Party Plaza
"Listen to those Big WOOS as guests flock in from all across the universe!" Big Bird declared as the plaza was bouncing with sentient tables, cups, and sweets. "Watch as they all line up and present to Great Grandma their luxurious gifts! From the galactic mine of Knowhere in the Nicklodia Galaxy, it's the Collector, Taneleer Tivan!"
"Good morning, Your Majesty." Tivan bowed to the queen. "For a gift, I present to you, this Precursor Egg, the last relic of a fallen kingdom." He held up a large green gem with a strange 8-like symbol.
"Aaaaahh! It's beautiful!" Sherry wept as she picked the stone up. "This will look great on a wedding ring!"
"I'm delighted, Your Grace." And with that, Tivan turned away, crying as he took a seat at a table.
"From Nicklodia's Avatar Realms," continued Big Bird, "it is the Princess of the Earth Kingdom, Hou-Ting!"
"TEE HEE HEE HEE!" laughed the 21-year-old princess, garbed in yellow and dark-green. "Happy birthday, Queen Sherbet! For my gift, I have brought this extremely rare BEAR!" Her guards had a sad-looking bear leashed by the neck.
"A BEAR?!" Sherry shouted with frustration. "Do you seriously believe that an ordinary bear is a suitable gift… Wait… the Avatar Realms should only have hybrid animals! Which means… this creature is one of a kind!" Sherry happily picked the bear up and squeezed it like a toy. "OH, you'll look great in my zoo of mythical beasts!"
"Hello, Queen Sherry." Princess Éclair was next in line, holding a golden compass whose interior was divided in seven colored pieces. "My gift to you will be the Marvelous Compass, the national treasure of my kingdom."
"Oh, I am ever so grateful!"
Diana's family occupied a table, next to Jasminka's family. A mermaid girl named Sara was there: she had pink hair, a pink tail, and tannish skin. Sara remembered three years ago, when she helped Sector V in their quest to stop the old Big Mom. How ironic that she would be a Linlin, too.
The Scooby-Doo Gang was also here, thanks to Scooby and Shaggy's relation. The two were happily devouring a tower of food. "It's quite a mystery how all these objects can dance and sing." Fred said.
"Like, here's a real mystery: why have we been the same age for 67 years?" Shaggy asked.
"Must re a rime ristortion from the Reat Rock. Nee heeheeheehee!" Scooby snickered.
"Uncle Taco, Uncle Taco, we want hot sauce!" The Kiddie Corn crowded the Tostarenan excitedly.
"Spoon needs some too-soup." Soup replied.
"Easy, little niños and niñas, one at a time!" Ernesto laughed, pouring sauce onto the children's meat.
"There's plenty for everybody!" Pea was riding her uncle's sombrero, serving sauce to children behind him.
"Hey-hey, howza jowza bowza?" Lucky greeted the party-goers, many of whom kept a safe distance from the cereal killers. Compared to the others, their table felt very secluded. "'Membah to swing by Juicy Milky Juicy's stand-bar for a slippity-slurp of Fleshy Flurp."
"Translation: visit Sexy Smoothie's Juice Bar for a healthy drink of Substance Smoothies." Buu informed.
"Substance Smoothies?" Lotte asked as her friends approached the bar. "That's a weird name."
"Not weird at all." Smoothie replied with a smile. "With the power of the Squeeze-Squeeze Fruit, I can make a drink out of anything. Would you like… volcanic rock?" The long-legged Amazon lifted a molten rock and squeezed the lava into a glass. Amazingly, the glass didn't melt. It was merely hot juice. "How about Frost Dragon?" She casually pulled out a dragon by its neck from her Infi-Sack, squeezing the poor creature as ice-cold juice poured into the glass. "Or, our specialty, Powerpuff Punches!"
Smoothie lifted the Powerpuff Girls – Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup – and squeezed their liquids into a single glass. "P-Please… help us…" Blossom moaned, their bodies dry and shriveled.
The witches were horrified by this. "…I'll have the Lava Juice." Sucy replied.
"I'll just take a regular smoothie." Lotte said fearfully. "Is it… really okay to treat people like that?"
"Don't worry, they'll turn back after they drink something."
"Okay…" Lotte glanced up at a banner that was close to the queen. Between the HAPPY GRANDMA'S DAY, a strange mask with sunglasses and blonde hair was mounted on it. She could almost hear the voice of a spirit inside it. "I get a bad feeling from this place."
"Hey Mom, mind if I get something for my cousins real quick?" Sasha came and asked.
"Sasha, you have to learn how to wait in line like everybody else." Smoothie replied.
"But they're thirsty! C'mon, pleeeaaase?"
"Ugh. Fine, give them these Korok drinks." She grabbed two Koroks (wooden children with leaf faces) and squeezed the essence out of them.
Sasha picked up the cups in her fingers and brought them to Lola and Terry. "Here ya go, champs! My mom's smoothies are the best!"
"She has quite the legs on her, huh?" Bartie noticed.
"Yeah, some Amazonians are like that. But don't you go flirting with her, Mom's already set! Isn't she, Dad?!" Sasha reached to her right and picked up a beefy man in a cowboy hat.
"She certainly is, sweetheart." The man sighed.
"YOU'RE Sasha's DAD?!" Ginny exclaimed. She would have expected another giant, not a normal-sized human.
"Yep! So, that's how you can tell it's true love." Sasha raised two fingers and winked. "Speaking of, you kids got any crushes?"
"Go fuck off." Terry told her.
"What?! Ehh, well excuse me!" Sasha replied in offense. "I've been nothing but nice to you all month! A bit playful, maybe, but I don't think I deserve-"
"Just leave us alone!" Lola stated.
"Do what she says, Sasha." Mr. Blouse requested. "Whatever is troubling them, give them time to calm down."
"Sigh… Fine." And so, the Amazon let them be.
"What's been bothering you kids, anyway?" Ginny asked. "You've been like this ever since Grandma asked Terry to babysit the Kiddie Corn."
Terry grit his teeth so hard, they almost shattered. Lola shared his feelings.
However, when Sasha left, Sucy noticed the family. "Hey, it's Lola, the girl I met in November."
"Oh, wow! Wanna go see them?" Lotte asked.
"Sure." The two casually approached the Storks. "Hey, Lola."
"Oh, Sucy!" The vampire perked up. "Don't tell me YOU'RE our cousin, too!"
"No, just Jasminka. You wanna suck my blood again?"
"I don't feel like blood…"
"Is something the matter?" Lotte asked.
Nothing except our teammates are probably being digested.
"What'd you say?" She faced Terry in shock.
"Huh? I didn't say anything."
The shadow, Tael perked up: apparently, the blonde witch could hear shadows. He flew up to Lotte's shadow and whispered, Our teammates are trapped inside that pink marshmallow thing. They're trying to force Terry to marry MaKayla, or else they'll be killed. Lotte gasped, turning toward the Breakfast Booth. Majin Buu was happily eating plate after plate of candy.
Glaring at the genie, Lotte approached Diana. "Diana, you see that pink thing? He's the Majin, right?"
"Yes. They live above Sindria, where Sector SD is located. They're masters of wandless magic and live for hundreds of years. They also have gelatin bodies capable of regeneration, but doing so costs them energy."
"Right. …Diana, listen-"
"Oh, ladies?" Lotte flinched when Minister Goomnut approached them. "You are scheduled to go up in 10 minutes."
"Oh, dear! We better go set up!" Akko exclaimed.
"This way, please." Goomnut escorted them to the stage, where a secret hatch and stairwell took them underneath.
Lola and Terry also noticed the Brotherhood villains, keeping to their selves at their own table, and Mother Mae-Eye really helped them stand out. However, the two saw no point in spying on them—these villains were the least of their problems.
The Butcher brought the supervillains some food. "Here you are: some meat fries, meat lettuce, meat milk, and some veggie steak. Haha, just kidding, it's meat." The Butcher smirked to himself as he walked away.
When Mr. Jelly pulled off a lettuce leaf, he read the message: The Patty is set.
"Good… we better hope Robin Food can pull this off." Jelly said quietly.
"Feel like dancing, Jackie?" Lala asked her groom-to-be.
"No." He answered, scowling. Lala frowned.
"Ah, Mr. Skellington?" Jack cocked a brow when Tivan approached him.
"Oh, it's you. The Collector."
"Yes, now, forgive me, but I believe you and Sandman promised me the safe return of Horror's Hand?"
"Sorry, the hand was destroyed."
"Ho ho ho." Tivan got close to him and whispered, "Jack, I think we both know of the spirit that inhabited Horror's Hand."
"That is not my concern. Good day, Tivan." Jack walked away. Tivan only looked at him with disappointment.
"Say, Great Grandma?" Big Bird held a microphone up to the queen. "Since you are the woman of the hour, could you tell us what you plan to do after this special day?"
"Well, Big Bird, I have big plans in the upcoming month!" Sherry grinned maliciously. "With all the weddings I have yet to plan, time just seems to slip away. Hm hm ma ma ma. You remember what it was like to be a kid? When you wanted everything, and you got everything, and then you just want more? It never seems to change, does it?"
"I couldn't agree with you more, Grandma."
Planet Avalar; Sector SD Treehouse
A treehouse grew out of a great palace in the center of a prosperous desert island. Within that base, four operatives were watching the news. "So, that's what the old hag looks like." The leader commented, a 14-year-old boy with smooth blonde hair, gold eyes, white Arabian clothes, and black boots. "Heh, if I was Big Bird, I'd be shittin' my pants."
Leader of Sector SD
"Numbuh 1,001" ALIBABA SALUJA
"Damn that old hag!" yelled a green alien boy with antennas and a white and red robe. "Smiling like she owns the world! I can't wait until we teach her a lesson!"
Healer of Sector SD, a Namekian
"Numbuh Seven Star" DENDE
"Calm down, Dende." replied a 10-year-old blonde girl with a braid on her right, a red headband with a feather, and golden leg wraps with wings above her bare feet. "We're not trying to defeat the pirates, Sector LN asked us to back them up in case things get ugly."
Animal Telepath of Sector SD, an Artemyran
"Well, I have the Vanishing Box ready in case we need it." The fourth boy had blue eyes and hair in a long ponytail, a blue open vest over his bandaged chest, and puffy white pants. He was 11 years old and also had a red gem on his forehead. "Too bad we can't be there now. Queen Sherry is sooooo biiiiiig~" He smooshed his cheeks together.
"Get ahold of yourself." Alibaba remarked.
Mage of Sector SD
"Numbuh 3 Wishes" ALADDIN
"Grrr…" Dende could not contain his scorn for the woman. These pirates destroyed his homeworld, left millions of Namekians scattered and homeless, and they party like none of it mattered. "Sigh… focus on the mission, Dende."
Akko's Apartment
"Hurry up, honey! Our daughter's about to go onstage!" Mrs. Kagari shouted excitedly.
"You've been saying that for the past hour." Mr. Kagari replied, getting a drink from the refrigerator. "It'll probably be another 10 minutes."
"Can you believe Akko is actually doing a show for an actual queen?! Do you think she's being paid?! Oh God, we're going to be so RICH!" Her eyes seemed to turn into gems.
"Say, haven't I seen that queen on posters a few times?" the father asked, coming to the TV. "I think they were wanted posters…"
"You're probably thinking of someone else."
Party Plaza
Beneath the stage, Sector LN had just finished setting up the stage, and Hannah dressed the respective performers in their uniforms. Sucy cast a spell to shrink Amanda down to doll size as Jasminka picked her up. "Gotta say, if I'm gonna die today, I might as well die in the hands of my buddy." Amanda remarked.
"Hee hee hee." Jasminka blushed.
"We're not going to die, okay?" Akko stated.
"I know, but still… I'm so nervous." Lotte replied.
"I am, too. But we can do this. We practiced."
"What if the pirates attack us or something?"
"Queen Sherry won't let them. I can tell she really wants this magic show. Just stay calm and sing, Lotte."
"Sigh… Okay, Akko."
"Alright, everyone in position." The others hurried behind the stage designs while Lotte climbed onto a platform. Inside, Akko's heart was pounding with fear and anxiety. It was the first time she was asked to do a live show, the first time an audience was directly expecting her to entertain them. She took a deep breath and exhaled. She tried to forget the threat of execution and focus only on the show. Yes… this was her moment.
Pawtucket Pat tapped his cane on a glass of beer. "Attention, everyone!" The chattering ceased. "Thank you all for coming, I hope you're all enjoying the party. We still have plenty of food to go, but please keep alcohol away from the children."
"Settle down, Trix. Now then… we have invited special guests to perform a magic show. These witches from Avalar's Luna Nova have been personally asked by Her Highness to perform for us. Ladies and gentlemen: Shiny Luna!"
The sky mysteriously seemed to turn dark as a rainy blue curtain covered the stage. Silence completely fell over the party as shadows appeared behind it.
"Laaaaa la la laaaa, la la laaaa la la laaaa…"
As the curtain rose to the sky, everyone was entranced by the mountains of cake under an artificial starlit sky. The crescent moon had a candle sticking out of it. Lotte's hands were folded on a high platform, her gown blending beautifully with the night. She spoke with the voice of an angel. "A long time ago, in a faraway land… In a world laid bare by the Demon Clan… A Prince and a Princess played together in harmony."
Jasminka danced her way onstage, wearing a banana-colored dress with pink ridges, making her look like a sweet little cake. As she whirled around, she hugged a small figure to her chest: a miniaturized Amanda, who was sharing in Jasminka's joyous laughter. "O Princess~ How large thou are! Taller than the tallest mountains afar!"
"Now, this seems oddly familiar…" Sherry stroked her chin. Goomnut rolled his eyes at her obliviousness.
"Indeed, her faithful people gather at her feet." With one last twirl, the ground sparkled around Jasminka, taking the shape of many tiny figures. "The mermaids~ The angels~ 'O Princess,' they greet! 'May we share this beautiful realm with you?' With fluffy cheeks, she responds-"
"Of course, Sillypoo~" said Jasminka.
The children in the audience giggled while the adults cringed. Goomnut spared a repulsed glance up at Her Majesty—the blush on her cheeks told him her heart had melted at the silly line. Was she actually enjoying this?
A quiet, yet energetic fanfare began to play as the tiny angels fluttered around Jasminka like butterflies. She giggled and tried to catch the little creatures, and in doing so—"WHOA!" Jasminka splashed into a pool. The water swelled and became a floating bubble, Jasminka holding her breath as she whirled around inside of it. The mini mermaids swum in the current, surfing around and around the rotating princess. As the bubble grew brighter from their light, it BURST, Jasminka dropping to the ground as a rainbow stretched above her.
"Oh…" Jasminka gazed up in awe when the rainbow morphed into a snake dragon. The dragon swooped around and swirled around the curious princess before returning to the sky. Then, the dragon fell into pieces, and those pieces were dozens of tasty candies.
"The princess had all that she wanted, from friends to luscious candy. There was nothing in the world that could make her more happy. But then, something strange happened…"
"My Prince?" The candy dissolved into dust. Darkness descended upon the land as sadness filled Jasminka's heart. "O Prince… where did you go?" Soon, even the stars were invisible. Jasminka's tears soaked the sweet ground. "Where did all my friends go? Have they left me? Am I. . . all alone? . . ."
"I don't understand." Sherry whispered. "They were with her until a second ago. Where did they go, Goomnut?!"
Don't tell me you are actually liking this garbage! Thought the minister, his head pounding.
Her role done for now, the tiny Amanda scurried behind the stage as Sucy zapped her back to normal size.
"But the princess looks up, and LO! Up in the sky, a single star is shone!"
A shining star lit up the heaven, and Jasminka's eyes grew wide as it fell to the earth. A second before it could touch the surface, the star BURST, and from the light, there came a shining witch of pure white light, riding a three-brush broom. "HELLO, Princess!" Akko proclaimed with vibrant crimson eyes. "I am the Shiny Witch! I've come to make your day shiny!"
"Miss Shiny Witch, I can't find my Prince or my friends."
"Then I'll take you to go find them!" Akko whooshed around the air, leaving a glittery trail with the Shiny Balai. "It'll be a piece of cake in the Land of Dreams!"
"What's the Land of Dreams?"
"In the Land of Dreams, you can have whatever you want!" Akko halted in front of Jasminka. "And you can be anything: like a mouse!" She poofed into mouse form. "Or an elephant!" She burst into a large form. "Or mix 'em up together!" Her body became that of a mouse, but the elephant head looked at her body and cried, "WAAAAAHH!" and scampered off in fear.
Laughter rang throughout the audience, save for the more serious members. Tivan chuckled and clapped, Lala and Sasha were giggling. Bartie and Ginny enjoyed the act, but their children could not feel the same. Sherry's chortling was heavily audible, much to Goomnut's chagrin.
"Oh my gosh, she's actually enjoying it!" Ursula said with hope.
"Please, don't mess this up, Miss Kagari…" Finnelan prayed.
"But how can we go to the Land of Dreams?" Jasminka asked.
"That's an easy one, silly! Just close your eyes and believe with all your heart."
So, the princess closed her eyes. "Nnnnn, should I close my eyes, too?!" Sherry hissed, trembling. "If I don't, it might ruin the show! But if I do, I might miss it!"
"Just don't, Your Majesty!" Goomnut hissed.
"And the Shiny Witch WHISKED them away with a single spell!" declared Lotte as Akko summoned the Shiny Arc. "And the name of that spell IS…!" And Akko loosed a great arrow to the sky and gave life to the stars!
Soul Pocus~ Soul Pocus~
The words of the soul
O'er stars and skies and sea
Spurring tales of old!
Akko became a winged elephant and threw Jasminka onto her back. She raised to the sky, soaring above the clouds as Stanbot birdies flew all around!
Our princess~ Fair princess
Sugar is hardly thy focus
As enchanted flowers, sweets, and trees
Sing the sweetest Soul Pocus
"Soul Pocus~ Soul Pocus~ Soul Pocus~" The cups and foods danced upon the stage. Trees and flowers sung across the kingdom. Akko became a dolphin and carried Jasminka across a floating stream that flowed all around the Party Plaza, many heads rotating to watch them. Diana was the one controlling the water, her focus steady and firm. Hannah and Constanze were keeping the holograms and illusions consistent.
The Land of Dreams
What wonders await?
Our princess seeks it
Following her fate!
The water disappeared as Akko transformed into a centaur, carrying a joyous Jasminka on her back. Amanda used Levitation Magic to help the four-legged witch stay afloat. Akko whooshed the Shiny Rod and released colorful bubbles, which grew mouths and giggled with glee!
What a sweet, alluring scent
To draw in hundreds all around
A sweet, harmonic song
By she who wears the crown
When Akko finally returned them to the stage, she conjured a golden glowing crown above Jasminka's head (actually, Diana did it). Slowly, the crown planted itself on, and the princess glowed as flowers grew around the plaza. "Soul Pocus~ Soul Pocus~"
Such precious words
By a one pure soul
Only one sacred gift
Can make her whole
Akko summoned the Shiny Sprinkler and poured all kinds of juices into it. The sprinkler doused the entire audience, delighting their tongues with the taste of juice. As the sprinkler continued swirling and the princess dancing, the very sky whirled like a vortex! A bolt of lightning struck the empty center of the plaza.
That single slice of cake
Is really all it takes
To captivate your heart
And let your worries fall apart
"Birthday cake~ Birthday cake~ Birthday cake~ Birthday cake~" A hatch opened on that spot, and the Sacred Cake rose onto the plaza! Golden Bananas from Kongo Jungle glimmered upon the cake, and the icing murals depicted Big Moms from multiple generations, with tiny images of every known child of the Linlin Family. The very sight of it made Sherry's mouth water, how she longed to take a bite of it… but alas, the show had yet to conclude.
Alas, in one bite, there is no turning back
Will you gamble with your life for this sweet?
Relish in its everlasting hocus
As you bask in the endless Soul Pocus
"SOUL POCUS~ SOUL POCUS~" Diana cast illusory magic on the cake to make the murals glow and come to life! They danced like a parade as the stars spun in the sky! Sweets and fruits and tea fluttered around the queen, washing her with love and joy!
Soul Pocus, our Mama so kind!
What beautiful riches will you find?!
In this world—the Land of our Dream!
We sing "Soul Pocus," the song of our Queen!
Akko took to the sky on her Shiny Balai and struck the ground with a Shiny Arc! The plaza exploded with light as beanstalks rose from the ground. Barbara used her Herbology magic to raise all the party-goers to the starry heavens. As Queen Sherry gazed up at their figures, contrasted with the hypnotic spinning sky, her mind was lost in wonderful dreams.
"But, wait!" Sherry whipped her eyes to the stage when Jasminka spoke. "We still haven't found my Prince! Oh, how I miss him!" she cried.
"What?!" exclaimed the queen. "They haven't found them, yet?! But this is the Land of Dreams! Surely, they can find him. Where… but where?…"
"We will find him, Princess!" Akko proclaimed, rising ever so higher on her Balai. "Promise, you will never stop believing! Never stop believing you will find him! If it takes one year or a hundred years, you will find him again! Because believing is your most powerful MAGIC!"
The Shiny Witch vanished, and in her place a beautiful display of fireworks. The lights took the shape of Queen Sherbet, and her soul passed on to her heiress daughter, and then the next heir, and the family murals glimmered beside each of them. Finally, the soul flew into the heart of Queen Sherry herself. She felt the light touch her very soul, tears leaking from her eyes. "No… don't go…" she said to the Shiny Witch, reaching hopelessly for the heavens. "Carl… where did you go? Carl… where are you…"
Then, all the stars fell from the heavens, along with the sinking beanstalks. Millions of stars crashed and alit the ground—Goomnut braced himself, suspecting nothing short of the worst, but no damage was dealt unto any of them. The stars flooded the party with magical water, and although it seemed to make their clothes float, it was not physical and no one was drowning.
As soon as the water drained away, the Nine Witches stood upon the stage. They held hands and bowed in thanks. "Huff…huff…huff…" Akko was at a loss of breath. "Even after rehearsing… using the Shiny Rod that much takes me out. Guys, I don't know how to thank you. I…I'm too afraid to look. What does she think?"
"She looks… sad…" Amanda said. Akko looked up in curiosity.
"Sniff…sniff…" Sherry wiped her tears. "That show… it… speaks to me… I don't understand." She put a hand to her diamond heart. "Why does it make me feel this way?"
"I'll tell you why!" Akko turned into a Spring Snake and bounced over to Sherry. "Because it was about YOU!" She bounced very high, and turned into a mouse as she landed on the queen's nose. "Well, it was kinda about you. You were a great source of inspiration!"
"WOW!" Big Bird beamed. "What an honor to be perched on the queen's nose, and not be wiped away by Big Tissues!"
"Shut your beak hole!" Goomnut roared.
"Sherry, you were just a little girl, left all alone on a candy island. And now, you rule your own planet, and you have so many friends and family!" The Titan's eyes were narrowed on the cheerful mouse. "They always say, 'Dream big and you'll live big,' and you're the perfect embodiment of that. You've showed me that no matter who you are or where you come from, you can truly do anything you set your mind to. You're amazing, Queen Sherry. I hope that even a little mouse like me can grow as big as you!"
"… … Akko…" Her diamond heart was touched by Akko's words. So many emotions swirled inside of her. The people could not take their eyes off the heartwarming sight. How the queen cried and viewed the little mouse like a precious friend.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Something else drew their gaze. A bright pink heart appeared over her chest, where the diamond lay. Thump. Thump. It beat like an actual heart.
The rest of Sector LN gaped at it. That… heart… could it possibly be…? Diana was incredibly curious.
Thump. Thump. Akko continued to smile at Sherry's dripping eyes. Thump. Thump. The queen slowly raised her left hand. Thump. Thump. It was drawing in on the mouse. Thump… Thump… Akko's little soul wriggled from her body.
The very air was ruptured by Grandma's scream. The party fell into a dead, horrified silence: a giant arrow was pierced through Grandma's chest, cut perfectly through her diamond. Her expression frozen agape, and Akko holding tight to her nose… the queen fell, crashing on her back.
There was mass panic all across the planet—everyone watching the news was crying and screaming. There was so much chaos at the party in this very moment, no one was audible except for a furious Goomnut. "I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG! SEIZE THEM! SEIZE THE WITCHES!"
"NO, WAIT!" Akko panicked, hands behind her head as the pirates trained guns on her. "We didn't do anything, I swear!"
"GET HER OFF!" Topper ordered as Spewart grabbed her by the arms and dragged her off the queen. "Get the arrow out! Mages, quick, heal the queen!"
"We can't!" yelled a witch crewmate. "The diamond is cracked! It's too strong for our repair spells!"
"Uuuuuuhhhhggg…" Queen Sherry was gasping for breath, her very flesh beginning to rot as the diamond cracked.
"NO, PLEASE!" Lotte cried, her very life flashing before her eyes. "It wasn't us, we would never! Please understand!"
"TURN THOSE CAMERAS OFF!" Pawtucket bellowed, using waterbending to swat the cameras away from Big Bird and his team. "NO ONE leaves this island! Search everyone! Guests—crewmen—relatives—EVERYONE is a suspect!"
"Oh God, it's over, it's really over!" Hannah sank to her knees and cried her eyes out, Barbara hugging her and sharing the emotions. "Dear God, I'm sorry for making fun of Muggle-borns, I'm sorry for being so arrogant, I'm sorry for everything!"
"Yeah, me too!" Barbara cried.
"Wait!" Akko whispered to her friends. "I have an idea. Draw up a Protego around us when we get to the queen."
"What are you thinking?!" Diana asked.
"Trust me!"
"YAW, I bet it was THESE shiggity tickies!" Lucky accused, cocking a gun to Terry and Lola.
"FUCK YOU, where would we get a giant arrow?!" Terry asked.
"Hey, don't look at me!" Sasha raised hands in defense. "I've been here this whole time!"
"THE WITCHES!" Pea screamed as the nine raced up beside Sherry, exploding a Protego shield into being.
"SHOOT THEM!" They all let fire on the magical bubble.
"Akko, whatever you're thinking, do it now!" Amanda pled.
"Okay!" Akko raised the Shiny Rod above Sherry's diamond heart and called, "LYONNE!" Golden streams emerged from the wand, softly enveloping Her Majesty's heart.
"WHAT ARE THEY DOING?!" Goomnut screamed. "STOP THEM! Break the damn shield already!"
"Akko!…" Diana watched with great surprise and confusion. She recognized that spell… but why on Earth would Akko…
And just as she suspected, the crack on the Pink Diamond began to mend. The wound on the Titan's chest closed and healed. The pain faded away.
All mouths were agape as the firing ceased. The girls sensed the danger had left, so they dispelled the shield. Goomnut hurried up to study her… and his concerns were at ease. "You… saved her…"
"Akko…" Lotte whispered.
What… the… actual… FUCK, AKKO?! Amanda screamed in her mind.
Luckily, Big Bird was still recording with a secret camera, so everyone could see this moment. At Luna Nova, almost nobody had any words. "Miss Kagari…" Holbrooke did not know how to feel.
"How could she do that…" Finnelan choked.
"…Because it's how she is…" Ursula spoke with pride.
Queen Sherry began to pant. She pressed a hand to her heart, no longer feeling the pain. "A…A…Akko…" She glanced at the little witch. "You… saved me… Why…"
"Because…Because you're my friend, Queen Sherry." Akko smiled. "We're besties! Right?"
"…Besties…" Everything was invisible in that moment. Only Akko mattered… her vibrant crimson eyes and face beaming with imagination. "Akko…"
"THE CAKE!!" Panic resumed as the Family Cake rose into the air! The curtained table seemed to be carrying it, but it was actually a giant patty.
"What the-?!" Akko exclaimed, running for a closer look at the event.
"WE GOT THE CAKE!" Butcher decreed, setting the delicacy on a flying ship. He, Gramma Stuffum, and the other Brotherhooders rode on their own patties.
"I can't believe that plan actually WORKED!" Mr. Jelly yelled. "The arrow we stole almost did her in!"
"Them!" Hisoka pointed. "They must have been behind this!"
"ALAS, Big Mom Pirates!" A familiar green-clothed villain leapt onto the cake. "You shall not have a single bite of this cake, or my name isn't:" And the trumpets sounded as the Hungry Men danced on the cake!
"ROBIN FOOD, ROBIN FOOD, not your average thieving dude! With his band of Hungry Men, to Sweetopia, he goes and theeeen… He ROOOOOBS from the Queeeeen (and FAT) and GIIIIIIVES to the KIIIING (a croc, at that)! ROBIN FOOD: YO HOOOOO!" And the ship sailed across the sky.
"BUTCHER!" Goomnut screamed. "What are you doing?! Why are you going with them?!"
"I'm through bein' a Big Mom Pirate! I'm with the Brotherhood now, and we'll be best friends four-ver!"
"He means 'forever.'" Cuppa Joe noted.
"Send the Tart Ships, capture them and get that cake!" Pawtucket ordered.
"Sigh… At least we're off the hook." Lotte panted.
"Thank goodness." Akko sighed. "If I use the Shiny Rod any more, it'll disappear again. …But maybe it's best if the Brotherhood gets away. We shouldn't let her get the cake." (Play "Anxiety and Determination" from Little Witch Academia!)
The cake…The cake… Yes, that was her cake, Sherry thought. That was her brother's cake, her family's sacred cake, being stolen from her. …So, why…why didn't she care? She was a Linlin… and all Linlins value the Family Cake above everything else. It has been the same for generations.
"CAAAAAKE! THE CAAAAAAKE!" her great-granddaughter bellowed.
"HURRY UP WITH THE CAKE! I WANT THE CAKE!" the former's granddaughter cried.
"I SMELL IT! THE CAAAAAAKE!" Charlotte Linlin roared.
And yet… Queen Sherry felt different emotions. To think… there would ever be something… she would value more than a cake. That kind and beautiful face… those soulful crimson eyes. Akko…
In this short month, that was all she thought about. That little witch who promised her a magic show… Akko… That little witch who brought tears back to her eyes. The one who made her heart rift with pure joy and emotions. Akko… Sherry could not imagine a soul more kind. A true, pure soul… one that was more sacred… and more precious… than all the Family Cakes in the universe. Akko…
Stars were present in Sherry's vision. There were millions of them. Each contained something new and wonderful. Sherry longed to see them all and feast on this universe's wonders. But then, all those stars began to shrink and compress. No… Sherry was just going farther away. Slowly, more and more of the universe became clear to her vision. Until it was all a single body… and that body was… "Akko…"
"Uuuuuhhhh…" The party-goers turned their attention to the queen as she finally got back on her feet. "Giiiiiive meeeee…" That drawl sent the coldest chills down their spines. "Giiiiiive meeeeeee…" It could only mean one thing.
"Oh, no!" Smoothie panicked. "Grandma is about to have a Hunger Pang! She wants the cake! If we don't give her the cake, she'll eat this entire planet!"
"GIIIIIIVE MEEEEEEE…" The Titan burned with psychic energy that came from her very soul. Her eyes were shining red and full of lust.
"Y-Your Majesty! Please!" Goomnut begged. "We'll get the cake! This is only a minor setback! P-Please try to control yours-"
Everyone was struck speechless again. The witch in question whipped around in Sherry's direction. The great queen looked Akko in the crimson eye as massive tears dripped down her features. "Akko… I-I want… Akko…"
It was the most heart-melting thing any of them ever heard. People all around the universe were crying at this development. The Luna Nova students were more enthralled by the scene than ever. And the pirates had no idea how to react. They expected their queen to abandon all sense of rationality until she had her cake. But no… it was as if the cake meant nothing to her at all. Only… her friend…
"I want… I-I want…"
Akko cried tears as she extended her arms to the giant. "Sherry…"
And Akko slowly began to approach the massive queen. They were not a Muggle-born witch and a powerful queen… They were not a KND operative and a dangerous criminal… They were friends. Only pure emotions radiated from them. "I… want… I… WANT…"
"Ha ha ha! Come here, Sherry!" Akko giggled innocently.
And that's when the world turned dark. Pure emotions were replaced with fear and dread. But Akko, the optimistic student, did not realize that. Everyone else saw that look in Sherry's eyes. The pirates recognized that look. It was now clear that Sherry's consciousness was gone. That look… whenever she sought an exotic sweet… It was right in front of her. That little pink mist wiggling from Akko's body, embodying everything Sherry loved about her. Everything from her Pure Imagination… and her soulful crimson eyes.
Amanda was already acting. In that brief second, her feet brought her to Akko. In that very same second, when Queen Sherry raised her hand. "NO, AKKO!!" Ursula cried, hoping by some miracle she would hear her.
Her godlike hand SMASHED the spot where Akko once stood. In one swift motion, Amanda yanked her friend to safety. Every pleasant feeling, every ounce of hope, had just left Akko's heart. She could not see her friend in those ravenous eyes, anymore. All there was…was a monster.
5,000 years ago, there were monstrous Titans all over the world. They pursued… They devoured humans. The very sight of a grinning, drooling Titan was one the universe never hoped to see again. And now… Akko and her friends bore witness to that horrible sight.
The very second Akko was back on her feet, her legs controlled her. All she knew—the only thing on her friends' minds… was to run. Using the shock of the crewmen to their advantage, they bolted past the guards and the gate. A straight path lay across the bridge. There was plenty of room and space for the witches to run. Their limits, their breath, it was all irrelevant. All energy was put into their legs. Because behind them, there was only death. They could hear and feel Queen Sherry's rapid footfalls. They didn't dare to look behind them. As long as they were still alive, they knew she hadn't caught up. But now, they wondered… if there was any safe haven for them.