Zootopia Hospital
"Yaaaawn… huh?" Vision returned to Eri's eyes as Cheadle Yorkshire's form became clear.
"Good evening! Your name is 'Eri-chan,' right? Your friends asked me to watch over you. They went out to get food."
Eri bowed her head, on the verge of tears. "I couldn't use my Quirk… I guess Deku-san doesn't need me, anymore."
"Hm-hm, they only thought you looked tired and wanted you to rest. They should be back soon. Speaking of which…" Cheadle turned to Maria's room. "Those two have been talking for a while. Though, seeing as they haven't seen each other for a long time," she approached the room, "I suppose that's to be expected…" and she entered. "!!" The bed was empty, and not a soul remained. Her pupils having shrunk with worry, Cheadle spotted Maria's hat and grabbed it, sticking her face in in the hopes they were there. "Th…They're gone!!"
When Killua returned to Mobius, the operatives waited on the hospital's landing pad, wherein Lotte cast a magic beacon into the sky to signal him to land there. "That boy better not have gotten any dents on my ship." Riddler said in aggravation.
"Be quiet." Morgiana ordered.
After Killua landed and stepped off the ship, the operatives briefed the situation. "Louise kidnapped Maria?!"
"Not just that." Nagisa said. "It looks like she made off with Alluka, too. She wasn't in Maria's hat."
"Dammit! I can't believe you guys didn't watch them! She's in Wish Mode, if Louise knows what her power is…!"
"But how do we find them?!" Deku shouted. "How do we know where they've gone?!"
"There's only one place I can think of." Cheadle said. "Back home, to the Mushroom Kingdom."
"But… why?"
"I don't know," Goombella replied, "but before we left, I noticed that Louise's Power Level had gone over 10,000."
"The Ring of Rage can increase someone's power the longer they go without exerting their rage." Index explained. "It could be that seeing Maria injured… triggered incredible anger inside her heart."
"At Superbia, Louise said she wouldn't go home until she could kill Lord Bowser. You don't think she's going to try to right now?"
"Or she's thinking of using Alluka to do the job for her." Nagisa theorized. "In any case, we have to head to Mushroom and stop her. If Louise's wish backfires, Maria's gonna die, too!"
Four years ago; Bowser's Castle
Shortly after the Mafia had taken her, Louise was knocked unconscious and stuffed in a sack. By the time she came to, she was tied to a chair, fearing for her life as she was surrounded by Koopa Troops in a dark room. The doors opened, and in stomped a more massive Koopa with horns and a spiked shell. "Gwah ha ha ha! Man, Dad is gonna be happy to see you! Now we just gotta get ahold of your sister."
"'Dad'? You mean you're not Bowser?"
"Well, I'm Bowser Jr., it's close enough. Trust me, my dad is A LOT bigger than I am!"
"Let me go! I want my mom and dad!" Louise shook in her seat.
"Too bad, sister! Your parents can storm the castle all they want, they'll never find you! The fact is, we locked you up in a fortress on another planet. But don't worry, your big brother is here to take care of you!" he said spritely.
"The fuck are you on about?! My mom would NEVER hook up with your disgusting dad!"
"My dad never told me who my biological mother was! He's been obsessed with marrying Peach his whole life, so as far as he's considered, Peach is my mama, and that makes us half-siblings."
"I'd sooner rip off your horn and stab it in your neck than call you my brother!"
"Go ahead and try!" Junior got in her face. "But since I'm your brother, I ain't afraid of pushing ba—GWAR!" Louise bit him in the nose, and he shook desperately before she flew off. "Grrrrr!" The Koopa Prince stomped up and PUNCHED her in the face. "I warned you! Now, lock this brat away, already!" he ordered before marching away, leaving Louise with a squished and bloody nose.
The princess was locked in a cell, hiding above the door as a Koopa walked in with a tray. "Princess Louise, I brought din-" Louise dropped down on his head, the Koopa cowering in his shell as she made a run for it, but the Koopatrols were able to grab her.
Every time Louise tried to escape, she got a little further. She would keep one of her dinner knives and stab it into the eyes of the Koopatrols, and as she moved more quickly and agile, she swiftly evaded their grasp and jumped on them with stronger legs. However, the Koopas would fight back harder, tying Louise to the back of the cell while the Chargin' Chucks would throw baseballs, footballs, and any other sports balls at their disposal.
Where are Mom and Dad? Where's Uncle Luigi? Where…Where's Maria…
After about three years of captivity, it was clear to Louise that no one was coming to save her. Her mom never had to wait this long for Dad. "Mom… Dad…" Louise moaned after receiving another face-full of bruises. "What do they… look like again?…" Indeed, Louise couldn't remember ever being in her castle, having a royal playroom with a royal castle and hundreds of royal toys. From an age when her memory was just starting to develop, she only remembers living with Uncle Luigi on Earth, and living in captivity in this fortress.
Then one day, not too long ago, Louise was limp, helpless in King Bowser's scaly hand. The Koopa King used his other hand to gently pet her like a tiny hamster. "Awww… poor little Louise. Oh, wait, you aren't supposed to say your name, are ya? That's why it's been so hard to track your sister down. But it seems the Kids Next Door finally blew her cover, gwah ha! Just look!"
He showed her a TV, which replayed the clip of Cheren Uno and a Hat Kid engaged in combat. Louise recognized that big top-hat anywhere. "My acquaintances down at the Brotherhood are already planning to kidnap her. And we think she'll comply if you are there to greet her. So, how 'bout it, Mustache Girl? Do you wanna see your baby sister again?"
Louise hated so many things right now. She hated whatever that creature was under Maria's hat… she hated her so-called parents for dropping her into this miserable life… but more importantly, she hated this giant scum for making the misery possible. One day, Bowser… one day, I'm going to kill you. I'll make you regret every day that you were alive… and I'll make everyone watch. The villains of this universe… will fear me! But first, I have to get away from you. "Yes, Lord Bowser… I want to see her again."
Mushroom Kingdom Outlands
"Mmmmnnn…uuu…?" When Maria regained consciousness, she found herself lying on the floor of a round room, looking up at her sister. "Louise? W-Where are w—ow!" Her leg hurt when she tried to stand.
"Yeah, probably shouldn't get up. Your leg could snap right off."
"Why did you take me from my room?!"
"I wasn't going to wait that long! You're lucky I took your clothes and dressed you up! You know how awkward it is to put on my own sister's underwear? I was going to get the hat, but I wanted to hurry before they came back."
"Louise, I'm glad you're excited to go home, but my leg really hurts, I need more time to rest."
"It won't matter anyway, Maria. After all, we're not going to see Mom and Dad."
"Captain Louise! We've arrived at Bowser's Castle!" a Bonneter reported.
"Perfect! Let's introduce ourselves!"
"B-Bowser's Castle?!" exclaimed Maria.
The Mushroom Outlands were miles of dead plains and mountains, rivers of lava flowing between. In the center of it all, atop the tallest mountains, lay a mighty stone fortress. "Huh?" One of the Koopa Strikers atop a tower spotted the Hat Fleet via binoculars. "What are all those ships? They look like Bonneters… wait, maybe Bowser ordered those new hats for us after all!"
"Bicameron, turn on the mega image projector thingy!" Louise ordered.
"Aye, Captain!" replied a bicorn Bonneter.
The Koopas gaped when Louise's massive image appeared, the mustached girl holding Maria up by the arms. "HEY, KING FUCKHEAD! Or is your name BOWSER now? Remember me?! The name's Louise Mario, the former princess that you goons kidnapped! Guess who I've got with me? That's right! It's my sister, Maria! And if you want us, you can come out here and get us yourself! That's right! Stop hiding in your shitty castle and COME GET US!"
"That mustache!" said one of the Koopas. "Is it really Princess Louise?"
"Why would they just show up here all of a sudden?!" asked a Koopatrol. "It has to be a trap! Send the airships up there to-!"
BOOM! The mountains shook. Louise noticed the act, frowning in curiosity. BOOM! They shook again. This could only mean one thing. (Play "Difficult" (first part) from One Piece!) ("Ooo, haven't heard that track in a while." said Deadpool.)
The gates to the castle had opened, and the quakes picked up the pace. Beyond the colossal gates were darkness, and within that darkness, his imposing presence began to take shape. His scarlet eyes faced the world with a sharp glare, and the sun began to glint off his horns, which had grown longer like a bull. His patch of red hair brimmed with flames, and his scar-ridden scales glimmered like gold. The shell was fit with steel spikes, and it looked so fortified that even diamond wouldn't pierce it.
King of the Koopa Clan and Leader of Team Gnaa
A Candidate for "Strongest Creature" and "Supreme King"
"Graaaawwwrrrr…" Bowser released a tired yawn that echoed across the valley, rubbing his right eye with a fist that could split mountains. "I thought I just heard the most ANNOYING voice… but it was only you! You brought Maria to me after all, Louise! Now we can be ONE, BIG happy family!"
Already, the memories came flooding back, Louise's rage rising like lava in a volcano. "Captain Louise, we see the News Cloud in the distance!" Bicameron reported. "They'll start recording any moment. We also contacted Intergalactic News."
"GOOD!" Louise grabbed a P-wing from her pocket. "Make sure the entire universe sees it!" She swallowed the wing whole.
"LOUISE, WAIT!" Maria cried, but it was in vain as her sister took flight off the ship, aiming to blow through Bowser like a human bullet. The Koopa King raised his right fist and hurled it at Louise, outsizing and outmatching her puny body as she was blasted into a mountain.
"Hrrrrm…" Bowser shook his fist. "That actually hurt a little bit. This little brat must take vitamins."
Louise recovered, already ragged and bloody, but the rage in her eyes didn't die as she took flight at the demon again. This time, Louise dodged his fist and went for his eyes, but a swift headbutt blew her away again. As Louise kept trying, in vain, to bring down the king, a large cloud with a face, piloted by several Lakitus, stopped to view the sight. "Who the heck is that girl?!" asked one of the Lakitus. "And why is she fighting Lord Bowser?!"
At the same time, a spaceship designed like a news van with giant cameras was entering the atmosphere. "What's going on here that's so important?! I came here expecting Big News, so if this is a prank, I'm suing whoever's responsible!" yelled a large yellow bird with a round head, wearing a brown coat and fedora.
President of Intergalactic News
"Big Bird, somebody fighting King Bowser! Hahaha!" laughed Elmo, a little red furry creature.
"That's not news! It better be someone important or we're-"
"LOUISE, STOP!" Maria cried through the speakers, her despairing face displayed for all to see. "This isn't what I wanted! I wanted to go see Mom and Dad! Please, you can't beat him!"
"SHUT IT, Maria!" Louise yelled through a megaphone, her face an utter mess. "All I care about is ripping out this bastard's intestines! I hope Queen Peach is watching me, because I want her to know that SHE DID THIS TO ME!!"
"Maria? Louise?!" asked the News Lakitu. "Th-The long-lost princesses?!"
"IT'S HER!" screamed Big Bird. "The girl that was in Field Day! THAT was Mushroom's missing princess?! And her SISTER to boot?! They've both returned home to crush King Bowser! This is BIG NEWS!!"
And just like that, the cameras were rolling. The Big Bus transmitted the broadcast to their station on Coruscant and ordered them to broadcast it to every available TV in the nearby galaxies. Before long, billions of people were watching the exciting confrontation. This included those at GKND H.Q., all perturbed by the one-sided brawl. "What the heck is going on down there?" Nebula asked. "Somebody contact the Earth KND, I want them to see this, too."
It was seen by the members of Sector LN. "Hey, it's that Mustache Girl." Akko recognized her. "And that girl on the screen was from Sector SA! You don't think Lotte is there too, do you?"
"I hope she brings back some rare mushrooms…" Sucy spoke with slight concern.
The news spread to Musutafu, the streets flooded with people as they gazed at the giant screens. "Isn't this a bit much to advertise a new Mario game?" a woman asked.
"It's that Mustache Girl." Tenya Iida observed with sharp eyes. "What diabolical scheme are they concocting?"
"AHAAAA!" cheered Big Bird. "So many people are tuning in! ! With such Big Views, I'll get into the Corporate Presidents in no time! Bird bird bird bird bird!" he began laughing.
King Bowser had seized Louise in his claw, squeezing her like a sponge as the girl struggled to shake free. "For some reason, I get this annoying muscle pain when I touch you. Maybe it's because you're Mario's daughter… just thinking about that guy REALLY makes my eyes itch."
"LORD BOWSER, WATCH OUT!" one of his Koopas shouted. The Koopa King glanced his direction for a moment. "GWA?!" It was then he spotted the twin purple lasers zooming down from the sky. "GROOOAAR!" They struck him dead in the head, Bowser dropping his captive. Louise landed by his foot and looked up, seeing the Enigma Explorer.
The mouth of the Riddler figurehead had opened, its turrets smoking. The Seven Ring Hunters watched eagerly as the smoke cleared, revealing only a light burn on Bowser's face. "That didn't graze him at all!" Deku yelled in fright.
"What the hell is THAT ugly thing?! Get out of my sky!" Bowser inhaled a deep breath, charging violet flames within his lungs.
"He's a Violet Firebender!" Riddler shouted. "DODGE IT, Index! We can't charge another laser in time!"
"Right!" Index twisted the wheel as tight and as fast as possible, evasively dodging Bowser's violet meteors.
"A Violet Firebender, isn't that like Nerehc?!" Nagisa asked, trying to keep steady with the swaying ship.
"No!" Index yelled, concentrating. "Firebending has different levels based on color, and Violet is the highest. Goombella, can you focus on him?"
"I could if we weren't moving!"
"AAAAUUUUGGGHH!" Bowser hollered to the heavens, having been stabbed in the back of the right knee by Louise's knife, enhanced due to her Rage Ring.
"GUYS!" Maria shouted, stepping out onto the outer rim of her Hat Ship, having to use the rail to stay on her feet. "Over here! On this ship!"
"Princess Maria!" yelled Chancellor Yorkshire. "Don't worry, I'll save you!" The chancellor kicked open the door and leapt off the ship, throwing open a glider and flying onto the Hat Ship.
"So cool!" Goombella beamed.
Cheadle landed on the ship and picked Maria up in her arms. "Don't worry, you'll see your parents before you know it-"
Bowser's mighty hand flew up and SMACKED the ship away like a fly, the hat exploding against a mountain. "MARIA!!" Louise cried, her aura burning even greater. "YOU BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU!" Louise flew up with greater speed and went for the head, but Bowser countered with a headbutt that sent her flying again. The act gave Bowser a light, but discernible headache.
In reality, Cheadle was able to jump off the ship and land on the ground close to Bowser, Maria in her arms. "Lord Bowser, I am Cheadle Yorkshire, Chancellor of Mobius! Do you realize that any violent attempt on me is a crime?!"
"Tell someone who gives a damn, Puppy!" Bowser tried to stomp the chancellor, but she easily leapt back.
"Just look at all these news ships." Killua mentioned. "Was Louise really that confident she could beat Bowser?"
"The answer is 'no.'" Riddler replied. "It isn't confidence which compels her, it is Rage. Louise was so enraged by Maria's injury that she abandoned any sense of rationality and decided to focus all her energy on destroying Bowser, even putting aside her original plan to harness the Universe Book. And the reason she brought Maria here was to put her life in danger, thus angering Louise further and granting her more power."
"That's why? But what about… Alluka?"
"God damn it!" Louise cursed, weakly recovering from a crater. "I'm still not strong enough." As she spoke, Alluka curiously peeped out of her Infi-Pocket. "I wish I were more powerful… so I can crush him!"
Alluka looked up at her with her hollow face. "'kay." The tiny Zoldyck mustered a great surge of power and channeled it into Louise.
"AAAAHH!" The power came so fast, as if by magic. Louise's aura was dramatically magnified, her hair and mustache brimming gold. "What's happening?! What's this… power?!"
"Te he he! Shiny!" Alluka giggled and clapped.
"You." Louise just remembered she was in there. "You really are a Wishing Doll. I'll keep you for later." She shoved her back down her pocket. With that, the former princess zipped up with greater speed, bending Bowser's head from every direction like a golden Powerpuff Girl.
"She looks even stronger, now!" Killua exclaimed. "He can't even hit her! It has to be Alluka! !"
"Just how strong is she?!" Index asked. "Goombella, have you finished studying Bowser?!"
". . . . ." The answer was meant to be 'yes,' but Goombella couldn't really get that out. It had only taken a moment to focus her Tattle on Bowser, and the pink Goomba had gone pale. "Fi…ty…Fif…ty…F-Fi…ty…Thou…Fuh…Fif…ty…"
"Goombella, what's the matter?" Nagisa asked. Her unblinking eyes made him think her scanner was broken.
"…It's… over… Fif…ty… Thou…sand…"
Once it was all made clear to the heroes, they all fully understood her fear. Jaws were practically touching the floor. And once Goombella had mustered whatever power she had to express that, the little mushroom fainted. "H-H-His Power Level was so high, it knocked her out!" Deku stuttered.
"How could any mortal get that strong?!" Nagisa asked. "Heck, why hasn't he taken over the Mushroom Kingdom already?! Wait, screw that! What I should be asking is, HOW THE HELL DID SHAUNIE FULBRIGHT BEAT HIM?!"
. . . . . . . . .
It was at that moment, a cold silence swept over the mountains. Louise stopped her assault, for even she was curious why Lord Bowser seemed to forget about her. The king's eyes boiled with an incredible fury, locked on the ugly vessel where that voice came from. "What. Did. You. SAY?!"
All of the Koopas were hugging each other in fear. "D-D-D-Did they just say Lord Bowser's t-t-t-t-trigger word?!"
"In my kingdom… there is one, absolute law you should follow: never…ever…EVER… MENTION THAT BOY IN MY PRESEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNCE!!!!"
His vocals spread miles beyond the valley, vibrating the very air as every last Koopa dropped. "KAAAAAAH!" screamed Big Bird with excitement, his crew falling. "This is Lord Bowser's Conqueror's Haki! Just listen to those BIG BOOS!"
"It's Conqueror's Haki!" Killua exclaimed, the Hunters clamping their ears shut. "It's even worse than Gon's!"
"The ship is malfunctioning!" Index cried. "I can't control it, we're gonna crash!"
"Then jump off, you idiots!" Riddler shouted.
As the engines began smoking, the operatives had no choice but to abandon ship, watching as the Enigma Explorer met its own fate at a mountain's base. Deku held Eri during the fall, injuring his knees upon landing. Luckily, the torment ended as Bowser's screams faded, but they were quite shaken by the outburst of his chi. Chancellor Yorkshire raced over with Maria. "I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier." Maria said. "But that battle became infamous as Bowser's Most Humiliating Loss. Uncle Luigi says that was why he would never return to Earth."
It was then that a shadow fell over them. The group faced up, gazing at death in the form of Bowser's behind. The king had leapt above them, intending to sentence them to the worst Ground Pound they ever will endure. "Good-bye, everyone." Lotte said.
And faster than they could comprehend, a portal stretched open, swallowing Bowser before immediately closing. Another portal opened above a distant volcano, dropping the king inside. "Hehehe… bet that was surprising." Hoopa snickered, a tad exhausted by the act.
"Hoopa, you saved us!" Index cheered.
"With six of the Rings here, a lot of my power is back… And I think I feel the last ring near the castle."
"Oh, myyyyy!" Big Bird sang. "Those kids were almost flattened! That would have left a BIG BRUISE!"
Now that the operatives were exposed on camera, the universe was seeing them, too. This included the KND on Moonbase. "Sector SA?!" Cheren exclaimed. "What are they doing there of all places?!"
Of course, the news didn't go unnoticed by the underworld tyrants. "Ma ma ma MY! Television is so much more interesting these days!" Queen Sherry proclaimed. "I can't wait until they broadcast my birthday party!"
The second Bowser reemerged from the lava, Louise shot over and SOCKED him in the jaw, pushing him back in. "Louise-chan, will you destroy a country for me?" Alluka asked.
"What?! Hell no! Get back inside!" Louise shoved the Wishmaker back in.
"There's no way we stand a chance against that leviathan!" Nagisa said. "We need to get Louise and escape!"
"But Louise is just as powerful now!" Cheadle shouted. "It'll take an army to bring any one of them down!"
Louise grabbed Bowser's neck, strangling him with all the strength in her tiny arms. Bowser gasped for breath, and he struggled to tear her away with his claw, having to use both hands for the act, and then screaming when Louise bit his finger. Louise flew away to recompose herself. "Louise-chan, will you kill a million people?" Alluka asked, Louise seeing her little face in her pocket.
"Piss off!" Louise poked her in again.
"Deku-san." Eri said. "What if I use my Quirk to shrink Louise's power?"
"Forget it, Eri-chan! There's no way we're going near those monsters! It took too much of your power to Rewind Morgiana, anyway."
"B-But…but…" Tears began to well in her eyes.
"Maybe you won't, but I need to!" Killua declared, using Moon Walks combined with Shave to fly the distance to the volcano. "I have to get Alluka back!"
Bowser lit his fist with violet flames as it made contact with Louise, but when the pirate didn't fly off right away, he added more pressure. Louise was able to muster enough strength to force the fist against Bowser's jaw. "Louise-chan, will you fly to the sun?" Alluka asked.
"Will you just shut up already?! AGH!" Louise barely dodged when Bowser spat fire, trying to chase her with the violet stream. Louise flew too far out of range, so Bowser prepared to spit more meteors.
"Louise-chan…" Alluka spoke, frowning sadly. "Will you please-"
Killua grabbed Louise from behind. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" The girl reactively kicked him, Killua flying with great force before smashing into a crater.
"Killua!" Nagisa exclaimed, flying over to his aid. His Sheikah friend was bleeding, but he smiled at seeing Alluka safe in his hands.
"Big Brother!"
"That sure was a close one, eh little sis?" Killua said, giving her a little smooch.
"I love Big Brother lips!" Her face was reddened.
The air continued ringing and vibrating as Louise zipped around Bowser like a multi-directional bullet, stabbing him from all corners with her little knife. She was actually proving to be such a nuisance that Bowser began channeling Armament Haki.
"You guys, we got trouble." Lotte said. All of the Koopa Troopas begun waking up, setting their sights on the Ring Hunters. Soldiers quickly marched out, hammers, boomerangs, and Bullet Bills ready, and airships were combatting the Hat Ships. "Without a ship, there's no way out of here! And even if we fight them, how could we possibly take Louise back?"
"I have an idea." Riddler replied, facing up at the Big Bus. "But first I need to get the attention of that news team."
"Then let's fly up there! I'll use a Megaphone Charm to amplify your voice."
While the news team was still unconscious, Big Bird kept the cameras rolling, engaged in every minute of Louise's fury. Chancellor Yorkshire helped the kids fight back Koopa Troops with Haki kicks, but she held herself back with Maria's comfort in mind. "Index, what'll happen if Louise gets too angry?" Maria asked.
"If Louise can't keep a level head, she might eventually explode. But it looks like killing Bowser is the only way to quell her anger. I can't think of anything else."
"THAT'S ENOUGH, you two incompetent DOLTS! Stop fighting right now!" Astonishingly, the combat ceased at the sound of Riddler's voice. Bowser and Louise curiously faced his direction, as did the news cameras.
"Who the fuck are YOU, telling me what to do?!" Louise demanded. (Play Ragyō's Theme from Kill la Kill!)
The genius was using a Banjo-Kazooie spirit to fly, while Lotte projected a magic megaphone in front of him. "You want to hear some REAL news?! I got news that the entire universe needs to hear!"
"More NEWS?!" Big Bird beamed. "What does this Big Lose-r have to say?!"
"People of the universe, you may know me as The Riddler, the most intellectual genius of all time! Your first instinct may be to ignore me like you always do, but if you even THINK of doing that, you will regret it! First of all, please direct your attention below me! Specifically, that little white nun and the little genie creature." The cameras did so, zooming in on Index and Hoopa.
A sweatdrop trickled down her face. "Eddie, what are you doing?" Lotte whispered.
"Shh! My fellow Galaxians, those two are the ones who tore up the planets! Their names are Scheherazade and Hoopa, and they have been working with the Kids Next Door in their quest to fix their mistake. But I, the all-knowing Riddler, have seen the truth. I know who they TRULY are!"
Index gasped. "Riddler, no! You can't!"
"Can't what?" Cheadle asked.
"Ask yourselves, galactic denizens! How can those two be so powerful so as to rupture the entire universe?! What is she hiding under that habit, under all her supposed knowledge?! The answer is simple! Whom do we know has the power to destroy countless universes? Whom has the power to rewrite history? They are names that all you cowards are afraid to speak!"
"Just spit it out!" Bowser ordered.
"PLEASE, DON'T!!" Index cried.
"STOP, RIDDLER!" Nagisa ordered. "Whatever it is, DON'T ruin Index's secret!"
Completely ignoring them, Riddler's smile brightened, whipping a finger at the two culprits. "THAT'S RIGHT, folks! The true identity of Scheherazade… is none other than CALLIOPE!"
To many of the viewers, they had no idea what that name meant… but those with experience, namely the Earth Kids Next Door, they were breathless at the name. "C-C…Calliope?!" Cheren choked.
"Th-Then… that means…" Wendy gasped, already feeling what was to come.
With an even greater voice, Edward Nigma finished his speech. "And that creature, Hoopa, whom Scheherazade—WHOM CALLIOPE—treasures above all other creatures… HIS TRUE NAME IS CALIBORN! HE IS LORD ENGLISH, REBORN!!"
And that was the final blow that struck them all. The reason that all their planets were shrunk for three years, forced to depend on the Kids Next Door. The cause of three years of fear, and that which plagued the gods' nightmares for a trillion years. The very last thing they wanted was for the nightmare to return, and yet, there it was, in the form of an impish genie. "M…Me?" Hoopa asked.
The camera zoomed in tightly on the Newborn. The Four Emperors were speechless. CP0 was speechless. Sector U.A., Sector LN, Sector XX, all Kids Next Doors, felt dead at the sound of the news. But none took it harder than the children of Planet Earth. "It…It can't be him. . ." Cheren refused to accept the reality in his mind. After he desperately longed for a more peaceful world after all their strife, his dreams came tumbling down. "H-He can't be. . . back . . ."
Even Lord Bowser stepped backward in utter fear, and Louise's hatred was going down the drain. "…What's a Lord English?" Hoopa asked. "ACK!" Immediately, a painful sensation overcame him. "No! Not you again! What are you doing here?!"
"I'M SICK OF BEING REPRESSED BY YOU! It's time to FINALLY get out! ALLÉHOOPARING!" The young god exploded, the sky becoming dark-green as a six-armed colossus sprouted from his being. "It's time for them all to SEE… why the Hoopa can do ANYTHIIIIIING!"
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" At the same time, all the Bearers of the World Rings were engulfed in light: they were all silhouettes of their respective colors – Nagisa and Morg were pink, Alluka was white, Deku purple, Lotte aqua, Riddler green, and Louise red – leaving only blank white eyes and mouths to define their facial features.
"DEKU-SAN!" Eri cried.
"KILLUA!" From their TV, Gon saw a small white light come from his friend.
"What's happening to Lotte?!" Akko screamed.
"Deku's in danger!" Ochaco cried. "We have to go there and help him!"
"This is all your fault, Ciel!" Raleigh stated, squeezing the tiny earl.
"All I did was ask a simple question!"
"STOP!" Index conjured a Light Chain, wrangling the monster by the neck in order to restrain him. "PLEASE! STOP! IT'S NOT TRUE, HOOPA!" Shining tears fell from her eyes. "It's not true! We're not them! We're not! I…I AM NOT CALLIOPE!!"
At that instant, her body flashed, replacing her peach skin with green, though her other traits remained intact. Index restrained Hoopa with even greater passion and strength, but it all seemed fruitless as the Golden Pages of the Universe Book were flying out of her habit.
"This world… ALL WORLDS…" Hoopa reached desperately for the pages. "They are mine…They are mine to do with AS I PLEASE! I… AM… THE CREATOR!"
Waves of energy began to burst from the pages, and the very atmosphere began to flutter like a page. Rips and tears occurred all around, and the very dimension began to divide like pieces of confetti. The Ring Bearers transformed into columns of light, slurping in everything that was within their radius. "NAGISA! MORGIANA! GOOMBELLA! GUYS! …HOOPAAAAAAAAAAA!"
"The universe is falling apart! THIS IS SUCH BIG NEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWS!"
Somewhere among the Sea of Worlds
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
The hand of this slumbering guardian aimlessly smashed around its nightstand before coming upon the phone. His eyes needed time to adjust to the dim light of its screen. It was annoying when his slumber was disturbed over one silly rupture in time-space. "Who the hell commits a God Level crisis this late at night?"
After forcing his weary body into the Holo-Chamber, he brought up a 3-D display of the crisis. A massive ball labeled Gameverse appeared to be cracking, releasing energy at an alarming pace, as though it were a dam that had just burst. "Sigh, oh boy…" With that, he began to dial a number. "Zedekiah here, we got a God Level crisis on our hands. …Yep, it's the Gameverse again."