Operation: REVERT, Part 2: Rainbow Manky Kong

Planet Hyrule

Only darkness lay before Cheren's vision, yet the further he progressed into it, the more his heart raced, fearing what dangers remain blinded to him. "AAAH—OW—DAHG—DAMMIT!" He crashed against an unseen rock and went tumbling down the hill, leaving his body with several scratches and dirt.

"Get up and try again!" Bisky called from atop the steeping mountain. "Leave the blindfold on!"

In fact, the day was bright and sunny, but it made no difference to Cheren with the thickness of his blindfold. He had been Shield Surfing down the same grassy slope for the past 8 hours, struggling to memorize the placement of each rock and obstacle.

As Bisky enjoyed another cup of tea, she heard the arrival of a ship. She then sensed two people rushing up to her. "Hi, Bisky!" Gon greeted. "I brought Panini, she had something she wanted to tell Cheren."

"Run it by me first."

"One of our sectors was captured by the Big Mom Pirates!" Panini shouted in fury. "Sector IC's town is in shambles! We need Cheren to help us discuss a plan-"

"NO." Bisky cut her off firmly. "If Cheren's mind is cluttered with other matters, he'll never master Observation Haki. You don't want your Supreme Leader to resign, do you?"

"THAT'S A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!" Panini's body ignited with green flames. "Cheren has every right to know what happens to his sectors, and their safety takes priority over your dumb training! Not to mention the fact that MaKayla and Miyuki are two of his girlfri—I mean, close friends!"

"Come on, Bisky, isn't this a little too cruel?" Gon asked.

"As soon as Cheren knows about this," the teacher replied, "he'll want to rush headfirst into the Big Mom Pirates. It might work if he still had his Demon State, but otherwise he would just get killed, and he'll get his friends killed."

"…Wait a minute…" Panini's finger twitched as she pointed at her, eyes fuming. "Your name is Biscuit… It's a food name. THAT'S why you're torturing Cheren! Because YOU'RE with the BIG MOM PIRATES!"

"No." she said calmly. "I admit, I was worried about that fact, so I had my blood tested, and nothing about it was unnatural. According to the recent KND data files, members of Big Mom's family have candy in their DNA, correct?"

"W-Well… that is what Sector IC reported to us… but Ay'm surprised you would know that."

"Well, I do, because I keep up to date. I'm not affiliated with the pirates or any organization besides the Hyrule KND. All I want to do is train Cheren, and my instincts tell me that this will be the most effective way of saving your friends. So, if you don't want him to get killed due to a clear disadvantage, you'll let him train in peace."

". . . . ." As Panini turned toward the Sheikah Tech ship, she formed a devilish smile. "Well, there is a bright side to this: as soon as Cheren finds out what happened, and you wouldn't let me tell him… he'll cut yer head off. …And Ay'm gonna mount it on me wall." On that, she made her return to Earth.

Bisky had another sip of tea. "I've dealt with worse."

Earth; Atlantic Ocean

The salty air was cool and crisp as the sun highlighted the fluffy white clouds. As the Gangplank Galleon sailed this open sea, nary an island in sight, King K. Rool took a hefty drink of melon-grape juice. "Ahhh… I never did enjoy space travel. It's so boring… so dull and lifeless. What I wouldn't give to go back to the traditional ways of pirating. Naught but salty seas, fresh with luscious fish, braving the evils of nature. Don't you agree… Kamilla?"

His human subordinate was hunched over the railing, head propped on her hand as she gazed at the horizon. Kami paid no mind to her captain.

She felt Kroctus stomp toward her. "I can smell your aura, Kami… and it is fragrant with despair. The despair that results from the fact that all your dreams have come crumbling down. You thought you had your entire future planned out from childhood. You were going to marry a handsome man who did everything you asked. You were going to have a pure-hearted daughter who was good-mannered and great at everything. And you thought you were going to have it all, because you were such a good person who followed the rules and believed in justice. Why, you even vowed that you would never work with a Krackpot like me… and you were wrong."

Kami drew her Keyblade and whacked K. Rool's belly with all the rage pent up in her heart, which sadly was not enough to make the king budge. "Quit acting like you know a damn thing about me. I'll spend the rest of my life looking for a cure for my daughter, no matter how long I have to work with you. But as soon as Kimaya is back to normal… I'm taking her home, and we're never associating with you or the Kids Next Door ever again. No more prophecies, no more damn quests, no more ANYTHING." And she threw the Keyblade into the ocean before hunching over the rail again. The weapon simply respawned on her keychain.

"Chief, we have the ship completely surrounded. Preparing to unleash all fire on the Emperor." Sixteen GUN ships were closing in on the Galleon.

"Kami… I am only trying to be your friend." K. Rool said as cannonballs whooshed across the air. "That's why I am helping you acknowledge your flaws." He raised his claw above the woman, hardening it with Gold Haki. "You were too naïve… and so, you let your guard down."

A millisecond before the cannonball could strike K. Rool through Kami, the king BASHED it away with his golden claw, and it crashed into one of the GUN ships. Still, hundreds more were coming. Kroctus punched away two more, and used his tail to whip away another. He made a great leap, flipping as he punched and tail-whipped two balls away. He caught two balls upon descending and threw them at ships, then he leapt onto the railing, his feet on either side of Kami, as his belly withstood a volley of direct cannonballs.

With one strong belly bump, he bounced another ball, and it perfectly ricocheted off another, then another, another, one more, and CRASHED into a ship. Another flurry of balls came, and K. Rool was swift to counter: he uppercut one to send it to a different ship, side-punched one, diagonal-punched one, then leapt and tail-whipped one. Afterwards, he caught four cannonballs in his arms at different angles. He set them down in order to punch five more cannonballs away simply.

There was only one ship remaining, so K. Rool threw the four saved cannonballs in the air, in a way that they would position horizontally, and then leapt to send all four toward the ship in one punch, sinking it to the depths. "Haaaah… those were quite strong." The king sighed, flexing his arms. The sinking ship scored one final shot, but he casually punched it away. "Why didn't you ever learn Haki, Kami? You would've been perfect at it."

"Because I wanted to put this old life behind me. Children shouldn't be exposed to such trouble… no matter how old they are. I half-expected Kimaya to join the Kids Next Door… but I never expected her to be chosen for some prophecy. What really irritates me is the KND seem to have no interest in saving her!"

"Mrs. Heartly," Cheren began, "I'm sorry about what happened to Kimaya, really… but I can't just ask Death the Kid to fix her, we already vowed not to rely on his aid, anymore. We can at least be thankful that she's able to be undead thanks to Django's curse."

"My daughter helped you in YOUR quest," Kami bellowed, "and she DIED trying to help YOU! Screw this undead bullcrap, you need to find a way to FIX her! And even if you can't, you should at least bring her back to me so I can ground her for running away!"

"Look, I'll pass the message onto Kid, but… honestly, I really don't know what we could do. It's not like Danny or my parents are coming back…" Cheren replied tonelessly. "Even if Kimaya is undead… that's really the same thing."

"They're unreliable, all of them. Well, one of us has to be responsible, so it might as well be her mother. Now, could we stop talking and just focus on the mission? You give me a headache."

"I'm sure it was the fact that cannonballs almost pummeled you. But very well… Manky should be finished at that island by now."

Rainbow Monkey Island

Drums roared across the island as the sun rose to greet the colorful island! As the sky was painted with a gradient of colors, the Rainbow Monkeys danced upon the mountaintops, as if trying to raise the sun to the sky. The drums picked up the beat as the monkeys danced in alignment, eventually forming circles around a stage. Those playing the drums were human girls and boys in grass skirts and monkey masks. They were part of the Rainbow Monkey Cult, honoring the apes they loved so much.

A platform rose from below the stage, and upon it danced a pink monkey girl with blonde hair, wearing a purple top and green shorts. She played a DJ and rapped along with the drums. "Time to wake up, Getchor butt up! Swing your arms around the air." The monkeys whirled their arms with beaming expressions. "Let's raise up the sky, time to get high… No, not THAT KIND of high!"

"Put that down right now-now!" A female monkey smacked a weed away from a male monkey.

"Let's hail the King with that hippie bling! Don't forget to shake a dingaling."

"This wasn't part of the song before, was it?" a human boy asked in disgust.

"It's been long, but we're singing our song! The return of Rainbow Kong!"

Among the humans were a peculiar four, two girls and two boys. "I wonder if Rainbow Monkey Kong is really coming back!" said Sally Harper, dancing during the instrumental part of the drums. "Where do you think he's been all this time?"

"Who cares, it's none of our business." Anthony stated, the Sector W leader dancing as well. "Just stick to the mission."

Just one day beforehand, Sector W was gathered at their TV as Francis Drilovsky's image displayed. "You might not remember this, but when that Seven Lights Quest was happening three years ago, Emily Garley was on a mission to recover the treehouses from some rogue monkeys, led by a psychic ape called Specter. She managed to capture them all, and they were all imprisoned at Adams Tech… but it seems that one of them finally turned up."

The screen showed a picture of a blonde monkey in a helmet with a police car light. "This is Pink Monkey. She was one of Specter's officers. Some operatives were doing a scouting mission on Rainbow Monkey Island and reported seeing her. According to our records, apparently Emily never found or captured her; however, Sector V fought with her briefly on their Symphonia mission."

"And you want us to go and stop her?" Sally asked.

"Why can't you just send Emily?" Anthony asked.

"Well, they only allow children under 13 onto the island, and you're the only Top Sector that's still young. To be honest, I don't really see Pink Monkey as much of a threat, but I want you to approach her cautiously. Who knows, she might be trying to continue Specter's work."

"Don't worry, France!" Sally cheered, obviously excited to visit her favorite island. "We'll save those Rainbow Monkeys!"

The drumming continued as the cult sung a fast chant. "Rainbow Monkeys, red orange yellow, Spreading love everywhere they go-go, Better not cry 'cause that's a no-no, Come be part of the great big rainbow!"

The earth shook as everyone gazed in the direction of the monkey-headed mountaintop: the shadow of a gigantic ape began to rise against the sun. "OOO-EEEEEHHHH!" His call rumbled the air and the pounding of his chest rivaled the noise of the drum.

"He's HERE, he's HERE!" Pink Monkey cheered, not knowing that Anthony and Harvey were sneaking up behind her. "Hail our King, Rainbow Monkey—KAAAH!" Anthony stomped and sunk all three into a hole, quickly closing it with earthbending.

"Perfect." Aranea smiled. "I guess while they bring her to Adams Tech, we might as well say 'hi' to Monkey Kong, right?"

"I don't see why not." Sally shrugged.

Anthony brought them to a cave underneath the stage. "What the heck?! Let me GO—!" Pink Monkey was unable to struggle long before Harvey placed his hands on the sides of her head, using emotionbending to make her cry. "Sniffle sniffle… where's my Specter?" she bawled. "S-S-Specter… you said we would be together… Spe-ec-te-er!" The boys almost felt bad for the ape.

"There there, it's gonna be okay." Harvey smiled, tying Pink up with his yo-yos. "As soon as we get that helmet off you, you won't remember a thing."

"W-Won't remember…won't remember…" Pink only seemed to cry more as they carried her away.

Aboveground, it seemed that no one noticed Pink's vanishing, with all attention focused on Rainbow Monkey Kong. However, one being did notice, and that was Kong himself. "OOOEEEEEHHHH!" With a blood-hurdling bellow, the violet ape came storming down the mountain.

"Here he comes!" cheered the lead girl of the Monkey Cult. "O Rainbow Monkey Kong, we are honored to be in your—"

The furious ape SWAT the humans away with his long and massive arm, and the Rainbow Monkeys scattered as he stomped up to Sally and Aranea. He snarled at the girls through his sharp, venomous teeth, filling their hearts with fear. "…He looks different from what I remember." Sally commented, frozen.

"Yeah… I didn't think he would be an orangutan." Aranea replied.

Anthony and Harvey reemerged next to Fybi's motion-controlled Angel Wing, throwing the captive monkey into the cloud-cushioned backseat. "Will Sally and Nea not be basking in the completion of this mission?" Fybi asked, taking flight once the boys were onboard.

"Nah, let the girls play with their creepy apes." Anthony remarked, kicking back in his seat. "'Can't believe these things haven't gone extinct, yet."

"Ay, if only I shared in the admiration of fair lovely creatures." Fybi replied. "Yet, I will admire the view of Emily's frustration upon her realization that she failed to capture all the apes—" Little did she know of the flying projectile locked dead on her. "AAAAHH!"

"WHOOOAAA!" Fybi was knocked dizzy, spinning toward the ground, and this caused the Angel Wing's passengers to have a very uncomfy flight. Fybi was able to regain composure, but she gasped at realizing what struck her. "NEA!" She dove down at full speed to catch her falling cousin, the ship following with equal speed. Fybi landed gently on the island, her cousin bleeding from the head. "Aranea! Prithee, what hast happened?!"

"Nnn… S-Sally…"

"GUYS, WATCH OUT!" came Sally's cry in the distance.

Fybi dodged the barrel projectile with the beat of her heart, taking flight with Nea still in her arms. The boys climbed out of the ship, preparing their selves as Rainbow Monkey Kong was charging through the jungle, leaving a trail of toppled trees. Before long, the orangutan king presented himself before the youngest sector, clutching Sally in his left hand.

"Hey." Monkey Kong began in a strict, calm tone. "Did you kids take my singer?"

Sector W were struck silent. Did this monkey just… speak?

"Hey, I asked you a question. You kids DO speak my language, right?"

"Uncle Manky!" Pink Monkey cried, propping herself up in her cloud seat. "These kids took me and made me think about Specter!"

"Uncle… Manky?" Harvey repeated, curious.

"Oh, so you do speak my language." He narrowed his eyes a tad. "Then maybe this can go more smoothly. Untie my subordinate, please."

"H-Hold on!" Anthony stated. "Who the heck are you?!"

"Maybe I'm not speaking well enough. Look, I'll sound it out for you." The ape pointed at his mouth, leaning his head closer as his words flowed smoothly through his teeth. "Man. Ky. Kong. Main-kee Kong. Manky Kong. That's my name."

"N-Not… Rainbow Monkey Kong?" Sally asked.

"Not quite. The real Rainbow Kong died 23 years ago. His remains were converted into the Ape-Ape Fruit, Rainbow Model. You know about Devil Fruits, right? Do I have to explain?"

"Uh… n-no?"

"Good. There, I answered your question. Now, release my subordinate."

"No way!" Anthony shouted. "We were sent here to catch her, she's a villain!"

Manky shook his head in disbelief. "Then I guess I'll keep this girl with me. That's fair, right?" He returned to the jungle.

"NO!" Aranea shouted, grunting due to the wound in her head. "Guys, just…just let the monkey go."

Harvey grit his teeth. "You better let Sally go or we'll kick your butt." With this warning, he lifted Pink out of the ship and untied her string.

The flustered monkey rushed over and climbed up Manky's body, resting on his head. There was a tense air as Manky stared at his captive. The others were prepared to fight the ape in case of treachery… The question is, when was the best time to strike?

Still holding Sally, Manky reached his other hand and picked up the Angel Wing like a toy. "PLACE THAT DOWN!" Fybi ordered, drawing her B.O.W..

"This seems like a KND aircraft." Manky observed. "So does that." He looked at the B.O.W.. "You know, back where I'm from, me and Funky were the only ones who cared about weapons." He casually tossed the ship away as pieces broke off. "But our shabby creations were nothing compared to what the Kremling Krew wrought upon our land. And even their technology at the time was miniscule… compared to what you humans have created. I quite envied the kind of power this world possessed. To put it simply… I wan'na be like you."

Manky Kong began dancing as Pink Monkey played a flute. A familiar tune rang throughout the air as more Rainbow Monkeys danced out of the jungle. "I'm the King of the Swingers, yo, the jungle VIP. I reached the top, and had to stop, and that's what's botherin' me." He faced Sally with a baffled expression. He resumed swinging her around and sang, "I wanna be like the Marines, and stroll right into town… and blow things up to smithereens, I'm tired of monkeying around. OH!"

The Rainbow Monkeys drew guns, and Anthony brought up an Earth Wall to block their bullets. "Oo-be-doo! I wan'na be like you-oo-ou." Fybi began shooting the monkeys unconscious. "I wan'na shoot like you, fight like you, too-oo-oo." Manky seemed to use Sally as a microphone. She feared that he would snap her head off in those colossal teeth. "You see, it's true-u-ue!" Anthony flung a boulder at his face. "Somebody like me-ee-ee!" Manky smacked it away with a Haki arm. "Can be violet and violent, too-oo-oo!"

Anthony propelled himself to the air with an Earth Arm, bringing it down as Manky countered it with a Haki punch. "You might think it's insane, that a giant orangutan…" The stone arm shattered as Anthony fell, "would ever wan'na grab a gun and gonna shoot guys, too." Manky picked up a gun in his fingers, casually tossing it like a twig. "But now that I'm a big old brute, all thanks to my Devil Fruit, the only sword I can afford is these fists to please My Lord."

Anthony stomped rock jabs up from every direction around Manky, the orangutan enduring the hits and punching them off. Fybi shot light arrows at the arm holding Sally, but Manky easily swung the arm around to evade them. Pink Monkey fired a Song Beam at Fybi, her ears ringing as Manky smacked her out of the sky. Grinning giddily, he kept dancing to the beat—until the music seemed to get an extra instrument that ruined the rhythm. Manky looked down at a rock, seeing a lemur playing a banjo. The giant reached over and crushed the banjo between his fingers.

Manky's face was pelted by more boulders, but he was quick to defend himself by swatting some away, then he grabbed a boulder and threw it down at Anthony, who quickly shattered it. "Huh?" Manky heard another tune and noticed the same lemur was playing a xylophone. With an annoyed expression, Manky smashed the instrument.

Afterwards, the lemur got an ocarina and started playing, "Doo-doo-doo-doo-doot! Doo-doot! Doo doot doot doo-doo!"

"Mmmf!" A powerful gust of wind pressed onto Manky's face. Fybi willed the wind to heat up, causing him to suffocate. He tried to hold Sally in front of him, but his left arm was bound by a stone chain, Anthony struggling to pull it to the ground. But what really annoyed Manky was that ocarina. So, he reached his right hand to grab the lemur and throw him into Fybi, stopping the Heat Gust and imbuing his fist with Haki to break the stone chain.

The music reached a more upbeat part, so Manky began singing, "Chewbacca Chewbacca, Chewbaccada-bacca! Chewbaccada-baccada-baccada-baccada!" He danced with glee and used his arms as a jump-rope, Sally screaming in horror.

"Grrrr! His cockiness is my bane." Fybi grumbled. "Thou shalt fear me when I sever thine arm with an arrow—huh?!" Her B.O.W. was missing. The lemur had taken it, playing it like a violin. "Giveth me that!" Fybi swiped the weapon and kicked him across the jungle.

The lemur was back on his feet and playing the triangle. Manky joyfully danced over to him, the lemur unsuspecting as the giant stomped and silenced him. "How magnifiecus it would be, a Gigantopithecus like me!" The Rainbow Monkeys grabbed grenades and threw them around the jungle. "To start a war on this rainbow shore and shake the island to its core. But somewhere in this earth, lies a treasure of great worth. And once my King has all the bling, he'll rule everything!"

Harvey expanded a blue aura bubble over the monkeys to force them to become sad, but a stray bomb blew him away and broke his concentration. Aranea grew anxious at the dire situation, facing up at the Kong as he danced with pure confidence, as did the Pink Monkey on his crown. …It was then her Observation Haki kicked in. "Guys, Pink Monkey is powering him up with musicbending!"

"Fybi, shoot her off!" Anthony ordered.

"SCOOBY-DOO! I wanna be like you-oo-ou!" Manky cockily dodged Fybi's arrows, Pink Monkey feeling fearless upon her captain's crown. "I wanna scare like you, not care like you, just like humans do!" Manky danced over to a platform fit for his size, and it was composed of Rocket Barrels. "And learn to be, like someone like you!" And the rockets raised him to the sky. "And maybe YOU can be… LIKE SOMEONE LIKE ME!" Then, Manky leapt off the rockets, flipping upon his descent as he hurled Sally down like a meteor!


"I haveth thee!" Fybi blasted forth like a bullet to catch her friend, but the force of Sally's speed was too strong, and so both girls ended up plummeting to the ground. The soil splashed into the air as if it were liquid. Anthony had willed the soil over that spot to soften, and he ran over to confirm their condition. Dirt was mixed in with blood, and only Fybi was weakly maintaining consciousness. "Hurrr… Anthony… my suspicions of this ape have been growing by the minute."

The earth rumbled once more when Manky crash-landed. "Uncle Manky, those kids used my feelings for Specter against me!" Pink shouted, weeping. "Th-Th-They were going to take off my Pipo Helmet. But if I lose this helmet, I might forget Specter!"

"It's okay, sweetheart." Manky reached up and gently patted her. "I'll straighten them out for you."

"NO! I have to fight them myself!" Pink declared, a pink aura enveloping her. "A girl's pride is on the line! I have to defeat them with my love!"

"Calm yourself down! Still, if they used your 'feelings' against you, then one of them must be an emotionbender. If I'm correct… it's that boy in the black ushanka, right?"

"What's it to you?" Anthony asked.

"I'd like to make a deal with you kids: you see, buried up in that mountain is a jewel known as the Rainbow Crown. It's a special jewel that can be used to convert emotions into power, and I was planning to use Pink's love for Specter as a base. However, if I have an emotionbender to enhance her feelings, it might become more powerful. If you would be kind enough to help me, I'll spare you a painful punishment for intruding on my land."

"Why do you want this crown, anyway?!"

"Anthony…" Fybi grunted. "His previous words… he hast mentioned yon Kremling Krew. Mayhaps he is… under their employ?"

"Mayhaps I am indeed." Manky smirked. "I am the King of the Jungle Division, and yes, I have come to make this island part of our territory. We were lucky that the Big Mom Pirates didn't have a chance to set up shop here first, considering Bully Island is close by. As for the crown, well, let's just say it's for a project. I've answered enough of your questions, so will you help me or not?"

Anthony stomped up a large stone shield, engulfing himself, Sally, and Fybi. Manky quickly shattered it with a Haki punch, but they had already sunk beneath the ground. "Sigh… that's what I thought."

Aranea used her Haki to dodge the bullets from the monkeys' guns, until she was engulfed in another earth shield. The same applied to a weakened Harvey.

Suddenly, a massive fist of smooth gray stone sprouted out of the ground and punched Manky in the face. As he stumbled back, wiping blood off his mouth, a statue of Anthony McKenzie appeared to rival the Kong's size. "Gray stone?" Manky asked. "The color of that soil is unnatural. Is he some sort of Logia type?" He raised both fists and hardened them as he brought them down, but Anthony raised both of his to defend. Afterwards, the statue swung his foot into the ape and sent him flying across the island.

In truth, Anthony had entered Stone Fury: his hair seemed to vanish and his peach skin had morphed a solid gray. He had gathered his friends inside the head of the statue. "He ruined the ship. We have to contact another sector if we wanna get off this rock. Fybi, do you think you'll be able to make it on your own?"

"I am feeling rather weary at the moment, Anthony."

"Our communicators don't get reception on this island." Aranea replied, checking hers.

"Then we have no choice but to kick his butt!" Anthony willed the statue to charge toward the Kong. He threw a punch that Manky tried to block with his palm, only for Anthony's to push through it like cardboard and land another hit on Manky's face. The orangutan recovered and ran behind the statue in his attempt to hug it. He could only hug him for a brief second before Anthony kicked back and sent him sliding. The statue about-faced and charged at the grounded Kong, who used a hand to block as Anthony stomped on his stomach. Again, the Kong's defense was feeble, and he hacked spit as the stone foot crushed his insides.

"Something's wrong." Anthony said, continuing to stomp Manky through the latter's feeble hand defense. "Why isn't he using Haki, anymore? Ergh…" He grunted as his body reverted to a peach color, his hair reforming. "W-What's happening to my Fury? It shouldn't be wearing off this early…"

"What's wrong? Out of energy?" Manky smirked, casually brushing the stone foot off him. "Rainbow Monkey Kong had another unique power: the Gentle Fist." He got back on his feet. "By simply touching you in pure self-defense and with no violent intent, or even in a loving manner like a hug, it will soften your strength. It seems it even works if I touch things powered by your chi. Of course, after I'm done being gentle, I'll go back to violence." He raised his right fist as Haki returned. "Now I'll do to you what I did to Chunky Kong… may his soul rest in peace." In the next moment, the head of the statue was shattered.

A few miles offshore, King K. Rool gazed at the island through a telescope. "Oh… Seems the island is under attack." He took note of the smoke. "But Manky doesn't seem to be having trouble."

"So, Manky is Rainbow Monkey Kong?" Kami asked in curiosity.

"Well, for the last 17 years, I suppose. After the Firstborn Quest, I learned about Devil Fruits and the man who creates them. I contacted Dr. Clown through a man named Doflamingo, and specially paid him to fund the creation of a Devil Fruit. To regain my lost powers of Animalia, I wanted him to create a Devil Fruit that would allow me to transform into any animal I pleased. Unfortunately, I later heard the completed fruit had been stolen. I demanded Doflamingo return the funding, but he ended up returning half, and in place of the other half, I was given a Devil Fruit composed of Rainbow Kong's essence. Apparently, Doflamingo was the cause of Rainbow Kong's mysterious death and the fruit was waiting in storage."

"You people really are despicable."

"Yes, but our despicability is what will save your daughter. Anyway, it seems we will be docking soon. I must make sure to look the part." And K. Rool morphed from a croc to a green gorilla.

Planet Mobius; North Island

North Island was typically a pleasant Winter Island, home to Mobian polar bear Vikings. With houses made of ice, and strong warriors to protect it, it was a pretty and peaceful village. But not today…

The Vikings erected massive walls of solid ice to protect their village, bearing weapons as the enemy army drew near. What seemed like hundreds of penguins, walruses, and even owls marched across the frozen land in a thunderous fashion. Leading them was Lord Fredrik, Snowmad King of the Arctic Division. "Vikings of North Island, we claim your land in the name of King K. Rool. Surrender to us now and avoid a cold fate."

"Oh, we aren't going to give in to thugs like you, yup." Chief Norman said. "Men, send these wannabes back to the ocean!" The bears roared and charged at the enemy Vikings.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Fredrik said before taking a breath and blowing heartily into his horn. An ice dragon grazed the snow as it flew toward Norman, but he severed the dragon with a mighty swing of his axe. Norman clashed with Fredrik, each imbuing Haki in their weapons. Though it was axe against horn, the wooden instrument proved durable as Fredrik knocked the axe away. He took Norman down with a swing to the head.

The Snowmads' polar bear general, Bashmaster, fought with Bark, a Mobian bear with yellow fur. Bark's fists countered Bashmaster's hammer, but that was before the hammer froze the fists. Bark jumped back when the hammer came down again, and the Mobian jumped off the back of it and bashed his frozen fists onto Bashmaster's head. The ice broke, so Bark followed with a strong punch to the back, but was not prepared when Bashmaster hauled the hammer behind him and struck his opponent.

Several other Snowmads had set up a wooden ramp, which Pompy the seal general slid down. He flew off with great momentum, twirling in the air before breaking through the icy barrier. Regardless, Skowl the owl general had already flown over the village, he and his owls dropping bombs.

Flicky Island

Mobian bird officers were dropping one after another, the skies of this peaceful island blotted by a battle of birds. Karbines (owls with glasses) held cannons in their talons and fired lavaballs, Neckies (vultures) blasted nuts like bullets with enough force to knock the Mobians dizzy. Master Necky and Necky Sr. choked officers in their hook-like beaks.

Their problems only increased when a storm began to cover the island. The Neckies beamed at seeing it. "BIRD! We've almost got 'em down, King Helmaroc! Soon, we'll be adding Flickies to our army too, BIRD!"

A gigantic bird with dark-purple feathers, a green and yellow tail, and a mask with yellow eyes was soaring toward the island, guiding the storm. "CAAAAAAWWW!"

King of the Avian Division, formerly Ganondorf's pet


Bounty: 900,000,000

Mystic Ruins

A massive galleon with a dinosaur's figurehead blasted the train bridge leading to and from the jungle island. Tourists cried and ran in fear as T-rexes pursued them, led by General Red-Eye King. Lightfoots (raptors wielding spears) pranced about and stabbed the dog soldiers that had been dispatched to fight them. A muscular raptor known as Musclefoot fought with Sleuth Dawg, arms locked as they struggled to bring the other down. It was only when Musclefoot took a bite of the dog did the dino gain the advantage.

Of course, this battle didn't go unheard in the skies above. Knuckles the Echidna dove down from Angel Island and was in battle with the Sharpclaw King of the Dinosaur Division, General Scales. With Knuckles' Shovel Claw against Scales' sword and metal claw, the match seemed fairly even. "I don't need Sonic to protect my homeland… In the name of the Master Emerald, I WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

Scales spoke in his Dino Talk, "(Your emerald will become my present to King K. Rool. And after I have conquered this island… the pudgy witch with pink hair will LOVE ME!!)"

Knuckles didn't understand him, yet there was a fiery passion in Scales' sharp eyes. This love turned into power, power enough to shatter Knuckles' claws and knuckles. The echidna grunted and fell to his knees, rasping in pain. Scales licked the blood off his sword, and by some unseen force, the nearby dinosaurs and Mobian soldiers came longing to nibble on Knuckles' flesh. The power of the Prey-Prey Fruit took effect.


The undersea kingdom was in a panic as swarms of malicious fish, squids, and jellyfish lay waste to all the coral buildings. A giant beast called the Kroctopus gnashed its fanged tentacles at two KND operatives, Coral the Betta and Pearly the Manta. Coral used musicbending to attack Kroctopus with notes and Pearly slashed him with waterbending, but the girls were grabbed by lesser Croctopuses, giving their general the advantage.

Meanwhile, Kommander Ineptune Korona, a giant mermaid with green skin and a purple tailfin, was in battle with two shark kids, a slate one named Razor and a red one named Blade. The three spun and shot at each other with Torpedo Spins, and the sharks were almost equal with the mermaid before they were forced to divide, gaining a headache. Blade quickly swam up and stabbed Ineptune with a knife, but this caused a noxious gas to leak out of the green skin and infect her nostrils. Ineptune then whipped Blade away with her tail.

"Why the hell are you pirates attacking us?!" Razor demanded to know, using Haki as he punched Ineptune, but she blocked with her large palms and blew mini gas bubbles at him.

"We've been ordered to capture as many Mobians as possible! I don't know what he has planned, but if all goes well, K. Rool will be the KING of Mobius!"

Superbia; U.A. Dorms

At 1:30 in the morning, the night was calm and pleasant within the grounds of U.A.. The students and teachers were adrift in slumber, and no activity occurred in the streets outside. The only exception were a few shady characters with animal traits lurking outside. Of course, animal traits were common amongst the people of this planet, so they weren't entirely suspicious.

The silence was slightly ruptured by a patter of little footsteps in the hallway. A white-haired girl with a horn on her head had gone to the living room to retrieve a bottle of water from the fridge. As soon as she took a drink, she heard a voice: "Eri-chan?" With a gasp, she closed the fridge and turned.

"Deku-san…" she greeted her favorite hero. "What are you doing up?"

"I was about to ask the same thing. …But I guess the answer will be the same, hehe."

Once Deku had his own drink, he and Eri joined each other on the couch. "It's hard to sleep when your throat is dry, you know?" said the hero.

"But isn't soda bad before bedtime?" Eri replied, acknowledging his chosen beverage.

"Uh…" He blushed. "Eh, milk and water always feel weird on my tongue after sleeping. Besides, I usually get back to bed pretty easy."

"Okay…" She stared at her drink for a second. "…I'm glad you got your Quirk back, by the way."

"Oh, thanks. I bet you were getting tired of hanging on my shoulders, huh?" He smiled jokingly.

"Um… I guess, but… I mean, I really enjoyed helping you."

"And I'm really thankful. But I felt bad for putting you in so much danger."

"…Hey, Deku-san?" She looked up at him. "If I joined the Kids Next Door, could I help you even more?"

He could see a sparkle in her sweet red eyes, beaming with aspiration. "Eri-chan, if you joined the KND, you would have to help a lot more people than just me. And that would be a lot of hard work. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"Y…Y…" She wanted to say 'yes,' but even she was not sure. "I just want to be more useful to you."

"Eri, don't dedicate your life to me." Deku grinned, planting a hand on her young head. "Find something that you're passionate about and live your life happily. And don't ever think that you're useless."

"Mmm…" She could only respond with a smile.

"Well, my eyes are getting heavy… Don't stay up too late." Deku stood and began to return to his room.

"Deku-san?" She grabbed his hand. "Can I… stay with you tonight?"


"Uh… I don't know. I just… want to be with you tonight."

He sported a chuckle and replied, "Eri-chan, I'm flattered, but I don't want you to get too attached to me. Learn to be more independent."

"Oh… Okay. I'm sorry, Deku-san." With that, Eri walked the opposite way.

"Er, I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's okay." She faced him with a smile. "You're right. I want to be stronger, too." So, she continued on to her room. Deku smiled with pride for his friend and left as well.

When Eri returned to her room and locked the door, the water was quick to stir her stomach. She entered her bathroom and turned on the light. After her talk with Deku, her heart was at ease, so relieving herself would be all she needed to return to a peaceful slumber. She lifted the seat, her eyes meeting those of the vicious snake in the black cowboy hat—

"!!!" Eri could only let out a weak gasp, leaping back in terror. At first, she thought she was imagining it, but only for a second until the venomous predator emerged from the toilet. More of his body slowly presented itself, and his mass would eventually fill the room and envelop Eri. "Well, well… looks like I made it just in time." said Rattlesnake Jake. "I was savin' room for ratssss tonight."

In an instant, she woke the dorms like an alarm clock. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"