. I wouldn't want us to hold you back."

"I don't think you're holding me back, Lee. I love it here."

"Thanks Wendy, but I still think you should go. I don't want us to be the sector that has to keep relying on a trump card to win all our battles, like Sector V with Sheila or Sector SA with that Arab chick. I think we should try to get better on our own, and I think you would feel more comfortable with other mages." Even though we still have Dee-Dee.

"Okay, Lee… if you really think I should. I'll still come to visit, though!"

"I would hope so!"

Sometime later

Sector MG was constructed just as Wendy had envisioned. With a proud smile, she stood upon a conveniently-placed stone and faced her teammates. "Kids Next Door operatives, state your numbuhs and positions!"

"Numbuh Rainbow: Romeo Conbolt!" stated the purple-haired boy, violet flames in his hands. He wore an open dark-red robe with a white sash around the hip, green pants, brown boots, and an orange scarf. "Colorful Combat Specialist!"

"Numbuh Delivery, Kiki Yamaka!" saluted a brown-haired girl with a red hair ribbon, a large indigo dress, and orange slip-on shoes. "Broomstick Pilot and Delivery Girl!"

"Numbuh Morning, Oliver Orson!" proclaimed a boy with light-brown hair, a yellow shirt, and blue trousers with white straps going over the shoulders. "Alchemist!"

"Numbuh Miles, Philip Blakely!" spoke a yellow-haired boy with glasses, a red polo shirt, blue trousers with a belt, and black sneakers. "Tech Wizard! Figuratively, of course." He blushed.

"And I'm Numbuh 700, Wendy Marvell! Founder and Leader of this sector! Any objections?"

"None from me." Romeo said.

"Nuh-uh." Phil shook.

"Perfect." Wendy about-faced and looked up at the treehouse. "Then let's get started."

Sector MG were assigned missions that involved tracking and taking down evil mages. They got along well and were already shaping up to compete with the top sectors. But as they all knew, their adventures wouldn't be able to last for long. Eventually, the time came. And only one was able to face it.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you, Wendy?" Romeo asked. "If The Thirteen are really that dangerous, we should protect you."

"Don't worry, Romeo. I have the Fairy's Tail, not to mention everyone else that's coming. I don't mean anything bad by it, but… you guys haven't been in the KND as long as me. And the missions we've been on aren't going to be the same. I'd really like you guys to come, but…"

"We understand, Wendy." Kiki assured. "I think you're right. We would just be in the way."

"But if it becomes too much for you, promise you'll contact us." Oliver said.

"I will. Don't worry."

"Okay. Good luck out there, Kiddo!" Philip smirked. "Kick some butt for all of us!"

"Bring home the good news!" Romeo cheered.

"Ha ha ha! I won't let you down!"

After all the crazy stuff went down (no need to explain, you know what I mean :P)

Sector MG was delighted to have their leader return in one piece. What better way to celebrate her return (besides Field Day) than a mission to infiltrate a witch's giant gingerbread house? Mother Mae-Eye sent wave after wave of Gingerbread Warriors, driving them to the point of exhaustion. Romeo froze them with blue fire, Oliver melted them with fire magic, Wendy sliced them with airbending, and Philip shot them with a Diffusion Rifle, but the monstrous cookies were endless.

"Myah HA HA ha ha ha!" laughed Mae-Eye. "You're no match for Mother's new recipe! Soon, you'll be roasted just like the rest of those little wretches! In fact, I think it's time for the second course." With a wave of her magic ladle, the scattered pieces of the cookies began to merge together in a clustered colossus of a Gingerbread Giant, complete with six arms and spiked edges. "ROOOOAAAAAR!"

"NUMBUH CLASSIC, GO!" Wendy called.

A brown-haired girl in a dark-blue dress and large top-hat ran out, throwing her hat onto the tip of Kiki's broomstick. The girl turned into energy and flew inside the broom, her cerulean eyes appearing in the straws. Kiki flew them up, so when they were level with the giant's head, the Hat Kid rematerialized and threw her hat onto its head. In an instant, the Gingerbread Giant was possessed, swinging its spiked arm against Mae-Eye and knocking her into an equal-sized table. "You traitorous mass of DOUGH!" Mae-Eye shouted. "After all the work I put into baking you, decorating you, making sure you were RIPE for eating, THIS is how you thank your MOTHER?!"

"RAAAAAH!" The titan wasted no time in impaling Mother's stomach, the witch bursting with pink smoke and vanishing into thin air. The gingerbread house was already collapsing, but the Gingerbread giant ducked over Sector MG and protected them from the debris. Shortly after, the monster's body fell to pieces, and the Hat Kid returned to normal.

"I could've just protected us with a Protego." Wendy said.

"Yeah, but how often can you say that a gingerbread rainbow bridge protected you?" Hat Kid said happily.

"We still have to rescue the kids." Kiki reminded.

"I'm on it!" Romeo threw a rope of purple flame up to the giant oven's handle and pulled it open. The six kids climbed inside the steaming device, finding a group of merkids nearly dehydrated.

"We have to get them some water." Wendy said. "Aguamenti!" She cast water from her wand and poured it over them.

"I'm calling a medical vessel." Oliver stated.

After the merkids were treated for the time being, the medical vessel made contact with an Oceanic ship to transfer the merkids. "We're in your debt, Sector MG." a merboy officer said. "Kaima will be happy to know these kids were returned home."

"It was our pleasure to help." Wendy nodded.

"Yeah, it was no problem at all." Philip said.

"Good to hear. Though I should expect nothing less after recent events. Take care, human brethren." The merboy dove back underwater and the ship submerged.

"Still, we almost got our butts kicked by that witch." Romeo said.

"Tell me about it." Phil took out a jar of purple pills, dropped one on his hand, and ate it. "I always heard those Brotherhood guys were wimps."

"I think they spent the past three years training." Wendy said. "We shouldn't underestimate them."

"Yeah. But for now, whaddya say we head home and grab a snack?" Romeo asked. "'Cause fighting all those cookies sure made me hungry!"

"You didn't think to grab a bite?" Hat Kid asked, eating some gingerbread pieces.

"No way! Imagine what those things were made of!" Kiki said with disgust. "Besides, did you see how fat those merkids were?"

"Gee, you're such a girl." Phil snickered.

"What does THAT mean?!"

"Okay, that's enough you two." Oliver chuckled. "I'm pretty hungry myself. Let's go home."

"I call the Shroom Steak!" Hat Kid perked up.