It Has Been Decided

Play "Pirates' Island" from Sonic Rush!

Final stage: Shipwreck Cove

Mission: Stop Davy Jones and win the war!

Cheren rushed through a hallway, but as watery tentacles were smashing gaps in the floor, he used the Hookshots to latch wooden crates and fly across. One of the tentacles flipped the passage vertically, but he quickly latched up to an upper area. Cheren entered a tavern where Eel Fishmen would try to throw electrified jugs of rum. Cheren evaded and shot arrows at the zombies' necks, running past as a Puffer Bomber seemed to run from him. The pudgy puffer Fishman threw explosives backward in attempt to thwart him, Cheren dodging side-to-side. However, just as the puffer passed a doorway, fireworks shot out and exploded him.

"What up, Cheren!" Kodama greeted. "Sorry if that was your kill."

"Heh, I don't mind! Wanna stick around for a bit?"

"Sure! This next area looks tricky, anyway." Kodama noticed the dead-end passage with twin waterfalls leading up to a higher passage, carrying barrels down with them. She shot repetitive Iceworks at the falls to keep them frozen, then Cheren could Hookshot his way up the stuck barrels. Kodama used Rocket Jumps to get up tall platforms and catch up. From there, they overlooked a waterfall chasm, so Kodama shot more Iceworks to freeze the falls long enough to use them as platforms. When they returned to stable ground, a horde of Turret Turtles were blasting torpedoes from their shells, sliding around quickly. Kodama shot Cheeseworks to trap the zombie turtles, exploding their selves when they tried to shoot.

In the following passage, pirates dropped grenades from the ceiling, so Kodama held Cheren's hand as she used Rocket Boosts to launch them forward quickly. They outran the falling bombs, but stopped as a magic barrier blocked their way. The barrier's generators were five skulls, so Kodama shot all the targets at once to dispel the barrier completely. Cheren ran forward first—"AAAH!" A water tentacle smashed the floor and caused Kodama to fall in.


"I'm alright!" she yelled as she launched fireworks at pirates. "Just hurry!"

Cheren trusted her to be safe and continued onward. He saw a wave of beer washing from up the hall, carrying Fishmen, so Cheren jumped up some left platforms to avoid it. "Hey, no children are allowed near me when I'm drowning people in beer!" Pawtucket Pat yelled as he surfed along the wave. Cheren hurried into a doorway and reached an atmospheric outside area filled with masts and crow's nests. Aisa was shooting down Flying Fish with arrows.

"Oh, hey, Cheren! If you're going after Jones, you picked a pretty tricky route. Want me to give you a lift?" She pulled out a blue Sky Apple from her satchel.

"I dunno, downsizing wouldn't leave me fit to battle."

"Just bite about this much and you'll only be small for a few minutes. I can get you across easy!"

"Okay!" Trusting her judgment, Cheren took a small bite of the apple and shrank to toy size. Aisa grabbed him and expertly ran up a tightrope, though when cannonballs were being shot, she got down to hang from the rope. She climbed up to the crow's nest and swiftly climbed up to take down the cannoneer Fishman. Afterwards, she jumped a series of Flying Fish to grab onto the rope of another mast, beginning to climb up.

Fishmen were mounted on crow's nests, trying to snipe Meta Knight with guns, but he proved too fast as he sliced the masts with Aixalag. One of them was Aisa's mast, so as it toppled, she quickly ran up its slanted form, then was able to jump into a Barrel Cannon. The cannon spun, and another mast threatened to fall and smash it, but she used her Haki to time when to shoot to the next barrel. This process repeated three more times before the last barrel shot them into a tall building. The building started to crumble, so Aisa hurriedly jumped up platforms or climbed available ropes. She kicked a flounder pirate off its feet, then jumped up a stairway of barrel stacks. She reached the top of the building, but as it continued to crumble, she attached Cheren to an arrow and fired him straight upward.

Cheren miraculously puffed back to normal as the apple wore off, the boy looking worriedly down as Aisa was lost in the dust cloud. However, he sensed she was okay and kept running. Cheren saw Sheila effortlessly beating up some pirates up some stairs. He made it up just as she finished the last one. "Ahoy, Cheren! 'ey, check out this big old slide! I bet ya THIS can get us to Jones in a heartbeat!"

"Are you sure you're up for this? You just got out of an intense battle, you know?"

"I 'ave enough strength to spare for old Fishface! Besides, all I'll be needing here is me bum!"

"Heh, then let's see whose bum is faster!"

"WOOHOOOO!" The two leapt rear-first onto the smooth wood slide. They had to jump over spiked blockades, and Sheila shot Light Spheres at falling barrels. Water tentacles sprouted up ahead, ready to grab them, but Cheren's Ice Arrows reached them first and froze. The two leapt off the edge and over a windy chasm, Cheren using his sail glider and Sheila her tail propeller. Heli-Bombs came flying as Sheila punched them away, but to open a sealed gate, Cheren had to shoot five Eye Switches with arrows in quick succession. He used Quick Perception to accomplish this and shot the eyes.

The gate opened to the next part of the slide as the duo continued the descent. Cannonballs were fired from afar, destroying chunks of the slide, but they redirected their rumps as necessary. Sheila punched spheres at switches to open spiked gates, then they had to tightly steer against the left over a narrow path above water. They dropped down onto a waterslide afterward, and it was leading into a swirly maelstrom. "WUH-OH! Looks like we're about to become doo-doo, Cheren!"

"Try to flip those levers!" Cheren noticed the three levers around the maelstrom. They slid and steered their selves around the sloped, wet floor, pulling the levers. The "flushing" of the maelstrom grew faster, but they maintained position until the 3rd lever was hit. The giant toilet suddenly spurted up a large gush of water, the two sliding in as they were propelled upward. "WHOOOOAAA!"

Cheren and Sheila were flung separate directions, but Wendy Marvell leapt to grab Cheren. He held onto her shoulders as she dashed with full speed. "Should I go back for Sheila?!"

"She'll be fine! Just keep me goin'!" Wendy nodded and charged forward bravely. The sky mage rode a grind-rail that curved up and left, following by jumping some pirate gunners on tall posts. She landed at the start of a waterfall canyon, running down a rightward slope, then going sideways against the watery wall. She sidestepped cannonballs, then ran into a Barrel Cannon that shot her to a stable path. Wendy charged through lines of pirates and flew off a ramp that landed her on a lower platform. She dashed and skidded across the water, drifting rightward, then leftward as the canyon turned.

Wendy saw a slope leading onto a platform, so she used wind to redirect herself and make it up. Wendy bounced some trampoline flags and shot magic at Turret Turtles trying to take her down. Wendy grinded a rail upright to a platform, but had to stable herself as three Puffer Fishmen blew a strong gust. She redirected the wind back against and blew them off, then used a stairway of upward Barrel Cannons to reach another high platform. The top of the canyon was far above with no good way over. "Wendy, can you blow me up there?" Cheren asked, preparing his sail.

"Okay. I'll catch up with you! Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy sent Cheren flying with a cyclone, carrying him several meters above the canyon. The hero could sense Kid's presence at the top of a distant, towering crow's nest. All he had to do was hang on his sail and avoid the cannons trying to shoot him. He glanced down at the shipwrecked valley below as their allies fought tirelessly.

Hearing a ravenous snarl, a group of Fishmen panicked when General Scales crawled at them like a lizard, feasting on their undead flesh. "That's a good boy, Scales!" Jasminka patted his head, riding the dinosaur.

"Can I have more of your hair, Jasminka?!"

"Wait until I grow it out first, silly-poo!"

Some pirates charged at April, standing alone in the middle of a hallway. Moge-ko zipped out of a door to slice the zombies with her knife. She then looked to April for acknowledgement, and felt rewarded by the sight of her thumbs-up. Aisa, Morgiana, and Nel combined their strong legs to plough through a horde of zombies, Cheren relieved to see the former okay. A four-armed squid pirate charged at them with swords in each hand, but Nel leapt to stomp the swords under her Stone Feet, then kicked the squid's head to slam him against the wall, Tama yelping as the impact barely missed her. "Mm-mm-mm!" The young ninja bashed the squid's head to feel powerful.

Cheren landed in an entryway for the tower. Up the winding stairs, there was a trail of diced, fallen Fishmen. However, the Octo Fishmen had survived and flooded the stairs with ink. "Need some cleanup, Cheren?" asked Artie as the Gilligan began to shoot blue ink to cover the black. "Don't worry, this is much safer." Cheren nodded and stepped up the ink, his red shoes soaked in blue. Artie accompanied him to shoot sprinklers that were shooting more black ink, as well as snipe down the Octo Fishmen. The stairs reached a dead end, but Artie saw Ink Targets and held onto Cheren as he shot his weapon up to latch them. The targets led them further up and onto the start of the rest of the stairs.

"WHOA!" Artie's step collapsed beneath him as the boy fell.


"Ow! I'm alright!" A horde of pirates rushed in as Artie began shooting. "Just go!"

"Okay…" Cheren hurried to the top of the stairwell. There was a rope ladder to bring him outside. He welcomed the fresh, salty air into his lungs. This appeared to be the highest point of Shipwreck Cove, a gigantic crow's nest with an immense view of the open sea. The morning sun was barely cracking through the cloudy horizon. (End song.)

Sadly, Cheren couldn't admire this view, for something else was there to draw his attention. "Kid!" He gasped seeing his friend with his scythe drawn, a sharp glare on Davy Jones.

The Heartless Captain smirked at seeing him. "Ahh…the Hero of Time. The young lad Ganon wouldn't stop talking about-ah."

"You shouldn't get to be Pirate King, Jones." Cheren said. "You were already dead! Why were you brought here in the first place?"

"Because Jones is viewed as a sort of 'deity' to the Pirate Culture." Kid explained. "His position of power was long established in the Code, and that's why even Underworld Prison can place little restriction in regards to his duties. Even so, this is stepping beyond your allowed freedom. You were only supposed to manage the war, not take part or try to claim the prizes!"

"You should know by now we do not live by your rules, boy. Mandy's pirates are composed of demons of the Underworld. They stealthily recruit more of your kind. But this very contract," he unraveled the scroll and highlighted his signature, "was signed by me, solely to free myself of your chains. Regardless of my life or death, once I have drowned you all, everything you own shall belong to me. Your Underworld authority… your Kids Next Door… and I will finally flood this universe with the despair that drowned me so long ago."

Kid clenched his scythe and Cheren his Master Sword. "You're about to drown all over again." Cheren stated. "When we cut you down and put that contract in our favor!"

"Heh heh heh… then by all means." Jones sank into the wooden tower. The boys carefully searched for him, but felt the area begin to tremble.

A cluster of shipwrecks from below rose level with their tower: they crackled and crumpled into their selves. A pair of flaming lanterns resembled eyes, some sails shaped like Jones' hat. Water tentacles emerged under a mouth-like opening. A left arm grew, shaping into a giant sword, along with a barrel-fingered right hand. Jones had become a colossal cluster made from wrecked ships. "By all means… try to defeat my Ghost Titan!" (Play "Big Swell Remastered" from Sonic Rush Adventure!)

Final boss: Dutchman Pirates Captain, DAVY JONES

The Ghost Titan swiped its cutlass across the tower several times, Cheren and Kid ducking or jumping. Jones opened his chest cannons, smoke pillars erupting with each blast, but Cheren entered Quick Perception after dodging a cannonball by an inch. He pulled out Fire Arrows and shot them into the cannons, exploding them as the giant shook from the blasts. Jones raised his cutlass skyward, charged power, and chopped down, Cheren meeting the giant sword with his own and holding it back with full strength. Kid leapt onto the sword and skated up on his board, slicing down Jones' swiping tentacles before piercing through the beard itself. Kid discovered the Heartless Captain and lay a punishment with his scythe, but powerful water would quickly wash Kid out of the ship.

"Kid, don't we have to find Jones' heart or something?!" Cheren asked.

"No, Jones is using a special Gigai that was designed without a heart, to resemble his zombified form. Even though it won't die to fatal wounds, it'll run out of strength if we keep attacking it!"

The Titan circled around the tower to the opposite side, erecting tentacles up from random areas, which were sensed by the boys as they dodged their way up to Jones. The Titan took a breath and spewed lantern oil in the area, drenching the boys to their disgust. Jones' eyes shot fire, igniting the oil, but the boys escaped as Kid waved a spell to clean them up. Cheren shot Ice Arrows to cool the fire on the tower, but had to begin dodging as Jones stabbed his sword around them. The sword stabbed into a wet area where a tentacle sprouted from, so Cheren shot that spot to freeze the sword against the tower. Jones struggled to pull it out, so his right hand opened and shot powder kegs with fuses.

The three kegs were meant to destroy the ice and also damage the kids, but Kid was swift to slice the fuses. Jones' eyes shot fire, but Kid knocked two of the kegs away while Cheren lifted and threw one up to Jones' eyes—the captain reactively ceased fire, but Kid whipped out a pistol to shoot the keg and explode against the Titan's face. The right hand shot up due to the knockback, so Cheren quickly Hookshot over another barrel, threw it toward the palm, and let Kid shoot to explode it. While Jones was trying to put out the fire, Kid rode his skateboard up the still-stuck sword, across Jones' arm, and was able to carve away into the head. The real Jones clashed blades with Kid, the Reaper pulling a gun to shoot Jones' peg-leg and drop his guard, landing some cuts before another wave washed Kid out.

Jones recovered his sword and soaked it with lantern oil, setting it aflame afterwards as he swiped across the tower once more. Cheren was quickly able to cool one segment of the sword, so he and Kid ducked that part when the sword flew over. Cheren steadily cooled other parts of the sword, but Jones' tentacles shot up and surrounded them to hinder their evasion. Kid sliced and splattered the tentacles as they kept dodging the sword—a gush of water sprouted up from beneath them, morphing into a tentacle and grabbing the boys. The tentacle hurled them skyward, after which fireworks launched up from Jones' giant hat. The boys maneuvered around the air, staying out of the missiles' range. When they landed on the tower, the Ghost Titan moved several yards away from the tower, blasting cannons from a safe distance.

"Hey, boys!" Kodama ran up onto the tower. "Mind if I lend a hand?"

"Not at all, Kodama!"

The pyrotechnician launched fireworks downward, latching ship pieces and pulling them up as the boys used them as platforms. Kodama accompanied them to bring up more platforms, hurrying as Jones destroyed them. Once close to the Titan, Kodama launched Cheeseworks at his chest cannons to clog them up. She then set up a larger firework for the boys to ride, sending it flying and soaring around Jones. The captain brought up tentacles, but Kid was swift in slicing them down. The firework closed in before stabbing into the back of Jones' head—Cheren threw open his sail, Kid holding on as the explosion blew them away. "WAAAAH!" Kodama screamed as a tentacle was able to smack her away.

The boys landed on the tower as Jones returned to the battleground. The Titan about-faced, inflating the swell on the back of his neck as it blasted a powerful gust. It had the strength of a hurricane, so Cheren and Kid stabbed their blades into the tower to keep from blowing away. "I'll do my part, too!" Wendy Marvell was racing across the island, sidestepping as cannons blew open gaps in the ships. She ran up a sloped mast and jumped to a hanging rope, swinging to other ropes before enemy pirates could cut them. Wendy landed on a deck, but with the path ending at a pit of water, she had to run along the right wall, dodging segments that were blasted off, and she then kicked to a left wall, sidestepping falling kegs as she kept a strong pace.

Wendy jumped to some horizontal rigging, using it as a trampoline. She used stomps to gain extra height, quickly bouncing up the rigging before fire could burn it. Wendy ran up a narrow stairway that kegs were rolling down, and was able to bounce up the barrels. At the top, they helped her grab onto a hook and be pulled up to a higher deck, where a catapult was facing the tower. She jumped in and snapped the rope before launching at the tower, immediately using her powerful lungs to absorb the wind from Jones' swell. Cheren and Kid were able to stand, chopping down the tentacles that would sprout up. Once Wendy couldn't inhale anymore, she Boosted against the gust and leapt against Jones' swell, pressing her mouth to the hole and blowing in. Her face swelled blue as though she might explode, but she mustered enough power to pump the wind back inside and POP the swell!

Jones was blown away from the force, facing the tower with flaming eyes. Wendy started panting as Cheren asked for her wellbeing, but she returned an assuring smile. The Titan's breast-plates opened as it shot harpoons, the kids barely dodging as they lodged into the tower. Wendy grinded and sped along the left harpoon, jumping to the right when Jones shot a fire blast, repeating this pattern, though the blue fires would jump to the opposite rope, causing Wendy to be burned the first time this trick was pulled. Jones wrapped tentacles around the base of his harpoons, but Wendy used Ascendio to fly up, the momentum bringing her into the mouth of the giant. She used Reducto to explode the kegs inside, filling Jones' cockpit with fire, but jumping out before she could be burned as well.

The boys watched as the Titan blew fire out of its mouth, smirking at the bad time Jones just endured. The Titan moved closer to the tower, his tentacles becoming a waterfall as he encased the tower inside a cyclone. Fishmen would splash in and try to skewer the boys, but though they were easy fodder, neither Cheren nor Kid were able to slice through the strong cyclone. Fortunately, Yuta had found a watery opening near the base of the Titan. With a strong determination to help Melody's cousin, he dove in. His keen swimming maneuvered around a tight corridor, avoiding water mines. Lockjaws would then ambush him, but Yuta punched the piranhas away with current-thrusts.

Yuta had to swim up against a current in a very tight tunnel, avoiding bombs with little room to evade. He remained ever fearless in reaching the top, where a different current would suddenly bring him into Jones' cockpit, the captain waving his arms to keep the cyclone bound. Yuta struck him with a water-slice, froze the opening of the waterfall, and nimbly dodged Jones' sword as he lashed Water Whips from his legs. "My name is Yuta Asahina of Adabat!" he boasted proudly. "My family are servants to Sea God Kyogre! And it's an honor to serve Melody and her friends!"

As Yuta predicted, a furious Jones grabbed him in tentacles, digging them into the boy's openings to suck out his soul. However, since his cyclone fell, and Cheren and Kid could detect distraction, Kid leapt onto Cheren's shield to be sprung into the half-open mouth. Kid saw Yuta's soul being sapped along the tentacles, so the Reaper channeled power to his scythe to SLICE and counter the spell. "BAAAAAHH!" Jones roared as, not only Yuta broke free and fell on his rear, but another soul was taken from him. Kid grabbed Yuta and jumped out of the Titan, holding Nebula's soul on his scythe like a fishing hook. "You can go back now." Kid released the soul as it flew downward, Yuta waving at it with a grin.

A raging Jones wriggled his tentacles as their water turned black. They spewed ink all over the tower, soaking the boys as they felt their selves grow heavier. "WOOMY to the RESCUE!" Artie and Squam launched onto the tower, blasting blue ink around to serve as footholds, and "rinsing" the blackness off their friends. Though it still felt gross, the boys had to maneuver around the blue ink as Jones' tentacles stabbed up from underneath. They tried to shake and spread more ink, but Yuta used his bending to restrain some while the swordsmen sliced them down. A parachute floated up holding the Rainmaker, which Squam caught. Jones lowered his face level with them and began charging an Inkbeam in his mouth, but Squam launched the Rainmaker directly inside, making Jones' head swell with black and blue as ink spilled from the openings.

The Titan moved away from them as it stretched to three times its height, adding more shipwrecks onto its being. The Titan began dropping globs of ink from up high. Unbeknownst to him, the Mario Sisters were climbing the colossus. They back-flipped onto some tall platforms, having to also jump barrels that were rolling down. The kegs originated at a dead end, but the duo could Team Wall Jump up a shaft. Ink globs would drop through the middle, requiring them to cling and slide down the wall for a second before resuming. On the next level, the tall platforms were further to reach, so Maria threw her hat, having it float in place for her sister to jump, then jumping herself. This deck threatened to fall under their weight, so they hat-jumped to the next one with the same tactic.

They found a crate and smashed it open, uncovering a Spring Shroom (probably from a Mushroomian pirate ship). Both girls ate it, their bodies morphing into springs. It was tricky to use, but they performed great bounces up a series of small platforms, avoiding the flamethrowers that tried to burn them off. Going up the back of the Titan, the sisters made it onto Jones' hat. They sprung up, and their springs intertwined as they performed a Sister Spring Butt Pound! Their bottoms compressed against the hat with force enough to smash the Titan down a tad, its fiery eyes popping out comically. They sprung back up and repeated the combo, smashing him down even further, and three times' the charm, the last Pound squished him level with the tower, mouth forced open.

Artie quickly built a spring cannon for Kid to hop in and blast toward the Titan, spinning scythe-stretched like a shuriken. Despite Jones' state, he still lashed tentacles at the Reaper, so Kid would have to shift perpendicular to their angle to perfectly slice them. He chopped into the cockpit, but Jones held multiple swords in his tentacles as he slashed them all at Kid. He was swift in combatting them, having already practiced against Cortez. Kid shot a single bullet past Jones' left, which Liz and Patty rode on. Liz kicked it leftward, then Patty kicked it toward Jones' swell, breaking his concentration as Kid dealt a powerful slice down his middle.

A fierce wave blew Kid out again. The Titan rumbled in rage as his sword hand became two. The island rumbled as he flew up with deadly speed, but by using a Shield Bash on the left blade, Cheren's mighty mirror was able to force Jones back. Jones charged again, shifting the blades around to confuse them, but Cheren's Haki allowed him to get in the right spot and force Jones back again. The Titan "ROARED" and pulled the blades far behind him, swinging them in an arch to CHOP down with powerful force. Cheren threw up his shield—the sword pressed down as hard as possible, Cheren pouring his power to push it up, and Kid helped by pushing up the other sword.

During their helpless moment, Jones sent helicopter mines at them. Thankfully, Sheila arrived on the tower, shooting Light Spheres to bounce the mines back to Jones' head and blow off segments. Jones could no longer hold down the swordsmen, so he backed the Titan away from the tower. His head opened to shoot a giant bomb right onto the middle of the tower, beeping as it would destroy them all in seconds. "Don't leave me outta this party!" MaKayla raced up the stairs and Stopped the bomb in time. "Sheila, punch it toward Jones, quickly!"

Sheila smirked and lay rapid punches against the bomb, storing a huge amount of momentum. She spun her fist and dealt one more terrific punch. Kayla snapped her fingers: the Stop wore off, the bomb flew to Jones like a bullet, and totally destroyed the Titan's head. The Titan began wobbling and crumbling, the kids beaming as it seemed the battle was won. …However, the head had been reduced to a skeletal state, and its watery tentacles retracted inside. Brimming with eerie green chi, the Ghost Titan spewed a titanic beam of water.

"Not if WE can help it!" Nebula and Jerome warped onto the tower, quickly conjuring a portal big enough to suck the water in. They willed the opposite end to appear above the Titan, showering Jones with his own ghostly filth. They could hear the structure cracking and crumbling, Jones trying to shift position, but the benders moved the portal's exit to keep it over him. Jones loomed closer, ever more desperate to shred their tower, the spacebenders' muscles were straining to keep the portal in position. Seeing the Ghost Titan on its last support beams, Cheren charged a Skyward Strike, Sheila a giant fist, and both launched their rays of light to ensure the complete destruction of the giant. (End song.)

Nebula and Jerome closed the portal and gasped for breath. Afterwards, they, Cheren, Kid, and Sheila jumped off and floated down the tower, landing in the wreckage where Jones stood panting. "Your Gigai appears to be short of breath." Kid remarked. "That's the price of making one with a hollow heart."

"Oi, behold, all ye flesh-bellied payasos!" Cortez called for the other pirates' attention, sword aimed at Jones. "It appears the young'uns be victorious!"

"You won't be hurting anyone ever again, Mr. Jones!" Pea yelled.

"That's right." Nebula stated firmly. "We've got you surrounded and outmatched, Jones. You're not taking anyone's soul!"

"I will nay admit defeat to you!" Jones swung his arm. "When I took your soul, I defeated you! Even now, I sense weakness-ah! You are weak! I am the stronger Emperor!"

"It's not about how strong you are on your own. Part of a captain's strength lies in their crew. Even the Four Emperors couldn't have achieved so much without a strong crew. Their teams work in tandem just like mine. …Most of them, at least. But even so, my crew defeated them all. It doesn't matter that I'm not the strongest because we won the war together."

"Bah! And would these well-versed pirates really acknowledge you as their victors?"

"I be willing to admit when I've lost." Cortez said. "That Kid did me in somethin' fierce."

"I couldn't even beat that computer girl and her butler." Pea frowned.

"I'm ashamed to admit I couldn't manage two meddlesome brats." Pat said.

"April and Moge-ko are best friends forever!"

"(No harm will come to Jasminka.)" Scales snarled.

"Maria and Louise made friends with me!" Papyrus beamed. "And their friends saved Undyne and avenged Sans!"

"The Nextgen Pirates be my new mateys!" Skaios declared.

"Arrrrr…hu hu ha ha ha!" Jones laughed. "Pirates today… are all soft-hearted-ah! I see now what I must do…" And he sank into the deck.

"'EY!" Sheila punched the floor open, peeking inside. "Arrr… where did he go?!"

They all heard a rumbling in the distance. The kids hurriedly climbed up a shipwreck, viewing out to open sea. …Their eyes grew wide as an island rose. It was green and filthy like the Flying Dutchman, with a long pair of spiked teeth. The island stirred waves as it slowly drifted to Shipwreck Island. "With my Flying Island, I will CLEANSE this era of pirates! I'll banish you all to my Locker and be the sole victor of this war! Your souls will serve in my crew, and we shall begin a new empire!"

"Somehow, I kinda saw something like this coming." Cheren said.

"I ain't about to let that rookie command me!" Cortez declared. "TO THE DECKS, mateys!"

"LOAD THE RUM!" Pawtucket bellowed. "Give him ALL we have and make sure the kids don't smell it!"

"Let's SINK that Flying Island!" Masaru declared.

"Come on, mates!" Sheila eagerly raced ahead. "Let's show that Squidface that we're the KING of the Pirates!" (Play "He's a Pirate" from Pirates of the Caribbean!)

All the Nextgen Pirates and Pirate Commanders returned to the ship, sailing bravely to the mobile island. Though they sailed under different flags, they all had one goal in mind: to finally end this war!

Phase 2: The Flying Island

Haylee was the first to sail the Sunny Day toward the island, her expert helmsman-ship protecting the ship from torpedoes. Mason and Haruka used their gas to serve as wind for the sail, sailing around the right side of the island. Artie built special cannons with magnifying lenses: Sheila excitedly punched Light Spheres through them, the lenses enlarging them to blast the armored island powerfully. Walls of cannons lined the island, but Sheila was quick to shatter any that were aligned with their ship. "You little snots better cover your noses!" Pawtucket yelled from his Drunken Clam, launching beer-missiles over the island's wall. Mason loaded his own cannons with Soda Rockets, following Pat's example and launching them over to splatter any crewmen behind the wall.

The Soul of Competition loaded its high-tech cannons with energy baseballs and soccerballs. Sailing along the island, the swings of Jinta's bat served as fuel for the baseball cannons, and Karin's kicks smashed the soccers through the hull with ease. Ururu shrunk and got on one of Kodama's fireworks. Kodama launched the missile through a broken opening, the pirates dodging its explosion, but were unprepared as the Tiny Devil began to zip through them, piercing their undead knees and necks. Pirate sharks with eye-patches and hook-hands splashed onto the deck, but Yuzu quickly served them tuna to satiate their appetites. This distracted them long enough for Cindy Cortix's ship to launch undead hyenas onto theirs, eating the sharks so the Sports Stars could continue their job.

The Rogue Delivery sailed near some rotors on the island that were stirring small cyclones. Wendy spun their own ship's rotors to make whirlwinds, sending them to intercept the water ones and destroy them. Oliver shot blasting spells at the propellers to destroy them. Upper cannons launched heli-bombs, which Romeo could catch with purple fire and throw back up. "Check it out, Ollie!" Phil pointed down. "There's a gate on the bottom! Wanna come with?"

"Boy, do I!" With that, the boys headed down below and boarded a car with rafts and a motor. Phil drove the car across the sea, shooting bullets at mines up ahead, and Oliver blew open the grate leading into the island. Pirates tried to shoot them from towers, but Phil steered in evasion while Ollie blasted the base of the towers. Oliver destroyed any support beams while Phil steered around spikes and sped up ramps to go over spikes. A mini warship blocked them, blasting a single cannon. Phil made the car side-dodge as Ollie cast Reducto at the ship until it a sank. They bypassed and destroyed a larger beam, after which Phil turned to steer them out of the passage.

The Phantom Suite swam underneath the island as Weiss launched Ice Torpedoes at incoming pirate-sharks. "Those pegs seem to be weak points." Ciel observed through the telescope. "Pacifica, use the fishing chains!" Pacifica manned a station and aimed a hook at a peg, launching it to pierce. Pacifica tightly reeled the lever to pull the hook's chain back, successfully tearing off a chunk of the bottom hull. They sailed to other pegs to repeat the tactic, but Frazzles were forcing their up through their submarine's hatch. Raleigh ordered Pichu to zap the eels into submission. Undead crabs were latching the sub's windows, trying to pound their way in, but Carol downloaded the Game-and-Watch octopus to terrify them into retreating.

The Spying Eye targeted the rudders on the back of the island. Emily aimed and launched torpedoes at the devices, while Melody and Yuta swam outside, defending the sub from undead octopi. The two panicked when a giant electric eel swam up—the eel was sliced by a giant sword, belonging to Sasha Blouse. The Amazon had discarded most of her clothes to swim, smiling and giving the kids a thumbs-up. More giant eels were coming, so Sasha sliced them all while the waterbenders continued to hold back the octopi.

"We're going right for the mouth, Big Grin-chans!" Chimney declared. "FUUUULL STEEEAAAM AHEAD!" She boosted the Rocketship directly toward the mouth of the island, her friends hanging on tightly. The giant teeth of the island would have sealed their fate in an instant if not for Chimney's speed: despite the island's big grin, the Big Grin Pirates safely made it through and inside the island. Chimney recklessly drove them around, April shooting red paintballs in order to direct the enemies' attention to those. Aisa blasted other cannons at support beams holding up the outer wall, and by the time they circled the whole island, the outer wall fully collapsed.

Water tentacles emerged in its place, some grabbing the Rocketship and throwing it away. The Triassic Terror ploughed through the tentacles as Scales dropped onto the island, Jasminka on his back. He crawled like a giant lizard, munching all Fishmen in his path and using great strength to tear down the towers. The Shiny Pirates poured their magic into the Stanship to shoot magical nukes to further parts of the island, but they would be swept away by the tentacles. Kid rode aboard the Black Skull, aiming both pistols at some island battlements while Cortez positioned his sword beneath them. Kid's bullets grazed the sword, each splitting in two as the pirates were pelted by multiple bullets. Water tentacles attempted to smash the spirits, so Cortez multiplied his sword to chop them down.

The Kiddie Corn manned their own stations within the Ivory Castle, blasting cannons toward an inner part of the island. When five cannonballs were launched their way, Jonny quickly built a Lego wall, which collapsed on impact, but bounced the ammo into the sea. Ten cannonballs flew, so Jonny built a wall, only for them to pierce it and knock the child down. The ammo kept flying, so Silla blew them away with strong wind. Sarborg motor-boosted across the surface with Pea on her back, blasting through the tentacles and getting onto the island. Pea donned her Zathurian Mask and shot Starbursts around. A giant anglerfish pirate charged her, but was blocked by a barrier as Pea became a sphinx. "What's big and has all the fat in their chin?!" The angler couldn't answer this riddle before Sarborg dealt Rocket Kicks to take him down.

The Rusty Angler, now run by the Inklings, aimed the ink-soaked harpoon toward the center and fired. It stabbed the central tower as Squam and his blue Inklings surfed along the inked rope. They jumped out, surprising the pirates as they were rapidly pelted with blue gunk. One Inkling entered the Inkball, rolling into a horde of gunners. His ball shielded their bullets as he rammed and knocked them down, afterwards exploding ink all over them. Squam flew around on the Inkjet, blasting explosive shots at a crowd of swordsmen. Jones commanded the rigging to wrap Squam, restraining the flyer and tearing off his jetpack. Squam was pinned to the deck, gasping as giant crab pirates were about to roll over him in their shells.

That was until another ball rolled up and knocked them all down. Squam thought it to be an Inkling at first, but soon learned it was Augustus inside Rock Candy. He spared a grin to Squam, breaking open his shell to cut the Inkling free. Nel leapt up to stomp the crabs' shells under her stone feet, leaping to kick other pirates trying to stop Augustus. The captain broke into the main tower's entrance, seeing several platforms leading up it. He blew some Bounce Gum and hopped his way up the platforms before the tower could flood. He found a captain's cabin at the top, meeting Davy Jones himself.

"This is for trying to drown my mom!" Augustus drew his blade.

"And this is for my Space-Kraken-ah!" Jones pulled his sword and clashed with the younger captain. Augustus dodged Water Whips, then Jones shot his tentacles to August's legs, pulling him off his feet. Jones leapt to stab him, but Augustus sliced the tentacles and rolled aside. He threw a Haki punch at Jones' sword, but it remained attached to his tentacled finger, then Jones grabbed Augustus's arm in his claw to squeeze it. Augustus chopped Jones' arm off, but the undead claw kept squeezing, and Jones was able to stamp him with his peg-leg, forcing Augustus against the wall.

Augustus threw his spinning Gobstopper, drilling into Jones' "nose." The pirate squirmed and shook it off, repairing his face, during which Augustus was able to force the claw off his bleeding arm. Jones charged and stabbed Augustus right in the stomach, the boy hacking in pain. With a glare, Augustus grabbed Jones' arm and thrusted back against the wall, breaking through and pulling the pirate with him. Nel saw the two falling, so she leapt to KICK Jones off her captain. Jones took the sword with him, and Nel rushed to carry Augustus back to the ship to be treated. Jones emerged before them, ready to sever the couple, but had to defend from a different couple: Nagisa and Morgiana.

Nagisa remained still with his Iron Body, enduring Jones' strikes as Morg used him for a weapon. Morg kicked up at Jones' sword, but it remained attached to him, but Morg kicked against Jones' stomach to knock him to his back. Nagisa performed a Tempest Kick, only slicing Jones' claw as he recovered, and when the pirate ran to him, Nagisa hardened and survived, leaving Morg to kick Jones away. She grabbed her boyfriend, clashing him against Jones' sword before they locked in a stalemate. "Isn't love a dreadful bond-ah?!"

"Not if we work together!" The couple leapt away as Nagisa became mobile, grabbed Morg's hands, and began to swing her around. They spun toward Jones, countering his sword, knocking it back as Morg dealt kicks to his squishy face. Jones ducked and stabbed at Nagisa—he Shaved away, at the same time throwing Morg behind Jones, wherein Nagisa reappeared to catch her, whirl, and slam her feet onto Jones' head. In the midst of reflating his head, Jones bent a cyclone around his sword. He lashed the couple, and though they tried to defend, the speeding cyclone cut their skin, so they leapt away.

Jones was frozen against the deck, his head popping out as he faced Aurora. Jones bent the ice off and slashed his Cyclone Sword, but Aurora drew Galaxia to combat him. The star sword sent electric crackles up the cyclone to slightly stun Jones, so he used bending to mold bigger cyclones and send them at Aurora. Aurora ran back and shot flaming stars, but Jones sank in the deck and reappeared behind her. He tried to chop her sword arm, but Aurora barely dodged and stabbed Jones, pumping his body with painful Star Power. Jones jabbed her with the peg-leg, lashing the cyclone with more ferocity as Aurora hastened to defend, but she was swallowed by the cyclone as it threw her around like a hurricane, banishing her far away from the island.

Jones felt a rumbling and turned to see another ship tearing through his island: the Reign Supreme. Cheren was mounted on the keel, sword aimed forward proudly, while Nebula sat on the ship's throne. Jones looked to the top of his tower where his flag blew, so he flew to the top using a cyclone. Cheren and Nebula leapt in a cannon and blasted onto the tower, where Cheren immediately met his blade with Jones'. Jones encased the cyclone around it, but Cheren endured its deadly splashes and clashed passionately. Nebula, meanwhile, warped atop the flagpole, swapping Jones' ugly skull with a golden star flag—

Jones grabbed her in a tentacle and slammed her down, going up to reswap the flag. Nebula pelted him with Starbursts, Jones enduring as he ran to stab her, but she warped behind and trapped him in a Block. Jones simply melded into the ship before it could explode, appearing right beneath Nebula, her leg scraped during her attempt to dodge. She caught him in a stun with Space Lightning, but Jones had already detached his claw, which jumped Nebula from behind to choke her. Jones was about to stab her, but saw Cheren had Hookshotted to the flag to swap it for their Jolly Roger. Jones leapt to kick him down, returning his own likeness. Nebula was able to warp the claw off her, making a portal to catch Jones and drop him below the tower.

Nebula caught her breath and warped up to replace Jones' flag with her image. She dropped beside Cheren, both smiling proudly at the flag. "AAH!" they screamed when both Jones' limbs emerged from beneath, grabbed their legs, and slammed them into the floor. They hastily recovered before he could stab icicles on them. Cheren charged a Soul Surge and flew to combat the captain with precise, powerful strikes, but Jones struck with greater fury to combat him, while also making water-spikes form in the air and shoot Nebula on a whim. Nebula made small portals to warp the spikes against Jones, doing little to hinder the zombie as one of the spikes was able to stab her arm. Jones' tentacle sank down to grab Cheren's ankle, yanking him off and slamming his head against the flagpole.

"You will not forestall my victory!" Jones climbed the flagpole and returned his flag again. "Today begins the era of the Dutchman Empire! Just look as the wretched sun shines upon my… wait… the sun shouldn't be up that high this early…?!"

"AAAAAAAAHHH!" Sheila Frantic had boarded the Ace Flyer for a great view of the morning, absorbing the beautiful light in her fist. With powerful passion on her features, her Sunny Fist was bigger than the tower's top. It touched the top of the pole first, easily pressing down Jones in the process. Cheren and Nebula also suffered the punishment as the giant fist pressed them against the tower, which then began to collapse as Sheila continued falling. All operatives cleared away from the tower, watching as the falling sun reduced it to dust.

"Damn… you… Sunny… FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIST…!"

Jones lay splattered within the ruins of the tower. Cheren and Nebula coughed from the dust and helped their selves up. Sheila was standing high on a tall piece of ruin, holding the top of the snapped flagpole with the Nextgen Pirates' Jolly Roger blowing strongly. (End song.)

All the Dutchman Pirates had been felled by all the invaders. All the allied pirates disembarked on the Flying Island, crossing its wreckage as they approached the center. Davy Jones weakly reflated, but Kid could sense that his Gigai would not withstand much more. "Huff…huff…" As Jones gasped, he saw the familiar pair of boots that belonged to Teague, trekking up with a skull crown in his hands. "Hah…Teague-ah… crush these children at once-ah!"

"…Apologies… Captain…" Teague bowed his skull. "But I… live to the Code… as much as I do you. We… have lost."

"ARRRRRGGH!" Aurora, Cheren, and Kid stabbed Jones with their sacred swords. The Heartless Captain had no more strength in his "heart."

"It seems… the Dutchman Pirates are defeated. Now, only Emperor Nebula and Lord Slag-"

"DWAAAAAHHH!" Slag was punched in his metal gut by Maddy's Haki fist, spewing a stream of grog before his head fell off.

"…The war has been decided." Teague corrected himself. He calmly approached Nebula, who braced herself for any more trickery. "Emperor Nebula… the Brethren officially acknowledge the strength of you and your Nextgen Pirates. I hereby decree you… the Pirate King."

Nebula tilted her head as Teague slowly lowered the crown. They felt no more deceit, no other ulterior motive. This war was now, truly over. Once the crown was on her head, it would all be-

BAM! Nebula's head was dented by a mighty pair of knuckles: all their mouths dropped as Sheila knocked her superior to the deck. "Oi don't think so!" Sheila pinned her foot on the leader. "I have reason to believe Captain Nebula was planning to make off with all the treasure and leave us all to be fodder for the authorities! By the word of the Code, I am committing mutiny and taking her authority as Nextgen Pirate Captain!"

"Arrrrgh! Curse ye, Sheila!" Nebula grunted with a totally fake tone. "How could ya discover my plan?! Damn ye all to the Locker!"

"Damn you instead!" Mason yelled. "Sunny Fist Sheila for captain!"

"Uh…S-Sunny Fist for captain?" Cheren cheered?

"WOOHOO! Sheilaaaaa!" Aurora cheered.

"All hail Captain Sheila!" Dillon cheered.

"Oh, and I'm still gonna fight this war." Sheila clarified. "I already threw me doubloon in at the start and everything."

Jones' sprawled-open contract glowed as Sheila's name appeared on it. "…" Teague looked upon the sight with confusion. Oh well. "Ahem, well… it seems the Nextgen Pirates have a new captain… so, it seems you, Sheila Frantic, are now the Pirate King." So, he placed the crown upon her head.

Almost everyone turned pale. Davy Jones… Skaios… Vaati… the GKND… Kid… Cortez… the Kremlings… Big Moms… Slag… even a few fish from the sea… and Jar Jar Blinks was there for some reason… That was the only reaction.