Jiraiya finally appeared at the door of the classroom. Jiraiya gazed at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi's scalp felt a little numb with Jiraiya's bitter stare.

'I was wrong, okay?'

"Well, Jiraiya-Sama, won't really peep into the women's bath again, he was beaten this time." Nawaki was taken aback, and Jiraiya looked scared. Although he had known that his elder sister had beaten Jiraiya, Nawaki was not at the scene of the violence. How can he know that the injuries were so miserable.

"No. Um… Well, this is the damage I suffered when I did the mission given by the Third Hokage. It was a SSS-rank mission, Orochimaru can testify for me." Jiraiya made an excuse to cover up the injuries he got from executing the plan given by Tatsumi.

If someone knew that he was beaten like this by Tsunade, he would be made fun of in the ninja circle.

"Jiraiya big brother, did you investigate the shop with the older sisters in the short skirts in front of it?" Nawaki asked in a silly tone.

Nawaki is obviously watching Jiraiya's end a bit miserable, and he is a little afraid of his elder sister Tsunade.

So, he pretended to accidentally leak some news to Jiraiya, wanting him to test the waters, and let him probe the danger.

If Jiraiya ends up being okay, Nawaki can investigate the spies.

"Ah, really there were? They might be the spies of the enemy village. For the safety of the village, I must conduct a comprehensive investigation."


Ever since the Tsunade incident yesterday, Jiraiya was still very vigilant,"Nawaki, where did this news come from? Is it reliable?" Jiraiya looked at Tatsumi alertly. After all, he was just deceived yesterday.

"That, I saw them when I passed by the shop in the morning." Nawaki replied.

After all, Tatsumi had told Nawaki before that he cannot say that this important information is something he told him.

The reason?

Of course it is because of Mikoto. Tatsumi also wants to live a few more days. So now Nawaki is the first person who knows of this information.

Nawaki was a bit ashamed, after all, he has always been known as the first person to know all the information about Konoha.

Hearing that this information did not come from Tatsumi, Jiraiya relaxed his vigilance. He showed an ambiguous look.

"Very good, Nawaki. I'll check it out later. Presumably the Third Hokage would also be interested in checking them ou- I mean investigating it."


'It seems that Jiraiya also wants to pull the old man in.'

After the two of them exchanged information, Tatsumi, Mikoto, and Minato were called out by Jiraiya.

The sun was hot, sprinkling on the earth through a dense collection of leaves. Only Orochimaru stood under the shade of the tree.

Orochimaru was standing there wearing a Jonin jacket.

'Where is Tsunade?'

"In this period of time, the three of us will guide you." Jiraiya pointed to Orochimaru beside him and Tsunade who didn't exist.

"This guidance will last for a week. Time is precious, so you should cherish it."

"Minato, you will come with me." Jiraiya originally wanted to train Tatsumi, let Tatsumi in his hands, experience everything for himself, offer love. However, when he talked to Minato earlier, Minato is a civilian like him, so he liked Minato very much.

More importantly, he already knew that Tsunade would personally train Tatsumi.

"That's it. Mikoto, you come with me." Orochimaru said.

Mikoto had no objection on receiving Orochimaru's guidance.

After all, Mikoto is not at all planning to learn Medical-Ninjutsu. Sharingan with Medical-Ninjutsu would be like not using sharingan to its maximum abilities. Moreover, Mikoto is not a physical strength-type ninja, she is a Ninjutsu-type ninja. Tsunade is not meant for her.

Tatsumi is an all-round ninja. For Tatsumi, anyone would be good. Besides, Tatsumi is currently the strongest in Taijutsu, so Tsunade is just right for him.

The most important thing is that they know that Tsunade has called dibs over Tatsumi.

Tatsumi is Tsunade's dish. Tsunade wants to use her own means to train Konoha's problem children like him. (Please, this is not an R-18 fanfic)

"Well, what should I do?" Tatsumi asked. Tsunade was missing.

Jiraiya harbored evil intentions and took a look at Tatsumi. He patted Tatsumi's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Kid, Tsunade is waiting for you at Senju Clan. By the way, don't forget to bring your wallet. If given no money, Tsunade won't heal you."

The amount of information in his words was big.

'So, Tsunade will first beat me to death due to what happened yesterday, and then I have to pay Tsunade to heal me?'

"Can I give up this quota?" Tatsumi swallowed his saliva.

"Yes. Then you won't need to use your money to ask her to treat the injuries––" Jiraiya looked at Tatsumi with a smile.

"That would be good" Tatsumi got happy and his face lit like a bulb.

"——You can directly take the money to buy a coffin." Jiraiya said.

"It's okay, Tatsumi. If you confess your mistake to Lady Tsunade, she will forgive you." Mikoto said

'If confession was useful, why would I be scared of Tsunade?' Jiraiya gazed at the bandage on his body.

"Minato, let's go! I'll give you a great Ninjutsu, you must defeat Tatsumi and avenge me." Seeing Tatsumi get comforted by the Mikoto, Jiraiya was a little jealous.

"…ha ha." With a wry smile, Minato followed Jiraiya with a comforting look.

"Then Tatsumi, as I have said before, excellent students can always come to me. After the training with Tsunade, you can come to me for ask anything. This will always be valid." Orochimaru squinted his eyes as he said gently to Tatsumi.

"Come on, let's go." Orochimaru's snake-like eyes glanced at Mikoto and said.

"Then, I'm leaving, bye Tatsumi." Mikoto followed Orochimaru and disappeared from Tatsumi's field of view.

Tatsumi was the only one left, standing there alone.

'Should I go find Tsunade?'