T/N - There is no gap in the story, just the number is changed.


Standing in the moonlight, Tatsumi's smile gradually disappeared from his face, "Let's talk. What can I do for you Yasuko-San?"

Yasuko lowered her eyes "Do you know about the difference between Hyuga Main House and Hyuga Branch House?"

Hyuga Clan naturally has its own tradition. This tradition will transform into complex contradictions over time. If the contradictions are not resolved, it will explode sooner or later.

Hyuga Clan's current contradiction is concentrated in Main House and Branch House.

Tatsumi knows about Hyuga Clan only from what he has read in the manga.."Please tell the details." Tatsumi said.

Yasuko started to talk, "Hyuga Clan is a very old clan, and Byakugan is also known as one of the Three-Great Dojutsu. But, Byakugan is different from Uchiha Clan's Sharingan."

"During the Warring States Period, there were many ninjas who transplanted Sharingan, But all failed. If it is a non-Uchiha doing the transplant, it is difficult to use the real power of Sharingan. There would be a lot of rejections. It would be a serious burden on one's body."

"Byakugan, however, is different. As long as it is a complete Byakugan, the transplant can be done by anyone. There would be no big burdens like Sharingan. "

Tatsumi remembered that Hidden Mist Village did have such a ninja later.

Yasuko continued. "So, in the war-torn era of the Warring States, Hyuga Clan's Byakugan was glared like a tiger watching his prey by many ninjas. Everyone coveted this kind of power."

"Later, Hyuga Clan's Leader married Uzumaki Clan's Princess."

"In order to solve this problem of stealing Byakugan, Uzumaki Clan's Princess developed a curse based on Sealing Jutsu. This kind of curse-seal perfectly solves this problem. This curse-seal is called 'caged bird cursed-seal'."

"In order to protect Byakugan, the clan is divided into Main House and Branch House. Everyone in Branch House has the curse-seal."

"From then on, Hyuga Clan's Main House became the true successors of Hyuga Clan. They became responsible for protecting and promoting the Hyuga Clan. "

"Branch House has become the guards of the Main House. They bear the responsibility of protecting the Main House and live in pain all their life."

Tatsumi was puzzled and asked, "Then you, as the Eldest Miss of the Main House, shouldn't have this trouble. It should be impossible for you to have the curse-seal."

Yasuko nodded, "I won't, but my second brother will. "

"Every system will cause problems over time." Yasuko continued.

"Branch House people who are marked by the caged bird will be controlled by the Main House people through curse-seal. Main House people can destroy the cranial nerves of the Branch House member through the caged bird, thereby controlling the Branch House. The curse-seal cannot be lifted until the person dies. "

"And this curse-seal also has the ability to seal Byakugan at death. "

"Such an approach caused extreme dissatisfaction among the people from Branch House. Although the curse-seal can control the life and death of Branch House, it cannot control the resentment in their hearts."

"So, one day the branch house finally did rebellion. Some dissatisfied Branch House people joined forces with foreign ninjas to sneak attack the Main House."

"Although the rebellion was quelled, the Hyuga Clan's strength was greatly injured. "

"So, in order to maintain the relationship between Branch House and Main House, someone proposed a new system. "

"It was that the Leader of Main House and the Leader of Branch House must be very close in bloodline relation."

"So, a child will be selected from the Main House. The selected child will be marked with the caged bird and will inherit the position of Branch House Leader. "

Yasuko's voice started getting colder.

"This method calmed the anger of Branch House to a large extent. After all, even the close relatives of the Clan Leader will be marked with the caged bird curse-seal and become a member of Branch House."

"One advantage for this was that since the Branch house leader was a close relative of the Main house leader, there would be lesser chances of them betraying again or starting a rebellion."

Tatsumi understands this.

Yasuko clenched her fists tightly, and her voice came out again, "In my generation, we had to decide between my two brothers who will become branch house leader and who will become main house leader. "

"The Clan Leader of Hyuga Clan, Main House leader of the next generation has been determined to be my Hiashi. As the second brother of the twins, Hizashi was decided by the Elder Council to be the Leader of Branch House. "

"So that's how it is." Tatsumi suddenly realized. He never understood why Hyuga Hizashi, the younger brother, would become the Leader of Branch House. If only one person in each generation of Hyuga Clan is in the Main House, and other people are marked with curse-seal, then there would be too few people in the Main House.

'I have to say that the people who came up with this method have a really terrifying grasp of human nature. As the older brother, if Hizashi is dissatisfied, Hizashi will endure it.

If the Main house leader's relative is separated from the main house for several generations, people and his bloodline wouldn't even know he was from the main house.

Yasuko was a little sad.

"Why? Why do the clansmen, who are also Hyuga, have to carry such a thing?"

"The reason is because a ninja is often forced to make cruel choices. Is this the sacrifice that the Branch House people have made"

Yasuko's Byakugan had unconsciously been activated.

"clan clan, these people only think about clan. They never considered the feelings of the people from the Branch House. Don't Branch House people bear the same name? I feel sad for them. Is this the fate of being a ninja? "

Yasuko looked at Tatsumi, "My second brother, Hizashi, will be marked with a caged bird soon. So, what should I do to change this?" (Volunteer in his place?)

"You said I should grow up. So, if it was you, Tatsumi what would you do?" Faced with Yasuko's question, Tatsumi was silent.

'Should I say Train hard… Nah, she'll most probably get mad.' Tatsumi was thinking of an answer.

In his previous world, most people did not pay attention to it that much.

But here, even a person who is not used to being serious, even a thick-skinned person like Jiraiya or Naruto, will really think about these things.

After all, it is a really cruel world.

"Yasuko-San, you are too obsessed with small things like the clan, so you ignore the really important things. That is, power. You have no power currently, so you are to be restricted by rules."

"Weakness is the original sin. If you want to change the future of the Hyuga Clan, then you must get stronger. "

"Years later, your big brother will definitely become the Leader of the Main House. Your second brother will also be the Leader of the Branch House, and then, in a certain mission or war, to protect your big brother your second brother would have to sacrifice himself."

"If he is lucky, your second brother may survive. But, his child would surely be marked with the curse-seal. Then in a mission for the people of the Main House. He may die. Doesn't this so-called destiny just follow an established track?"

"If you want to change the destiny, all you have to do is to become stronger. If you become the Hokage, or have absolute strength like the First Hokage, you would be able to change the Hyuga Clan rules, won't you?"

"The Hokage?" Yasuko was a little confused by what Tatsumi was saying