T/N - This was done on the phone so there may be many mistakes. At least it would not be unreadable.


As the young generation of Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Ryo and the others have high self-esteem.

They look down on civilians and even the children of the clans don't take it seriously.

Since the decline of the Senju Clan, they have begun to play the part of Konoha's Great Clan.

During the test, the three kids wanted to lead and surpass Tatsumi but ended up using all their strength and got surpassed by other people.

This caused them to get average grades.

After all, they have always thought of themselves as the three geniuses of Uchiha. They were even bragging about it to the other clan's children before the exam.

And the first place is Tatsumi, who they used to bully.

Although Tatsumi is more mature, he couldn't beat them when he was three years old.

After all, they had the numbers and that was what mattered in that age.

Moreover, he was excluded by the Uchiha Clan.

So, the three of them came, filled with anger, wanting to teach him a lesson.

The three of them each made a pose. Uchiha Ryo gestured

The younger brother, Uchiha Shigeru, immediately understood what the boss meant. Uchiha Shigeru came forward and said, "Oi,Tatsumi, come here."

"What's the matter?" Tatsumi lazily asked.

"What's wrong with you? You were showing off a lot just now!"

Tatsumi curled his lips, "If you lose, it was your incompetence. You should've trained properly."

Faced with the provocation of the three children in front of him, it seemed to him that it was really not worth doing something about it and he ignored them.

That ignoring was enough to make the three kids in front of him jump at him.

"Enough, you three!" Mikoto said to the three in the opposite direction.

Tatsumi has not said anything in reply, but Mikoto, who is on his side, can't stand it anymore. She wants to stop them. In her opinion, Tatsumi is not an opponent of three..

" Tatsumi, if you are a man, don't hide behind Mikoto." Uchiha Ryo wanted to show Mikoto that Tatsumi is a cowardly person. (Not a man but a 5-year-old kid)

Tatsumi still did nothing and continued to ignore them.

They had no choice but to say a harsh word and leave aggrieved.

Before leaving, Uchiha Ryo gave Tatsumi a fierce look.

"I'm waiting for you to come again." Not paying attention to their provocations, Tatsumi yawned lazily again, then talked to Mikoto who had just turned her head.

"Come on, Mikoto, let's go back."

Mikoto was a little worried about Tatsumi,

It looked like he was about to lie down on the hospital bed if the three did not stop.

Tatsumi said with a smile, "It's okay. They are not my opponents."

After sending Mikoto back to her house, Tatsumi returned to his small house.

Although his taijutsu is up now, he can't lax out on training.

Even if he can add points to make him a genius in all aspects, genius is just genius. What he wants to be is a legend who will be remembered like the First Hokage.

He washed up, brought some food, and ran towards the forest behind Hokage Faces. Konoha's treatment of war orphans is very humane, he receives enough relief money every month to buy some food.

However, something as luxurious as going to the training stadium is not something that a war orphan can go to.

Uchiha Clan does have a training stadium but he was not allowed to go.

He went there when he was younger and was harassed by the children and adults there, so he didn't like going there.

Therefore, the large forest, the one behind Hokage Faces, has become a training place for Tatsumi.

'Simple training can still be done out here.'

Currently, the Uchiha compound is still in the center of the village. After all, Uchiha are one of the core two clans of Konoha.

So, he quickly ran to Hokage Faces.

Uchiha Tatsumi stopped and three tag-a-longs followed him.

He wanted to deal with those.

He shook his Kunai and said, "Come out. As soon as I left the Clan Compound, you followed me."

Three silhouettes jumped out from the big tree behind.

"I was just afraid you would run away again this time." Uchiha Ryo, who has both hands crossed near chest, has a childlike face and arrogant look.

"So we followed you out. There is no Mikoto here to protect you now."

"Thanks for your hard work, my fans, I will certainly give you my autograph, that too, right on your face.."

Tatsumi got quiet after that but the three kids did not shut up.

"Who is your fan? You scoundrel. We as Uchiha care a little about you! So, are you ready to have your ass whooped?" Uchiha Shigeru said.

"So, you guys won't back off and want to fight?"

Tatsumi hasn't tried his current strength on a human yet. Now these three on the opposite side bullied him so he wanted to teach them a lesson in any case.

"They will be good training material" Tatsumi said in a low voice.

"I recently learned a new trick. This technique can reflect Taijutsu. Don't think that you can act wilfully if you are first in the physical test. As long as I win, you have to promise me one thing. How about it?"

Uchiha Ryo was full of confidence."Oh, there is no need to do that."

Tatsumi nodded, the other side seemed to be a little above ground, it was necessary to teach him a lesson. "What if I win?" (This is actually an idiom I used which is spoken in my dialect. *Walking a little above ground - Being too full of yourself and considering oneself better than others*)

Uchiha Shigeru immediately said, stubbornly trusting in his boss's strength, "How is it possible for you to win? hHave you forgotten the things we taught you before?"

"Hurry up then. Don't waste time. I am busy. " Tatsumi said moved his body towards Uchiha Ryo.

Uchiha Ryo's two minions cheered him on.

"Boss, give him a hard hit!"

"Insult him completely like he did to us."


Uchiha Ryo coldly snorted. In his opinion, Tatsumi is just a fool.

"You arrogant idiot, you don't know anything about real power. You dare say that to this uncle, now this uncle will curse your 8 generations. You are courting death smelly brat" (*Sigh* the CN author I am becoming translating these mtls)