Our Secret Teammate

The Mogeko Kremlin dwarfed the Rocketship's carts and Mr. Big's ship, parking two house-lengths away from them. The Nyakuza Empress looked over them from the front-most edge. "Mister Big… mind explaining why these enemy pirates are standing on your deck, uncuffed?"

"Empress, you are mistaken." Mr. Big spoke using a megaphone. "These young ladies have come to offer their unconditional surrender."

"Surrender? PAH! You take me for a fool, Big?! We've received reports from numerous soldiers, talking about a train-ship evading their forces and shooting down any in its path. Why would these brats surrender to YOU, of all people?"

"It's true, ma'am." Aisa played along, she and the others raising arms. "Two of our friends are injured and the rest of us are exhausted. We feel like we can't go any farther. When we found out this ship belonged to an officer, we thought we could negotiate. We would like a place in the Krew if it would guarantee our survival."

"Negotiate with THAT rat? You chose the wrong officer, brats. Give me one good reason I shouldn't run you over with this warship right now."

"You'd lose all the treasure they gathered, for one." Big replied.

"What if we agree to give you a hostage or two?" Aisa asked.

"H-Hostage?!" April gasped. "You never mentioned that!"

"I didn't think you would like it. We'll give you a hostage in exchange for letting the rest of us speak to your boss. You are the captain of this ship, right?"

"Grrr… Kommander!" Empress turned and called back to Moge-ko. "What do you make of this 'surrender'?"

"Ehehe… if they want to give up so easily, why not let them?" Moge-ko bore a fake cute smile. "Let the kiddies onboard and Moge-ko will take it from there."

"Fine. The Kommander welcomes you on her ship." The Empress pressed a switch that lowered a retractable stairway down. "But Mr. Big's men will stay put."

The girls exchanged nervous glances and calmly stepped up to the warship deck. Aisa could sense hundreds of enemies inside the ship, hugely outnumbering them, but even if they could take on that many underlings, it still gave the enemy the idea that they had the advantage. Once on deck, the Mogekos and Nyakuza trained their gazes as the girls approached Moge-ko in the center. "Well, you look like sweet young ladies. Moge-ko will have fun with this."

"AAAH!" In a split second, the girls were trapped in a burst of Fear Chi, beginning to squirm and writhe on the ground.

"You're not one to waste time." Empress smirked.

"Why just take one hostage when I can make them all hostage? This way, there's less risk of funny business."

"Well put. Boys, down with me. We need to discuss with Mr. Big how to divide the loot. And search for any treachery…" The Nyakuza boss led a group of her goons down to Big's ship.

Moge-ko sat patiently to take delight in her victims' suffering. Already, they were wincing from pain after having their heads sawed, their eyes burned, being run over by a train in Chimney's case, the first obstacles were always bound to…?

After a minute, the girls started to wince a bit less. They were writhing as was natural under her power, but the torture just wasn't present. …The only exception was April, who simply wasn't squirming much at all. "That's… weird…"

Dream Realm

Sector W7's dreamscapes were already close to each other in the Hall of Doors. Under Moge-ko's power, a fountain of Fear began spewing from each of them, and the portal to Moge-ko's world was drawn to them. The hybrid's dreamself leapt out of it onto the river's shore. Wanting to see what torture they were enduring, she poked her head into Chimney's dream. It was an endless field with a stampede of trains, turned demonic from Moge-ko's power and bound to squeeze the juice out of Chimney's body like toothpaste every second. However, Chimney seemed to memorize the patterns of the starting trains and was nimbly evading them, not trying to advance forward at all.

Moge-ko peeked into Aeincha's "Hairy Hotel," where the giant, melted-eye customers of her salon were trying to viciously stab her with scissors. She evaded their attacks with a gasp, but didn't try to advance. In Aisa's "Shandia Mountain," she kept dodging the same giant, blood-soaked arrows in the same area. In "Apis Ark," demons were roasting the corpses of Apis' animals, wherein she kept dodging the embers in the same area.

"Why isn't anyone playing Moge-ko's game?" she asked herself sadly, peeking into April's Picture City. "Huh?!"

April woke from her Start Bed, surrounded by canvases, from which pencils erected to stab from all directions. "I'm in Picture City." She grunted after suffering the first attacks, pain coursing through her head. "In that case," she grabbed her paintbrush and simply drew large notebooks to block the pencils and get them stuck. "My artistry is profound even in nightmares." She smirked. "Traveling this course will be easy."

Moge-ko growled at the artist. "She was planning to cheat my Dead Kid Course?! Was this their plan all along?! But what does she plan to do after… You know what, it doesn't matter. Cheaters aren't allowed to leave my nightmare!" She fully dove into the portal.

Madotsuki spied on her from a bush. After confirming Moge-ko was in the portal, the Bubble Dreamer snuck over to the torturer's dreamscape, labeled 'Kitten's Paradise.' …It was every bit as horrific as one could imagine. Volcanoes were erupting blood, the lightning was knives that cut them further, and the Mogeko that roamed the ash fields were constantly screaming from exploded, mangled bodies, all trying to find a purpose by killing one another. No person with an innocent soul would look at this and be right again.

"…This shouldn't be so bad." Madotsuki said, going over to Bubble the first Mogeko. Somehow, there was a feeling in her heart that told her she's seen worse. (Play "Gas Gas" by Manuel!)

Stage 42: PicTUre CiTy

Mission: Rayman sucks and deserves no brain!

April had flashbacks of her little journey with Sheila through this dream, which begun down a massive, fun slide of ink: the ink was now blood-red and gangster tortoises with guns were sliding on it. Furthermore, the tips of buzz-saws were hidden in the slide, but this didn't matter as April painted a power outlet, opened it, and wrote 'saws' above one switch before turning it off. She no longer needed to fear the saws going down, but as for the turtles, she made herself a paintball gun and shot them, forcing the turtles to retreat as they 'lost the game.' Parts of the slide would break open into chasms, but April whipped out white paint to spin and draw wind if she fell in them, blowing her back on track.

The part of the slide with no protection on either side was made worse by having to evade barely-noticeable butterflies that would explode, but April painted a bug net barrier in front of her to catch them as she slid down. The slide ended without strife, landing her on the edge of Picture City. Her beloved city was bleeding and had pulsating eyes, and the protractor cars were ramming each other loudly and repeatedly. It seemed that a platform course was already drawn on the blank white building, but when April entered the shadowy course, Noir Rats peeped out of random areas to shoot her. However, April painted a group of cute lady rats, infatuating the rodents as they eloped with each other. April painted enough rats until the males stopped appearing, allowing her to traverse the course easily.

Past the course, April had to bounce the buttons of giant pens, which would suddenly thrust up and try to blow her skyward if she didn't bounce a millisecond after. Shortly before landing on each one, she drew an ice bag on the pens, giving them illness and weakening their resolve to shoot up. April touched the Shrink Fairy at the end and landed on the windowsill, having to navigate its maze of solid and non-solid sills, but giant cats would randomly pounce up and claw the windows, trying to take her down, but April painted giant fish to drop and keep them busy. April also made sure to paint tape over the sills, ensuring they couldn't fall if they were designed that way.

At the end of the window maze, she would normally enter the blank window, but it was bricked off, so she had to jump in a pipe that would lead to the sewer. A fairy returned her to normal size, and as April expected, the ink river was now red, and the pencils were perfectly sharpened without flat tops. They bobbed up and down quickly, and April would have to leap over them onto tiny platforms, but she preferred to make a simple boat in the ink and row across. The boat couldn't bring her past the segment with bobbing flat pencils under pushpins. The pins were stationed a lot lower, leaving a foot of space between them and the pencils' lowest point, so April would have to crawl quickly. Or so she would, if she hadn't painted a hole in the first pencil, making it hollow enough to fit in, and she painted passages to lead her through the other pencils and climb out of the last pencil.

April had to ride the floating pencil sharpener up the shaft of pushpins, but fearing it would go too fast to dodge the pins, she painted a brake pedal on it to hold down. It floated up at an average pace, making it easy to dodge the pins. She arrived at the bouncy eraser section, kangaroos bouncing them with spiked punching gloves equipped. Of course, April expected the erasers to bounce her forcefully to the spiked ceiling, so she painted a switch to enhance the gravity. The kangaroos could now only bounce a few inches, but April herself was bouncing their previous height; no doubt gravity was the right decision. She evaded the kangaroos' attacks and reached the end.

The blue and red paint that were formerly used for Sheila's propeller were here, but April used them to paint jetshoes over her own. Fake walls blocked her path, but April painted a Lens of Truth to see through them, evading the spikes hiding behind. Whenever April collected a Paintball to restore her jetpack, the sound effect was, "Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs! AAAAA-" she painted headphones to avoid listening to this. Giant pencils fell as fast as rain, so April painted a sun on the ceiling to make them stop. She exited to the horrendous city streets and landed on a sidewalk. Bulldogs were tearing the heads off the Splat Squids that once roamed the streets (which April realized were actually called Inklings).

The bulldogs, true to their name, grew horns and wanted to ram April, so she painted a long, red escalator to catch all the dogs and make them run up it endlessly. She proceeded to the cliffside with intricate black textures. The combs to climb on were barely noticeable amongst the spike textures, but April painted a turret to shoot and cover the whole thing with black paint, then used a white laser setting to inscribe a stairway up the- (End song.)

"STOP IIIIIT!" An explosion of fearbending destroyed the surrounding area. April whipped around at a furious Moge-ko. "You…You're ruining my obstacle course! Go back to the beginning and do it the right way!"

"There is no creative aesthetic to this course whatsoever." April replied coldly. "A chainsaw there, a deathtrap here, and the atrocious scenery itself isn't even fun to admire. It's so boring."

"It wouldn't be boring if you weren't CHEATING!!"

"And I wouldn't want to cheat if you added just a touch more imagination. I'm going to escape your trap, and I'll do it my way. You might as well just stab me in the real world."

Moge-ko grit her teeth. I certainly would if I could… but even though my Pain-Pain power allows both my waking self and dreamself to be awake at the same time, neither of us has any idea what's happening with the other. That's especially bad since only the waking self can stop the spell. But no one could possibly know such a minor inconvenience, let alone take advantage of it. How could she… No, she couldn't know.

"If you aren't going to play my course fairly, I'll have to torture you myself." Moge-ko drew her knife, eyes reddening. "You aren't the only artist around here. Nothing inspires my creativity like pure torture!" (Play "Mad Jack" from DK64!)

Boss fight: Kremling House Queen, MOGE-KO LEIJON

Moge-ko conjured a giant artboard and, with whipping speed, cut her blood-covered knife around it to carve the shape of a one-eyed Mogeko head. A giant head burst out of the board, burning a laser along the ground that would drown April in pure madness. She painted roller-blades on her soles to evade it, and while doing so, she painted a magnifying glass with a mirror on her sketchpad. It took a 3D form as April returned in front, holding the magni-mirror up to catch the beam, amplify, and reflect it back at the head. It inflated like a balloon and POPPED in a repulsive fashion. Moge-ko rose from a puddle of blood, forming knives above April and stabbing down.

April had split seconds to look for gaps in the knife ceilings and dodge accordingly, the attack repeating five times before Moge-ko sent walls of knives in like fashion. By dodging through gaps, April could make her way to her foe and paint her green. Moge-ko became drowsy, and the nightmares faded for a moment, but she SCREAMED awake, blowing April yards away. Moge-ko's raging aura transformed into a cartoony monster truck, spinning spiked wheels and clenching its bladed teeth. It zoomed at April, who dodged left, the car swerving around for a rebound.

April painted pink strips on the ground, and though Moge-ko didn't know their purpose, she zoomed up again—the strips were gum, which got stuck between the spikes and tangled the tires. The car refused to advance further, so April ran up to paint a muzzle over its mouth. Moge-ko shook the car by shaking the wheel, freeing it of the gum as April dodged. Though she didn't need to fear its teeth, being run over was still painful. April stood still as it zoomed up, quickly painting a hoop and diving back through it, the car getting stuck in the hoop and unable to bite it off. April climbed atop the car to paint green on Moge-ko, making her sleepy as the car disappeared.

Moge-ko jolted awake again and willed the area to start blinking between red and black. April painted a pair of goggles over her eyes, giving herself Chalk Vision, where everything was black except for a chalk silhouette of Moge-ko. The catgirl cloned herself, April confused by all the chalk bodies as she tried to move away from them. The clones switched places and lunged at April knives forward, and while dodging them, April saw red, thin chalky streaks emitting from them, except for one. Deducing that as the real Moge-ko, April painted white glue on the ground to stick her when she lunged. She painted green on her once more, the flickering world ceasing, though Moge-ko escaped as expected. It was at least safe enough for April to remove her goggles.

Moge-ko carved another image into her artboard, which April perceived as a blobbish mass with tendrils, eyes, and a big mouth. The design exploded to life, becoming a massive Mutant Mogeko fusion, in which Moge-ko submerged into its flesh. Its earsplitting bellow rattled April's ears, so she painted flower-shaped earphones to turn the sound into peaceful, feminine sighs. Remembering the Mogekos' love for prosciutto, April painted the dry-cooked ham on the ground, the beast munching it briefly before resuming chase. April painted more prosciuttos and hid corks in them, so when the beast ate it, the corks would get stuck on the teeth. April would have to get prosciutto into all angles of the mouth so all teeth were covered, and once it was safe, she allowed herself to be eaten whole.

April trudged through a tunnel of the insides, kidney bombs dropping out of random areas and hurting April with mini explosions. She reached a vertical area and had to paint a green platform on the floor, resembling the top of an acid geyser, and it sprouted to life to send her up. However, the upper corridor immediately sloped down, the acid flowing down as a result and burning April's soles. She painted a boat to float on, but it quickly dissolved, so she kept painting boats to advance. Moge-ko was up a stairway, each step guarded by Whiplashes, but when April painted and gave them teddy-bears, the Whiplashes retreated into the body.

April endured Moge-ko's stabs after climbing up, painting green on the Kommander. Moge-ko seemed to fall asleep for just a bit longer, but woke up regardless, her outburst of chi causing April to fly through the stomach and be vomited. The Mutant Mogeko wobbled disturbingly, morphing blood-red as more eyes appeared. Moge-ko's upper body poked out the top, the mass shaping like a huge, wide dress of eyes. Their gazes were literally piercing, spikes jutting out to pierce April every second, no matter how far she was. Even trying to get close was pointless because the spikes pushed her away.

With that in mind, April painted iron soles on her shoes, weighing her down so much that she could only stomp forward slowly. However, the spikes couldn't push her heavy weight back, so April suffered the piercing gazes as she progressed toward Moge-ko, then began to blind the eyes with green paint. Each eye blinded caused the dress to melt, steadily sinking Moge-ko to ground level. Realizing this, the angered hybrid burst a fountain of chi to the sky, pulling April up like an updraft. The artist began falling, Moge-ko's remaining eyes faced skyward to keep piercing and keeping her aloft. April had been forced out of the iron soles during the first updraft, and trying to repaint them would result in them falling off when the spikes pushed up again.

Instead, April painted magnetic soles with indents, and was able to stomp them over a spike to latch on and grind down. Even if other spikes pierced her, her shoes would keep taking her down, her body traveling down the lengths of multiple spikes with the wounds growing wider, but it was worth it in order to land on Moge-ko and smother her with more green. The dress shrank away for good and April's wounds dissipated, though the searing pain was still felt. Moge-ko awoke again by cutting off her own head, April running as it threatened to explode. The head rolled after and exploded barely out of range, but an extra head didn't grow on her body.

Blood dripped down her body and would wash off any of April's paint. As she chased the artist, Moge-ko cut a cheese grater design into her chest, and a life-size grater shot out at April, who couldn't dodge in time as her right leg was diced off. Until it could grow back, April drew a skateboard to haul herself on and quickly escape the headless monster, evading further graters. April's leg respawned, so she drew something that could counter cheese graters: sponges. She used yellow paint to draw the blocky shapes, but applied whitish-pink paint to serve as soap. With a kick, she slid the first sponge to Moge-ko, and it was diced by a grater, but this caused soap to explode out the other side and soak the cat, cleaning her blood.

April painted Moge-ko a new head filled with green paint, attaching it to the body as the green flowed in, mixing with the blood to become brown like soil. Moge-ko grew disgusted as plants began to grow from her body. Moge-ko tried to stab herself and spill the soil out, but her motions were lacking passion and intent, and she was slowly drooping from sleepiness. "M…Moge-ko never sleeps… unless Moge-ko says…" the Kommander mumbled, sinking to her knees. "Why can't… Moge-ko…"

"April-san? I've finished." Madotsuki called. Moge-ko turned, cocking a tired brow on the dreamer.

"Good. This pain is starting to get to me." April smiled.

"What…What have you done…?"

"We figured out the secret to your Pain Fruit." April stood over her foe proudly. "When you trap a victim in your power, your dreamself awakens and invades their dreamscape, transforming it into an obstacle course. You force our dreamselves to complete the course, transmitting any pain they feel unto our physical bodies. But if a person had perfect mastery of their own dreamscape, such as an artist who could change it as she pleases, you would be forced to show yourself and stop them from cheating. While your dreamself was busy with me, my Bubble Dreamer friend here snuck into your dreamscape and Bubbled practically everything. This is our secret teammate who's been with us since this war began. Even if there was a slim chance you Emperors had someone who could invade dreams, we already had a countermeasure! All along, this was a team battle, and you lost the moment you stopped me from cheating the stage."

"But… you couldn't have figured all that out… How…"

"Truthfully, most of this was hypothesis." April tipped a finger to her head in an intuitive manner. "But a successful one nonetheless. Emotionbenders just aren't strong when they're cut from their dream worlds. You grew weaker with each thing Madotsuki Bubbled, and now it's just you."

Madotsuki pulled another bubble from her mind and calmly encased Moge-ko inside it. The hybrid rose to heaven and fell asleep, her nightmarish machinations disappearing. (End song.)

"Ahh…that should hold her for a while." April sighed. "Thanks, Madotsuki. You can wake up now. Sorry to keep you in bed this long."

"Are you sure you won't need me anymore, April-san?"

"We'll be fine. Just give yourself some rest. …Eh, from rest, I mean."

"Okay." Madotsuki pinched herself and disappeared. With the Pain Fruit's power wearing off, April was pulled back to reality as well.

Waking World

The Big Grin Pirates awoke with a nauseating feeling. April could still feel the pain from Moge-ko's mental attacks, but so long as she wasn't bleeding, she was able to will herself to stand, twitching. "W…what… happened…" Moge-ko moaned, her head becoming strangely heavy. "Did you all complete my course? I don't…"

"Kommander, what shall Mogege do?" a Mogeko asked.

"I think your captain's a little under the weather." April mixed yellow and green paint from her palette. "In such a condition, 'friend' or 'foe' is irrelevant to her. So, I'm sure she'll be open to calling a truce with my Chartreuse: Color of Friendship!" She painted such a color on Moge-ko's forehead.

"Uh…oh!" Moge-ko perked up, smiling cutely. "I'm sorry, I don't think I ever asked your name!"

"My name's April." April smiled. "These are Chimney, Aisa, Aeincha, and Apis."

"I don't care about them, but it's a pleasure to meet you, April!" Moge-ko shook her hand. "Do you wanna be friends?"


"Kommander." The Empress walked up with two chests in her arms. "Mr. Big and I decided on a—WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Hey, Miss Empress, Moge-ko is friends with April now!" The hybrid was riding April's shoulders, the artist struggling to stay standing.

"Moge-ko, could you ask your Krewmen to not hurt us?"

"Of course!" Her eyes turned red as she ordered, "Nobody hurt April or I'll cut off your nuts!" The Mogekos flinched and obeyed.

"Grrrr… what did you do to the Kommander?!" Empress drew a gun and trained it on April and Moge-ko. "If I have to shoot you and tell Kroctus you're a traitor, so be it! I won't be defeated by this sorcery-"

"HYAH!" Judy Hopps flew out of Aisa's Infi-Cube and rammed Empress in the gut with a headbutt, then flipped to kick the gun out of her hand, kicked her off her feet, and swiftly knocked the cat into the sea.

"REOW! REOOOOWWW! I CAN'T SWIM! Someone lower the damn lifeboat!"

"You heard her, boys!" Aisa trained her bow on the Nyakuza, the other operatives smirking threateningly. "Get on that lifeboat and stay there!"

"Yes, I wouldn't like those black cats around, Moge."

"Okay, April! Tehe, Moge-ko likes your little nickname for her~"

Minutes later, all the Nyakuza were piled on a boat, drifting away from the ships. "Bon Voyaaaaaaage!" Apis and Aisa waved. "Bring us a souvenir!"

"This isn't over, Big! I know you were involved in this, and I'll get you, yet!"

"Ah, my dear Empress…" Mr. Big shook his head somberly. "How could I possibly know my captured hostages would brainwash a Kommander? I can only hope Kroctus will forgive my carelessness, but alas, now I am a hostage."

"Darn right you are!" Aeincha had him pinned to the deck. "And ya better do what we say or you're swimming with the fishes!"

"So, do ya think we have what it takes now?" Aisa stood over the rat boss in a proud, victorious fashion.

"Well, darling, I know when I've lost a bet. If you can keep that crazy Faunus under control, I'll do what I can to help you stop K. Rool's plans."

"Perfect." Aisa fist-palmed. "And don't worry, we'll do it in a way that doesn't make it seem like you were willingly involved."

Their wristwatches buzzed as the operatives answered. "'Tis Fybi to fair Aranea and Big Grin Pirates. Vweeb and I hath secured new allies, along with a ship belonging to a fallen Kommander."

"This is April, the same holds true over here!" April replied enthusiastically, Moge-ko peering over her shoulder to view the talking watch. "I think the time has come to take the fight to K. Rool. Let's chart a course for Zootopia!"

Animal Crossing

"Yuck… what is that atrocious music I'm hearing?" Ciel asked when an unusual rapping was heard in the air.

"That's not atrocious music!" Kokichi exclaimed, pointing to the sky. "It's SQUID RAP! I think they're finally here!"

A studio airship was descending, landing in an open field in Animal Crossing. Music Notes soared around the city under the power of Sugar's bending, and the "Nasty Majesty" lyrics originated from Off the Hook's lungs. The singers stepped off the ship after landing, greeted by the Luxury Pirates. "I hope we're in the right place!" Sugar yelled.

"Yep!" Carol replied. "Kokichi's power is protecting this town from the Kremlings. We can host the show here without trouble."

"That's good. It took a lot of persuasion on my brother's part to get Intergalactic News to send a ship down here."

"Alright, step this way, Birdy." Doffy Jr. was escorting Big Bird off the ship, strings around his neck. "I wanna get this over with as much as you do."

"Now, you don't have to threaten me, Doffy, I'm up for recording a concert. But can these girls' singing really cure a BIG ZOO'S worth of Mobians?"

"I know that musicbending can be transmitted through speakers and even airwaves," Sugar replied, "but I've never done it on such a planetary scale. It won't stop me from trying! Let's hope for Mobius' freedom!"

Khimera Kastle

Somewhere outside Zootopia, a hospital was built on a cliffside waterfall. It had been redesigned as one of Baron Klammy's laboratories, where Kloning took place, and it is where King Kroctus led Chancellor Yorkshire. The baron landed near the hospital on a Flying Krock, watching as his brother and Cheadle marched up the path. "What a pleasure to meet you, Chancellor."

"Go knock yourself off the edge."

"My, however did you get elected? Anyhow, I should hope you answered my brother's proposal?"

Kroctus glanced down at the chancellor, mentally asking for confirmation. "…Yes. I'll do it. After all, I have full confidence the Kids Next Door will defeat you all. Someone will have to take care of this child."

"You're a model mother, Chancellor." Kroctus patted her back.

Klammy led them to the room where the egg in question rested in a capsule on a pedestal. Cheadle stepped up, staring half-heartedly at it.

"I can't believe all the orphanages are full." Mr. Yorkshire said angrily. A 10-year-old Cheadle sat quietly in her bedroom, listening to the argument mixed with a baby's cries. "We can't afford to take care of another brat!"

"And what are we supposed to do, drop him off somewhere?!" Mrs. Yorkshire said. "He'll sniff his way home in no time!"

"Grrr… there is one thing we could try…"

Cheadle lay a hand over the capsule. "Children are very magical." she said simply. "They brighten our worlds. Give meaning to adults like us. And yet, some parents just toss them away. In my time as a doctor, I can't tell you how many abortions I overheard, or cases of abandonment. I'm sure the parents had their reasons… but I still can't stand it. Even Peach… sent her children away…"

"Maria and Louise are gone?"

"Luigi took the kids on an important mission." Peach told her. "I'm not sure when we'll meet again. I'm sorry, Cheadle… I know you were excited to meet them again."

"Oh, well…" Cheadle formed a soft smile. "It was an honor to help deliver them… I just hoped I would get to watch them grow up, too…"

Cheadle turned to Kroctus with a glare. "I hope this child is everything you dreamed, Kroctus. If I'm doing this… you'd better take good care of him."

"Oh… you have my word." Kroctus lay a gentle hand on the capsule, over Cheadle's. "I've already thought of a name. His name will be Kaido Rool. After my inspiration…"

Outside the gate to the cliffside, Arianna Dunfree, Mason, and Sheila observed the hospital. "That's where Vweeb's tracker leads." Arianna indicated. "According to Invisible Girl's intel, that's a laboratory where chimeras are made."

"Chimerwhats?" Sheila asked.

"Genetically fused animals." Mason replied. "Heh… you called dibs on K. Rool's brother for that very reason, right?"

"Yes." Ari nodded. "This is rather fortunate. While our friends are busy distracting the pirates, let's save the chancellor and defeat the baron all at once."

Sweetopia; a church (Play "Happiness of Marionette" from Umineko!)

Today was a most wondrous occasion at the Fryburg Church of Grandma. The Queen of Sweetopia herself was paying a visit, the entire town in attendance. "GOOD NEWS, my children! The day of victory is nearly upon us! Soon, my grandson Terry will be wed to the Ghost of Time, and all the power of the cosmos will be ours! I wish to spread my joy to all towns of Sweetopia and bless all my children with enlightenment! So, are you all ready to be enlightened?!"

"Yes, Grandma!" a woman cheered. "We've waited generations for this!"

"I wanna be with Grandma!" a little boy cheered.

"Ma ma ma! How joyous! Then join me, children, at eye level! Taste these delicious cupcakes, and be blessed for all eternity!" Zeus lowered to the ground with a tremendous plate of the pastries.

Cheers rang throughout the church as everyone crowded and stole a cupcake. They were incredibly delicious, so addicting that they craved another, but each were only allowed one. Sherry smiled with glee, heart warmed by all their happiness. If her people could know such bliss, just from simple sweets… she was all too eager for what happens next. And so, with a wave of her hands, and a surge of her chi, she called, "SOUL POCUS!"

Their happiness was swiftly swept away by pain and despair. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!"

Red lightning flashed from everyone's bodies, as if their very souls were exploding. In a second, the church was utterly destroyed. Whether they were humans, Mobians, Kateenians, merpeople, their racial origins were irrelevant. Children, adults, elderly, age didn't matter at all. Now, they were Titans. Bulbous heads, bulging eyes, naked bodies with no way to distinguish gender, they were completely stripped of who they were. The sky had become ominously black as the mindless monsters ran about the town, crushing all buildings underfoot.

"MA MA MA MAAAAAAA! Another town welcomed to utopia! Another town to join me in paradise!" Sherry danced amongst the Titans like a little girl at a party with kids her age.

Sasha Blouse could only react with sheer disgust. Her expression was mirrored by her little cousin, Terry on her shoulder. "What… the… fuck…"

"Look, darlings! Isn't it wonderful?!" Sherry wrapped two Titans around the neck and hugged. "By consuming my DNA, mixed with the NHC10 they've been consuming, Gigantification can happen in a heartbeat! In all my years, there has never been a cure for the Titan Formula! Supreme power and strength is theirs to command! After all, this is Sweetopia! Ours is a land of magic, friendship, and acceptance! With love and peace, all our dreams come true! And with the power of Titans, our dreams come true a hundred times over… AND A HUNDRED TIMES AGAIN!"

"FLEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSHHHHH!" The Titans were limping toward Sasha and Terry, the cousins shrinking in terror.

"Hah, no no, darlings!" Sherry willed them to stop. "We don't eat family! We eat food! Drinks! Or wretched pirates who ruin all our fun! The universe will tremble when they see my army of Titans! I will teleport them across the worlds and trample everything underfoot until they submit to the Sweetian empire! Because no selfish person who defies our peace and love deserves to live! Which brings us to YOU, Pilaf!" She whipped a finger at the Kiddie Corn Crew.

"WHAT?! ME?!"

"I need your tiny, unnoticeable crew for a very important mission! A little birdie told me Kroctus is having a very hard time with the KND right now. You're going to break into his hideout and steal my cake! You will shrink it down and place it carefully inside a Vanish Box leading straight to me. After you are successful, I've got another shipment of Titans ready to squash Zootopia into rubble."

"YAY! Squish, squish, squish!" cheered Akko's soul, dancing in the air. "I love watching tiny things go splat!"

"Me, too, Akko! Those smelly naysayers are buggy-wuggies compared to our Sweetian might! All those who defy harmony must be squashed all the same! So, dance, my children! A dance of pride for your love and power!"

The Titans formed a chain with Sherry, all kicking their legs in unison with her. The world was rumbling as thousands more Titans danced around the city outskirts. To Sasha and Terry's horror, many of those Titans were colossal, dwarfing their own queen by dozens of meters. The Titans were thrusting their rears, jiggling their pelvises, piggyback-riding each other, or rolling around like kids.

"Don't feel squeamish, Terry! One day, you'll be as big and strong as they are! So, go on! Dance!"

"Y-Yeah, Ter… dance…" With a forced smile, Sasha held her cousin and lightly swung him around. He could plainly tell from her expression that she was thinking, 'We gotta get the fuck outta here.' And she could tell from his whimpering expression, 'Get me the fuck outta here…'

"Mamamamama! And that reminds me, I think Hisoka finally brought our special guest!" Grandma grinned giddily. "I can think of no better way to squash Sunny Fist once and for all!"