Sector SD (BONUS)

THIS CHAPTER IS OPTIONAL READING! The characters featured here won't appear much in later arcs, but I was inspired to write for them. This takes place before the start of the Newborn Saga. The crossovers included here hail from Magi, Dragon Ball, and Disney's Aladdin, so it shouldn't be so hard to sort them out.

A prosperous Avalaran kingdom, Sindria was a desert island connected to the Magia Continent. The foundation of its riches, the Sindria Trading Company, was among the biggest business conglomerates on the planet.

"Mmmmnnnn~" It was pretty famous for its watermelons, too, as far as this blue-haired youth was concerned. Aladdin was 11 years old and 4'7" with a blue open vest, puffy white pants, and a red gem on his forehead. He sat in the melon stand with his bare feet hung over the side.

"These were imported all the way from Hyrule, my boy!" said the stand owner, Seeles M'lon, a chubby and jovial mustached man. "Quite famous in Gerudo Desert!"

"Those Gerudo sure know how to grow 'em big~" Aladdin moaned in euphoria. "Guys, can we go to Hyrule someday?"

"I wouldn't mind trying some Gerudo melons." Alibaba smirked. Fourteen years old, he had smooth blonde hair, white Arab clothes, and black boots. "They prob'ly taste better where they grow 'em fresh."

"They'd never let a pair of pervs like you in!" Pisti stated. Being from a matriarchal society herself, she was privy to other such cultures like the Amazons or Gerudo. She matched Aladdin's height at 10 years old, with blonde hair and a small braid on the right, along with a red feather in her ear and a matching headband. She wore a loose, pale-pink top with a slit down to her naval and matching puffy shorts. She had golden leg wraps above her bare feet, but what distinguished her Artemyran heritage were the white-feathered wings protruding from the outer sides of her legs.

"Aladdin, maybe you should climb out." Dende suggested. "You're scaring the customers away."

"Oh, my best customer can take as much as he likes!" Seeles M'lon grinned. "I'm making a profit either way! Right, Mr. Saluja?"

"Yeah, yeah." Alibaba sighed.

Standing out from his teammates, Dende was a Namekian, a green alien with big, pointed ears and antennae on his bald head. He wore a red and white robe. He was the most soft-spoken of his friends, in part because of the weight of his past.

Looking away from Aladdin's feast, he glanced up at the sky—"Somebody catch that man!"

"Moola ha ha! I'm rich! Tonight, I'll eat like a king!"

Dende gasped. A skinny Arab man in red and purple clothes flew across town on a pair of gold shoes with white wings. He wore a white turban, had a big nose, and carried two sacks of gems. "Guys! It's Amin Damoola!" Dende pointed.

"Damoola?!" Pisti looked up, gasping at the flying thief. "I'll stop him!" The Artemyran kicked into the air one leg at a time, her wings propelling her above the rooftops. Once high enough, she need only swing her legs to run across the air. She would steadily sink, but a good kick could uplift her should she need it. "Damoola! Get back here!"

"Oh, it's the lost bird! Salam!"

"We'll see who's lost after I clip those wings!"

Dende was about to give chase. "Aaaaand that's 1200 gems." Alibaba handed Seeles the money.

"Shukran lak, my friends!"

"Hey!" Dende yelled. "Shouldn't we help Pisti?!"

"It's just Damoola." Alibaba shrugged. "She can handle this."

"But…ugh!" Dende chose to chase, anyway.

Pisti grabbed the feather off her ear: it was actually a flute, and by playing a melody, she commanded all the birds in town to fly up and flock around him. However, Damoola grabbed a whistle from his shirt and blew it to scare the birds away. Pisti kept her ears closed and flew to throw kicks at him directly. Damoola tried to take her flute, but Pisti ducked back and kicked a foot up to knock the flute away from him.

Dende passed through an empty alley, but just after passing a road to his right, he heard some panting and turned back. A young boy was running out- "Back here, you little rat!" but a bulky hand pulled him back. Dende peeked around the corner: a huge man in a purple shirt, big yellow pants, and black beard. He dragged the kid around his fruit stand and into a door behind it, slamming it shut. "Is that…?!" Dende quickly held up his communicator, "Guys, Sliz Ov the Arm-Cutter is here! I saw him drag a kid into an alley!"

"Sliz Ov?!" Pisti gasped. Damoola kicked her in the stomach, but she ducked his next kick. "Don't tell me you were just a diversion!"

"Dende, we're coming!" Alibaba yelled, running first. "Hurry up, Aladdin!"

"Uh-huh!" His mouth full of melon, Aladdin hopped off the stand and followed, "Uhhhhh…" until fatigue suddenly weighed him down onto his front. Alibaba hurried on unaware of his friend's condition. Mr. M'lon picked Aladdin up and carried him into the building behind his stall.

Dende peeked into Sliz's stall, seeing several kids tied and gagged to the wall. "You're going first!" Sliz pinned the one boy's arm to a table and raised a sword. "If you ever think about stealing, this is what'll happen!"

"STOP!" Dende broke in, raising a laser rifle to shoot Sliz's sword arm, but he was ready to deflected it.

"Ah! Your arm will look nice in my collection!" Sliz danced over, dodged Dende's blasts, and slashed at the Namekian, but Alibaba intercepted the blade with his own. Imbuing firebending to his sword, he clashed with Sliz's Haki-imbued blade. The victim boy pulled off his gag and tried to untie his friends. "YOU LITTLE-!" Sliz flew to slice the boy in the hip.

"Pick on someone your own size!" Alibaba sensed this maneuver with Observation Haki and intercepted the blade once more. His foot on fire, he swung a kick at Sliz's belly and forced him against the wall. Alibaba spun and struck Sliz with a flaming slice. Though Sliz used both hands to defend himself, the force sent him blowing through the walls of several buildings. The area in which he landed outside was the very same spot where Amin Damoola would bounce against his belly, having been stripped of his flight shoes by Pisti.

"Cheap imitations." Pisti taunted, ripping the wings off those shoes.

"MY HOUSE!" screamed a woman from one of the buildings.

"Alibaba, look what you did!" a man yelled through the holes at the culprit.

"Hahaha…got a little carried away." Alibaba blushed.

Sliz's sword left the slightest cut on the boy's hip. Dende's antennae glowed orange, focusing a wave of Healing Chi to repair the cut. "Sorry about that."

"It's okay… I woulda lost an arm if not for you."

"You're the best, Dende!" a girl cheered.

"Haha!" Dende blushed. "Um…hey, Alibaba, where's Aladdin?"

"Er, I was sure he was right behind me."

"Do you know how much this cost?!" a woman yelled, holding up a broken vase.

"You ruined my collection of priceless sugars!" a man shouted.

"Ahh!" Alibaba panicked as the people swarmed him with complains. "Please, calm down, I'll pay for all of it, I swear!"

Pisti dealt a swift kick to knock Damoola out for good measure. As guards came to arrest the criminals, Dende hurried through the broken holes to meet her. "Pisti, can you see if Aladdin is still at the melon stand?"

"Seriously?" the girl sighed, disappointed with Aladdin's habits. "I'll go check then." She kicked off to the air and ran over the rooftops once more.

Pisti landed gracefully before the melon stand. "?" To her disgust, she stepped on some residual melon juice on the ground. She looked up, seeing M'lon walk out with the mage in his arms. "Poor boy caught a case of food poisoning. Must've been a bad one in the batch. I'd better double-check them before I sell any more. But, I had some medicine handy, so he's all good now!"

"Melons good…" Aladdin drooled.

"Time to wake up, Aladdin!" Pisti smacked him. "We need your help with something."

"How dare you hit me, you…"

"Uh, Aladdin?" Pisti winced a tad at Aladdin's sudden shift in tone.

"Uh, ahem, I mean… Sorry, for my, lateness, Pisti!" Aladdin bounced and landed upright, smiling innocently. "What… did you need help with?"

"Er…we could use your magic to fix all the stuff Alibaba just broke."

"Certainly! Lead the way, my friend!"

"Okay… get your magic carpet and follow me."

"Okay! And where is…oh, right!" Aladdin unraveled his white turban and laid it out: he stepped on the magic carpet and flew after Pisti.

"Oh, Al!" Alibaba beamed as the two descended. "Just the guy I wanted to see! So, uh, do you think you could fix this big mess I just made? A quick wish oughta do the trick!"

"A wish… right!" Aladdin drew his magic wand, golden with a wishing lamp head. He rubbed the lamp and said, "I wish all the junk in these buildings would disappear!"

A massive pair of blue arms emerged from the lamp, flickering magic from its fingers to make all the debris, furniture, and possessions combust into thin air. "YOU FOOL!!" a salesman yelled. "Those were all my wears!"

"MY FAMILY PHOTOS!" a woman cried.

"ALADDIN!" Alibaba screamed. "I meant for you to repair the damage!"

"Ah! That would've made more sense! Want me to wish it all back?"

"No, don't waste another wish!" Pisti stated. "We're just gonna have to replace all their stuff ourselves."

"So, you guys wanna visit Kougyoku?!?!?" Alibaba asked in a manic manner, his pupils shriveled. "'Cause I feel like visiting Kougyoku! Boy, you can sure ask Kougyoku for anything!"

"You can't be serious." Dende shook his head.

"I guess asking the king isn't an option?" Pisti asked.

"That'd be even more embarrassing."

"Visiting Kougyoku sounds like a marvelous idea~" Aladdin smirked.

"Uh…yeah, I guess so." Pisti figured Aladdin's strange behavior was a side effect of the medicine.

Kou Empire

Kou was once a military superpower that tried to seize dominion over the kingdoms of Magia and the rest of Avalar, using the dark powers of their royal mage. Their ambitions were thwarted three months prior thanks to the rising Sector SD. The leader, Numbuh 1,001 – Alibaba the Wonder, used to be a poor street rat before he was adopted by King Sinbad and taught the ways of royal swordsmanship. He would sign up for the KND and meet "Numbuh 3 Wishes" Aladdin, a prodigal young wizard, along with "Numbuh Sing" Pisti Artemina, the youngest princess of the Artemyran royal family.

Aladdin possessed a rare wand called a Genie Lamp, which housed a genie that could grant three wishes per month. Said wishes generally involved asking the genie to fight or do any reasonable chore or magical feat without consuming much chi on Aladdin's part. When he was 7 years old, a traveling witch named Yamraiha visited his orphanage and sensed his magical potential. She revealed to be a teacher at Magnostadt, a magic academy on Earth, and she pulled some strings to have Aladdin admitted earlier than the required age. It was quite stunning to see him pair with a Genie Lamp of all wands. Avalar was still Aladdin's home, so chose to join the KND of that world, but would use Floo Powder to make frequent warps between his treehouse and school to continue his education.

Dende, meanwhile, was a refugee from the ruined Planet Namek. His home was destroyed six years ago when a certain band of pirates robbed his planet of the sacred Dragon Balls. The seven gems held the planet's stability, but stealing them caused Namek to fall apart. His people evacuated and made homes on various other planets, whereas a two-year-old Dende landed on Avalar. Dende was a healer, a power born to very few Namekians, albeit no different from waterbenders or mages with the same technique. Still traumatized by the cataclysm, he was eventually inspired to join KND two years ago, wanting to put his healing to good use.

"You need… how many gems?" asked Kougyoku Ren. She wore a rather extravagant dress of pink and green segments with light-yellow sleeves and under-blouse. It covered her whole body save for the head. Her dark-pink hair had two bangs the length of her body, as well as a ribbon-shaped knot with a gold braid to tie it, with a matching gold needle to stick through it. Said needle had a hilt of a unique shape and purple gem.

"150,000 should do." Alibaba grinned sheepishly.

"You mean you don't even have that much?!"

"I spent most of my money on… important things!"

"I'll bet you did. Ugh, if you're going to mooch money off me, then help out around the palace."

"Yes, Ma'am…"

Kougyoku was considered an honorary member of the sector. She was on the run from the empire until she sought the KND for sanctuary. She met Sector SD and confided in them the corruption and dark ambitions of her royal family. After a thrilling adventure of action and friendship, they defeated the Kou Empire, arrested the corrupt nobles and officers, and killed the dark mage, Judar. Kougyoku, the 8th Imperial Princess, then became the 5th empress at 15 years old.

She had grown especially close with Alibaba on their adventure and formed a crush on him. That said, she was well aware of his shortcomings and would discipline him if needed. This was clear as he was scrubbing out all the filthy pots and pans in the kitchen. "Hey, Alibaba." Kougyoku began from the doorway. "You know about King Evan, right?"

"King Evan? He's the ruler of the Ni no Kuni Union, right?"

"Yeah. He sent a letter asking for an audience. He didn't really give a reason, just that he learned how I resolved the 'crisis' in my kingdom."

"Maybe he wants Kou to join the union!"

"Uck!" She scoffed at the notion. "I know we're still paying off damages, but I'm not looking to join anyone else's empire."

"I get that, but I heard Evan's a pretty nice kid. It's not that he rules over the other nations, he makes friends with them!"

"Well, even so, I've agreed to his meeting, and I don't really feel any ill intent. I was wondering if you and the others could come, too!"

"Will it pay off the rest of my debt?"

"Fat chance!" The empress stomped.

"Oh, whatever. Sure I'll come!"

"Hmhmhm!" Passing a sweet giggle, she turned to leave him to his chores. "Just what kind of man is Evan though? You better hope I don't decide to go shopping~"

"Ehhh…" Alibaba was left baffled as to her intention.

Aladdin retreated to the bathroom and withdrew a magic mirror once behind a stall. The face of a pale-faced ghoul with a cylinder-shaped gold crown, a pale-purple tunic, and a pale-brownish cape displayed on the mirror. "Aghoul, have you disposed of the body?"

"At the bottom of the sea, Your Lordship." Aghoul replied. "I have your wand handy, of course."

"You in operatives' treehouse?" An eel took up the image, hissing at the mirror.

"Oh, Xerxes, I keep forgetting you exist." 'Aladdin' remarked. "I'm in the Kou Imperial Palace. This could actually be a golden opportunity. I thought I would plant a few curses on these kids before I took my leave, but I think I'll settle for taking the empress instead."

"You take empress?! Nyee heeheehee!"

"And can we expect you at the designated point?" Aghoul asked.

"You can expect a possible delay, but yes. The Brotherhood might just enjoy this little gift of ours."

That night

With Alibaba doing chores the whole day, the team decided to spend the night at the palace. Naturally, the three boys were given a room while Kougyoku shared her room with Pisti, likely up to typical girl activities as far as the boys were concerned. It frustrated 'Aladdin' that they took forever to get to sleep, with Alibaba wanting him to partake in pointless discussions or activities. Eventually, Alibaba and Dende were both out. He quietly cracked open the window, floated out on his magic carpet, and closed the window, making sure the boys stayed asleep. Knowing Alibaba's Haki, this plan certainly came with its share of risks, but even if he were caught now, he at least had what he initially wanted. He could retreat now if he wanted, but it'd be a shame to let this go to waste.

Kougyoku seemed sound asleep on her curtained bed and Pisti lay peacefully on her floor mat, keeping her feathered legs uncovered. 'Aladdin' used a spell to unlock the window from outside tiptoeing in. He was careful to avoid Pisti's feathers—"Hehehe." He blushed and giggled. Aladdin's body remembered walking close to Pisti a few times and tickling himself on her feathers. "Grrr!" He shook his head. He expected this kind of side-effect when taking Aladdin's body, but what a ridiculous memory. "Come to think of it, she's a princess, too. …Well, a 7th princess. Probably wouldn't fetch very high. Better just settle with this one for now."

He carefully opened Kougyoku's curtain and cast a noxious spell to reinforce her slumber. He hoisted her onto his carpet before making ready to leave… but he first cast a jinx to shrink Pisti's wings. With that, he took flight and landed on the roof of the Japanese palace, deeming it a good place to Disapparate with his prisoner.

In a desert somewhere

'Aladdin' reappeared beside a black ship. A chubby, mustached, blue-clothed thief named Abis Mal dragged out a cluster of chi-blocked chains, stumbling for a bit as he tried to untangle them. The villains rolled their eyes at his struggle, but he was eventually able to tie Kougyoku up tight and gag her. "Mmmmm…mmm?" She woke up. "MMMM! (ALADDIN! What've you done?!)"

"Now, now, my dear, a princess needs her beauty rest." Aladdin teased, tapping her nose. "Oh, you're an empress now, right."

"Hehehe, the empire's bound to turn over a hefty sum of gold for her~" Abis Mal rubbed his hands greedily.

"Yes! Lots and lots gold, hehehehehe." Xerxes sneered.

"Or perhaps we could make another arrangement." Aghoul smirked kneeling to tip up Kougyoku's chin. "Your hand in marriage, for instance."

"(WHAT?! I don't who you are, but you aren't my type, buddy!)"

"Oh, how I love a woman in bondage."


"Just bring her back to base and have her chained down tight." 'Aladdin' ordered. "We'll decide what to do with her later. First, I'm in the mood to celebrate the capture of my new body." He tossed Aladdin's wand up like a baton.

"That bratty body certainly suits you." Abis Mal smiled wryly.

"Hmph." 'Aladdin' cast a quick spell to contract his big belly. "I did consider Alibaba, but I needed a body of Magic Chi. Besides, it would've been harder to trick him. And will you be quiet?!" He bashed Kougyoku in the head, knocking her dizzy. "Now, why don't we tarnish my reputation a bit? I'm paying a visit to the KND training grounds. Which, if Aladdin's memory's right, should be…"

Kou Palace, the next morning


Alibaba, Dende, and the guards burst into the empress's room. Pisti was on her knees in panic. "Where's the empress?!" a guard asked. "We never saw her leave!"

"I don't know! When I woke up, she was gone! But worse than that… MY WINGS!" Pisti stretched up her legs. "My wings shrunk! Who could've done this?!"

"Hey, Aladdin wasn't in our room." Dende said. "You don't think… something happened to them, do you?"

"Let's ask around the palace." Alibaba replied. "If we don't find them, we'll head back to the treehouse and send out an alert. Though, speaking of, we might need to call for a ride."

CND Sky Base

Aspiring operatives trained at a Sky Island treehouse over the Dragon Realms. It was a perfect place to practice broom-riding, especially over a crisp morning sky like this. The base recently welcomed nine teenage witches from the same school, all hoping to start a brand new sector. Eight of them were having sort of a race on their broomsticks, with a redhaired one in the lead. "Uuuuuuuuooooooooo!" But a brown-haired witch with red eyes strained herself in trying to lift her broom off the deck.

"For criminy's cheesecakes, Akko!" shouted Jamjel, the Mobian mole Drill Sergeant. "Don't they teach broom-riding in first grade?! Kick off and take off-gyub-bup!"

"This was always… not my strongest subject, grrrrr!"

Lotte, a spectacled blonde witch, flew down beside Constanze, a teal-haired witch with glaring eyes. "Don't burn yourself out, Akko. You'll get a passing grade with your transformations."

"But I really wanna get this down pat!"

"Well, it ain't gonna happen if you don't get UP pat-pudu-pup!" Jamjel stated.

"Just let Master Constance make you a modified broom!" a Stanbot shouted.

"But technology though…"

"Commander Jamjel!" announced a faun guard. "We have a visitor! Numbuh 3 Wishes from Sector SD!"

"3 Wishes? Hot peanut butter! Send him up pronto-puptut!"

"Numbuh 3 Wishes?" Diana overheard. She was a pretty, composed witch with light-green hair. "This should be promising."

'Aladdin' calmly marched up to the flight deck. He was quite pleased to find the Nine Witches lined up before him. "This kid?" questioned Amanda, the fiery-haired girl. "This is Aladdin? He ain't nothing like the Disney character."

"But he's wearing the same clothes." Jasminka reasoned. "He just looks smaller… and paler… and blue."

"I can see why Disney took creative liberties."

"You realize this kid was born way after the movie." Hannah retorted.

"Will you three stop whispering?" Diana sighed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Numbuh 3 Wishes. I did some research on the KND prior to our training and I heard you're quite a gifted mage. You defeated the dark mage Judar and resolved the war with the Kou Empire, didn't you?"

"These witches are mighty wet behind the ears, hup-tup!" Jamjel said. "Except Cavendish here, she's got the stuff! But maybe you can whip these other slackers into shape! Especially this one!"

"Don't single me out!" Akko shouted.

"I'd be glad to." Aladdin smirked. "How's this for a demonstration?" The young mage spoke an incantation and aimed his wand at an empty spot on the floor.

A shock-ridden Diana tried to disarm Aladdin, but he evaded and disarmed her instead. Hannah and Barbara, following Diana's example, tried to stun him, but Aladdin dodged and cast a jinx to make their thigh areas fuse together. When the other witches prepared to attack, Aladdin flew up on his carpet to give himself room to maneuver. "Calling all units," Jamjel yelled, "Aladdin is assaulting the cadets, bring in a squad to-" Aladdin cast a spell to turn his face inside-out.

"Now, where was I?" 'Aladdin' uttered the same incantation, emitting a cloud of black sand from his black Djinn Lamp. A horde of zombies dropped onto the flight deck and began attacking the witches.

"They're Inferi!" Diana exclaimed, casting spells to take down the zombies. "And that was a spell to summon them from wherever he hid them!"

Lotte sang a song in attempt to soothe the undead with her Ghost Whispering. Aladdin cast Silencio on her, but Sucy already had a potion ready to revitalize her voice. Constanze sent a swarm of Stanbots to fly at Aladdin, but he cast spells to dissolve the robots into black sand. Akko became a hippo-bull to ram the zombies off the platform, but Aladdin shot spells down to bounce them up with magic trampolines. He shot the Crucio Curse at Diana, but she fired a counter-curse. Zombies jumped her from behind, but Diana conjured swords of energy to slice them up. "Hmm…perhaps I underestimated them." Aladdin said, seeing these 'cadets' had a bit more experience than what their title would imply. "No matter. This was enough of a demonstration."

Aladdin flew downward, casting spells to shoot down the broom-riding treehouse guards. A fire, ice, and gas dragon flew to stop him, but he shot elemental spells to counter the respective elements and bypassed them. Once at the bottom of the treehouse, 'Aladdin' conjured more black sand from his wand. It shaped into giant wrecking balls, weighing the treehouse down tremendously as it plummeted to the earth. "AAAAAHH!" The Nine Witches, zombies, and other staff were launched upward from the base's sudden fall.

"Hope to play again sometime." Aladdin Disapparated in the middle of the air.

Diana summoned over her broom, as did the other witches. "Waaaaaaaah!" Akko screamed, still flailing helplessly, so Diana flew to catch her. "I'll save the treehouse! The rest of you, catch any falling staff!" She soared straight down, Akko's panic-stricken face flapping behind her in panic. They got under the treehouse as Diana focused a counter-spell to sever the chains of the wrecking balls. Akko's panic increased as they were nearly about to hit the ground. Fortunately, Diana severed them half a minute before they could. She flew away from the treehouse and halted their descent. Akko's stomach reeled forward as she vomited off the side. The sand scattered against the earth below, slowly disappearing. The treehouse slowly rose back to its place in the clouds, with the other operatives making for a safe landing.

Sector SD was then called about the incident. They flew to the Sky Base on a white ship with a back designed like Arabian palace towers. "Aladdin did WHAT?!" Alibaba exclaimed.

"He summoned a horde of zombies-dupdup and nearly dropped this treehouse to the valley!" Jamjel answered. "Couple of the staff inside got injured. And by the time my cadets took out the zombies, they all disappeared into thin air."

"Aladdin actually disappeared on us last night. We…"

"Wait, did Aladdin kidnap the empress?!" Akko asked after the recap.

"None of this makes sense!" Alibaba argued. "Aladdin wouldn't do all this! It has to be an impostor!"

"You know," Pisti began, "Aladdin's been acting strange ever since he got food poisoning from those melons. And only Mr. M'lon actually saw that happen."

"You don't think… he did something, do you?" Dende asked. "But why would he?"

"It may have been my first time meeting him," Diana said, "but I can honestly believe that wasn't the real Aladdin. I could feel years of dark magic within his wand."

"Black genie lamps are usually bad news." Amanda remarked.

Alibaba gasped. "A black lamp?! And… zombies. That could only be-"

"Commander Jamjel!" the faun girl saluted. "The Fishman sector is here! They… brought a prisoner. They were saying something about Aladdin."

"Oh, for flibberty jibbers, I don't need any more surprises! Just bring them up."

A duo of Fishgirls escorted up a dark-haired man in his early 20s. He wore a black cape with yellow edges and pointed shoulder pads, dark-blue garb underneath with a snaky design down the middle, and a dark-blue sultan's hat with a red gem in the center. His left hand was bare while a brown glove covered the right, though both those and his legs were cuffed. "Alibaba!" The man seemed to light up in joy in contrast to his dark attire.

"MOZENRATH!" Alibaba lunged over and drew his sword to his pale face. "I knew it! You were behind this! You turned into Aladdin, you dirty-"

"AAAH! No, Alibaba, it's me! Please!" He began crying and shaking his head, prompting the others to cringe.

"I know it's you, what am I, stupid?!"

"No, I'm not Mozenrath! I'm Aladdin!"


"We were swimming to visit Sindria when we found him drowning in the ocean." The blue-haired Fishgirl said. "We decided to rescue and cuff him up, but ever since, he's kept saying that he's Aladdin."

"And you decided to bring him here-hyobo?!" Jamjel asked.

"Well, we tried to call Sector SD, but all we got was a posted note on the crystal ball."

The ball in question had such a note written in sloppy Arabic: Gone to Sky Base, call back later! -Ali

"If you're Aladdin, who was the first villain we stopped together?"

"It was Jamil! We were rescuing the slaves from his dungeon. The two of you fought with your swords. He almost had you, but then he was killed by his own minion, Goltas."

"Yeah… that's right…"

"And then King Sinbad invited us to a strip club to celebrate, even though we were only kids. Haha, but that sure didn't stop us from getting clingy~"

"TOO MUCH INFO!!" Alibaba punched him in the nose! "But still… Aladdin… is it really you?"

"You can't just believe him that easily." Pisti said.

"But it's true, Pisti! I…What happened to your wings?!" 'Mozenrath' knelt down and slid over for a close look at Pisti's legs, her face creasing in discomfort. "They're so tiny! They're like little baby feathers." He poked them playfully.

"Wow, I didn't notice!" Akko slid over, her face in adoration. "Hehe, they're such cute decorations! I should get some!"

"AAAAAAH, DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY WINGS!" Pisti screamed, scampering away. "If my big sisters see me like this, I'll be laughed out of the sky! My chest is already tiny, I don't need my wings even tinier! …Aladdin, it really is you!"

"THAT convinces you?!" Dende gawked. "Sigh…but if you really are Aladdin, does that mean you and Mozenrath switched bodies?"

"That's right." Aladdin replied, assuming a more serious demeanor. "I remember feeling sick and passing out after I ate those melons, and the next thing I knew, I was in chi-blocking chains with an attached ball and drowning on the seafloor. Luckily, these girls found me. But I can actually see what happened in Mozenrath's memories…"

Mozenrath had snuck into Mr. M'lon's shop and used the Imperio Curse to control the vendor. He and his fellow Brotherhooders set up two tables in a magic circle, with a two-colored potion bottle with two straws in the center. After Sliz and Damoola set up their operations to distract the operatives, the brainwashed M'lon was able to capture the dazed Aladdin. He was lain on one table and Mozenrath on the other, with Aghoul fitting one straw in the boy's mouth. Mozenrath sucked his down straw, both slurping the potion as the magic circle glowed. Once the body swap was complete, Aladdin's body was given some medicine to relieve the drugged melon. Aghoul proceeded to knock Mozenrath's body out cold.

"So, he stole your body and threw his own away?!" Pisti recounted.

"I guess the old undead arm isn't working out for him." Aladdin pulled off Mozenrath's right glove, revealing a skeletal hand.

"EUH!" Amanda yelped, the Nine Witches reeling in disgust. "That better be a prosthetic!"

"Nope. It's actual bone." Aladdin confirmed. "And Mozenrath has plenty of other faulty organs, too. He probably would've died a couple times if not for his Horcrux."

"A Horcrux user…" Diana whispered.

"Hang on, Horcruxes are supposed to make you immortal." Alibaba said. "Why would he swap out his immortal body for yours?"

"A Horcrux keeps your soul bound to the Mortal World even if your body gets destroyed." Aladdin explained. "But that doesn't make having a broken body comfortable. Aside from that, you shouldn't be able to 'kill' the body of a Horcrux user, so I guess that affect moved on to my own body. Then he left me to drown with this one."

"But you had to have been drowning for a while by the time we found you." The Fishgirl said.

"It sounds like Mozenrath used a Soul Switch Ritual." Diana said. "This usually comes with a 24-hour grace period in which they can still switch back with close contact. Otherwise, you'll just have to redo the ritual. But because of this, I surmise Mozenrath's soul still has attachment to his body, and that's why it didn't die from drowning."

"Then we'll just have to find Mozenrath and make him give back Al's body with force!" Alibaba cracked his knuckles.

"There's only one place he would go to hide." Pisti knew. "To the Land of Black Sand. …But first, could one of you lovely witches fix my wings?"

Land of Black Sand

Mozenrath's palace rested in the center of a desert under endless darkness. The sand always appeared a deathly black and the only denizens that roamed the halls were Mamluks, the name Mozenrath called his Inferi.

Kougyoku was suspended against the wall, Aghoul pulling her gag off. "You have a lot of nerve kidnapping an empress in her nightgown! When I get out of these chains, you'll regret it!"

"Oh, yeah?" Aghoul smirked. "Well, I don't see any water around here. Looks like your only option is to marry me."

"AUGH!" The queen threw up her foot and twisted the ghoul's neck.

"We could hold her for ransom," Mozenrath said in Aladdin's young voice, "or we could look for someone else willing to buy her. I'm sure the empress must have at least a few enemies, even in her own kingdom."

"I know you're not Aladdin! Don't tell me… are you Judar?!"

"Ah, Judar…" he released a downtrodden sigh. "Such a shame a mage of such caliber went to waste. At least the one who did him in can join him in the afterlife."

"What?! You…you couldn't have!"

"Mozenrath!" Abis Mal kicked the door open. "We have intruders!"

"What?! Who?!"

"It…It's YOU!"

Alibaba swung a flaming slash and Aladdin, having borrowed a basic wand, assisted with a magic burst to blow open the gates to Mozenrath's palace. "HEY! Ever heard of knocking?!" Xerxes hissed, the eel flying around the corner. "?! Master! Welcome home! Wait… why Master with operatives?"

"Xerxes, I have fish!" Pisti called, playing her flute and dangling a fish to attract the eel. She was riding a shaggy-feathered desert ostrich.

"Fishy! Come to Xerxes!" He flew up and started gobbling the fish.

"That's a good boy!" She held Xerxes in her arms and tenderly caressed him. "Now, wanna take us to where 'Aladdin' and Empress Kougyoku are?"

Another verse of the flute made him euphoric. "Ho-oh-oh, yes. Right this way, Mistress." He soared up a hallway. The friends exchanged smirks and chased after him, with Pisti leading a pack of more desert ostriches. Hordes of Mamluks raised swords and guns, but Aladdin cast spells to twist the gun holes and Alibaba sliced the zombies down. Some of Pisti's ostriches fell behind to hold back other Mamluks.

"Xerxes! That isn't me, you fool!" Mozenrath yelled through a PA system. "Stop leading them!"

"What?" Xerxes stopped. "Oh, I forgot. So, new master is Aladdin… and Mozenrath enemy!"

"Come on, Xerxes, we're not the enemy!" Pisti played her flute.

"Nnnnnn! Nyoh! You not trick Xerxes!" Xerxes gnashed at Pisti, but the Artemyran swiftly swung up her foot, impacted, and then stomped Xerxes to the floor in a roundabout kick.

"Sigh, I've always been bad with aquatic creatures." Pisti said, spinning and thrusting another kick to knock Xerxes out. "Even fish out of water."

"It's okay." Aladdin assured, hurrying on. "I think I can sense my body!"

They turned and cut through a small cafeteria, ambushed by a band of thieves. "Looks like I'll have to put you to rest myself, Aladdin!" Abis Mal threatened, the thieves drawing swords.

"I don't think so!" Dende changed the setting on his gun to shoot a magic boomerang, swiping against the thieves' heads to dizzy them. "Go on ahead, I'll keep these guys busy."

"You're the best, Dende!" Alibaba leapt over the thieves while Pisti and Aladdin cut through.

"Whoa!" Aladdin tripped and fell over.

"You okay, Al?" Ali asked.

"I'm fine." He pushed himself up. "Mozenrath's body is so broken that it's hard to run in. We better switch back soon or I don't know if I can survive in it."

The trio cut through a large chamber that was rather bright, the opposite wall shining an orange light like sunset. The light cast a great shadow from Aghoul's figure. "You're interrupting my date!" Aghoul split his shadow to catch all three, but Alibaba caught fire to burn the shadow off. Alibaba lunged at the Duke of the Undead, Aghoul raising a scythe to slash the boy. The long weapon prevented Ali and his short sword from getting close, but he extended it with firebending to singe the ghoul's robe. Aghoul Veiled to get away from him, but as Ali chased, Skull Bombs rose out of Aghoul's shadow. He evaded the bombs with Observation Haki and made it close to clash with Aghoul again. The duke bent his scythe's shadow behind Ali for a sneak stab, but even with his perception, Ali suffered a cut to the hip.

Aladdin and Pisti kicked open the study, where another band of Mamluks waited. "How could you still be alive?!" Mozenrath hovered above on the magic carpet. "You should be in Davy Jones' Locker by now!"

"This body wasn't quite ready to die." Aladdin smirked. "It must miss you, Mozenrath."

"Pisti!" Kougyoku called. "Who's that with you?"

"This is Aladdin! He and Mozenrath switched bodies!"

"So, that's what's going on?"

"Yeah, but we're gonna fix it!" Aladdin cast a Stun Spell up at Mozenrath, but he blocked it with Protego and struck the Crucio Curse. Aladdin shot the counter-curse, but it grew overwhelmed by Mozenrath's magic, causing the Pain Chi to course through and compel him to scream.

"Not with that shabby excuse of a wand—hey!" Pisti had jumped up and tried to wrestle the Djinn Lamp away, but Mozenrath kicked her down to the Mamluk horde. A freed Aladdin shot the zombies off, but he reacted to dodge Mozenrath's explosive spell. Pisti played her flute to summon the ostriches from across the palace, some having survived the previous Mamluks. As the birds tore at the zombies, Pisti made her way to Kougyoku and kicked up to her wrist cuffs.

"I'll get you out of here, Your Highness!" She had taken a feather from one of the ostriches and tried to pick the cuffs.

"I don't think so!" While he let a mass of black sand bind Aladdin, Mozenrath drew out the Genie Lamp and rubbed it. "I wish these two intruders would turn into worms!"

The genie's arms emerged from the wand and zapped Aladdin and Pisti, shrinking them into wormy forms. Pisti landed on Kougyoku's head, the empress horrified. "Smash them, slaves!" Mozenrath ordered, striking the ostriches with stun spells.

"Get back!" Kougyoku kicked the approaching zombies away, disgusted having to do so without any footwear. Meanwhile, Pisti-Worm slithered up her chains and crammed herself into the locks, picking them open. Finally free, the empress kicked off the wall and PUSHED Mozenrath off the carpet. Her superior teenage strength was able to wrestle the Djinn Lamp from Mozenrath's child form, but he drew the Genie Lamp back out and shot flame spells. Kougyoku dodged, but the Mamluks grabbed her from all sides.

"Your time is up, Princess!" Mozenrath began to conjure an hourglass prison around her. Aladdin-Worm climbed up his leg and down the arm to reach the wand. "Same goes for these little-"

"I wish a bunch of seawater would flood into this palace!" the worm squeaked, rubbing himself on the lamp.

"WHAT THE-?!" Mozenrath panicked when a portal suddenly opened above, connected to the ocean as endless water poured in.

Kougyoku immediately seized control with her waterbending, shattering the hourglass and cutting down the Mamluks. Mozenrath shook Aladdin off the wand, but Kougyoku water-whipped him and swiftly snatched Aladdin off the floor. "Aladdin, can you use this?" she asked, placing him on the Djinn Lamp.

"It's not my type, but it'll suffice! Transfiguro!" Aladdin undid the genie's magic and changed back to Mozenrath's body.

"I'll never let you have this body back!" Mozenrath levitated on the carpet once more, using magic to restore and raise the Mumluks. "Soon, I'll be able to kill you for good!"

"Not on my life! I'm taking back what's MINE!" Aladdin used a Spirit Shift to leave Mozenrath's body and enter his own. The two souls wrestled each other inside, with Kougyoku cutting the zombies down with water and sealing Aladdin's mouth, preventing Mozenrath from calling a defense spell.

"AGH!" The dark mage was kicked out of the good mage's body, returning to his own. Kougyoku kicked him away. "You're incredible, Your Highness!" Pisti-Worm cheered, crawling on the empress's ear.

"Ah! I thought you were still on the chains, Pisti. I could've flung you off."

"No worries! I knew you wouldn't let me down!"


After Aladdin changed Pisti back, they raced out to where Alibaba was battling Aghoul. Aghoul had summoned the shadows of Abis Mal's group from down the palace and merged them with his own, forming a red-eyed shadowy mask over his own with a cape and extended shady scythe. "Alibaba!"

"Huh?!" Alibaba turned. "Princess! And… is that the real Aladdin?!"

"Yeah! And you look like you need some help! Har-Har Rasas!" Aladdin fired a barrage of fireballs at his friend. Alibaba raised his dagger, glowing as it absorbed the flames.

"Thanks, Al! I'll finish him off nice and quick!" Alibaba kicked on Fury Mode: his clothes changed to wear he was shirtless, wearing only a thin white sash around his torso, going into banners at his waist. His arms and legs attained fiery gauntlets and boots, he had gold armor plates on his arms, a wide red necklace with gold medals, and his hair turned a shade of light-orange, extending into long ponytails, with a third eye on the forehead. His sword extending to a black form, he clashed against Aghoul with greater fire, burning through the surrounding walls.

"Don't think you've won, yet!" Mozenrath stormed into the room, a cloud of magic black sand behind him, which also served as armor for his Mamluks. "Do you know how painful it is to use the bathroom in this body? I'll switch us back again and have the rest of you for Mamluks!"

"HEY!" Aladdin cried. "Nobody uses my body to potty but me!!!"

"Aladdin, let me take over from here." Kougyoku requested, positioning hands in front of her as if to hold a sword. "Time to teach him I'm not some damsel in distress."

"Crap! The water!" Mozenrath gasped.

With seawater continuing to flood the palace, the Kou Empress activated her Fury: her nightgown disappeared as the surrounding water covered her skin, giving her the appearance of a Fishwoman with scales and fins, leaving her face bare, as well as a slit down the middle of her torso. A red gem adorned the center of her chest, and her magenta hair turned blue with the forming water, shaping a larger ribbon with four long bangs. Also, a new gold ornament appeared to bind the ribbon, a complex round shape with four points jutting out. To complete her power-up, a huge sword of water formed from where her hands were gripping the hilt.

Mozenrath struck the water with Lightning Magic, but Kougyoku bent a dry area around her friends. She bent some of the conducting water into lances to shoot back at Mozenrath, electrifying himself. She bent more liquid lances to thrust through the Mamluks, then slashed a wave at Mozenrath, who bent the dark sand clouds to intercept it. The sand dried the water while the water densified the sand, both forces at equal ends with each other. Kougyoku spun and amassed a thin stream of water on her sword, slashing a Water Slice so long that it cut through several rooms and sliced the heads off the Mamluks, while Mozenrath himself ducked.

Kougyoku jumped back-to-back with Alibaba, their auras slightly colliding as steam resulted. "Well, Princess, how about we blow the roof off the house?"

"You can just call me Kougyoku, I'm not a princess, anymore!"

"But you're still so young and cute!"

"Well, now I'm feeling steamed!"

"Then let's get STEAMY!"

"Hey! I want to get steamy, too!" Aghoul yelled.

"That chance died a long time ago!" Kougyoku retorted. As both friends combined their chis, a dense cloud of steam shrouded the chamber. They created Steam Dragons to gnash Aghoul and Mozenrath and boiled the water to punish them further. Aladdin shielded himself and Pisti with Protego as the duo spun a boiling wave into being and washed the villains down the castle halls. Dende ducked for cover after taking out the thieves, letting them be washed away with the tide.

And with that, Alibaba and Kougyoku epically surfed the steaming wave straight out of the palace gates. The wave sank against the desert sands as they skidded to a stylish halt. Turning to the fallen enemies at their backs, Alibaba sheathed his sword and switched off his Fury, whereas Kougyoku went back to her nightgown. As the other three rushed out of the palace, Mozenrath recovered and grabbed Aghoul's dizzy form. "You'll pay for this!" He Disapparated them both.

"WAIT!" Abis Mal jumped awake. "What about me?! OOF!" Dende took him out with one last blast.

Leaving the palace at their backs, the five friends proudly strolled across the desert, Pisti skipping merrily in the air. "Ugh, I'm such a mess." Kougyoku groaned, feeling the damp sand stuck to all kinds of places. "You don't kidnap a lady in her nightwear, it's just wrong!"

"Let's go visit a bathhouse!" Pisti suggested.

"Oh, I missed you, body~" Aladdin hugged himself lovingly. "My sweet youthful fragrance and healthy organs… I never realized how important you are~"

"We'd better check in with the Sky Base, too." Alibaba said. "Otherwise, I'd say this was a mission well done!"

"Those new cadets looked super cute." Aladdin flushed. "Hehe, I hope we get to see them around more~"

"Hoooo…" Hearing that filled Pisti with envy, the princess shamefully putting hands over her chest.

Villains' Pub (Play "Oh It's You" from Hat in Time.)

Mozenrath and Aghoul retired to a dark, smokey bar for recuperation. A calm, but jazzy tune beat from the jukebox. Other villains were shooting billiards or playing darts while the two sat with a posse at their own table. "Ah ha ha ha!" laughed Wuya, a light-purple ghost with a white, yellow-eyed mask. "So, the body-swap operation was a bust, huh? Well, at least you still have a body to begin with."

"And why would you want a little kid's body, anyway?" asked Roman, an orange-haired man in a white trenchcoat and black bowler hat with a red stripe. He twirled a dark cane with a white hook and red base. "Couldn't you settle for a grown-up mage?"

"I wanted Aladdin for his fresh magic potential." Mozenrath argued, lazily tapping Xerxes who lay unconscious on the table. "Combined with my experience, I could've become much more powerful!"

"In the end, his body was much too pure for you." replied a portly man with tall, brown tights, a red ringleader's jacket, and a tall matching top-hat. His face was grey and saggy. "You should've settled for someone who was more your style."

"Is that a Devil Fruit?" Aghoul inquired. The portly man had been fondling with a dark-purple banana, rather thin with a double stem in slender curves, and a yellow jack-o-lantern face where the "sticker" would be.

"Yeah, we just won that in a game." Roman replied. "Snatcher's been contemplating it for days. You oughta just hurry up and eat it."

"I can't be so hasty! It might have adverse effects on my health."

"It's a Ghost Zoan, sounds like it'd be pretty handy."

"Hey, then you can join the Half-Dead Club." Wuya said, gesturing to herself and the two Arabs.

"Either way," the dark mage began, "aside from Aladdin's body, there was another body I was hoping to get. Judar's corpse must still be floating in space somewhere. He would be marvelous to add to my Mamluks. If only I could determine where exactly he-"

"Nnn…nyuh…" Xerxes stirred awake.

"Welcome back, Xerxes. I must say, you handled those kids spectacularly, not really."

"M-Mozenrath…" It all came back to the eel underling. "That's right! Mozenrath enemy!"

"H-Hey, XERXES!" The minion gnashed his master's neck. "AH! XERXES, IT'S ME THIS TIME!"


"AAAAGH!" The others merely watched humorously as Mozenrath was wrestled to the floor.


Pisti was stunned by the sudden news. And when her teammates rushed out to view the crystal ball, they became all too understanding: her homeland, the kingdom of Artemyra, had been ripped clean out of the planet. It had been invaded by the Sky God Pirates before an enormous hand ripped it right out of the ground. "M…My family… my home… it's all gone…" The princess sobbed into her hands.

"Pisti…" Dende patted her back in comfort. He could already imagine how she felt. "Um…don't worry. Your people are strong, right? I'm sure they're okay. They'll pull through. Those pirates don't really destroy those towns, right? They just take them."

"Sniff…" Pisti faced him through her tears. Indeed, his home planet was destroyed by the Big Mom Pirates. Dende's people had it much worse. But he still understood. "Thanks…"