Fairytale Prelude

Nextgen Pirate H.Q.

Several operatives were brought to the medical wing for a well-deserved rest. Mocha and Anthony had awakened, happy to hear their friends won the battle. And fortunately, Nebula had awoke to listen to the story from her Top Commander.

"A lot of weird things happened." Cheren concluded with an awkward smile. "But overall… it was a successful battle. The Kommanders were all rounded up and imprisoned, though the Mobian KND are searching for any still-Revertified people. Sector U.A. were all saved, so they've returned home. Same for Mrs. Heartly and her daughter. Melody also found Queen Peach in the prison wing of the base, so she's here with the chancellor. …Oh, and before you freak out, Skaios is also here. His friends are eating with him in the cafeteria, but it seems like he won't hurt anyone."

"Sigh… So, we're winning." Nebula smiled, her heart filled with relief. "I really hope things get better after this."

Harvey had been lain on a bed beside Anthony's. His sickness slowly faded as he awoke. "Harvey, I'm sorry we took so long to save you." Aranea said. "And for what happened to… Sally."

"He used my upset feelings to power his stupid Rainbow Crown." Harvey replied hoarsely. "I can't take any more of this…"

"You won't have to. We're going home, Harvey. We've done our part in this-"

"Ahem, pardon me." Fybi began nervously. "We hath… discussed a plan for Harvey, Aranea."

"And I said we're not doing it!" her cousin argued. "I said he was being abused enough, and he was! If he wants to go home, don't make him stay!"

"What… was your plan?" Harvey asked curiously.

"We understand that Queen Sherbet grows weak when her emotions rise." Fybi explained. "Her body is nigh impenetrable, as is her diamond heart. However, when her feelings grow, her heart is soft and fragile. Thou canst use thine emotionbending to exploit that weakness."

"Yeah, well we'll have to find another emotionbender." Aranea stated. "We're not making Harvey work any more. Never again."

"It's okay. I'll do it."

Aranea's pupils shrank at his response. "You… What?!"

Harvey sat up, darkness looming in his pupils. "It's not as good as getting revenge on K. Rool… but I'll take it. As long as these monsters are still lurking around, I can't rest peacefully."

"Screw that! Chris already left, worry about your health, Harvey!"

"I need something to take my anger out on, Nea. …And I don't wanna take it out on the wrong people."

"But… Harvey…"

Harvey helped himself out of bed. "So, when do I leave?"

"Whenever they finish beating the other bosses, I guess." Anthony shrugged.

Cheren noticed Maddy sitting up in her bed, a droll light in her eyes. "You and Deku did a great job, Maddy."

"No we didn't." She spoke softly. "Me and Deku… We trained so hard and planned a strategy… but we lost. If it wasn't for Eri… we never would've won. I feel so humiliated!" Tears streamed down her face. "I feel like I didn't prove anything… and all my training was pointless! How can I…How will I explain this to Chris?!"

"Maddy, we already knew what kind of opponent we were up against. You shouldn't have expected to win because you wanted it the most. I dunno what that crazy lightshow was, but as far as I'm concerned, we won that battle. He was down on his back and Mobius is saved. Be proud of yourself."

"Sniff…I really want to be… but I just don't have it in me, anymore. I just don't have the strength or confidence, anymore."

"Just let yourself heal. At least you know now the strongest can be defeated. All you need is the ability to keep going."

"Every failure makes you stronger…sigh…" Maddy didn't want to admit the truth in those words.

A few beds over, Eric Horvitz groggily awoke. His first thought was he was in the Spirit World. After all, his own personal Heaven would have a cute girl pressing her lips to his, especially one that looked like Melody. …Huh? "Mmmm?!" Eric muffle-yelped.

"Mwah." Melody released him. "Good, it worked. Now, WHAT THE HELL, ERIC?!" His eardrums rang from her outburst. "You should've called me if you were in danger! What, you're trying to be a fuckin' brave boy?!"

"I'm sorry, Melody. I just didn't wanna bother you, and I…I wanted to prove that I was stronger, too."

"Eric, you're a fucking scrawny boy and you better call me next time something like this happens! I don't care that you're not a powerhouse, okay?!"

"Sorry, Mel… but letting my leader handle all the work is just wrong. I'm a proud man, even if I'm a weakling."

"You're really asking for it, little boy, and I'm gonna give it to you." She forced him into another kiss, which Eric made no attempt to fight.

"See, Mad?" Cheren remarked. "It was a happy victory after all."

"You're right. I'm beat." Maddy smiled in disbelief.

In the cafeteria, Skaios had finished swallowing the last of a Skyscraper Burger, the towering sandwich vanishing down his throat. "Uwaaaahh… even though I don't need to eat, I never knew how much I needed food!"

"We can certainly see that." Shingetsu replied awkwardly, acknowledging the towers of plates on the table. "Perhaps we should give the chef a break."

"Nonsense!" Yuzu beamed. "I'm happy to cook you as much as you want!"

"No arguments here!" Masaru beamed, raising a bowl. "Another refill!"

"Tehe, those plums really hit the spot, huh?"

"Better than the junk we had in Towa!"

"Well, can't deny a growing young man his nutrition!" Yuzu flicked his nose and took the bowl.

Masaru stared at Yuzu with a light blush. "Hmmm… how come you never learned to cook like that, Kotoko?"

"Because I was busy cleaning your teeth, dummy!" Kotoko bonked his head.

On the base balcony, Cheadle and Peach sat together on a bench, the chancellor holding her belly with a solemn expression. "Don't worry, Cheadle… I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks, Peach." Cheadle smiled. "I guess… it isn't so bad. Kroctus promised I would be allowed to raise the child… until he could make his own decisions. His Kremlings are ordered not to harm me or anyone close to me. And he said that he transferred some funds over to my bank account, in case he would fall and Zootopia were ruined in the midst of the war. He was truly expecting to lose… but I just hate him even more."

"Well, if you need extra funds, King Mickey may be able to help."

"That would be… What?" The strange recommendation threw Cheadle off guard.

"Oh. That was weird." Peach looked confused herself. "For some reason, that's been in my mind a lot. That King Mickey would help us. And he would protect us from the Emperors."

A memory flashed in Cheadle's mind, the last thing they learned about Sasuke before his death. "You… That ninja man got to you!"

"Huh? You mean the ninja man who kidnapped me?"

"Peach, that man was brainwashing the captive monarchs! He was secretly a follower of Mickey Mouse!"

"Oh, is that why… But Mickey isn't a bad man. We see him all the time at council, he's always so optimistic."

"I feel like an agent of his would've done more to help than just assuring

'Mickey would help us.' He just wants more people on his side. Peach, you mustn't give in to those thoughts."

"Okay, Cheadle. Don't worry."

"Sigh…but I suppose I'd better return to Mobius. Reparations will take a lot of work, and my people need a strong leader to keep their spirits up."

"Could I join you?"

"Of course, Peach."

"CHANCELLOR YORKSHIRE! Queen Peach!" The ladies jumped when Jerome splorped before them.

"W-What's wrong, young man?" Cheadle asked.

"We've received distress calls from the Mushroom, Mobian, and other KNDs. There are monstrous giants attacking your capitals!"


Across the worlds

Mutant Titans were clambering the outside of Mushroom Castle, smashing down the walls and snatching any and all delectable Toads within their reach. Toad Town was still in shambles after the Boogey Pirates' raid on Free Kingdom, but with the Titans crushing all of their homes flat, Mushroom had never felt so hopeless.

Judy, Nick, and the citizens of Zootopia hurriedly boarded the remaining Kremling ships. "EVERYONE ONBOARD!" Chief Bogo bellowed. "Not a single animal left behind! We'll try to escape them out at sea!" Since most of the city was destroyed in battle, it left plenty of room for the tanks to roll in and blast the invading Titans. The citizens sailed away as fast as possible, but a waterbending Titan waved its arms to will the currents to bring them back. Carrot of Sector ZOU leapt and KICKED said Titan in the chin, breaking its concentration, but leaping away when it tried to grab her.

On Hyrule, groups of Titans were sent to every town, Boogey Pirates and Hyrulean soldiers alike working together. Hinoxes wrestled with Titans, hordes of Gorons rammed their feet to knock them down, and Rito swooped by their faces to shoot their eyes with arrows. "Mandy-sama, where did these monsters come from?" Koko asked in fear.

"I don't know…" The bedridden, bandaged queen tried to push herself up, "but they reek of that Sherry freak. I have to…"

"Don't push yourself, Mandy." replied a bandaged Creeper. "The Divine Beasts will take care of them."

Vah Ruta washed a band of Titans away with a wave, Naboris struck lightning, Rudania cast a wave of flames, and Medoh slurped some up in a tornado. Regardless, the monsters fought against the attacks and retaliated with their own elements. As some Titans were climbing Naboris' legs, Hange zipped by and sliced their necks. "I don't know why, but I feel like I was born to do this!"

All Titans, heed my words. Sherry's ominous voice telepathically echoed in all the minds of the monsters. Flatten everything like pancakes. Ensure that no one can interrupt the wedding! Squish them! Smash, smoosh, crush, kill, destroy everyone in your sights! The KND are not invited, so throw them their own party! A party of smashed corpses and crying souls! And while you're eating them… I'll be feasting on my precious…

Sweetopia; Whole Cake Chateau


One could imagine the joy on Sherry's features when the cake emerged from her Vanish Box. It was exactly as she remembered it, candles, designs, and all. "Now we don't have to waste time rewinding time to get it back! Now, Terry and Kayla's wedding will be even more glamorous!"

"That's terrific, Your Majesty…cough." Goomnut coughed. "Can I have my life force back?"

"In a moment, Goomy. First, we must discuss things with our officers."

The Sweet Commanders and generals were gathered on a balcony, some staring horrifically at the capital. All the citizens were gone, transformed into the Mutant Titans. Pawtucket, Sasha, Pea, and Ernesto felt their stomachs crease. Hisoka, Tsao, and Lucky were indifferent. "It's nice to see my dears back home safely." They faced the queen, ominously lit by Prometheus's fire. "But it seems Smoothie is still missing. At least we'll have enough for a party. The wedding will begin soon, and I've cooked plenty of Titans to keep those KND busy. I've warped 500 Titans to Mushroom, Glomour, Hyrule, and now Mobius is getting a helping!"

"B-But, Abuela, these people are our citizens." Ernesto spoke, his skull sweating. "Like mine! Why you turn all my people into these… monsters?!"

"Oh, they're not monsters, Ernie. Why, they're me! They're our origin! But as for why, well, seeing as some of you were imprisoned, not to mention… Buu…" The queen sniffled. "Well, I needed to make up for the lack of firepower. But just imagine how strong you all would be if you evolved to this level! Alas, I would prefer it if my officers bore some sort of intelligence, so… I'm conflicted." She shrugged blissfully.

"This…Th-This is… UNACCEPTABLE!" Pawtucket's shout startled the commanders. "Grandma, there are children down there! Innocent children! This is going too far!"

"YEAH, WHAT HE SAID!" Sasha shouted. "We didn't sign up for this bullshit!"

"AGG!" Sherry flinched. "S-Sasha… don't swear at your grandma…"

"I serve the Big Mom Pirates to help our people, but this ain't helpin'! You're destroying them!"

"I demand to know the cure!" Pawtucket shouted.

"I…I-I-I thought you would love it." Sherry turned away, lips quivering as she tried to restrain her tears. "Our people are so big and strong now… and there is no cure, so… what am I…"

"Oh, hang their negativity, Grandma!" Tsao stated. "Commander Tsao sees nothing wrong with this! After all, it is every Sweetian's job to contribute, no? Granted, it is a lazy substitute for training, but so long as they can serve us, it is acceptable."

"Yo, simmy-song over here." Lucky agreed. "I like me some big donkeys to dunk mah dale dims. These hick-nillies don't know wherefore from Romeo, scibbly?"

"I believe that translates to," Pea looked at a cheat sheet, "'Same with me, I would love for these Titans to crush my enemies, these people don't know what they're talking about.'"

"Wonderful, Pea." Hisoka smirked. "I enjoy the Titans as well."

"N-No, I was only speaking for-"

"Oh… that's good." Sherry put a hand to her relieved heart. "For a second, I thought I had wasted my time. It's good to know some people agree with me. As for the rest of you… at least this will be a good motivator." The queen faced them with ominous dark eyes.

"M…Motivator?!" Sasha stuttered.

"If those Kids Next Door cause me any more grief… if they even set foot on the planet and you don't stop them… I will visit your towns next and convert your darling citizens into Titans. After all, if my own family can't defend their home, then perhaps the people should. The people of Egg City, Meatropolis, Fryburg, and many others have shared this fate… so, if you dislike Titans so much, you daren't disappoint me."

"Abuela… you are not right in the head." Ernesto said. "Tsao! You cannot be fine with this, can you?!"

"Pah! That's just like you, taking a coward's approach!" Tsao boasted. "Why, I wouldn't be remiss to say you were a traitor! How do we know you haven't been bartering with the Sky God Pirates while in captivity?! Is that why they kept you alive?"

"You are an ungrateful cousin!" The volcano on Ernesto's hat erupted. "You are a selfish and disloyal member of this-"

Tsao slashed the Tostarenan across the chest and kicked him down. "Grandma, I vote that we lock Ernesto in the dungeon! He has shown too many signs of treachery."

"Yes… perhaps that is wise." Sherbet grinned. "But just for a little while. I think we're ALL having a hard time adjusting to these dramatic changes. And I'll be taking your life force before you go."

"Ehgh… no, Abuela! This is not right! This is not… aiiiyiiiiii!" Ernesto could only squirm as Sherry yanked out 40 years of his soul.

"Uncle Taco!" Pea ran and hugged her uncle's giant skull. "How could you do this, Uncle Tsao?!"

"I've grown tired of him, of course! The Linlin Family needs only the strongest to lead us to victory."

"Excellently put." Sherry said. "Now, I have assignments for the lot of you before the wedding begins…?"

The giant door creaked open behind her. Sherry turned, cocking a brow as Team Rocket crept out. "We got a good sample," Meowth whispered, "let's just find a way off this planet without…" The trio glanced up, freezing in fear under the queen's gaze.

"…And who might you be?" Sherry asked plainly, though nonetheless sending a chill down their spines.

"Uh, we, uh…We're the new servants!" Jessie lied, the three forming wide grins.

"Yeah! We're the new… Cake Inspectors!" James followed, his partners shooting a disbelieving glare at his suspiciousness.

"Cake Inspectors?" Goomnut questioned. "Why would we hire Cake Inspectors when we just got the cake back? In fact… why would we need Cake Inspectors at all?!"

"W-Well, we heard so many tales about the legendary Linlin Cake!" Jessie played along. "We heard it was taken, but had faith it would return! And when it did, we knew it was going to need a thorough inspecting."

"Oh, please let us inspect the legendary cake, Your Majesty!" Meowth cried. "We may never have another chance for such a scrumptious cake!"

"My Tattle says you work for Team Rocket." Goomnut noted.

"Th-That's our company!" Jessie perked up. "Team Rocket…Rocket Cakes! Because we love cakes that can blast off like… rockets! Metaphorically."

"…" The queen gave them the face of a frog. Her descendants wondered what kind of response she would give. "…Well, extra security couldn't hurt."

"Are you serious?!" Goomnut shouted.

"But I'll have guards supervising your inspections. If you do anything to sabotage the cake, they'll shoot you on the spot! Now if you'll excuse me, we were in the middle of something…"

Pawtucket and Sasha bit their lower lips, and little Pea's lip was quivering. "Grandma… please don't make any more Titans." Sasha whispered. "We'll do whatever you say… just don't do this to all these innocent people…"

"Ma ma ma… sweet Sasha, hurting innocents is what we do for a living." Sherry reached a hand up to pat her taller niece's cheek. "Think of every town you raided… every scream you heard."

"Yeah, but… not to our people. Our family…"

"Oh, every child fears growing up, but it must be done." Sherry turned away. "But if that is your wish, then you'd best do your part. After all, it's family's job to support each other. …At least Hisoka's seeming to warm up to them!"

"Oh, it's fun to be friends with friends~" Down below, Hisoka stretched his arms around two Titans' necks, letting them swing him around. "How I love to be friends with friends—oooo, that little one there would make a nice friend~"

Terry was staring at the Titans from a dressing room window. "Yep… I think this one is the perfect fit." said Lala, measuring a tuxedo. "You look spick and span, Mr. Stork."

"How can you be all right with any of this?" Terry asked tonelessly.

"Well, I was certainly wrong about not turning into flesh-eating monsters." Lala sighed. "But at this point, it's either 'do what Grandma says' or end up like that. And once she eats that cake, she'll be invincible."

"Didn't the other Big Mom eat the cake and get stopped?"

"Hm hm hm… it will be funny if Sunny Fist managed to surprise us this time. Oh well… no use hoping for a miracle."

"Terryyyy!" MaKayla suddenly burst into the room in a wedding dress. She glomped her 'groom' and smothered him in kisses.

"MaKayla, I told you to wait!" Lala yelled.

"I couldn't help it, mw-mw…"

"Sigh, Aunt Lala, can you give us a minute?" Terry asked in dismay.

"Okay, kids. Don't be too long." Lala giggled and exited the room.

Checking if she was gone, Kayla released Terry and held her throbbing head. "No offense, but I'm getting sick of your blood, Terry."

"What're we supposed to do from here, Kayla? No one is coming for us."

"One way or another, this will end at the wedding. Even though she planned to eat the cake at the Tea Party, having it stolen and getting it back right before the wedding works in our favor. She'll want to eat it at a celebratory time to fulfill her fairytale desires. But we won't let her. We just have to hope our friends make it to us by that time, otherwise we may not be leaving alive."

"Even if we do… are we going to be the same after this? How can we look at each other…"

Kayla turned his head to face her, smiling. "I don't know about you, but I have no trouble looking at you. You're my best friend, Terry. …I just don't ever wanna drink your blood again, you taste disgusting."

"Pssh, you sure get into your act."

"If it weren't for my naturally strong mind, I couldn't talk to you like this. The Sweet Gene is still compelling me to like you, so it makes it easy. …Heh, maybe I won't wanna look at you. Maybe I don't think of you as a friend."

"Wouldn't surprise me in the least."

"Hehe. …Well, see you for the wedding. Gotta go fit on some glass slippers. …Oof." Just the idea of walking around in those things was making her toes crease. She exited the room, holding up the gown.

Terry smiled, feeling comforted. He had been so relieved to learn she was somewhat faking her brainwashing, knowing he had her conscious support. If anything good came from this awful situation, it was spending time with her, even if the circumstances were disgusting. Deep down, he hoped she would be open to a real relationship… if they could put this horrible nightmare behind them.

Nextgen H.Q.

Nebula despaired after hearing of the Titan attacks. The operatives on base gathered in anticipation of her orders. "Sigh…these monsters no doubt came from Big Mom, but we have to remember the plan. The operatives that were assigned to fight the Sweet Commanders will head to Sweetopia immediately. I'll call for some of the other KNDs to fly to the invaded planets and help manage the situation, but we'll need just as much support on Sweetopia. Do everything you can to stop the Big Mom Pirates and don't hold back! We're too close to winning this war, so show them everything we got!"

The Raccoon Pirates, Luxury Pirates, Firsthand Pirates, Story Pirates, and other crews boarded their ships and charted a course for Sweetopia. The Shiny Pirates were already on the surface, fighting their way to where Luna Nova was warped. The Marzipan Pirates were sailing an Asparagus Sea, where Nel dealt a fearsome kick to an attacking Great White Asparagus. Sheila's eyes shone with every desire to crush the old hag, Carol was beaming, excited to defeat the Big Moms all over again. Everyone was determined to end this war once and for all! These sugar-coated monsters were the only things standing in their way!

Shipwreck Cove

Davy Jones rested in the swampy pool from which he had emerged during the court, bound in chains. Magellan sat at the map table, reading magazines. "It must be sickening, having to sit here and breathe all this noxious salt water." Jones remarked.

"Mmmmmgh…" Magellan moaned internally.

"Did you know that some of my crewmen used to be plumbers? Given how lax plumbing was back in the day, that's a little known fact. You'd be surprised how important it is to we Fishmen."

"If you're trying to mock my bowel problems, you're drinking acid."

Edward Teague approached the warden with a plate and cup in hand. "Some Nightmare Tea for you, Mr. Magellan?"

Magellan took the black, bubbling brew and sipped it. Teague casually left to attend the next matter. "'Course, when you're me," Jones said, "a plumber can be your best friend. You'll never know when you get backed up… and need a good flush-ah."

Teague pulled a switch, and in an instant, water flooded the courtroom. Magellan reacted hastily, but found his lungs clogged with saltwater, the demon's natural weakness weighing him down like a hammer. Teague calmly strode up, took his keys, and went to unlock Jones' shackles. The captain smiled and rubbed the wrists of his hand and claw. "First rule about pirates, Magellan: we'll always jump at the chance to pull a fast one on you coppers-ah!"

"And certainly unwise for law-abiders to set foot in here." Teague noted.

"Blip-blip-bloo! Couldn't have put it better myself, Captain!" another voice said.

Jones twisted and cocked a brow at an armored Fishwoman. Undyne bore a sickened expression, her right eye closed. "Do I know you?" asked Jones.

Undyne's eye shot open, yellow with a purple sclera. "It's me, Cap'n! I've been waiting for the chance to join you again."

"Ah, Bellum. I was wondering what you were up to. So, you've been serving Mandy?"

"It was my best shot, after you were gone. She had potential, I'll admit, but this whole queen business really turned me off."

"Aye, it's no surprise she would give up, but it is no trouble to me. It will not be long until a 'winner' is decided. I cannot wait to hand them their well-deserved… prize…" Jones' tentacles wiggled with excitement and hunger.

Hyrule; Dark Continent

"snoooooore…snooooore…snoooore… hey?"

Sans peeped his eye open. The dark ceiling greeted him. He sat up, finding his barrier still active. Apparently, his turn was still going. …Not that it mattered. Monaca was lain on the ground, completely unmoving. Sans got up and approached her. Her blood had long dried and her body was frail with starvation. She was only barely clinging to life. A soul trying to live inside a corpse. It was a sad, pitiful way to end. Alone, helpless, in the dark.

"…you're too kind for your own good, sans." With a gentle motion, Sans dispelled the barrier. He cancelled the battle.

The skeleton lifted Monaca onto his back. She was light enough where even a lazy man like him had no problem. He trudged forward with her limp head resting on his skull. "i don't know what darkness is corrupting your soul… but you are a child. some children just don't know better. they don't deserve to die without learning. maybe some day, you will-"


The dark cavern lit with an explosion. It was soft, given her lack of energy… but it was enough. Monaca had exploded Sans' shirt without effort. The force blew her backward as a result, her legs beyond useless. However, an insatiable lust allowed her body to move. She tugged the ground and dragged her body into the tunnel. Sans lay where he last stood, a charred mess.

After what felt like an eternity, Monaca arrived at the end of the tunnel. There was a cluster of dark cords, transferring energy into something on a long pedestal. With a corpse-like smile, Monaca crawled to the man lying on the pedestal, his flesh as shriveled as her own. His soulless eyes and dark-green skin made him seem less than dead. "I followed your voice… you truly were down here… Ganon…-sama."

"E…eeeeehhh…" The man twisted his neck with a fleshy crack, his eyes barely able to make out her image.

"What a pity… to be reduced to this state." Monaca drooled with admiration. "You and Monaca… are like soulmates. Oh, what those awful people have done to you. But it's okay. Monaca promises to do whatever you ask of her. She just asks… for a little bit of your power. Just a teensy-weensy… bit. Oh, Ganon-sama… I devote my soul to you."

"Eeeehh…eehhhhh…EHHHH…" The black drool known as Gasma leaked from his mouth. Like a pet excited for water, Monaca held her tongue underneath. The demonic ooze touched her tastebuds, and she swallowed.

Black lightning erupted from Monaca's body. Her wounds healed and her dress began to change. Evil burned in her eyes like a raging storm, yet her grin indicated the purest euphoria.