The Tea Party, Part 5: Preproduction Begins

Whole Cake Chateau; Kiddie Corn Room

Corlan the Fishboy spat gushes of water with the speed of bullets, Amanda swiftly dodging as she shot back fireballs, but when Nati the Fairy sprinkled more magic dust on her, Amanda grew sleepy. This gave the giant Glomourian, Glonno the chance to kick Amanda across the room like a toy. Corlan ran to sink his teeth into Amanda's leg, but the angered witch lit it on fire to force him to let go. Glonno leapt overhead and SMASHED Amanda beneath his rump, then got off before Corlan spat water in her face.

A young Amanda was pinned beneath the foot of a giant, who then began to mold spit in his mouth before drenching Amanda's head. The furious girl lit herself aflame, turning the saliva to steam as she began to burn the overgrown bullies. The poor girl was given detention and a scolding from her parents.

"GRAAAH!" Amanda lit up again and lashed a Flame Whip at the Fishboy, then at Glonno's leg to make him fall over. "I'm sick of being kicked around by you assholes!" She kicked off her uncomfortable high-heel shoes. "No matter how young or how small I am, I'm stronger than you, and you BETTER remember that!" She molded flame daggers and sliced at Glonno's legs, then leapt to kick the giant in the face to make him tumble down. Corlan charged with teeth bared, but Amanda grabbed both ends of his mouth, hands aflame. Corlan cried out in pain, but was unable to escape as Amanda got behind him and shoved him into Glonno's crotch, forcing the fangs shut.

"My powers may be able to reduce their age," Pilaf thought aloud, "but their chi levels remain the same. But on the bright side," he smirked, "my victims are forced to recall bad childhood memories."

"Hey Consta-sta-sta-sta! What's your name, Consta-sta-sta-sta?!"

Little Constanze was trying to snipe Jonny the Legoan with her magitech gun, but the memories plagued her mind and kept her from concentrating. "What's-or name, what's-or name?!" the Legoan was shouting. "I gonna keep sooting if you don't say!" He kept shooting giant rubber balls from his tower cannons. A frustrated Constanze grabbed a small saucer from her Infi-Cube and threw it into the air, the device floating over Jonny and raining lasers upon him.

"No one builds things bigger than Master Constanze!" Stanbots were climbing the tower and pulling blocks out. The tower began wobbling as Jonny moaned in dizziness, and during this moment, Constanze fit on her pair of Spring Shoes—only problem being they were too big for her small feet.

"I'll help, Conse! Reducio!" Young Lotte cast a shrink spell at the shoes, but accidentally shrunk Constanze instead, the German dropping her gun. "Oops! Sorry, Conse, I can't see very—WAH!" The shadow, Spoon pushed her from behind.

"Tag, Lote is it-soup!" Soup clapped. "Run from Lote!" The Twili girl ran away in glee.

"Stop pushing me! Stupiefy! I mean, Stupefy!" Lotte held her wand in both hands, eyes narrowed as she tried to zap the Twili with Stun Spells, but she kept missing. "No fair! I can't see anything without my glasses! I didn't get them 'til I was eight."

"Soup is over here!" Soup emerged behind her from a Shadow Veil. Lotte tried to stun her, but the illusion vanished. "No, she's back here-soup!" Lotte hit her on the wall, but it was another fake. "Soup is on ceiling-soup." Lotte glared up at the ceiling.

"Man, you're annoying… Fine, then I'll use the Song Spirit to search for you." Lotte grabbed a glowing pink jar and ripped it open, freeing a note-shaped spirit. "La, la la la… la… la…" Lotte closed her eyes, and in the darkness, she could only see the spirit. "La, la la la…" The spirit flew beside Soup and began to dance in the air, convincing the joyful Twili to dance and twirl as well. Lotte's spirit companion, Will-o'-chan leapt on the tip of her wand and helped her aim at the shadow. "Spirit Balloon!" Lotte filled Will-o'-chan with magical air, blowing him into the Twili as he POPPED!

"Sooouu… I guess I'm it, now." Soup's eyes swirled like noodles as she fell over.

"Thank you, spirits! Oh, right, Conse!" Lotte hurried over to the Spring Shoes and re-enlarged the German witch.

"Hmmmf!" Constanze changed the setting on her gun to shrink the shoes herself. "Oh, right. You could've done it, hehe." Lotte blushed.

"No fair! My tower!" Jonny cried as the block tower was now only a stick of its former self, kept standing by only its cannons. Constanze used the Spring Shoes to bounce higher and higher before propelling up to the Legoan, clicking a button on the shoes, and forcing the springs against him, sending Jonny into the wall.

Sucy kept chasing Nati while spraying poison at her, but the gas was blown away by a gentle breeze. "Hey, quit it!" she yelled at the giant Harnitan, Silla.

"It isn't nice to spray gas at people." Silla smiled, using gentle airbending to blow the gas.

"Leave Sucy alone!" Jasminka yelled, grabbing Silla's leg and trying to lift her up, but the blue-haired giant blew a powerful gust at the floor and lifted off, taking Jasminka with her. Silla whirled around and swung Jasminka off her. The Harnitan landed several feet away and began blowing a constant breath at the Russian witch. Jasminka rolled across the floor and against the wall, standing and struggling to push through the wind. "Ohhh… if I eat through the floor, I could surprise her… b-but…"

"That girl hasn't stopped eating all day! She eats more than a PIG!"


The hurtful chanting of her classmates haunted her 5-year-old brain. She glanced over at Amanda, who swung her flaming foot into Corlan's head before Glonno leapt and landed belly-first on her. "Hmmmmnnn!" Determined to help her friend, Jasminka stretched her mouth wide and ate through the candy floor!

"Oh, dear! I hope she isn't hurt." Silla approached the hole and peeped inside.

"ASCENDIO!" Jasminka BURST up from the room below, perfectly striking Silla as the Harnitan tumbled forward and into the hole, breaking it open bigger. "Engorgio!" Jasminka leapt above Silla and inflated herself, dropping down like a large cannonball and crushing the Harnitan's head, knocking her out. "I'm coming, Amanda!" She used Ascendio again to return.

"Still not gonna let ya GAS her!" Sarborg the Android boosted at Sucy and swiped her spray can.

"Hey!" Sucy yelled, failing to reclaim the can from the speedy android. "You aren't the only one who can run fast with science." She drank a Speed Potion and chased after Sarborg. Sucy chased her up the walls and ceiling, eyes fixed on the robot whose shirt was designed like a target. "Got ya!" Sucy grabbed hold of the android.

"SPROING!" The target blasted her off like a spring. "Try again, suckuuuhh!"

"Oh, that's how you wanna play, huh? Then I'll add a supplement!" Sucy dropped a pill into the potion and drank it again. The witch ran with twice the speed, running circles around the android as Sarborg's head spun around in confusion. "CHING! Got ya!" Sucy jumped her from behind again.

"NOPE!" Sarborg sprung her away again. "You'll NEVER take my spray can! W-What?" However, when she attempted to boost, her engines felt clogged. "Heeeey! My boosters!" She looked down at her heels, realizing they were clogged with glue.

"Magic glue." Sucy smirked. "Used to stick my siblings to their beds when I was little. Heek keek keek keek."

"Mmmmmweeeeehhh!" Sarborg cried in despair, burning her engines brighter as the glue inflated. "WAAAH!" Unfortunately, her ankles were blown clean off.

"And FYI, this is MY spray can." Sucy remarked, casually taking the can back, feeling no pity as the crippled Sarborg cried on the floor.

"You guys are monsters!" Nati cried. "I gotta go tell Grandma-" But she hadn't gotten the chance before Sucy sprayed the gas over her, watching as the fairy dropped to the floor.

"I've always wanted to gas a fairy." Sucy towered over the gasping creature with a wicked grin. "I wonder what organs I can harvest from you."

"No fair!" Pilaf shouted. "No one gets to beat up my classmates except me! Shu, Mai, SHOW THEM YOUR POWER!"

"Jasminka Kickball!" Amanda kicked her rotund friend into Mai and knocked her down, while Constanze blew a doggy whistle and weakened Shu.

"You dirty cheaters! We'll see how you feel after I revert you back into newborn infants!" Pilaf mustered another surge of power in his hands, until Amanda grabbed him by the neck.

"Don't even THINK about makin' me shit myself." Amanda threatened, positioning her other flaming fist to punch him. "We had a deal, brat. Now, tell us about your crewmen or I'll be tasting roasted goblin!"

"And change us back to normal, too!" Lotte demanded.

"Uh, about that last part… I can only reverse people's ages, I can't age them frontwards. Hehehehehe…" Pilaf sweated.

"WHAT?!" Amanda lit up. "You mean we have to grow up all OVER again?!"

"N-NO! The spell will wear off in 12 hours, I swear!"

"Yeah, it better. We have a gig next month and we can't do it lookin' like this. Now, about your other promise?" Amanda smirked devilishly.

"Uh, r-right. I'll start with Commander Pawtucket."

Planet Secco; Oasia Town

True to its name, Oasia was a town built over a massive oasis. Flourishing with beautiful plant life, it was considered by many to be the most beautiful town on Secco. Alas, this town was in a great state of despair, under the jaunty, deep vocals of orange-skinned imps.


Doogity DUNGA!


And hunt them down!

Chumba-Wumbas danced in synchronized motion, throwing exploding beer grenades everywhere. Dryan soldiers surrounded Sweet Commander Pawtucket Pat, who splashed alcoholic water over the soldiers, then snapped his fingers to set the beer aflame.


Hoogity HUNGA!

Crush everyone

And everything in this town!

"What good's an oasis when it's filled up with beer?" sang a Chumba as he broke several citizens' shins with strong kicks.

"While pirates rob them and fill them with fear?" While doing graceful flips, a Chumba tossed grenades into three houses, making a pose as they all exploded at once.

"Why do they run while we're having such fun?" A Chumba used a water gun to shoot condensed beer bullets at fleeing citizens.

"Can they not wait until WE… ARE… DONE?" Three different Chumba-Wumbas crushed a man's face, threw a girl into the beer river, and strung a boy to a palm tree.

Afterwards, several bodies were thrown in a pile. "I – will – take – that – as – a – 'no'!" a Chumba sang as the pile was set aflame.


Singity SUNGA!

Life's not faaaiiir

It's sad, but truuuue!

Your bones will still make excellent food

And turn to Chumba-Wumba doggledy doo

Sandtanks were attempting to blast the pirate ships from afar, but the tanks were punctured by massive Haki-imbued arrows. "That's FIVE IN A ROW!" Sasha cheered, jumping and throwing her fist skyward. "Hey, Uncle Pat, I'm getting close to beating your record!"

"Ha ha, now now, Sasha." Pawtucket smiled and spoke in a fatherly manner. "It's only a competition when everyone has a fair chance at winning." With that, Pawtucket gathered all the water from the oasis and molded it into a cyclone around himself. Using his Devil Fruit power to completely turn it to alcohol, Sasha watched as he grew into a water giant even taller than her. The liquid body giving a charming smile, Pawtucket aimed his finger and fired 20 giant Beer Cannons, destroying 20 tanks in a row.

"Ugh. You're such a showoff." Sasha grunted. "Well, I still get 60% of the salt!"

"Ho ho, yes, you can't have enough chips, can you?" Pat chuckled, whipping beer up to slash an enemy aircraft.

"Yeah, but not just for me! I want it for my little cousins." A tank came out of the ground, but Sasha stabbed it with her sword.

"Oh, yes, you were overseeing the vampire children last night. Did Lala have trouble with her assignment?"

"Uh, I dunno… what assignment was that again?"

"I don't know the exact details, but I was informed Lala was assigned to look into her nephew's memories. Whatever the case, I hope you didn't get in the way." Pat smiled scoldingly.

"Man, why do you keep blaming me for everything?!" Sasha flushed in anger.

"You get a bit unpredictable without supervision."

"I do NOT!" Sasha kicked the sand in anger and sent another tank flying. "Oops, sorry! I mean, not sorry 'cause… you know, we're trying to rob you."

"Focus, darling!" The beer giant stretched his arms like tentacles and smashed four more tanks.

"Then quit distracting me, old geez…geez…" Due to the battle stirring sand in the air, some of it got in Sasha's nose. "Ah…ah…"

"NOW I've got you, giant!" A Dryan warrior flew up to her face on jetpacks, readying a shotgun.

"ACHOO!" And he was blown miles away by her mighty sneeze.

"Doggledy doo~"

Hyrule Field

"Hnnnnng…nnnnngg…" Having completed his 200 wake-up push-ups, Cheren Uno was now hard at work pushing a huge boulder up the slope of a mountain. Bisky and Panini were watching the struggle from a safe, flat ground.

"If you can't unlock Armament Haki by the time you reach the peak, you'll have to push down the other side and across the next field." Bisky stated.

"Lovely…hrrrrgh…" Behind Cheren lay a great field, and a snaky indented path brushed along it, created by his boulder. Hyrule Castle stood tall and proud in the distance. "Say, Bisky, since we're not really doing anything, can you tell me a little about Hyrule's history? I mean, didn't this kingdom used to exist on Earth?"

"Yes, it did. The Kingdom of Hyrule existed for at least 10,000 years, and reigned for about 6,000 years. That was before Earth's World Government was founded and they drove almost all the non-humans away from the planet. Hyrule's castle was torn down and the kingdom became an old memory. The races wandered the cosmos, but with the guiding light of Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie, they found this planet, bustling with natural life and called it their new home. It also helped that members of their own species already seemed to live there. Thus, this world became New Hyrule."

"Of course, it was thanks to Cheren that this planet was born." Panini noted with a cheeky smile.

"That being said," Bisky followed with an irritated frown, "our new kingdom honors the ancient heroes, Link and Zelda, ergo Cheren would be treated like a V.I.P. on this planet. One other thing you should know… is that the royal family living in that castle is not part of the original bloodline. But it was decreed that if the true heirs to that throne came to reclaim it, it would be theirs."

"But I'm descended from Link and Zelda, aren't I? Does that mean… I could claim the throne?"

"Not while you're in the middle of MY training! And even then, would you really want the trouble of running a kingdom when you've already got your organization?"

"I know, I was just asking. Besides, I've still got demon blood inside me. I wouldn't deserve to be their ruler."

"Well, if we ended up gettin' married someday," Panini replied, "it would sure be a romantic gift."

"Heh heh heh…"

Hyrule Castle Town was bustling with traffic and activity on another lovely day for its citizens. Blending in with this crowd was a golden-haired woman in a sky-blue gown, her sunglasses shielding her eyes from the sun.

Whole Cake Chateau

"Well, I say we collected some hefty good info from that goblin." Amanda said, her high-heels dangling by her fingers as the child witches trekked the titan-sized halls.

"But did you have to knock him out?" Jasminka asked.

"I was hoping it would make his spell wear off. Ugh, but we're still brats."

"Only for 12 hours." Lotte smiled. "And look at the bright side! It'll be like reliving our childhoods all over again, except now we'll have each other! My childhood would've been a lot more fun if I had friends like you."

"Mmm." Constanze grunted, her young eyes squinted and cheeks puffed as she held Sucy's hand.

"There is one thing I'm kinda worried about." Sucy said.

Up ahead, the door to a bathroom opened as Akko walked out, her body straight and stiff. "Huuu… I hate using the bathroom at someone else's place. It always goes bad one way or another… oh?" She perked up at the sight of five children: Lotte, Sucy, Amanda, Conse, and Jas gazed at Akko with awe. From this view, she actually seemed like a wise and dependable adult, even though that was far from the truth. "Hello, kids!" Akko greeted sweetly. "You know, you look just like these people I know."

"Akko, it's us, you dolt." Amanda stated.

"Dwuuuuuh?!" Her jaw stretched. "Wait… you mean it's actually you guys?!"

"We were kinda made this way by one of Grandma's kids." Lotte clarified. "They said it would wear off by tomorrow."

"That's good. Anyway, I have some news: Sherry said we could take Diana home with us to prepare for the show!"

"But we already had Diana-" Sucy tried to say.

"Sucyyyy!" Lotte clamped her mouth shut. "She means we can take the impostor home with us. And if that's the case, maybe we can talk to her about what she's up to."

"Then should we try to regroup with the others?" Amanda asked.

"Not yet. I think Queen Sherry is showing her guests around the castle, including the impostor. We might as well join them! Right, Conse?!" Akko joyfully picked up the shortest witch by the arms.

"Hmmmmmm…" Her little cheeks puffed red.

Mask Room

"This is my granddaughter, Cassiopea's room." Sherry began as she entered the vacant room and turned on the lights. "It also doubles as my prison."

A variety of masks were mounted around the walls. As the guests entered, they studied the masks with dread. "Your granddaughter has an interesting hobby." Daryl said.

"Oh, it's more than that: Cassiopea has an unusual power to turn people into masks, although she requires a musicbender to do so. These unfortunate souls are the masks of captured prisoners, from KND operatives to common invaders. Then I threaten their hometowns to give me candy, or else I kill them! Provided they have decent candy to offer, of course."

"Hey, Terry… doesn't this look a bit familiar?" Lola asked, disturbed by the one-note masks.

"It does, Lola…" Terry's heart pounded in anxiety. The last time they saw masks like this was when their friend, Miyuki was possessed.

"Alright, that's enough basking in masks. This way, friends!" Queen Sherry exited, and Lala was the last one to follow, glancing suspiciously at a mask with sunglasses and a lollipop stick in its mouth.

The group approached another large door guarded by a very tall, long-legged woman with a pink one-piece, whitish-blonde hair, and a helmet. "Hello, Smoothie. I'd like to show my guests the Treasury."

"Of course, Grandma." Smoothie smiled and bowed, unlocking the door and stepping aside.

Light glimmered in their eyes as mountains of treasure towered before them. "We may be candy pirates, but we are just as fond of classical treasure! I make it my goal to collect all the rarest beauties in the universe. Ah, over there, that's the Arkenstone." She picked up an ovular stone that seemed to have a galaxy inside it. It looked like a pebble to her fingers, but it was big enough to fit in two normal-sized hands. "Legend says it used to belong to the Gorons of Ancient Hyrule. Worth 10 million Rupees."

Sherry tossed the jewel back into the pile and used her psychic to pick up two books off a shelf: a white one with a star, and a black one with a blue jewel and magenta lines. "These are the Light Prognosticus and the Dark Prognosticus, two ancient spell books from Mushroom World that bless mages with pure Light Magic, and pure Dark Magic. Far too valuable to let my crewmen use them! Worth six million coins each."

"Huff, huff, huff…" Akko grew exhausted as she carried Constanze on her shoulders. "Oh, thank goodness. It looks like they're in there." She saw the treasure room ahead and mustered the rest of her strength to walk.

"And those seven jewels on that shelf?" Sherry pointed at seven orange balls with stars inside them, from one to seven stars. "Those are Dragon Balls from a planet called Namek. Apparently, they were used to maintain the planet's stability, so when my crew stole them, the planet eventually self-destructed. I think the people evacuated, so who really cares in the end, ma ma ma! …Oh, and speaking of valuable treasures, is that my little star?!"

"Hi, Your Majesty!" Akko beamed, setting Constanze on the floor and catching her breath. "Uh, I don't mean to alarm you, but… your bathroom needs tending to."

"No worries, the toilets usually share with each other."

"I didn't need to know that." Akko felt her stomach cramp.

"I'm curious, Akko… if you were to sell your Claiomh Solais to an auction, how much money do you think you could make off it?"

"I would think the Shiny Rod is worth a bazillion gems! Not that I would ever think about selling it."

"Well, isn't that a shame. Still, when time comes for my birthday, I'm expecting dozens of valuable treasures from all of my guests! Oh, I get too excited just thinking about it!"

"I'll bet you do! Oh, and um, did you tell Diana about… what we discussed?"

"Oh, yes. Good news, Diana, you get to go home after today! Your wedding to Jaune Pringle won't take place until March 11, along with the other betrothed couples."

"As if I would EVER go back with THESE no-name sluts." Roger rolled his eyes. An angered Akko marched up to him. "Hell, they look like they still suck from their mommy's—AAAHH!" Akko stomped him in the foot.

"I don't know who you are, but you better play along and come with us, or we'll get the REAL Diana to expose you." Akko hissed.

"You little bitch witch."

"Hey, Grandma." Lola spoke up. "If all your family is invited to the party, does that mean the Unos are coming, too-"

"NOOO!" The castle was quaked by Grandma's thundering tone. "Those brats are NOT welcome here! That wretched Nigel Uno denounced his title as Demon King. The Linlins could have RULED the Underworld if it wasn't for him! As far as I'm concerned, they are NOT part of this family! The same goes for those damned Beans that worked for Sunny Fist. Why, I should send the Breakfast Club to end them right now."

"The who?"

"They're our Revenge Squad." Lala explained. "The queen typically sends them at people who REALLY piss her off."

"It would make an excellent birthday present for Her Highness." Goomnut smirked.

"No, you shouldn't do that!" Akko pled in panic.

"Oh? And why shouldn't we?" The Goomba glared.

"B-Because I want the chance to kick Sheila's ass myself! I wanna get back at her for humiliating me!"

"Hm, ma ma ma!" Sherry laughed. "Yes, Akko, I'm sure you and your little kiddie fights are worth all the revenge in the cosmos… but you shouldn't forget: SHEILA FRANTIC KILLED MY CHARLOTTE!" Zeus thundered overhead as Sherry's mouth grew to greater proportions, allowing the entire castle to hear her. "I think MY desire to kill her FAR OUTWEIGHS YOURS!! But for my new bestie, I will allow it." Sherry grinned.

"I can no longer read you, Your Majesty!" Goomnut shouted.

"Did she just call Akko her bestie?!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Hehe, don't worry, Your Majesty!" Akko beamed. "I promise you can have Sheila all to yourself afterwards!"

"Forgive me, Your Highness," Jack Skellington began, "but I'm growing rather weary. Far too much cheer and little fear on this planet. I believe I should return to Nightmare Land before my people get worried."

"I agree." Daryl followed. "Having my hair rapidly fall out and regrow makes a woman exhausted."

"I wouldn't mind staying for a little longer." Princess Éclair smiled.

"UUUUUUUUUGH." The other guests moaned.

"Silence!" commanded the queen. "If you must leave, then so be it. Just return to the landing platform and my tart ships will have you returned to your worlds."

"It was very great visiting you, Your Majesty." Akko spoke politely. "I can't wait to give you the most amazing birthday ever!"

"Ha ha! Doki doki no waku waku!"

"SHE JUST SAID AKKO'S CATCHPHRASE?!" the witches screamed.

"Hehehehehe!" Akko blushed goofily.


The air of Meatropolis always wrought with burning meat. The giant towers of hot sauce burned like oil refineries, and Mexican music played throughout the city. Hannah, Barbara, and Diana had grown hungry and decided to visit the Meat Patty, an outdoor restaurant situated on the patty of a gigantic half-stacked burger.

"So, whats can I gets you girls?" asked the waiter, a beefy man dressed like a butcher. "Giraffe Patty Special?" He conjured three patties out of thin air. "Great Snake Bacon?" He formed a very long bacon strip. "How about Grenade Eggs without the gunpowder?" He formed three green eggs that exploded.

"How are you doing that?" Hannah inquired.

"I ate something called a Meat-Meat Fruit. It tasted awful, but now I can make meat with my chy."

"Chy? Do you mean your 'chi'?" Barbara asked.

"Yeh, my chy."

"Eh, speaking of chy!" Two people suddenly got between the girls and the Butcher: one was a shaggy-haired man in a green shirt and another was a large brown dog. "We would like Chinese food with a side of everything." Shaggy requested.

"With ravy, ruff-ruff!" Scooby-Doo replied.

"Yes, with gravy, thank you, Scooby."

"Wait a second, you're Scooby and Shaggy from Mystery Inc.!" Barbara recognized.

"Ho ho ho! Like, we sure are, man! It turns out me and Scooby are biological cousins!"

"Yeah! Riorogical." Scooby nodded.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to eat everything on this planet." With that, the duo zipped off and began devouring a tower of food on a single table.

"So, honey, what would you like to eat?" The girls looked behind them, seeing a sentient hotdog holding hands with a sentient bun. "Just make sure to save room for me." the sausage said smoothly. "Just leave enough room for me to, eh… slip on in there." He pressed himself to the bun.

"Ooo, huhuhuhuhu!" The bun giggled.

The girls felt sick to their stomachs. "On second thought, I'm not hungry." Hannah said, walking down the stairs off the burger.

"Yeah." Barbara agreed.

"Sigh. Towerists." The Butcher mumbled.

"It's TOURISTS!" Diana Mouse squeaked.

"How can this place look so delicious and feel so disgusting?" Hannah sighed. "I could really go for some of Jasminka's cooking right now."

"Hannah, Barbara, this is Akko. Do you read?" The two held up their wristwatches. "We're all ready to go home now. Where are you guys?"

"Some kind of meat town. We'll head back to you ASAP." Barbara answered, the witches mounting their brooms.

"Akko, what of my impostor?" Diana asked.

"We have her with us, too."

"Good. We can talk to her on our way back to—"

"Er… scratch that."


"The impostor just vanished."

Whole Cake Chateau; Throne Room

"So, Lala… have you finished analyzing your nephew's memories?"

"Yes, Grandma. And I can say with absolute certainty… the person he seems to love most is MaKayla King." Lala pulled a strip of film out of her mind, displaying the girl in question. "The Great Clock's Keeper."

"Well, well… seems fate is working in our favor." Sherry's grin became a crescent. "Indeed, I may very well be hosting four weddings this March."

"Hehehe… You aren't actually thinking of marrying two children, are you?"

"Have you forgotten, Dearie? This is Sweetopia! Where happy endings become reality! And I can marry whoever I want, regardless of sex, race, or age! After all, you are engaged to a skeleton."

"Well, that's true, but… hehe, we're still legal age."

"And SO are Terry and the timebender, as far as my planet's law is concerned. The question is, how do we seize a group of timebenders?" The queen stroked her bloated chin. "Well… since we got to talking about them, how about we show them the Breakfast Club's terror?!"

The two Chess Guys standing outside the chamber were eavesdropping on the conversation. One of them was secretly a gray alien in a disguise. "Those damn witches aren't keeping me away from my sexy Pringle." He spoke passionately. "…That talking hotdog from Meatropolis looked tasty as ***."

Luna Nova; Sector LN Base

"Lunch will be ready soon, guys!" said little Jasminka, using a stepstool to be able to cook on the stove.

"Smells fantastic!" Hannah beamed. "Did you use to cook when you were this young?"

"Uh-huh. I helped my mom cook all the time."

"Glad to see age hasn't slowed us down." Amanda smirked, flexing a muscle.

"Yeah, but maybe this is our chance to raise you properly this time." Hannah remarked.

"I'll settle with raising my fist into your chin as soon as I grow up."

After they had returned, Diana collected everyone's memories and sorted them into vials. She poured the memories into her Pensieve and began to review them. "Well, thanks to Amanda's group, we have information on every major member of the Big Mom Pirates. And as for Akko… well, you certainly seemed like you were enjoying your conversation." She squeezed the water from her hair.

"I know! I really didn't expect to hit it off with her so well. But it's like, we have so much in common!"

"As if Akko wasn't a freak before." Barbara remarked with a, "Oh ho ho ho!" She was on her knees while young Lotte stood on a chair and combed her hair.

"Hold still." Lotte stated.

"I will send the information about the pirates to the Supreme Leader. But even so… it seems like we've learned nothing of the queen's weaknesses." Diana said with regret.

"Well, we don't really need that." Akko replied. "We just needed to know what she likes so we can know what to give her." With a firm expression, the Muggle-born witch marched up to a desk with a notebook ready. "So with that… it's time to begin planning the Birthday Magic Fest!" Her pen loaded with ink, she vigorously drew her vision on the paper.