What can a civilian ninja do?

It has been shown by Orochimaru and Jiraiya what a civilian ninja can do.

They were born as civilians and later became the Sannin.

Minato would also be a good example in the future.

Minato's parents died when he was very young. None of them were ninjas, but Minato joined the Academy.

He had no knowledge of ninjutsu before this.

He has always been training and exercising by himself.

The Academy is responsible only for teaching Three Basic Body techniques, the rest is theoretical knowledge about ninja and basic Taijutsu, shuriken throwing and physical strength training.

This undoubtedly makes civilian ninja and clan ninja have a very big gap in their strength.

But Namikaze Minato completely broke this gap.

In the class, his strength is currently only worse than Uchiha Tatsumi and Senju Nawaki.

Standing in front of him is a child from the Sarutobi Clan.

Minato's right hand quickly took out a few shuriken and threw them at the Sarutobi at a very tricky angle.

Then Minato rushed towards Sarutobi.


With the sound of a bang, Sarutobi was replaced with a log midair.

Seeing the opponent replaced by a log, Minato didn't panic. He stopped and shot a punch behind him.

Minato hit the other side's face directly.

Sarutobi leaned back slightly, avoiding Minato's attack. Minato took advantage of this neutral position and shot the kunai in his hand at the opponent and forced Sarutobi to fall back.

After putting distance between them, Sarutobi looked at Minato. He didn't expect that facing a civilian ninja would be this tricky.

In just a while, Minato and Sarutobi collided again. The sound of Kunai came from their direction and the silhouettes of two people flashed rapidly.

Jiraiya showed a surprised expression from the audience and looked at Minato on the stage.

Finally, when Minato, riddled with scars, came out of the field, Sarutobi had passed out.

"You are good." Jiraiya patted Minato's shoulder.He was very optimistic about Minato.

"Let's go to Tsunade for treatment."

"Okay, thank you Jiraiya-Sama."

There was nothing to watch in the next two fights.

Soon, it was the fourth fight, Tatsumi's turn.

"Tatsumi, please win." Mikoto clenched her small fists cutely, cheering on Tatsumi.

"Of course, I won't lose here" Tatsumi showed her a hearty smile.

Tatsumi got up and was walking to the stage. There were loud screams everywhere around him.

"Tatsumi, you are very handsome."

"I like you so much."

Hearing this, Jiraiya looked around and curled his lips.

"He is nearly as popular as I was in my childhood.."

Tatsumi, who walked onto the stage, snapped his fingers lightly, and a feather appeared on the platform. The opponent looked at the Feather, his body suddenly stopped moving and then slowly fell down and fell asleep on the stage.

Tatsumi easily defeated his opponent.

Jiraiya stared wide-eyed, "This Uchiha kid is pretty strong for his age."

This is a Genjutsu. This Jutsu is different from the technique of Nirvana Abode (The one Kabuto used in the Konoha attack arc). The technique of Nirvana Abode is to drop a large area of phantom-like feathers, so that the people within the area fell asleep.

It is a large-scale Genjutsu.

The art of feather sleep is Genjutsu for one person. This Jutsu is related to Chakra and spiritual energy. The larger the Chakra output, the longer the people in genjutsu sleep.

Although he can't do a stronger Genjutsu right now, it is very easy to launch Genjutsu through the medium of sound or motion.

Compared to Minato's match, Tatsumi was much more smooth.

"Tatsumi, are you okay?"

When Tatsumi left the stage, Mikoto ran to him in a hurry and asked in a very concerned way.

"It's okay." Tatsumi flicked Mikoto's forehead.

This show of love in public, caused a lot of damage to the single people watching from the sidelines. Jiraiya felt that he had received some critical hits.

"Why...why?????" Jiraiya shouted, looking towards the sky.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Now, even children publicly show their love like this, and I, I'm already Jonin, and I haven't found a girlfriend yet. Why doesn't Tsunade agree to my request??"

Tatsumi suddenly wanted to tease Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya-Sama, Jiraiya-Sama." Tatsumi beckons with his hand, motioned to the other side to get attention to his side, "Want to know how to get Lady Tsunade to agree?"

Tatsumi had a serious face and went to Jiraiya, who is thirsty for knowledge.

"Is there any way? Hurry up and tell me..." Jiraiya shook his ass. (This was in the raw.)

"I have a trick, it works. You go to Lady Tsunade, then grab her hand, push her to the corner, and kiss her directly." (He'll get punched)

"Just follow my method, Lady Tsunade, although she will not change the relationship with you immediately, she will definitely understand your mind. The relationship will gradually improve, won't it? What you are missing is just an opportunity."

"Will she hit me? "Jiraiya was a little scared at the thought of Tsunade's violent nature.

"Jiraiya-Sama, to be honest, based on my observations, I have always had the idea that Lord-Jiraiya is afraid of Lady Tsunade. Do you dare not do it?"

"Uchiha kid, you are so wrong about this. If you really think so, you will be disappointed."

"Tsunade always listens to me during the mission. If you don't believe me, you can ask my subordinate." Jiraiya boasted.

"Will the method wrl?" Jiraiya was still a unconfident.

"Of course it will. Think about it, if you take Lady Tsunade's first kiss, how can she say no to you. After all, the first time is always memorable." Tatsumi gave a smile that everyone knew.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Jiraiya nodded, "If this method is really effective, even if you can't make the top three, I will train you, kid."

"hehe." Uchiha Tatsumi smiled ambiguously, he neither agreed nor refused.

"Tatsumi, is it true, how can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing." : Mikoto

"It's okay, anyway, with the kind of single boy, who can't find a girlfriend when he is almost 20 years old, It's good to teach him about life well."

"...Stop talking, I will go, it's my turn now." Mikoto, who was teased by mistake, pushed Tatsumi, blushed hard and ran onto the stage.

"Keep it up."

As for Jiraiya, anyway, he was beaten by Tsunade more than one or two times, and it was simply not bad this time...it was pretty bad.

"Tatsumi, what were you thinking about?"

Minato, who was healed with the help of Tsunade, returned. Needless to say about Tsunade's medical skills, Minato, who had many injuries just now, had almost recovered.

"Nothing. Minato, are all your injuries healed?" Tatsumi asked.

"It has been cured by Lady Tsunade." Minato replied, "However, since the wound on my face is not deep, Lady Tsunade said that a few bandages would be fine. She also said that It can attract the girl's attention."

Nah, she obviously was too lazy to treat a small injury.

After 3 minutes, Tatsumi curled his lips and asked, "Is Mikoto's match over?"

"No, it's going on at the stage."