The next day Tatsumi got up at time and left for the academy.

The trees at the entrance of the Academy are full of dazzling cherry blossoms. Although Tatsumi is not the kind of person who likes to enjoy flowers, he can't help being attracted by the beautiful scenery.

In his mind, it is all about the students who will be fighting together this year.

In other words, it is the question of giving him points.

Points is art,

"Uchiha Tatsumi, you are going to be late."

On campus, a low, soft voice said to him. Tatsumi turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice. Standing there was a ninja wearing a light green flak jacket, a Konoha forehead protector, a dark face and a muscular body.

"Ah, it's the black face from yeste-no, it's Teacher Nishimura, good morning Sir!"

'Wooh near escape, nearly called him "black face uncle".'

"You just wanted to call me black face uncle, right?"

"Haha, how can I call an honorable and respectful old man like you that."

"I'm only over twenty Years old, you brat!"

"What, I thought you were a little over 40 years old."

"Is that right?" The teacher gave a dangerous look.

'After the test, I don't know which student gave Teacher the nickname. The origin of the nickname is, of course, Teacher's dark face and the old face that feels like he is in 40s.'

"Sorry teacher, I'm late."

"You kid really...hurry up and go to the classroom."

He looked at Tatsumi and left quickly, with a smile on his face.

'He's really different from other Uchiha.'

The Academy is divided into several class. Each student must be divided into class based on the results of the entrance examination.

To put it simply, people with excellent grades go to the best class, while those with average grades go to the ordinary class.

The excellent class also includes most of the clan heirs. They will become the main powers of Konoha in the future. They will have excellent Jounin-Sensei when they graduate.The students of ordinary classes will become the top-class cannon fodder. After becoming a Genin, the teachers assigned are very average.

Ninja World is very cruel, no one in this world has clean hands like Naruto.

Tatsumi hurried along the corridor.

He stopped under the sign that said ninja Grade 1 Class A.

'How can I make my entry better?'

'Pull up with the wind blowing on my face, or a little more domineering.

Tatsumi shook his head and came out of his thoughts.

"I really think too much."

"It has been almost five minutes!"

Tatsumi pushed the door open and he smiled at the students in the classroom with the warmest smile he could have.

"Sorry, I'm late."

As soon as he entered the class, Tatsumi felt hostile glances. This is not because Tatsumi has sensory ability, it is because these glances were a little too out in the open.

If it weren't for the Academy, Tatsumi believed that they would fight right now.

Tatsumi knows who they are in his heart. He turned around, it turned out to be the three kids who were beaten by him yesterday.

'Just why am I such a genius?' Uchiha Tatsumi thought to himself.

Tattsumi did not take them seriously at all. Rather, it would be better if they came to trouble him themselves.

They are all free points.

"So handsome Ahhh."

"I like him so much."

Screams like these kept ringing.

It is another group, but they are all girls.

After all, Tatsumi had the first place in the entrance test and he is also from the Uchiha Clan.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he inherited Uchiha Clan's genes and looks very handsome.

So, he is quickly popular among girls.

His popularity was unexpectedly high.

'Anyway, let's find a seat and sit down.'

Mikoto saw Tatsumi and greeted him.

"Tatsumi, here."

Uchiha Tatsumi walked over and sat down next to her.

There were sighs of people in the whole room.

There are not only boys, but also girls.

"Mikoto, good morning. " Tatsumi said hello.

"You are late again. "

"Um, sorry. I helped a grandma cross the street today. So I was late."

"Well, Tatsumi, you are really kind." Mikoto immediately believed the excuse.

Tatsumi unexpectedly blushed.

He took a look all around. He found himself sitting in the middle of Mikoto and Minato.

Minato is carefully viewing the textbook in the noisy classroom.

The one sitting in front is Senju Nawaki. Nawaki was looking at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi ignored him.

"Mikoto, hasn't the Teacher come yet?" Tatsumi noticed the noise in the classroom and no teacher.

"Well, Nishimura Teacher is late. " Mikoto replied.

"Nishimura Teacher is a Class Teacher? I just ran into him."

Is it okay for him to wander around the campus while taking a salary?

I will go to the Hokage to complain.

The sound of the Gate opening came from the entrance. Teacher Nishimura came in with the textbook in a very imposing-manner.

The classroom fell silent.

Nishimura Teacher waited for the classroom to calm down. He stood on the podium and started to talk.

"Good morning, everyone. I am Nishimura Shin in Class A for the first year."

About fifty students were crowded in the classroom.

Somewhere in the classroom, a musty smell spread throughout the classroom.

"Academy maintenance money must have been swallowed by the Principal. "Uchiha Tatsumi secretly said.

"Uh, it seems that Principal is uncle Hiruzen." Nawaki replied.

Tatsumi shut his mouth immediately.

"Then let's introduce ourselves. Well, let's start with the people sitting by the corridor first." Nishimura Teacher said loudly.

After he finished speaking, the student on the edge of the corridor started to stand up and reported his name.

"My name is Ling Kinoshita, and my hobby is planting flowers. My wish is to become a Jonin."

"My name is Namikaze Minato, and my wish is to become Hokage and protect everyone in Konoha." Minato introduced himself and gave a silly smile.

This did not cause big waves. The goal of many students is to become Hokage.

This is also in line with the core values that Konoha has always promoted.

I love Konoha, support Hokage, and be the next Hokage.

Nawaki is the same.

"My name is Senju Nawaki. My wish is to be a person like my grandfather. My goal currently is to defeat Uchiha Tatsumi."

It was finally Mikoto's turn.

"My name is Uchiha Mikoto. My wish is to protect the people I like."

Mikoto gave a light smile and ended her introduction.

"She's so cute. " This could be heard all over the class.

Well, the person in front of Tatsumi also introduced himself.

It was now Tatsumi's turn. The first impression is the last, in order to make many good friends, his nature should seem very friendly.

Let them know that he is different from other people in the Uchiha Clan and must emphasize that he is a cheerful youngster.

He decided to start his introduction with a joke…or what seemed like a joke to him.

"Well. Uh, my name is Uchiha Tatsumi, you can call me "Dear", you are welcome."

"Dear-love-of!" (it is the part of a song they are singing)

The chorus composed of boys' rough voices sounded, which was far more disgusting than what he imagined.

"Sorry, please forget what I just said."

Tatsumi had a feeling of nausea. Unexpectedly, these ugly boys would really call themselves by this name, which is too terrifying.

Tatsumi remembered that the system asked him to beat other kids to gain points.

He continued to say in a bewitching tone, "My stupid classmates. Do you want my position of number one? If you want, I can give it all to you, go train hard! Come challenge me."

Silence fell in the whole room.

Now, Tatsumi was having a very bad feeling.

He felt that the hostile glances around him became stronger. (What did you expect? Roses?)

The glances were so many that they made his skin feel tingling.

After that, boring self-introductions with only their names appeared constantly.