Soon after the incident, Tatsumi and Mikoto left Tsunade and returned to the soil platform.

On the platform, Tatsumi saw that Minato, who was previously sleeping soundly, was now wide awake.

"Are you awake now, Minato?" Tatsumi asked.

"Um, yeah? Can't you see my eyes open?" Minato turned around and moved towards Tatsumi.

"Hey, how is your face so ugly. Didn't Lady Tsunade give you treatment? Was it so bad that even she could not help?" Minato asked with concern.

"That woman..." Tatsumi was terrified just by hearing her name.

"Have we finished with the Second Year duels?" Tatsumi changed the topic quickly.

"The top three have already come out. It is You, Mikoto, and me." Minato said pointing his thumb at himself

"Nawaki gave up his fight, I don't know why he was having an uglier expression than you. Is he injured?" Minato asked.

"Nah, but he may be more traumatized." Tatsumi said.

"If you are being practical, it is very simple for him to find Lady Tsunade and ask her to train him. He would not have the use of quota as much as it would have for children like us." Tatsumi continued to say.

Minato nodded and asked no more questions.

Minato is very happy that he is in the top three.

"What are we going to do next?"

"Now, duels between each grade will start. Each grade will participate as a team. The ranking will be decided by the disciples of the Third Hokage."

'Their words are the supreme right now' Tatsumi said in his mind, as long as the Sannin decide,you can do it, if they say no, you can't.

"It's still fair though." Minato said.

"Is it?" Tatsumi said.


"Nothing." Tatsumi shook his head, and said, "Next, keep up, Minato."

"Okay" : Minato

"Mikoto, you must work hard too."

"For Tatsumi, I will." (Yes, this was already here)

"Great." Tatsumi said and looked away to where the future Sannin were standing.

After all the duels ended, Orochimaru casted hand seals and a soil platform that was much larger than the previous ones rose from the ground.

"All the staff will rest for half an hour. The second round will start in the afternoon.If the students who have been eliminated want to go back, they can leave at anytime they wish." Orochimaru said in a hoarse voice and he left instantly after that.

Tsunade saw Orochimaru leaving and she also left for the casino to gamble.

The only one left, Jiraiya, looked at Tatsumi who was in the audience. Jiraiya showed a confident smile and went towards Tsunade, rushing to the place where she was going.

'These three people are really weird'

'Tsunade is very annoyed right now. If Jiraiya uses that move now, she would probably send him to the hospital.'

Tatsumi looked at Jiraiya's figure disappearing and laughed.

"Tatsumi, what's wrong?" Mikoto asked

Tatsumi and Mikoto chose to not leave the training area at all. Instead, they found shade and sat down.

Mikoto took out a lunch box from a scroll she had.

"I am just wondering if Jiraiya-Sama would encounter some good things." Tatsumi smiled and didn't say much.

"Tatsumi, you definitely didn't have any good ideas." While handing the box to Tatsumi, Mikoto complained very cutely.

Since Mikoto discovered that Tatsumi's meals are just some salt and water, she decided to give Tatsumi a meal whenever she can.

'I refused, of course. It is not that I like eating salted rice. But even if I starves to death, I will absolutely...well...this smells good.'

"Huh, what about meat balls today?" Tatsumi had no trace of politeness while gesturing Minato to come next to him and eat.

Tatsumi started to eat the meal. He felt happy to eat something other than rice.

"It's delicious! Mikoto's cooking skills are amazing." Tatsumi said

Seeing Tatsumi happily eating what she made, Mikoto laughed shyly, sat beside Tatsumi and ate silently.

The warm, bright scene was about to blind Minato's blue eyes. He had no choice but to glance at the box in Tatsumi's hand and then at the steamed bun in his hand.

Minato began to think about finding a girlfriend, at least who would be able to cook

"Die Jiraiya! Apologize right now or I will send you to hell!" Tsunade's roar came from a distance.

Even Tatsumi felt the anger mixed in her voice.

"What? Jiraiya-Sama provoked Lady Tsunade again. What happened!?" Mikoto asked.

It seems that the whole Konoha knows about them and Jiraiya's public reputation does not seem to be good.

"Calm down Calm down! Orochimaru, hurry up and help me stop her!" Jiraiya begged, as if he was going to die.

"Orochimaru, don't stop me, I want to beat Jiraiya! Otherwise, even you will be beaten with him." Tsunade's harsh words came out and Tatsumi couldn't help but shiver.

After a short second of silence.

"Go to hell, Jiraiya!"

"Why are you using Ninjutsu? Teacher Sarutobi Come and save me!" Jiraiya was making his last struggle.


Strong vibrations came from a distance, even Tatsumi, who was far away from them at the Academy, felt the ground shake.

'Jiraiya-Sama, I will remember you.' Tatsumi said in his mind.

Tatsumi thought of Jiraiya without a sense of responsibility.

"What's wrong with Tatsumi, why is he so happy?" After spending a long time with Tatsumi, Mikoto can easily understand Tatsumi's expressions.

Seeing his excited expression, Mikoto knows Tatsumi is happy about something but she cannot

pin-point what it was.