Of Mice and Monsters

Artemyra Island; above Gerudo Desert

The Rogue Delivery could see the distant sandy tornado as it sailed near Artemyra, the floating island where Jataro was stationed. With binoculars, they could see the boy in question using his Window Fruit power, for gigantic fingernails were digging into the sand around the cyclone. "They're already sending Monokuma ships at us!" Kiki yelled. "We can't sail over the island or they'll blast us!"

"Just fly me over!" Wendy said. "I'll run up and subdue Jataro in no time."

"Shyeah, that'll be no problem, but what'll you do about the tornado?" Philip asked. "Even if you're strong enough to stop it, there's no way you can beat Skaios!"

"What if Wendy sends Jataro to us," Romeo began, "and we use him to lure Skaios away while Wendy stops the cyclone?"

"HECK TO THE NO!" Phil and Kiki shouted. "If he's really that fast, he'll tear us up like paper!" added the latter.

"We can't waste time, I'm going to get Jataro now." Wendy declared as she hopped into the ship catapult. "Fire away, Ollie!"

"Good luck!" Oliver aimed and flipped the lever. (Play "High and Broken" from Secret Rings!)

Stage 16: Artemyra

Mission: Stop Skaios from taking Gerudo Town!

Wendy flew off the ship and landed on the first town street, boosting to blow down the Monokumas in her path. She Home Attacked some Destroykumas to get over a chasm, then landed in a field beside a wall with a stairwell. Spiked Ballkumas were rolling down the stairs and toward Wendy, but by casting softening spells on them, she could defeat them with Home Attacks. She noticed a pile of crates on the left corner of the wall and stairs, and after tearing them down, she discovered a treasure chest. With the Ballkumas defeated, Wendy raced up the stairs and rightward along the wall, going into a temple building.

Three Red Leaf Ninjas ambushed her, throwing kunai at Wendy, and using Substitution Jutsu whenever she attacked. They also planted Bomb Tape to injure her, but by filling the room with whirlwinds, she was able to dizzy the ninjas and KO them. A spring appeared to bounce her up the ruin tower, scaring a Loftwing after landing on the roof. The bird took off, emitting Light Chi from its wings and forming a glowing path. Wendy could run along this path, but it would vanish behind her, so she caught up with the Loftwing. The bird flew in loops around the sky that Wendy was all too used to, but the island was launching Bullet Bills that struck parts of the path, Wendy sidestepping around them.

The path went close to the town—"AAAAH!" A giant hand came out of a portal and grasped Wendy.

"Big kids are always pushing me down whenever I'm doing something important," Jataro said, "like building a sandcastle or playing my game. I guess I'm just fated to be pushed down all the time, but at least I'm big enough to push back." He squeezed Wendy like a grape, but the sky mage was saved when Oliver shot Light Arrows at the hand. "Yow!" Jataro pulled his arm out of the photo. "That felt like getting stung by a firefly. Yeah, I was stung by one once. Even a critter as peaceful as that despises me."

Wendy landed, but had to quickly grasp the ground when a powerful wind blew. She sucked in some of the wind and channeled the chi to her legs, planting herself firmly on the ground and charging against the wind. She dodged carts and boxes flying at her, still moving slowly due to the strong wind, and when her stamina began to give out, she had to grasp the ground again and suck in more wind. There were several railings built around the path, and Wendy jumped to the first one, blowing herself forward and jumping between rails while still fighting the wind. "Nyaaaa! Someone help me!" Wendy saw a cage blowing over a rail on the very left, jumping her way to it to catch the cage just in time. She rescued Muriel, an Evermore citizen, and had her put in the Vanish Box.

To get back to the rail path, Wendy had to let the wind blow her backwards, then she could jump to the previous rails. She kept following the main route until a rail sloped down a stairwell into a temple, where the wind didn't reach. Inside the temple, she was blocked by a magic barrier and had to solve a block puzzle, pushing the blocks together to form a picture of a Loftwing. While doing so, zombie-trolls moaned and ran at her from the darkness, Wendy using air blasts to keep the undead at bay.

After completing the puzzle, Wendy progressed past the barrier and hit a red switch that made an energy rail appear. The rail zigzagged in right angles as Wendy grinded over a chasm, but the rail would bring her around in circles unless Wendy would hit blue switches to change the paths. The rails would angle up or down at different altitudes, creating a sort of maze, and Wendy was lucky enough to grind by a cage containing a brown-haired girl in a cinnamon-pink dress.

"I'll save you!" Wendy said, shrinking the cage and placing it in the Vanish Box. "My name's Wendy, I'm with the KND."

"Hey, my name's Wendy, too! I'm from the Noah's Ark Circus."

"Wow, small world! Just stay in there and my friends will help you."

The rail finally went straight as Wendy had to constantly hit switches and keep the path going. The rail led outside, swerving around the island cliffs as the planet's horizon lay before her view. The rail curved into a canyon and dropped Wendy off on a path along the left wall. An Inkling sniper locked on her from the far end, but Wendy used Protego whenever he fired. His shots would leave a trail of cyan ink that would make Wendy slip, so she used a cleaning spell to wash it away, and she would only go forward when the Inkling reloaded. She leapt to Home Attack a spring that bounced her to a right ledge, wherein she jumped over gaps. She defended from the sniper up until she reached his platform, KOing him with a spell.

A Loftwing was startled by her attack and took off, Wendy running along its light path again. Jataro's giant hand reached for her, but Wendy kept it at bay with an Air Slice. The Loftwing flew sideways, Wendy keeping at a steady speed to run in such a manner, and the path curved right as it became right-side up. Jataro's other hand came down, but was pushed back by Wendy's wind, and when it became a fist and tried to punch her, the photo's frame blocked him from doing so. The Loftwing swooped underneath the island, swerving around the large stalactites, while short stalactites fell from above and nearly crushed her.

They left the island's underside as the Loftwing flew straight up at a 90-degree angle, Wendy dashing consistently to avoid falling. Banzai Bills rained down from the sky, Wendy side-stepping them, but when the Loftwing reached its peak, the path ended. Wendy ran off the edge and into the air, twisting her body as she dove toward the island. There were five green numbered rings in her view, so she maneuvered her body to fall through each one, all while dodging missiles. She succeeded, and a Riddle Cage opened, revealing a chest. "Wait, you mean RIDDLER is the one hiding all these chests?! I should've known…"

Wendy ran a straight path for the temple tower Jataro was on. Seeing her coming, he took a picture of that path and stuck his fingers in the photo, digging into the ground and bending it up. Wendy ran up the slope and up Jataro's arm. He gasped as if a bug landed on him and instinctively reached his other arm to scratch her off, but she dodged between his fingernails and ran along the side of the arm to jump to a ledge on the tower's side. She ran around the corner turn and Home Attacked Destroykumas to go over a gap, landing on the next ledge. Spikes erected in and out on this path, so Wendy was cautious in when to proceed. The path ended at a trampoline under a flagpole on the roof. She used Ground Pounds to build momentum and height on the trampoline until she could Home Attack the top, swapping the Sky God flag with a gold one of the Sky Dragon Pirates (a Fairy Tail symbol). With that, she landed and aimed her wand at Jataro. (End song.)

"FREEZE, Jataro! It's the end of the line for you!" Wendy exclaimed with a victorious smirk, wand aimed at the boy.

"Mu-u-u-u-u-u-u, M-Mu-u-u-u…" Jataro was awash in great despair. He felt as if the Grim Reaper had come to claim him.

"Your pitiful act won't fool me! You're better off just giving up and sparing yourself the pain!"


Wendy frowned in sympathy. "Hey, it's okay, I don't wanna hurt you. If you just surrender and come with me, I promise we'll bring you to a safe place."

"M-M-M-M. . ." His mask growing ever more pale, Jataro aimed his sleeved arm at Mandy.

At that moment, Wendy understood his despair, and felt it herself. The Queen of Hyrule and Yonko Mandy was directly behind her. Barely a few inches separated them. Frozen in place, Wendy feared that if she twisted her head around, she would die. But if she kept standing there before the silent queen, she would only await a slow, painful end. "Ugh." Impatient, Queen Mandy walked through Wendy. Walked through as if she were never an obstacle worth considering. As Mandy's Logia body of nightmarish mist graced her skin, it sapped all the color from Wendy's body. A terrible vision was embedded into her drained eyes.

"I…I'm sorry… Wendy…" Her mother, Charle spoke as she lay dying at her daughter's feet. "It looks like… you'll be all alone… all over again…"

Jataro, frozen as well, awaited his doom. Mandy, finding no interest in the boy, channeled a Fear Sphere in her hand. "Keep your disgusting fingers out of my planet."

Then, for a moment, it felt as if a cannonball struck Mandy's left hip and blew her off the tower. She recovered and floated in the air to examine the guilty object: Captain Skaios. "And keep yer wretched hands off me mate, ya shameful queen. Ye've already crossed the line by taking Masaru in yer threshold!"

"Who the hell is Masaru? I can't keep track of every prisoner my crewmen catch."

"Red, spiky hair? An energetic lad, he is. And he loves baseball."

"Hmm, that sounds like the boy Smaug and Sivam captured a few weeks back. But I thought he was a KND operative…"

"It matters not either way! This planet will be liberated by Skaios, but this time, IT'S PERSONAL!" The god punched air bullets at Mandy, who molded her body to dodge them, and grabbed Skaios in a nightmare claw to throw him to the ground of the island. Skaios recovered and flew away in time to dodge Fear Spikes, going away from the island as Mandy pursued. He used whirlwinds to summon sand up from the desert and shoot them at Mandy in spiked form, and his attacks seemed to puncture Mandy until she disappeared. Skaios smirked, but heard something behind him: he turned and gasped horrified when a Nightmare Snake gnashed him in its teeth.

"Hey guys, something's wrong with Wendy!" Philip warned his team.

"Mandy didn't hurt her, did she?!" Oliver asked.

"I think she's just stunned, but we gotta fly in there and help—huh?!" The ship was suddenly steering away from the island.

"We can't stay here any longer!" Kiki shouted in panic. "Lord Mandy's here! She knows my scent, she'll kill me if she finds me here!"

"Kiki, now isn't the time!" Oliver stated. "Wendy's in danger!"

"Ollie, get your broom, we'll go save her ourselves!" Phil said, laser rifle ready.

"Right. Kiki, just don't go too far." Ollie and Phil mounted the former's broom and flew for the tower.

Jataro calmly approached the petrified Wendy and waved at her face. "I didn't think someone as worthless as me deserved to be so lucky. Hehe… this girl will make a good model, huhuhuhu—AAH!" He jumped when a laser struck by his foot.

"Hey, treat girls with a little more respect, buddy." Philip said, rifle aimed.

"Reducio!" Oliver shrunk Wendy down as he swooped by and grabbed her. "Phil, get on!"

"Just go without me, I'll handle this brat."

"By yourself?!"

"You need to make a potion or something to help Wendy, we need her to get rid of that tornado! But we can't let this kid rip out any more islands. Hurry and get it done, I can take him!"

"I'll be back as soon as possible!" Ollie flew away.

"D-Don't come any closer!" Jataro stuttered. "Or I will be forced to show you the horrible nightmare that is my face. And I REALLY don't want people to see my face. My eyelids were stretched behind my head and glued in place, and my hair follicles are actually thin threads of skin that BLEED if you cut them."

"Sheesh, you're a messed-up kid. Go ahead, take off your mask, I'm still gonna beat you to a pulp. Heck, I'll rip that mask off myself if I have to!"

"N-N-N-NOOO!" Jataro stomped up a stone barrier. "Mom said I am never to remove my mask and shame her with my horrid face! She must hate me an awful lot to make me wear this, so if this mask goes-"

"YOU TALK TOO MUCH!" Phil ran around the wall and tackled him.

"AAAAH! GET OFF!" Jataro grabbed a piece out of the wall and hit Phil in the head, pushing him off and running. (Play the Boss Theme from Kirby 64!)

Boss fight: Hope Pirates Artist, JATARO KEMURI

Jataro encased himself in a statue shaped like himself and brought up four other statues. They slid away from Phil as they circled around the field, eventually closing in on him as they slowed to a halt. As he tried to guess the correct one, a statue pushed him from behind, then backed away as the next statue came, angering Phil. The statues spun around again as he readied himself, and as they slowed, he noticed one of them blink its eyes. Phil immediately shot the statue's chest, breaking Jataro out as the artist ran. Jataro stomped up and threw small rocks, Phil dodging and shooting at him. The artist eventually tripped, and Phil didn't waste time in tackling him.

"Let's get that mask right off!" Phil grabbed the bottom rim and began forcefully pulling.

"STOP IT!" Jataro grabbed a scraper and tried to cut Phil's hands, but the older boy smacked it away and punched his head. He grabbed both of Jataro's hands, pulling them in an 'X'.

"This fight's already over, ya little twerp. You may make yourself look big with that Devil Fruit, but you're even scrawnier than Kiki." Phil pulled up Jataro's right leg and began to twist the foot.

"AAAAH! Please stop! Uncle! Uncle!"

"Heh, Ollie may be a powerful wizard, but he was always helpless against me in wrestling! I'm gonna tie you into a nice little knot-…" An odd sensation overcame Phil as he noticed his nose extend. "What?! Crap, I forgot to take my medicine! Just give me a second…" He reached in his pocket and withdrew his jar of pills—"AAH, HEY!" Jataro pushed himself up and knocked Phil over, dropping the jar. He crawled in reach for it—"NOOO!" Jataro threw a rock to knock the pills away, Phil watching as they fell off the edge.

The artist jumped on Phil's back and raised his scraper high in the air, aimed at Phil's neck. "I'm gonna sculpt your bones into an ugly statue, and it'll look…?!" To Jataro's horror, Phil seemed to shrink into his clothes, and Jataro spread his legs apart to get off them. Phil's shirt and pants were flat on the ground. "He…He just melted… uhn?!" He gasped when he saw a lump wiggling in the pants. "D-Did his whole body compress into his…?" (Pause song.)

A little mouse peeped out of Phil's underwear. The mouse looked up, his tiny eyes shrinking at the sight of Jataro. The meek artist cast an ominous shadow over Phil. Jataro, whom Phil had the physical advantage over, and whom Phil was just bullying like a kid on the playground, was towering over him. And his eyes possessed a cold stare as he formulated a conclusion in his head. "…I see. So, you hate yourself, too. You're just a filthy, disgusting rodent pretending to be human. Your life must be more awful than mine."

"(…Yep, ya got me!)" Phil smiled nervously. "(I'm no different than you! So, you and I should stop fighting and be friends! I mean, when I was beating you up just now, that was just play-fighting, I do it with my buds all the time, heh heh… heh…)"

Jataro cocked his head in confusion. He didn't understand 'squeak.' "This is just like those stories where the big kid bullies the little kid, and the big kid turns small, and the little kid does a bunch-a weird things. Heheh… those are fun to read~" Jataro smiled euphorically, drooling. "I always wanted to do those things to a bully. This is a dream come true, huhu. …" His eyes falling down to Phil again, he raised his scraper. (Resume song.)

"SQUEEEAAAAK!" The mouse scampered away. Phil could feel the ground shaking as the giant charged after him, longing to impale Phil with the scraper. Jataro stomped the ground to launch himself forward with a rock-jab, and Phil dodged left as the scraper punctured the ground (due to his bending). "(I'm not just gonna run around like a coward until Ollie shows up! I have pride to keep!)" Phil ran up the arms while Jataro was down and bit the boy's left eye.

"NYAAA!" Jataro rolled around and furiously bashed the mouse off. "Nuuu I'm gonna get rabies! Oh, I feel my mouth foaming! Or was that saliva always there—AAAH!" Phil ran back and bit his right eye, Jataro slapping him off again. The artist sat up and sobbed as he tried to rub his eyes of the pain, but Phil used this chance to climb up his back and bite the stitches off his mask. "STOP IT!" Jataro shook him off and stood. "Even a stupid rat like YOU shouldn't look at my face! I'll spare you the misery with death!" He began to stomp up small rocks and punch them at Phil, who ran a circle around Jataro. He was 10 feet away from the giant, and he would change direction as Jataro tried to predict his movements.

Phil would time his jump carefully, so when the next rock came, the mouse would bounce off the rock closer to Jataro. He resumed dodging the rocks before deciding to jump off the next one, and when Jataro quickly hurdled another, Phil leapt off it as well, then pounced to Jataro's right eye for a bite. The boy smacked him to the ground, then began stomping his feet in attempt to squish the mouse. With only a left eye to focus, Jataro struggled to smash him, and Phil found the sight of the dancing giant humorous. Phil kept running between the legs until Jataro tripped on his own feet, falling on his rear. Phil ran up the arched left leg and pounced the left eye, biting it painfully.

Jataro stood and ran away while rubbing his eyes. He naturally curved so he wouldn't fall off the roof, so Phil was able to get in front of him on one of these curves and pounce at the boy's leg, tripping Jataro. Phil then ran up his back and picked more stitches off the mask. Jataro shook him off again, but held on his mask as it was loosened up. Jataro mustered his chi and created a giant statue of himself, only three times his height, but very massive to Phil. The statue stomped toward the rodent, and though Phil could easily outrun him, he would have to face the titan head-on.

Phil waited until the left foot crashed down before jumping on, following a narrow, winded path up the leg. "Just so you know, I didn't build private parts into this statue 'cause that would be weird. But if statues were living people, d'you think they'd feel weird without those parts?" Jataro asked, trying to push Phil off with stone pegs. Phil evaded them up until he made it to the shorts, where he would then have to leap platforms sticking out. "Don't use the imperfect parts to your advantage!" Jataro yelled, pulling in each platform that Phil landed on, but the mouse was too fast.

Phil climbed to the shoulders, in which Jataro made Thwomp-shaped stones come out the "ears" and drop down, Phil dodging. He then jumped on the Thwomp as it was lifted to the head, and he used the ridges of the mask to climb to the top. "(If this kid's wearing shoes, he can't be using Seismic Sense to see. Which means there must be holes somewhere.)" Phil held tight as the head spun around, trying to shake him off. It stopped as it seemed Jataro was looking for where Phil landed. However, Phil was climbing down the front and crept into holes on the statue's pupils, pouncing to the boy's right eye!

Jataro grabbed Phil and shoved him through the hole, the mouse landing on the ground. As he fought back the aching pain, Phil gasped when the head suddenly detached, running before it squashed him. Jataro emerged on top as he rolled the head after Phil, the mouse running faster than ever since it was faster than the body. The holes were still in the eyes, so Phil slowed down and waited for his chance. He "got tired" just as the eyes hit the ground and survived in a hole. The head rolled back up as Phil hung onto the hole, lifting him up to Jataro.

"He's gone. I musta finally squished him." Jataro said, not knowing that Phil was climbing up. "Man, I'm a loser. It took me this long to kill a stupid mouse."

"(And ya STILL HAVEN'T!)" Phil bit Jataro's leg, the boy trying to kick him off with the other, but he ended up falling off the head, rolling down and landing on his back. Phil let go of his leg and ran around behind him, biting off the last stitches of his mask.

"NOOOO!" Just as the mask came off, Jataro immediately forced his head into the statue's head. "I'd rather suffocate in my own head than let you see my face!"

"(Ehhh… I guess this means I won.)" Phil shrugged. (End song.)

"Phiiiiilll!" His ears perking up, Phil saw Oliver returning on his broomstick. He scampered over to his clothes as the wizard landed there. "Phil, you forgot to take your pills?!" The mouse scratched his head sheepishly. "Oh, I knew leaving you here was a bad idea. You're lucky I have backups." Oliver took out a jar and tossed a purple pill, Phil jumping to eat it. In a poof, the mouse had become a human—Oliver shut his eyes from his nudity.

As Phil put his clothes on, he said, "You shoulda seen it, Ollie! I beat him all by myself in my mouse form! I didn't think I could do it, but I was better than I thought."

"Wow, really? You even shoved his head in that rock?"

"No, he did that to himself. He really didn't want me to-"

"OOOOUUUUHHH…" Jataro pulled his head out as it was covered in a stone mask. "Ooooooo I'm a zombiiiieee. Ruuuun for your liiiiiife or I will suck your sooouuuul…" His head swayed left to right as he slow-ran to Phil.

"That's it." Phil grabbed his rifle. "I don't care what's under there, I'm unmasking you for good!" Taking aim at the mask, he shot a weak beam from his rifle and cracked the mask. Jataro kept coming, ready to stab Phil with his scraper, but the older boy shot once more. Phil backed away as Jataro got close and shot again. Jataro chased even faster, but one last shot shattered the mask completely.

"NOOOOOO!" Jataro despaired as his horrors were exposed to the world. "SO UGLYYYYY! I CAN FEEL THEM SCREAMING! I FEEL THEM DYING! WHY AM I SO UGLY, MOMMY, WHYYYYY-"

Phil shot him with a stun blast and knocked Jataro out. He and Ollie walked close to study his face up close. "He's… beautiful." Ollie said. Jataro had light-brown hair and a flawless effeminate face.

"So, did he think he was ugly because he looked like a girl?" Phil asked. "I mean… what's even wrong with that, he looks fine to me."

"He must've been through a lot of trauma. But he's ours now. He won't be stealing any towns under our care." Oliver shrunk Jataro down and placed him in the Vanish Box. "Anyway, I made Wendy a strong calming potion and had Romeo give it to her. The problem is Kiki's still flying too far away!"

"Yeah, and I think we'll have to scram soon, too, Ollie!"

"ROOOOOAAAARRR." A tremendous camel appeared to be trudging from the distance, its body wrapped in a sandstorm. Vah Naboris zoomed in its vision and locked on Skaios, who had stopped to look at the beast with interest. Naboris was channeling a tremendous sphere of lightning between its humps. With a snap of Riju's fingers, the lightning zipped skyward and STRUCK down on Skaios! "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" He lit up like a strobe light as extreme power coursed through him.

"A direct hit." Riju smiled proudly. "Wait a second…"

The lightning flowed into Skaios' head as his bandanna swelled, the captain grasping it tightly. "I can absorb lightning, ye ignorant cur! Oi, but it gives me quite a headache, so how about THIS!" He spat a godly beam of lightning at Mandy, who widened her Logia body as much as possible to be out of its range. His lightning carved through mountains in the distance and caused their peaks to slide off.

A shadow was cast over the land as Vah Medoh flew above the desert. It fired a storm of lasers at the Santa Hylia, blowing holes in the ship. After his beam wore off, Skaios was about to fly up to stop it, but was grabbed in Mandy's nightmare claw. "Quinn, put an end to this sandstorm! Anti-Fairies, help me put this brat in his place!"

Sivam and a swarm of Anti-Fairies poofed around the two Emperors. "You messed with the wrong planet, One-Eye!" The fairies cast magic at Skaios, but he exploded with wind and blew everyone back.

"Captain Skaios, the other Divine Beasts are locked on us from the distance! We have to retreat!"

"Aye, Vaati! Take Artemyra and get out of here! Come and get me, ya Halloween rejects!" Skaios took flight to the kingdom, Mandy and the fairies giving chase.

With the Sky God fleeing, Quinn channeled Vah Medoh's airbending to undo the cyclone surrounding Gerudo Town. The Gerudo breathed sighs of relief, believing their town was safe for the time being. "The storm is gone. Now is our time to leave." Hange said, before switching to Crazy Mode. "I've been in way crazier situations than that though, hahahahaha!"

"There are two Divine Beasts here, you think now's our chance to study one of them?" Goombella asked.

"Let's go after Naboris. We can trust Riju the most. And she's on the ground, so it's a lot more convenient."

"Then let's move before more pirates come!" Nagisa declared.

Philip was riding on Ollie's broom as they chased after their ship. "Heh, I guess we didn't need Wendy after all."

"At least we managed to catch Jataro." Ollie replied. "And if we get away in time, Skaios will think Mandy captured him."

"Isn't it kind of a bad idea to let them fight? What if Skaios gets captured and Mandy uses him to power a machine? You know how these Firstborn are."

"Let's really hope it doesn't come to that…"

Sweetopia; Cheesebilly Valley

At 8:00a.m., Augustus kept himself awake by drinking V8. O-Tama was asleep on his lap and the Baby Trio had conked out in the trunk of the Patty Wagon. Augustus glanced down at the gas meter and saw the "M" was on "E". "We're low on mustard. 'Guess we'll have to make a pit stop."

He pulled up to a condiment station, where two Fishman hillbillies were asleep on rocking chairs. They woke up at hearing the Patty Wagon park by one of their tanks. "Howdy, fellas! Just here for a quick refill." Augustus greeted.

"Well, what'll it be, pardner? Gas or oil?" Floyd asked. The Fishman slapped his knee, and both fish laughed like, "HYEEEEEEEEH hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

"Heh heh heh! What am I, some Earthling?" Augustus chuckled. Their laughing woke up Tama and the others, peeping over the car with tired eyes.

"Hey, what're them little'uns doin' in yer car? You takin' 'em to the theme park or the serving table?"

"Ah'll take mine with no lemon!" Lloyd followed. "HYEEEEEEEEH hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

"Heh heh! Well, I could only afford the small car, so I had to put 'em somewhere."

"Hyuk, you use them sunglasses to hide your REAL glasses?" Floyd asked.

"He ain't gonna impress no girls dressin' like a wanted criminal." Lloyd inputted. "Look at him acting like Augustus just ta score a date with some rebel chick."

"Hyuk, yeah! …Hey, wait a minute, Lloyd." Floyd looked at the wanted poster on their wall behind them. "What if that IS Augustus?"

"If he is, then I gotta question for 'im: are them boots compensating for something?! HYEEEEEEEEH hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk—!" They were suddenly zapped by a ray and shrunk down.

"A joke stops being funny the first time." Stewie said, holding the ray gun.

"Oooo! Big fishies are little fishies?" Tama asked.

"Watch what you eat, Tama. Let's go." Augustus started up the car again and drove off.

A few minutes later, the Fishmen watched as Carol drove by on her 2D car. "Well, I thought we were behind the times, Floyd! That girl is 20 consoles behind! HYEEEEEEEEH hyuk hyuk hyuk hyuk!"

Little did they know that a tiny, elderly Minish woman watched the scene unfold. "Sweet tarnation! Ah can't believe Ah was right under that convict's nose and lived! Ah better send an anonymous tip to the authorities." She grabbed a phone and dialed. "Hello? Yes, this is Granny Smith. Ah just witnessed a crime at the condiment station! Yes, you can send the reward money to 0654…"

"Hyeeeeeehhh hoo!" The cries of Cheesebillies echoed in the distance, Augustus looking left in worry. County officials were galloping their way on horses, slinging guns at the sky. "Crap, someone must've hit the alarm! You shoulda let them finish their joke, Stewie!"

"At least there's plenty of space out here." Stewie argued, shooting at the billies. "There must be some place to hide."

"What we need to do is find a ship off this rock. We should be able to steal one of the UFOs in the valley; the Cheesebillies use them to haul cows to milking plants. " (Play "Sandwich Driving 101" from the Spongebob Movie!)

Stage 17: Cheesebilly Valley

Mission: Escape from the authorities!

Augustus swerved left and right to evade the guns of the Cheesefolk, Stewie shooting them down with missiles. The road sloped down into a gorge, Augustus swerving right, then left, but the Patty Wagon became slippery when it drove over a puddle of ketchup. He spun the wagon around a bit to shake the ketchup off, making driving around some pits in the road much easier. A police car was in pursuit, launching cheese turtle shells at the escapees. Rallo could blow them back at the car with his boombox until the car spun around and crashed.

"Uh-oh. I see a roadblock." Augustus said, driving left and going down a slope, hiding from the cops under a small gorge.

"Captain, my scanner is detecting a Bounce Gum a short distance over the field." Stewie alerted. "But there are Cheesebillies around it."

"Tama, let me see you in action! Snatch me that Bounce Gum."

"Hai!" O-Tama climbed out of the gorge and crept up to a rock, peeping around it to see a Cheesebilly cop waddling around a cactus. She snuck up and tip-toed close behind him until another cactus appeared in her view, rushing to that. A cop was behind the cactus, facing it, and the previous cop was making the loop. To hide from him, Tama used Cloak Jutsu. The circling cop faced away, and the staring cop yawned, giving Tama the chance to sneak over and- "Kage no Jutsu!" she whacked the cop in the knee with her staff, her clone leapt up and bashed his head, knocking him down, and the third Tama put her staff over his neck from behind, all three hauling him back and slamming him against the ground.

Tama climbed onto a platform just below a ledge, but two Cheesebillies with guns were watching it on rocking chairs. "Hey, Paul! Why did the Kateenian woman sleep with the Nacho?!"

"Why, Carl?"

"She thought it was her husband! HYEEEEEEH hyuk hyuk!" They laughed up a storm at the joke. Tama quietly crawled between them, not wanting to interrupt their good time. She saw the bushel of Bounce Gum, guarded by scorpions. They saw Tama and desired to stab her feet, but she twirled her bamboo and jabbed each scorpion, KOing them. She took a piece of gum and snuck her way back to the Patty Wagon.

"Thank you, Tama. You'll be happy to know this car is designed to use Candy Powers, too!" Augustus inserted the gum into a slot. Gum inflated from the tires of the wagon as it bounced toward the roadblock.

"Catch 'em, you doodle-nuts!" yelled the captain as the cops drove toward the giant burger, only to be smashed under its bounce. "Gadzooks, the Cowlipha will have our bunions for this!" Now over the roadblock, the wagon continued bouncing along. Augustus saw a treasure chest hovering in the air and used the last of their bounce to retrieve it. The wagon was grounded as they continued over the desert. The road was mostly buried under cheese, not that it mattered to these free pirates. Large cheese wheels rolled across the desert, Augustus slowing down to avoid hitting some. The wheels each had a slice in them, and Augustus noticed a small cage inside a slice. That cage held a Kateenian operative, so he drove by and snatched it.

"Phew, thanks, human! The pirates thought it'd be funny to roll me in that thing."

"Touching story. You can be Maggie's." He handed the alien to the baby sniper. The crew reached a cliff above the ocean, following a road that swerved around the cliffside. Milkling Flingers floated on inner-tubes from below the cliff, blasting the road with milk to make it slippery. Maggie focused on the Milklings and shot their floaties, letting them take the fall. Augustus was forced to drive over the milk, going carefully as it became slippery. They were driving under a natural mountain archway when they arrived at a tall wall, which was actually a drawbridge. They drove up a narrow hill-road on their left, only to park at a dead end.

"Tama, go across that ledge and try to find a switch." The child nodded and began to sidle along the thin ledge. There were windows in the cliff that Cheesebillies were standing guard at, but Tama could sneak past when they scratched their backs. Tama arrived at a platform with a bush of normal gum. Remembering her earlier use of it, Tama chewed the gum and blew a large bubble that carried her up the cliff. There were cops patrolling left-and-right on platforms, so Tama sucked in the gum to avoid floating in their sight, then blew while they were turned.

"Lookathat, Billy!" There were two more rocking chair Cheesefolk on parallel platforms. "If they keep walkin' back-and-forth like that, they're gonna lose a couple dimensions! HYEEEEEH hyuk hyuk!" When they started laughing, Tama floated past. She finally set foot on a platform with a lever and flipped it.

"You did it, Tama! The drawbridge is down, hurry back." Tama noticed a tunnel and crawled through, finding herself on a path above the drawbridge, and it fortunately led around to where the wagon was parked. However, cop cars showed up and parked on the opposite side, Stewie blasting them with missiles so they could proceed. The road led back into open fields, where farmlands lay in view and cows grazed.

"Check it out, kids! The Pizzaucers!" Augustus pointed to three pizza UFOs beaming up cows. "We need to find a stationary one and commandeer it."

"You seem to know an awful lot about this planet, Augustus." Stewie said.

"I'm the one who designed it in the first place. I'm super pissed at the pirates for taking it over, but it's nice that they're using my ideas. …But not against me!" He panicked when two Pizzaucers hovered over them and blasted hot sauce on the road ahead. Augustus watched for where the sauce would splash and maneuvered around. "Yowch!" he yelped when they drove through a sauce puddle, which splashed up and burned them.

"Captain, there's a Pop Gum shack!" Rallo pointed.

"Perfect! Hope they won't mind~" Augustus drove through the shack and burst out the other end, loading Pop Gum in the candy slot. A small cannon appeared for him to shoot explosive shots at the saucers, taking them out of the sky.

"Darn it, Tintuck, quit spinnin' that truck! Yer makin' a stage obstacle of yourself!" Indeed, a tow truck with a diagonal platform was rotating in place. Augustus waited until it faced them and stomped the gas, zooming up the ramp and over a river of hot sauce. He would have to repeat the maneuver to go over a milk river, landing on the main road. To their left, Augustus noticed an optional area where he could go up a truck-ramp onto a road suspended on a platform, where he would time it carefully and go up another truck, then another, and grab a cage holding a chicken Mobian operative.

They drove off the platform and landed on the road, seeing a farmland with a large Pizzaucer floating over it. A line of cows was walking into the traction beam and there was a Big Mom flagpole beside the saucer. "There's a good one! Tama, send a clone inside to get the jump on them." The child nodded and formed a Shadow Clone. The clone snuck around from behind the fences, unseen by the farmers as she made it to the cows. Tama crawled underneath a cow and stayed with it en route to the beam.

"Ah say, Mavis, what do you suppose the Milk Plant is like?" a cow asked.

"I just hope Bullivard ain't there, good Lordy."

Tama's cow entered the traction beam, pulling her up with it. She remained under the cow as it was escorted to a pen. When the guard left, she crawled around the others cows and made her way to the pilot, a Tostarenan. "Hey, Conroy, we got trouble! The Cowlipha's goin' on a hunger pang. She wants Moon Cheese!"

"I'll fly by the moon and get some." The pilot replied. "Keep her busy with-" Tama jumped him and whacked off his hat before bashing him unconscious. The other crewmen shot her, but the clone disappeared. Augustus was already tossing his Gobstopper at the Cheesebillies outside, and the Baby Trio ran into the traction beam to go inside and shoot the other crewmen.

"The ship is captured, Captain!" Stewie called.

"Perfect! You get to swap the flag, Tama." Augustus carried the girl on his shoulders as they entered the beam. Before setting off, they stepped onto the roof of the saucer and approached the flagpole. Augustus tossed Tama to the top, wherein she swapped the flag with a gold one of Augustus's skull. (End song.)

"YAAAAAH!" To their misfortune, a giant robot dropped down and PUNCHED the Pizzaucer, flinging the Marzipans off and onto the ground. The ship was left to drop and crash away from the farm. The crew groggily recovered to find a Russian woman aiming a missile gun, a ninja Mobian dog, and a blue goblin child in the robot's cockpit.

"SO, Cousin Augustus… THIS is where you wound up."

"Who are…" Augustus didn't recognize the goblin at first. "Wait a sec, are you Pilaf? That little goblin toddler?"

"Oh, so you remember me. My memory's a little hazy about you to be honest, but I digress. I don't know how you were able to change back to normal, but you seriously hurt Pea's feelings! And SHE hurts my ears! Seriously, she won't stop whining about it! You'd be surprised how loud she gets."

"Yeah, Pea's not as mature as she acts." Augustus smirked, swapping out a new lollipop. "Stewie, you wanna go Hulk and plough through these pushovers?"

"Only 10 seconds at a time." Stewie said. The infant's eyes turned yellow as he morphed into a green, muscular monster. "AAAH!" Pilaf screamed as his robot was tackled and pummeled to shreds as if it were a plastic toy. Stewie grabbed Pilaf out of the cockpit and threw him to Augustus before changing back.

"Eight seconds, not bad!" Augustus grinned at the goblin in his hand. "You'll make a nice hostage."

"BOSS, HERE!" Shu threw a syringe with keen precision into Pilaf's back.

"GYAAAAH!" Pilaf burst with energy as Augustus was blown back a few feet. The others readied their selves for what he might pull. "Darn it, Shu, I told you to rub me with cream first!"

"S-Sorry, Boss! It was a spur of the moment thing!"

"No matter. Raaah, I can already feel the power FLOWING!" exclaimed Pilaf as he ignited with a flaming aura. "Behold, Augustus, Dr. Stu Pickles' Awakening Serum, designed to heighten the abilities of Devil Fruit users! I can think of no other test for my power than YOU! Age Reduction 14 YEARS!" A bubble of Time Chi expanded from Pilaf.

"Watch out, Shu!" Mai yelled, she and her partner running back.

"YIPE!" O-Tama instinctively leaped back as well. "August'n!"

"AAAAAAHHH!" Enveloped by the bubble, Augustus's 19-year-old body shrank into that of a 5-year-old, his sunglasses absent, wearing a gray sweatshirt with an airplane, blue shorts, and little white shoes.

"Mwah hah hah! Big Brother Augustus is now a child again! And the rest of you traitorous brats have vanished from… EH?!" Pilaf realized the Baby Trio were unaffected. "Why are you still alive?!"

"I see." Stewie said. "Your Devil Fruit allows you to regress peoples' ages. Unfortunately, we look no different than we did 14 years ago."

"August'n?" Hearing Tama's voice, Augustus turned—he jumped at how much taller Tama had gotten. "NYEE!" Tama yelped. "Wherefore is August'n so tiny?!"

"Hey Maggie, didn't Augustus make Tama the Junior Babysitter?" Rallo asked with a smirk.

"Mw-mw." Maggie winked and gave thumbs-up.

"O-Tama understands." The ninja replied seriously. "It is her duty to care for August'n as he hath for us! Thou may call me O-Tama-nee, August'n!" She patted his head in a gentle manner.

"No way!" August whined in a kiddish voice. "Stewie, hit me wit' that way gun and change me back!"

"Okay, sport, but no candy for a week~" Stewie remarked as he got out his Anti-Metahuman Ray and zapped Augustus. Nothing happened. "Hmm… that's odd."

"Mwah hah ha! Don't think we didn't know about your little toy." Pilaf proclaimed. "Dr. Pickles specifically designed this serum to be immune to such tricks. Normally, my power has a time limit of 12 hours, but with any hope, you will remain a child indefinitely, forced to grow up all over again! Oh, won't Pea be delighted to be the older cousin now. Maybe we'll be able to reeducate you."

"What if I just beat you up? That use'ally makes these powers go away."

Pilaf frowned in worry. "U-Uh, th-that's…"

"Captain! We're here!" Corlan the Fishboy called; the Marzipans found their selves surrounded by the Kiddie Corn Crew.

"We can't find August-soup." Soup the Twili said. "He's playing Hide-and-Peep."

"He's right there, you nitwit!" Pilaf pointed. "Now capture them before they beat me up!"

"ROOHH!" Glonno the giant Glomourian lunged overhead and SMASHED the Marzipans under his girth. "I got them, Boss!" He stood up to reveal the Baby Trio stuck to his belly. "Uoh?"

"Over there, Glonno!" Silla pointed at Tama, who had jumped away with August in her arms. "I'll get them!" The giant Harnitan dashed at them with wind speed—chains ensnared her arms and legs and restrained her.

"Chains of Judgment!" Pacifica Northwest hauled the giant overhead with her chains and slammed her into the ground. Sarborg the robot was about to boost into her, but was frozen by Weiss's ice. "CHUUUU!" Raleigh's Pichu zapped lightning at Soup.

"This place is a haven for Pichu!" Raleigh said. "All this cheese helped him recover in a heartbeat!"

"Don't they teach you to play nice on the playground?!" Carol declared, using Game-and-Watch to attack Jonny the Legoan. Ciel and Mai were shooting guns at each other, the earl nimbly dodging and hitting his target.

"Who-a you guys?" Augustus asked.

"We're Sector Dollar—I mean, the Luxury Pirates!" Carol winked. "I'm the captain, 'Rich Wits' Carol!"

"Carol… Wait, you're that rich girl from the Raccoon Pirates!"

"Wait, you know m-… EEEK!" Carol realized who this kid was. "Augustus?! Is that you?!"

"That brat made me little with his power!"

"Tehehehe!" she giggled. "Well, it serves you right for being a bully the first time~"

"I'm still stronger than you!" Augustus hardened his hand and punched her in the gut.

"Oof, kueh!" Carol coughed and clenched her stomach. "Oh, I am so telling your parents."

"I refuse to be beaten here!" Pilaf yelled, mustering his chi once more. "I'm going to turn you ALL into little babies! You will crawl and CRY before the great Emperor Pilaf!"


Pilaf ceased, his expression showing terror. This cry that echoed across the valley was familiar to all citizens of Sweetopia. It was the roar of desperate hunger. "I-Is that what I think it is?"

"MOON CHEEEEEESE!" The ground was shaking as it felt like a beast was stampeding their way.

"Don't tell me Big Mama is here?!" Rallo panicked.

"But Grandma only eats sweets, not cheese!" August said. "Cheese… It can only be-"

"CHEEEEEESE!" A giant tore through the top of the nearby hill, gobbling the cheese in her mouth. She was a giant fat woman with puffy ginger hair, cow horns and ears with bell earrings, and a red coat, her eyes mad with hunger. "This commoner soil does not satisfy our lust! We require cheese that is out of this world! MOON Cheese! Give us Moon Cheese IMMEDIATELY!"

"It's Lowlah, one of the Nine Great Titans!" Augustus recognized. "She's the captain of the Sea Cow!"

"Nine Great Titans?" Carol questioned.

"They're the nine strongest giants in the pirate crew." Stewie clarified. "Queen Sherbet herself is one of them. There's also Smoothie, Madame Broode, Ernesto, and-"

"FEED US MOON CHEEEEESE!" Lowlah dug her jaws into the ground and dug a path on all fours.

"Shu, Mai, where do we get Moon Cheese?!" Pilaf asked.

"From the Cheese Moon, Boss! It's up there!" Shu pointed at the sky.

"Well, that's far from being my problem. RUN FOR IT!" The Kiddie Corn scattered and fled from the raging cow.

"MOOOO!" Lowlah lifted her head and munched the inferior cheese. She sniffed as she examined the remaining pirates, her eyes falling to Pichu. "CHEEEEESE!"

"PICHUUUU!" The little mouse scampered for his life, the others dodging as the cow gave chase. "HEY, get away from my Pichu!" Raleigh followed suit.

"Raleigh!" Pacifica followed and launched her chains to wrap the cow's horns. She struggled to pull her back, but "Whoooa!" was yanked off her feet, the chains retracting her onto Lowlah's back.

"Stewie, the cube!" Augustus took Stewie's Infi-Cube and fished around for a phone with a skull. "Here it is!" He opened the phone and dialed a number. "Newh—I mean, Nel, it's me, Augsus—I mean… Nel, just listen, I need you to get something…"

Pichu ran down a pile of cheese rubble into a gorge, the pile devoured and destroyed by the hungry Cowlipha. "Whoooa!" Raleigh stumbled into the pit and landed on his rear, but quickly got up and kept forth. Pacifica tugged forcefully on the beast's horns as Lowlah tried to shake her off.

"Somebody do something! I can't control her!"

"It's up to us, Pichu!" Raleigh said, reuniting with his Pokémon. "Let's put a stop to this mad cow!"

"CHUUU!" Pichu's cheeks sparked with fierceness. (Play "Frog Fish Boss" from Spongebob Movie!)

Boss fight: Big Mom Minister of Dairy, LOWLAH KAURA

Lowlah gave a ravenous roar and munched along the ground, Pichu running from the beast. "Pichu, bring her back around!" Raleigh ordered as he summoned his Bronzor. Pichu ran around the giant and returned to his master. "Bronzor, use Heavy Slam!" The Steel Pokémon readied itself and rammed Lowlah in the head, stopping her in her tracks. Pacifica retracted her chains in attempt to lift the head up, then shot the chains down to slam her face in the ground, repeating the process. Lowlah roared and shook around, Pacifica holding on tight as she began to chase Pichu again.

"Pacifica, jump off for a sec!" Raleigh ordered, his teammate complying. "Pichu, try to get on top and use Thunder Bolt!" Pichu ran to the wall, waiting until Lowlah was close before leaping atop the beast, who rammed the wall and was stunned for a second. "Chuuu!" The mouse struck her back with a mighty bolt, but she was barely affected before shaking Pichu off and resuming chase. "Dang it! With all that fat, I thought that would hurt a lot more."

"Boy, you ask all the wrong questions." Pacifica remarked. "But maybe the inside is softer."

"You want Pichu to be eaten?!"

"No, I'll hold her mouth open. Bring her over and stop her between those rocks." Raleigh ran between two jagged cheese-rocks and called over Pichu, luring Lowlah as Bronzor dealt another Heavy Slam. Pacifica ran behind and wrapped her chains around the cow's mouth, then tied the chains to the rocks to hold the mouth open, detaching them from her wrist. With that, Pichu jumped onto Lowlah's tongue and used a powerful Thunder Shock, lighting her up like a giant bulb. Pichu jumped out of the soot-covered cow, and the energy chains disappeared.

"Mooooo! That cheese displeased us! We will need a drink to quench our thirst." Lowlah galloped over to a corner and dug her teeth into the cheese. A spout of milk erupted from the soil, Lowlah guzzling it up. She then faced the kids, sucked breath in through her nose, and spewed a gush of milk at them. Raleigh and Pacifica ran separate ways, Lowlah chasing the prince with the gush and striking, blowing him against the opposite wall. Lowlah stopped spewing and stomped toward them on her hind legs, shooting milk balls with the force of a cannon.

Raleigh had Pichu shoot Thunder Jolts and lure Lowlah over, giving Pacifica the chance to lasso onto the giant's head. Feeling her, Lowlah reached up, grabbed, and threw her off. "Oh, no you don't!" Pacifica recovered and lashed chains up at the horns again, using all her strength to hold the Dairy Queen back. Raleigh then had Bronzor Heavy Slam Lowlah's stomach, causing her to hack milk out. The beast mooed and shook Pacifica away, going over to dig up another milk spout. The second she began drinking, Raleigh ordered Pichu to Thunder Shock the milk and electrocute Lowlah once more.

"That's it! We no longer desire your service! We will CRUSH you and EAT our Moon Cheese!" The Cowlipha curled up like a ball and began rolling at high speed, Raleigh and his Pokémon dodging frantically. Lowlah crashed into the wall, denting a crater, but about-faced at her foes to perform the next Rollout. As Raleigh dodged, watching her crash into another wall, he noticed milk leaking out the side of the crater.

"Maybe we can spill milk on her. Pichu, get ready." The mouse nodded as they went beside another wall and tricked Lowlah into ramming it. This wall was abundant with milk, spilling onto Her Moojesty as Pichu dealt another powerful electrocution. An angered Lowlah used Rollout again, but this time rolled a circle around Raleigh that grew tighter by the round. Raleigh grabbed Pichu and dodged in just the right direction when Lowlah reached their point, drilling the ground in that spot for a moment. Pichu put his ear to the ground and alerted Raleigh to a spot with milk underneath. They got on that spot as Lowlah performed the Roundabout Rollout again, dodging as she closed in and she drilled the center. Another gush of milk drenched the queen, and she met with another bolt of lightning.

"MOOOO!" The Cowlipha fell on all fours, gasping as her body sparked. "So… weak… but cannot rest… until we have… our Moon Cheese!"

"Does giant boar want round cheese?" a woman's voice spoke. Lowlah looked up and gasped, seeing a cyan-haired girl on the cliff, wearing a green cloth dress and a skull mask. Nel was holding up a wedge of round cheese that looked like a moon.

"Has a Titan brought the moon down from the heavens?! No… that is Moon Cheese! Our sweet Moon Cheese!"

Nel leapt down and slam-dunked the cheese in Lowlah's mouth. Her teeth compressed the cheese into mush and swallowed. "Ohhh, we could savor another… but we don't always require seconds, you know. We will treasure this meal as we sleep. Good night, our cheesy-weesy~" Queen Lowlah rolled on her back, Pacifica running before she was crushed. Lowlah snored away in the pit. (End song.)

"Aughsus!" Nel gleefully raced up to Raleigh and hugged, pressing his face to her soft chest. "Nel is so happy to…?" For some reason, his face felt different. And he was shorter.

"Uh… I'm not him." Raleigh flushed.

"Newh, I'm over hewe!" Nel turned, but saw no one. She looked down and saw the Baby Trio, a purple-haired girl, and… a young boy that looked like Augustus.

"Is Aughsus hiding from Nel?"

"THIS is Aughsus, Cavemelons." Rallo poked the child's head.

"Aughsus?!" Nel's eyes watered with adoration. "Aughsus is small like Nel was small! Now it Nel's job to protect Aughsus." She picked the age-regressed captain up and pressed him to her chest. "Mmmmmm. Nel care for you like baby Terry~"

"Yeah, I didn't think things through when I called you." Augustus replied.

"Smelly woman is August'n's mother?" Tama asked.

"She's from the past, so probably." Rallo said. ("Mw-mw." Maggie added.)

"Uh… is everything okay down there?" Carol asked from above the pit. "Because we wanna board that saucer and find our friends before more cowboys show up. You're welcome to join us."

"Do we have to take them?" Raleigh asked. "This is getting… weird."

"You brats still owe me for finding the Noah!" August shook in Nel's arms. "Darn right you're taking me!"

"We'll see if they have an extra high-chair." Pacifica assured.

Both crews returned to the farmland and located the fallen Pizzaucer, boarding it and flying away. "Curses." Pilaf said, seeing it take off. "If it weren't for Aunt Lowlah, we would've beaten them!"

"But do ya think Augustus will stay a kid, Boss?" Shu asked.

"For now, we'll wait and see. If this upgrade is really worth the price, I can make Buu stronger than ever!"