Tatsumi was now lying on the bed. He was very excited.

He can't control his hand anymore.

He raised his right hand and opened the system panel.

[Host : Uchiha Tatsumi]

[Land of Fire Age]

[Age : 6 years old]

[Comprehensive strength index : the existence of Academy's peak]

[Chakra Level : 4 (04000)]

[Taijutsu Level : 5 (06000)]

[Shuriken Level : 4 (04000)]

[Hand seal Level : 3 (02000)]

[Ninjutsu Level : 3 (02000)]

[Genjutsu Level : 4 (04000)]

[Wind Attribute Level : 2 (01000)]

[Fire Attribute Level : 3 (02000)]

[Lightning Attribute Level : 2 (01000)]

[Water Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Earth Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Yang Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Yin Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[NP Remaining : 27,100]

Tatsumi saw his ninja points more than once.

He previously had only 600 NP. After the day, the NP reached 27,100.

At this moment, the voice of the system also came:

[Congratulations to the host. The host completed the first three missions in the school trial, winning the title of champion.]

[Host will get 5000 NP for completing Mission Reward. Since the host has completed the first mission released by the system, it will reward 3000 NP.]

[Host now has a balance of 35,100 ninja points.]

'Only completing the mission released by the system is the way to obtain a large number of NP at once.'

Tatsumi immediately used his NP and added them to his Taijutsu.

'First, lets solve the problem of women's clothing...'

[Congratulations to the host, the host Taijutsu has been upgraded to Level 6]

[Host's endurance, speed, Sight and understanding of Taijutsu are greatly enhanced.]

'I'll add more.'

[Congratulations to the host, the host Taijutsu attribute has been upgraded to Level 7.]

"...Or maybe not. I'll see to it later"

[Tatsumi used another 8000 ninja points to raise both Shuriken throwing and Genjutsu to Level 5.]

Tatsumi looked at his panel and added NP to his Chakra, Hand seal, wind, fire, and lightning Attributes, increasing them to Level 4.

At this time, Tatsumi's panel has become like this.

[Host : Uchiha Tatsumi]

[Land of Fire]

[Age : 6 years old]

[Comprehensive strength index : A strong cannon fodder.. Genin]

[Chakra Level : 4 (04000)]

[Taijutsu Level : 7 (012,000)]

[Shuriken Throwing : Level 5 (06000)]

[Hand seal Level : 4 ( 04000)]

[Ninjutsu Level : 4 (04000)]

[Genjutsu Level : 5 (06000)]

[Wind Attribute Level : 4 (04000)]

[Fire Attribute Level : 4 (04000)]

[Lightning Attribute Level : 4 (04000)]

[Water Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Earth Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Yang Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[Yin Attribute Level : 0 (0100)]

[NP Remaining : 100]

Tatsumi did not add all his points to Taijutsu. For one thing, he doesn't need to be so impatient. On the other hand, he wants to keep a sense of balance between them.

Many of these attributes influence each other.

Tatsumi sighed, 'it seems that ninja points are never enough. Just like money is never enough to spend.'

'When can I not earn points like today again?'

Tatsumi now only needs 12,000 ninja points to bring Taijutsu level 8.

Currently he is in the second year and he has many opportunities to make 12,000 NP.

"Hmph, system. I will escape from your evil clutches soon."

[It's okay, host. After the host completes this mission, there will be more missions. Don't worry.] The mechanical sound of the system came.


"So that's how it is?

Tatsumi got off the bed, he was in a good mood after adding the points to his attributes.

He was going to take a walk on the streets of Konoha at night, thinking about some problems he hadn't thought about before.

For his training, Tatsumi has a perfect plan.

Just like Minato's usually Refining Chakra, Chakra capacity at this age is fixed. Frequent refining is just a waste of no effect.

To put it bluntly, the body of a 6-year-old has a limit. Doing exercise to increase physical endurance is better.

The current Tatsumi's body is not suitable for all-weather training. Proper rest is needed.

Uchiha Tatsumi wore his windbreaker and walked slowly down the road of the village.

Tatsumi deliberately avoided the commercial street. He walked along a remote path to Hokage Faces.

Hokage Faces are the most famous part of Konoha, and the view from there is very good.

"Huh?" Tatsumi stopped because he saw someone who he did not think would be there.

——Hyuga Yasuko.

At this moment, she is wearing Hyuga Clan's clan uniform, standing very quietly at the intersection.

"Aiya Yasuko-San, what a coincidence." Tatsumi started to talk

Tatsumi was secretly vigilant, he ran his chakra frantically.

'Is she here to seek revenge. Wasn't it just a loss in duel this afternoon?'

'Are there other people? It seems not..'

Yasuko did not speak, her white eyes staring at Tatsumi.

'Her eyes look absolutely beautiful under the moonlight.

After being silent for a while, Tatsumi couldn't help it.

"…Can you please tell me, what kind of accident was it that we met unexpectedly on this remote path?"

"It's just a coincidence." Yasuko was expressionless.

"Let's lie less. How could you have a chance encounter in such a place?" Tatsumi said.


T/N - There you go, be happy.

Also this a harem and mc will have 4 girls (most probably). For those who did not remember or did not see the tag, this is for you.