Minato, who was standing on the stage, gave a smile.

"...ah ha ha." Minato found himself unable to say anything to Tatsumi.

"Minato, listen to my advice." Tatsumi stood opposite Minato and started to talk again.

"On strength, you are not my opponent yet. If you want to keep your strength and face the next opponent, it is better to admit defeat quickly."

"Thank you for reminding me, but I think I still want to fight with you." Minato didn't give up.

Tatsumi knew the character of Minato and stopped talking about it.

Shaking his head, he rejected Tatsumi's proposal and Minato, who said that he would continue fighting, took out two cotton balls from his pockets.

"I have watched you fight with others several times before, and found that your combat method mainly uses sound and sight to trap the opponent in Genjutsu. Genjutsu, which is spread through the medium of sound and sight, is difficult to prevent , But as long as it is like this."

Minato stuffed cotton into his ears. He lowered his head again and looked away from Tatsumi's hands and aimed at Tatsumi's legs.

"As long as my eyes are not facing your hands and my ears cannot hear what you say... Tatsumi, let's start."

Tatsumi nodded, standing opposite Minato.

There are indeed many ways to dispel Genjutsu. Currently, Tatsumi does not have Sharingan, he can only use voice and sight to trap others in Genjutsu.

What Minato did was good but it won't work right now. Minato is not yet the Yellow Flash. The academy also does not teach how to dispel Genjutsu. So, he can only think of this way to deal with Tatsumi.

Uchiha Tatsumi raised his hand and threw a few shuriken towards Minato.

Below the stage, the students surrounding were attracted by this fight.

After all, eyes and ears are one of the things ninja needs most and Minato was not using them.

The shuriken were thrown at a fast speed. Before Minato had the time to react, they wiped his cheeks, leaving two scars, blood slowly flowed down from the wounds.

Tatsumi deliberately missed the shuriken. Minato's face was scratched but he was not surprised. It seemed like Tatsumi's shuriken didn't even scratch him.

"In order to deal with your Genjutsu, I have done a lot of training, so don't play this kind of trick."

"That's good." Tatsumi began making hand seals.

Fire-Style : Great Fireball Jutsu

Tatsumi opened his mouth and blew out a huge Fireball. Tatsumi's fireball was a little larger than the one made by normal shinobi.

Faced with the heat, Minato used Body Substitution Jutsu and replaced his body with a log.

The huge Fireball ran into the log where Body Substitution Jutsu appeared, but Minato, who escaped to the side, was unharmed. At this time, Minato quickly threw a few shuriken towards Tatsumi, trying to block Tatsumi's movements.

"Minato, you seem to think of me as someone who only knows genjutsu."

Uchiha Tatsumi also quickly threw a handful of kunai. All of Minato's shuriken were knocked down.

Tatsumi's throwing technique is now at level 4.

At this time, Tatsumi saw Minato complete the Wind-Style jutsu hand seal.

"Wind-Style : Wind Cutter!"

This Jutsu is a technique given to Minato by Tatsumi.

Minato is born with Wind Attribute. As a friend, Tatsumi gave several C-Rank Wind Style Ninjutsu to Minato.

Tatsumi used Body Substitution Jutsu to avoid the attack.

Tatsumi quickly came to Minato and extended his hand, he swung his arm to stab Minato but was blocked by Minato himself using the kunai in his hand.

Tatsumi hit Minato with a roundabout kick and Minato punched him. Facing his punch, Tatsumi's face remained unchanged. He grabbed Minato's fist and flashed his body to the side. At the same time, his right leg was lifted and a knee hit Minato in the stomach.

Tatsumi's right leg straightened and another whip kick kicked Minato fiercely. This shows the gap between Minato and Tatsumi's Taijutsu.

Tatsumi did not continue to use Taijutsu, he still wants to keep the trump card of taijutsu hidden.

Tatsumi took out several kunai and he quickly threw them.

The Kunai were going straight towards Minato's leg.

Who knew that two Kunai would collide in the air and change its direction, heading towards Minato's lower face.

"What a subtle kunai throw." Jiraiya's eyes widened. He is not the kind of ninja who is good at using shuriken.

Minato stared at the Kunai which changed direction mid-air. At this time, he had no time to cast the seals and use Body Substitution Jutsu to escape, so he had to look up directly.

The moment Minato raised his head, his eyes widened to see Tatsumi's hand.


Even if Minato will be insanely strong in the future, he is right now only a Second Year student.

There was no resistance from him. After getting trapped in Tatsumi's Genjutsu, Minato staggered a few times, then fell to the ground,"For an expert, a small gesture of a finger is enough to make the opponent fall into Genjutsu."

Tatsumi shook his head and gently left these words full of exclamation. He then bent over to carry Minato, who was asleep, off the field together.

"Wow! So handsome."

"Tatsumi! Tatsumi! Tatsumi!"

There were screams underneath the stage.

Jiraiya looked at Tatsumi with shock.

"Tatsumi, are you okay?!" : Mikoto

Tatsumi, who just left the stage, has received attention from Mikoto, her eyes did not blink and looked at her sweetheart's arm. The thin wound on his arm that was made by a kunai had blood slowly dripping out of it.

"It's just a small injury, it doesn't matter." Tatsumi waved his hand, saying that it didn't matter.

But Mikoto, who cares about Tatsumi a lot, would not agree with his answer. She dragged him to the other side, where Tsunade was.

Poor Minato was left lying on the ground.