The World Rings, Night 3: “Something”

Hyrule; Zoldyck Grounds

"Alluka?" the white-haired boy spoke again. His sister's face was still hollow and mask-like, and her silence only made him more worried. "Alluka, say something!"

"'kay. 'Something.'"

And in a second, joy was plastered on the 11-year-old's face again. "Big Brother, say 'Happy'!"

"Er… Alluka, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"Th-That face…"

"Brother, won't you say 'Happy'?"

"Um… Happy…"

"Now say 'Hello.'"


"Say 'Thorough.'"

"'Thorough'… Huh?" The girl's scary face was back again.


"Siiiiigh. I can't believe I didn't get to eat my 12 Hours of Christmas Roast." Index said. "Those pirates seriously owe me for not leaving them trapped!"

"As tragic as that is, let's not forget the elephant in the room." Goombella said. "That being the girl who supposedly knows everything in the universe."

Index giggled. "Look, I don't know everything in the universe. I keep the history of the universe inside my body and I only remember a choice few things from Scheherazade's past. Unfortunately, now that the Universe Book is scattered, that memory is starting to dwindle."

"Well, I'll help ya remember!" Hoopa said. "Scheherazade LOVED to eat! Heck, 10,000 years ago, she was so fat, she couldn't even fit in the-"

"A girl doesn't appreciate being called FAT! HOMP!"

"OW! HEY, don't eat me!!" Hoopa cried when Index bit him. The others shared a laugh.

"Index, what about the Ring of Wishes?" Morgiana asked. "Can you tell us more about that?"

Index stopped. "Oh, right… let me explain why the ring is so dangerous."

Zoldyck Grounds

"Father! There's something wrong with Alluka." Killua said, holding his sister's hand as he ran into a throne-like room.

"What is it, Killua?" his father, Silva asked. He was a very muscular man with long blonde hair and a purple robe. Killua began to recap what happened.

"You see, when the ring finds a Bearer, it will be absorbed into their body, and that person will be able to grant wishes. But a price must be paid each time. That price depends on the intensity of the wish." Index gave her explanation.

Silva called one of the maids and ordered, "Tell Alluka to clap her hands."

"Okay…" The maid worriedly approached the girl, frightened by her visage. "Clap your hands, Miss Alluka."

"'kay." She clapped her hands.

Sector SA

"The Ring Bearer will make four requests to the one who made the wish, and that person will have to follow three of them. Let's say that I have the ring, and Nagisa wishes me to give him a back massage. After I grant his wish, he has to do three things that I ask him to do. He might have to give me a massage, comb my hair, or clip my nails." Nagisa flushed at the idea.

"But what if Nagisa wished he were as powerful as a Firstborn? What would he be able to give me in exchange? My four requests are too steep for him to pay. And guess what happens when a person can't pay the price."

Zoldyck Grounds

"Miss Tiana, wave your hands." Alluka requested the maid.

"Tiana, do not do what she says." Silva ordered. "Perhaps that will keep her from transforming."

"Okay, Master Silva. Sorry, Miss Alluka, but I can't do that."

"Oh." The child was saddened. "Then will you jump?"

"No, Miss."

"Will you blow a raspberry?"

"That would be quite undignified."

"Oh… then . . . will you cheer?"

The maid shook her head.

". . . That's too bad . . ." And at that moment, the maid felt a terrible compression: her head flattened like an empty sack, and her flesh turned red for a brief moment before her body collapsed in on itself.

Sector SA

Index formed a Light Sphere in her hand. "At that instant, Nagisa will perish." She crushed the light as it splattered into particles. Nagisa gulped at the mere idea.

"And then Morgiana will die. And Goombella, and myself, and his mother. Every person Nagisa has spent the most time with will die. The steeper his own wish, the more people will be sacrificed. Granted, if it was only a small wish, only two people will die."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Nagisa shouted. "It's THAT dangerous?!"

"Yes. In fact, it may be a result of Hoopa's darkness as well." The Firstborn looked away in shame. "That's why we must find the Ring Bearer soon, before anyone discovers its power."

"And that's why we stopped to get food first." Maria remarked.

"Hey, I wasn't gonna risk WISHING for food! Anyway, another thing to note about the ring: it actually feeds on the Bearer's own chi when granting the wishes. Depending on the scope of the wish, the Bearer could become heavily exhausted, and they may not ask for any favors until they recover their energy. Also, if the Bearer dies, the ring will rematerialize."

"And the ring can't just be picked up by anybody?" Morg asked.

"No, it can't. Actually, this ring focuses on the emotions of greed and desire. Ironically, the person it chooses would have to be someone with minimal personal desires. We can only hope that this person is fairly weak in strength."

Zoldyck Grounds

"Father, you can't be serious!" Killua shouted. "We should be trying to get Alluka fixed!"

"Killua, your sister has never had the heart of an assassin or a fighter. She hasn't the talent that you have. But if we can teach her to control this power, she will be the perfect assassin!"

"Pardon me, Master Silva." They were approached by the butler. "We received a call… apparently, Tiana's husband has spontaneously died. …Where is she…"

"How strange…" Silva looked to his daughter. "This power could be more dangerous than I realized. We should be mindful who we use as… guinea pigs."

Before long, Sector SA entered the atmosphere of Planet Hyrule, which had been broken like the Earth. "Well, I wanted to go meet Killua first, but maybe the ring should be top priority." Nagisa figured.

"If we're going to bring the Ring Bearer with us, there's no point in bringing an extra." Morgiana said.

"I can feel the ring on that mountain over there." Hoopa pointed to a forest mountain with a thick fog over the peak.

"WHOA!" Index stomped the brakes before they could crash into a blue barrier that stretched over the entire mountain. "It's some kind of shield. Nagisa, try to shoot through it."

Nagisa shot the lasers from his station, but made no dents in the shield. "It's too strong."

Their screen came on suddenly, displaying a dark-skinned girl's face through static. "Attention, unidentified aircraft, this area is off-limits. Please land somewhere else, or we will be forced to send the drones."

"We're looking for something important." Index told her. "Tell me, have you seen a White Ring fall from the sky?"

"That information is classified. If you have business in here, please use the front entrance."

"Fine, whatever you say, lady." Nagisa replied. "Let's find the entrance, Index."

"You know, can't Hoopa just warp us inside with his portals?" Maria asked.

"Nope! I lost my powers when the book scattered."

"How inconvenient!"

They landed the ship close to a gigantic steel door, which consisted of seven numbered layers. Beside the door was a small stand where an old bald man in a gray security guard uniform was stationed. "Hello, children. Can I help you?"

"Hi, Sir." Index greeted with a smile. "We're looking for something important on this mountain. Could you let us in, please?"

"No can do, Missy. This gate wasn't meant to be entered by tourists. This is the estate of the Zoldyck Family."

"The… Zoldyck Family?" Nagisa beamed in realization, "KILLUA!"

"Oh? So, you're acquainted with the young master?"

"Yes, I am! We met back in November! See, I have a picture!" Nagisa presented an image from his phone, which showed him and Killua sticking their tongues out.

"Well, I'll be… you can make some good money off that. Still, I can't just let you in. However, if you can prove yourselves by opening the Testing Gates, then you're free to go in."

"I'm guessing that would be those?" Nagisa asked, gazing up at the colossal steel gate. "How heavy are they?"

"The first door is 4 tons, the 2nd is 8 tons, then it's 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256. Most of the time, I use the employees' entrance."

"So, why can't we use the employee entrance?" Goombella asked.

"Well, because you'll be killed by the guard dog. He won't attack me, of course, but I'd hate to see you young ladies becoming bones. But if you entered the Testing Gates, he'll think you're guests and won't attack. Of course, I can open up the door no proble—AAAH!" Maria threw her hat on his head and possessed the guard.

"Well, I COULD open up the door, but what's one little guard dog?" Maria said with a peppy elderly voice. She casually walked up and opened the employee door with the keys. "Doot doo-doot doo dooooo…?" The girl walked into darkness, and before her very eyes was an enormous foxlike hound with tyrian-purple, shaggy fur, long ears, and a lusting pink tongue. ". . . . ." Maria turned around, exited, and locked the door. "I think we should go in the front door."

Using her newfound incredible strength, Maria planted the man's hands against the Testing Gate. The first door opened, then the second, and the kids gaped when all seven gates opened. "Hurry! It's too heavy!" The four squeezed through the gates, and Maria quickly ditched her vessel and jumped in, letting the gates SLAM and push the guard back. "Whoo! That was WAY cooler than what the archaeologist guy did!"

"I had no idea that Killua was rich." Nagisa said. "I wonder if he's the one who found the ring?"

"I sincerely pray that he didn't." Index replied. "But we'll find out in a moment, won't we?" (Play "Lost Woods" from Zelda: Breath of the Wild.)

Stage 1: Zoldyck Grounds

Mission: Find the White Ring of Wishes!

The five operatives raced up a clear path up the forest hill, and two spherical robots made of alien technology came rolling out. The robots faced sideways and opened up, extracting blue barriers. Goombella Tattled these as Sheikah Megatanks. Nagisa swung a Tempest Kick at the left robot's core, since it was nearest to them, and once its barrier dropped, Morgiana stomped the core of the right robot. At the top of the path, another barrier blocked their way, and there were two unlit torches in front of it. "Ah, the classic Zelda puzzle." Nagisa said, picking up a handheld torch. There were blue torches back down the path, so Nagisa lit his up and brought the fire to the empty ones.

The barrier disabled, and the kids bypassed some trees before arriving at an open field with several turrets made of Sheikah Tech. The turrets rose up and locked onto the operatives, charging deadly lasers. The five scattered and dodged rapidly, and Nagisa and Morg could barely make dents in their armor. Maria then noticed one of the Guardian Turrets didn't have a crown, so she threw her hat onto its round head and possessed the machine.

"PSSHOO! PSSHOO! PSSHOO!" The Hat Kid happily fired lasers at all the other turrets and destroyed them each in two hits. Maria ditched her victim afterwards as they journeyed further in the forest. They arrived at a short stone fence with an open entrance.

"Freeze!" A Black girl in a black butler's suit, several braids, and a staff with a green orb poofed from a puff of smoke. "You are trespassing on private property. I must ask you to turn back at once."

"It's the girl from the TV!" Maria recognized.

"Private property? This place is a freakin' tourist attraction!" Goombella stated.

"Look, we've come here to get something important." Index tried to reason. "It's called a White Ring. Have you seen anyt-"

"No, now turn back."

Morgiana kicked her in the stomach, but the guard poofed. A whole line of the girl hopped up on the fence. "Turn back or face our wrath."

"She's using a Shadow Clone Jutsu." Nagisa knew.

"Then we just have to find the real one." Index said as she folded hands in prayer. She brimmed with holy light, and all the clones except one became see-through. Nagisa smirked and Shaved up to her, and when the girl tried to whack him with her cane, Nagisa Shaved behind and "cut" her throat with the Antikill knife.

"Nice move, Index." Nagisa praised. They bypassed the forest and approached a cliff with four levels. Snipers came out of bushes on those levels and fired down at them, the kids retreating to the trees. "Morgiana, can you throw me to the top cliff? Maybe I can distract them and use my Iron Body."

"Okay." Morgiana grabbed her hardened friend, spun around, and threw him to the top cliff with terrific force. The snipers bombarded him with bullets, but they couldn't pierce his skin. Index threw Goombella up to Headbonk the snipers, and Morgiana used a Rocket Jump to reach and take out the rest of them.

The five heroes entered a thick, foggy area of the forest. "The kid has snipers, a giant steel door, demon dog, and his own FOG?!" Goombella said exasperatingly. "How the frick is he so rich?!"

"Killua told me he was half-Sheikah, so this must be a natural environment to him." Nagisa figured. "Let's all stick together, so we don't get lost."

As they progressed forward, a pair of pink eyes watched them from the trees. Maria, who was in the back of the group, saw a shadowed bunny to her left. "Ooooo!" She curiously followed the rabbit as it pranced through the fog. The bunny made several turns, but Maria kept on its tail and said, "Gotcha! Huh?" It was then she realized the bunny was made out of paper. "WHOA!" She was yanked up inside a net.

"Maria?" Goombella looked behind her. "Hey, guys, Maria's gone!"

"What?" The others turned. "Darn it! MARIA, where are you?!" Nagisa called.

"HEEEEELP! The bunny tricked me!"

"Come on!" The four hurried back, searching for where their friend could be. Morgiana saw Maria's silhouette to the left. "Over there!" They followed the Fanalis toward the shadow, but Maria's body suddenly divided into confetti. The confetti whirled around them like mini propellers, leaving cuts. "Ouch! What is this paper made out of?!" Goombella winced from the pain.

"I wanna use my Tempest Kick, but this stuff is too small!" Nagisa said.

"Then use Iron Body again!" Morgiana ordered. "I'll take it from there!" After Nagisa hardened, the Fanalis lifted him and spun like a tornado, creating a strong draft that blew the confetti away.

Index and Goombella stayed low, the wind causing the fog to drift apart. The Goomba glanced up and saw a shadow in the tree. "Index, there's a person up there." she whispered.

Index charged a Light Sphere and punched it up, the shadow leaping to a different tree. Morg and Nagisa saw this, and the Fanalis hurled the iron-hard boy up and headbutted the figure. The girls ran to where they landed and found Nagisa on top of the person, shortly before they kicked him off. Morg helped him to his feet as the person stood: she was a slender 10-year-old girl in a sleek black kimono adorned with red flowers along a galaxy design at the bottom, with Japanese sandals, shoulder-length black hair, and pink eyes.

"Are you the one who captured our friend?!" Morg asked.

"If you leave now, I might return her to you alive."

"Look, little lady, I know you're trying to act tough, but I wouldn't underestimate us." Nagisa said.

"I'm a boy."

Nagisa felt a metaphorical arrow stab his chest. "I don't know what gender is, anymore . . ." he said, sitting and hugging his knees.

"His name is Kalluto Zoldyck, youngest child of the Zoldyck Family." Goombella analyzed. "His Power Level is 4,011 and he's a paperbender. He also seems to have slight skill in Rokushiki."

"Oh, it's more than slight. My master has been teaching me the advanced techniques." With that, Kalluto began softly walking around their left. He divided into multiple copies that circled around the four, each one appearing blurry and completely silent.

"Another Shadow Clone?" Morg asked.

"No… it's different." Nagisa said. "They're… after-images." Kalluto divided into more copies, all of which were attached to each other. Nagisa swung softer Tempest Kicks, but the after-images were unphased. Index Flashed, and all the clones shut their eyes, but none of them were fading. Finally, Kalluto faced them, and he flapped his large sleeves forward as a tornado of confetti came out. He trapped Sector SA in the eye of the storm, spinning the paper faster and bringing it in closer.

"Wait… paper!" Having realized this, Nagisa used Paper Art, blowing up and around the cyclone as light as the things he was imitating. Once he was out of the top, he drifted above Kalluto and used Iron Body, coming down on the young assassin with a CRUSH. The confetti fell to the ground, and by the time Kalluto shoved Nagisa off, Morgiana flipped above and STOMPED the boy's stomach.

"HUACK!" Kalluto hacked out spit.

"Yuck." Morg said disgustedly.

"HEY, GUYS!" Maria came running over.

"Maria!" Goombella beamed. "What happened?"

"I got trapped in a net, but Hoopa cut us free with his weird elbow! Then I saw a light in the fog and thought it might be Index."

"Sweet! So, how about you take us to Killua?" Nagisa said to Kalluto, who was still being pinned by Morg. "Unless you want your guts to pop out."

"So, I'm not good enough for you, huh?! You'd rather meet my talented older brother!"

"I already broke one of his nuts, but I can break yours too, if you want." Morg threatened.

"Fine. Just follow the confetti."

They looked as some of the confetti bits were blowing in the breeze. Morgiana gave him a lighter kick to the privates, but hard enough to hurt. "Consider that a warning." Leaving Kalluto to writhe in pain, the five followed the paper bits through the woods. Most of the trees in this path had laser turrets, and Index could spot the tiny strings between some trees. If they were stepped on, the lasers would shoot and kill the trespassers.

The confetti blew across a tar swamp, taking multiple turns around other trees. "I'll use my Moon Walk and carry you one at a time." Nagisa said.

"No, I see strings up there, too." Index noticed. "Let me try to find a way." She channeled light to her shoes and ran along the surface of the tar. Still keeping with the confetti, Index followed it to the next shore and flipped a lever. Wooden boxes rose to the surface, forming a path for her friends to get across. The path led up a hill, and soon they were out of the fog and facing up at a mansion.

"Boy, walking to school and back must be a REAL pain for this kid!" Goombella said.

"No wonder Killua had muscles." Nagisa remarked, going up first. (End song.)

Killua Zoldyck was sitting on the doorstep to the manor, casually playing with a silver yo-yo. He heard a series of footsteps ahead and looked up as five kids came up the hill. Sector SA stopped, surprised at seeing the silver-haired boy. Killua's eyes grew wide as well. "N-Nagisa… is that really you?"

"Yeah! Killua, it is me!"

The 14-year-olds ran up and embraced each other in a hug. "Aww, how bromantic." Goombella smiled mockingly.

Morg gasped: Killua had drawn a knife and was smirking. "NAGISA!"

The knife bent against his Iron Body back, and Nagisa Shaved behind and held his rubber knife to Killua's neck. "I've got my back watched. Do you? OOOG!" Killua elbowed him in the hip.

"You're way too skinny, man." The Zoldyck laughed. "But man, it's great to see you again. What brings you here? I don't remember telling you where I lived."

"So, it seems we have guests." They looked to the entrance as the butler stepped outside. "Considering you aren't corpses, you must be very strong kids. My master would like to see you. Please, come in."

Killua glared in his direction. He spared a glance to Nagisa before walking inside, the operatives joining him.

They were led into a dark room where Killua's father was meditating on a large pillow. He opened his eyes, seeing his son walk in with five strangers. "So, you're the ones who opened the Testing Gates. An impressive feat, considering your chi feels relatively small."

"Actually, I'M the one who opened the gate!" Maria grinned, flexing her tiny muscles.

"Dad, this is Nagisa. The boy I told you about."

"GEEZ, his Power Level is HUGE!" Goombella hissed.

"Nagisa? So, it's true! You really DO look like a girl!" Silva propped a large hand on Nagisa's pigtailed hair, the latter flushing. "Just like Kalluto!"

"Hehehehe… It's nice to meet you, Sir."

"So, Killua tells me you're an assassin as well?"

"Y-Yes, I am! A Pacifist Assassin, of course."


"You know. I 'kill' without killing. I have this rubber knife that can knock people out without hurting them."

"I see… I was about to say you would be great to have in our household, but we don't do pacifism."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, here's the thing." Killua said. "When I told you I was into assassins, Nagisa…" he scratched his head awkwardly, "well, I sort of left out the fact my family are all pro assassins."

"HA ha ha!" laughed Silva. "Everyone on Hyrule knows about the Zoldyck Family! Only kids would be so uninformed. Anyway, why don't you all play outside? We're actually quite busy with a project and we'd prefer if you weren't-"

"AAAAAHHH!" A woman's scream rang from the next room, followed by a squashing sound.

"The ring-!" Hoopa pointed, but Maria shoved him back in her hat and hissed, "Shhhhh!"

"Fatheeeerrr!" A fat boy of 19, with black hair and a pink shirt, came running and stumbling out of the room.

"Milluki, what happened?!"

"I-I-I told the maid to ask Alluka for a new computer, and-and I got the new Sheik Apple+! But then Alluka told her to cut herself, an-and then…"

"Killua!" Alluka ran out in her creepy mask form and hugged her brother. "Hi, Killua."

Index gasped. "It's her! That girl has the ring!" The group's hearts jumped.

"Dammit, Milluki, I told you to keep her restrained!" Silva stomped up and grabbed his daughter's arm. "Killua, please take your friends-"

"WAIT!" yelped Index. "Sir, please, we have to take this girl with us!"


"Tell me, did this happen because she picked up a White Ring?"

"How do you know about that?" Killua asked.

"The White Ring is what we came here to find. It's dangerous. But if you let her come with us, we can fix her, then we'll bring her back safe and sound."

"Tell me what you know about this!" demanded Silva.

"YOUR DAUGHTER'S A GENIE!" Maria cheered.

"MARIA!" the others screamed.

"Ugh! Yes, your daughter can grant wishes." Index admitted. "But if you make too big a wish, you'll end up killed, and your family could die, too."

"Father, I think we should listen to them." Killua said.

"Hold on, Killua… our new guests may have something to offer, yet. If they know of Alluka's new power… they will know how to control it."

"Mr. Zoldyck, this isn't a game! You'll put peoples' lives in danger!" Index said angrily.

"Your planet may have pacifist assassins, but our family is trained to kill. We don't kill for the sake of pleasure, mind you, but this child will be the key to supreme victory!"

"So, you're just going to treat your daughter like a weapon?! I can't believe you! You're just like those heartless jerks who mistreat the Firstborn!"

"Hey!" yelled Milluki, drawing a gun. "Don't talk to my father that w—OOOOHH!" Morgiana kicked him in the crotch.

"You know, Father is right." Killua said. "Alluka's power needs to be put to better use. So, Alluka, you and I will go with Nagisa's team, because if we can't, I want Mother to die."

Everyone's mouths POPPED open, and their color vanished. "'kay." A 10-minute timer appeared in Alluka's eyes – minutes in the right eye and seconds in the left eye.

"So, what's it gonna be, Father? Can we leave, or can't we?" Killua gave a devilish smirk.

Silva's temples inflated and his eyes twitched. "If your mother were here… she would be proud."

Outside the Testing Gate

"Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man!" Killua and Alluka were happily playing after they left the grounds. The five operatives smiled at them in both happiness and awkwardness.

"Well, that ended up being simpler than it would've been." Nagisa said.

"I'm surprised that actually worked." Index replied. "I didn't know a person could give their self options in terms of what wish they get. And now, thanks to Killua, we have the first World Ring."

"Yeah, but do we really have to take him with us?" Morgiana asked.

"Come on, Morg, so we played a few harmless pranks on a special KND holiday." Nagisa replied. "That's no reason to hate someone."

"Nagisa just wants another boy in the group." Goombella said to Maria, who giggled. "Killua's the only boy friend he has."

"Um… about that…" Killua stopped playing and faced them, his sister frowning in curiosity. "Exactly… what limits does Alluka have in her wishes?"

"Why are you asking that?" Index asked worriedly.

"Look, it's a long story, but… back in October, my best friend got horribly injured on a mission. His name is Gon. He's been in a coma ever since, and the doctors haven't made any progress in saving him. We had waterbenders, witch-doctors, but none of them could do anything!"

"The White Ring can't bring the dead back to life, but it can cure sickness or injury." Index confirmed. "But depending on how bad your friend's injury is, you may have to wound yourself in return. And if you can't do that, BOTH of you may end up dead!"

"But what if I can pay the price?"

"Then…Then I guess it's all okay… Wait, no! Killua, it's too big a risk to take!"

"But it's a risk I'm willing to take! If Alluka has the power to save Gon, then I have to! The hospital he's in is in the town just across the field. After we save him, I'll do whatever Alluka asks me, even if it means killing myself. Please…"

"No, we won't risk your lives just for-"

"Okay." Nagisa nodded, his team giving the same looks of shock. "We'll take you to your friend."

"Nagisa!" Morg shouted.

"You would do the same for me, wouldn't you?"

"…" Morgiana couldn't rebuttal, for he was right.

"It's just a small detour, after all. We can fly there in seconds."

"Brother, carry me across the field!" Alluka cheered.

"And flying just became out of the question." Index said. "We have to satisfy Alluka's requests, lest the worst should happen."

"You know, why doesn't Hoopa make the wish?" Goombella asked. "It's not like HE could die."

"Hoopa can't make wishes to his own ring, silly!"

"I don't mind a nice walk!" Killua said, exchanging a smile with his sister. "Most of the time, we're trapped under a force-field. We don't get fresh air or even much sunlight. Oh, yeah! Nagisa, I was going to give you these at some point." Killua took out an Infi-Cube and took out two shoes. They were dark-blue and light-blue, with a swervy line dividing the colors, and the soles were glimmering cyan.

"Aw, you got me new shoes? Thanks, Killua!" Nagisa sat down and switched his brown shoes with this new pair. "Wow, they feel great! How did you even know my size?"

"I looked at your feet while we were at Sector J and made a rough estimate. They're really popular amongst the Sheikah; they help you run a bit faster and the soles are designed to absorb sound." Nagisa stomped the ground to confirm this, then he jogged in place.

"I love them, Kill!"

"I thought you would! Your operatives have really bland taste in footwear." Maria, Goombella, and Index puffed their cheeks in anger; they were all wearing brown shoes. "That goes for you too, No Shoes."

Morgiana folded her arms and looked away. "Well, how about I just stay and guard the ship? Is that fine with you, Nagisa? …Nagisa?"

"You'll never catch me, Killua!" Nagisa was already 50 feet away.

"Wheeeeeee!" cheered Alluka, riding her brother's back.

"Wow, you couldn't even hear the grass crunch beneath those shoes." Goombella said. "You think they have them Goomba-size?" She, Index, and Maria began to follow them.

"Hmmmmmph!" The ground shook as Morgiana stomped after them.

Zoldyck Estate

"Dammit, Killua…" Silva squeezed the air in his palm. "He can do anything with power like that."

"Power like what?" Silva flinched, whipping to the left and seeing a shadowed figure in the doorway. He had red highlights on his suit and white eyes.

"Oh! M-Master Wilson. I… When did you get here?"

"I was just walking by and I saw a KND ship. You know, you REALLY oughta put that dog on a leash! I had to go in the tiny door and he ripped my ***kin' arm off! How is those KND supposed to take me seriously with this little stub?!" He wiggled his left stub, which seemed to be slowly growing. "And then I got lost in the damn forest because SOMEONE didn't put up some f***king sign posts! And will you stop ***king censoring my damn swears, you ***king inconsistent censor machine?! You gave me a damn credits cameo in The Horrorverse, you at least need to let me swear freely!"

"Father…" Kalluto came in, slouching. "I need some ice for my…" He looked up and gasped. "Master Wilson!"

"Yo, Kalluto! Why you look like you just got Road Housed?"

"Those intruders did this… and I saw them leaving with Killua and Alluka."

"Wait… Master Wilson, perhaps you could help us. Could you go and bring back my daughter, Alluka? And while you're at it, retrieve the girl in the white and gold habit."

"Man, do I have to? Alright, whatever. Come on, baby!" Wilson went in that room, and a horse's neighing was heard as he went galloping past the doorway.

"Kalluto, perhaps you should go with him. It will help you learn to watch your master in action."

"Sure. As soon as I freeze my nuts."