T/N - I skipped two chapters again. The shuriken throwing test was going on in them, nothing special or important or interesting.

A brief - Kushina was mocked for her bad throwing skills by the class. Nawaki, Minato and MIkoto got an A. Tatsumi got an A+. Tatsumi used Chakra enhanced strength while throwing the shuriken and told the others about it. He gave Minato a basic idea for Rasengan. The day ended and everyone said Bye-Bye and were heading towards their home.

The start of this chapter is with the last few lines of the last chapter skipped.


As everyone left, Mikoto and Tatsumi also left together.

"Look, the sky is looking like the sea." Mikoto said suddenly.

The backs of the two people are completely contained in this dusk.

Mikoto suddenly ran forward and turned around.

Mikoto black's hair flashed dazzling rays of light in the sunset.


"Yup, what's the matter?"

"Do you think we will always be together, like this?"

"En? Of course." Tatsumi said without hesitation.

"Then it's good." Mikoto said as she again ran forward.

"Wait for me, Mikoto." Tatsumi ran after her to catch up to her.

The two's figures slowly disappeared in the setting sun.


At night, Tatsumi heard the notification sound of the system.

[Congratulations to the host. The system upgrade is completed.]

Tatsumi quickly opened the system.

[Host : Uchiha Tatsumi]

[Land of Fire]

[Age : 6 years old]

[Comprehensive strength index : a very weak chunnin?]

[Chakra Level : 4]

[Taijutsu Level : 8]

[Shuriken Level : 5]

[Hand Seal Level : 4]

[Ninjutsu Level : 4]

[Genjutsu Level : 5]

[Wind Attribute Level : 4]

[Fire Attribute Level : 4]

[Lightning Attribute Level : 4]

[Water Attribute Level : 0]

[Earth Attribute Level : 0]

[Sealing Jutsu Level : 0]

[Yang Attribute Level : 0]

[Yin Attribute Level : 0]

[Attribute fusion : (Not obtained)]

[Sharingan : (Not obtained)]

[Remaining NP : 1500]

Tatsumi had to take a look at the system again before he realized that he had three more attributes.

But two of them were not yet obtained.

"Hey system, when will my Attribute Fusion be unlocked?"

[The requirement for opening Fusion Attribute is that any two attributes reach Level 11]

"Level 11….wouldn't that be Jonin Level?" Tatsumi had a headache.

'My current highest attribute, Taijutsu, is only at Level 8. Reaching Level 11 will not take many years.'

"Then what about Sealing Jutsu?" Tatsumi asked.

[This attribute is based on the host's knowledge about it. Previously, someone who knew sealing jutsu was not around the host. Now, there is one so it will be turned on.]

"Oh, it must be because of Kushina." Tatsumi nodded.

"Wait a minute!! I can get the Sharingan from the system?" Tatsumi asked.

"Does it mean that I can use points to upgrade it, will it reach Rinnegan?" Tatsumi asked excitedly.

After all, every evolution of the Sharingan is accompanied with great pain.

Tatsumi has not yet obtained a Sharingan. After all, he hasn't and doesn't want to lose the people he treasures.

'If I need to lose them to gain strength, I would rather never have it.'

[Unfortunately not. Sharingan is the portrayal of emotions. The system cannot influence your emotions. Therefore, Sharingan can only be obtained the regular way]

The system rejected Tatsumi's guess.

Tatsumi was silent. 'In other words, I can only follow the method that was in the manga?'

"Then, if points are useless for Sharingan, why does Sharingan appear here?" Tatsumi was puzzled.

[This is caused by the Attribute Fusion. Attribute fusion can also allow Sharingan to merge with other attributes to have new abilities.]

[All can only be explored by the host.]


Time passed by slowly. Life in the Academy was boring.

Now, Tatsumi's points were increasing at a turtle's pace.

So, he has been planning to find graduating students to increase his points.

Although Nishimura, who is in charge of their class, once asked if Tatsumi would like to skip a grade, he refused.

His best friends are in Second Year.

Tatsumi was not in a hurry to graduate.

Although he has lived in Ninja World for six years. Traces of his previous life can't be erased.

That is, a lazy and peaceful state of mind. Think about it, a person who has lived for 20+ years in a peaceful age, comes to Ninja World. What kind of mentality does he have to graduate early and plunge into the life of a ninja full of killing?

He is not Kakashi, he has his own dedication.

He has a natural fear of killing.

This kind of mentality can be completely transformed only after experiencing blood baptism.

In the morning, Tatsumi got up early and walked to the Academy.

'It is May and the weather is getting hotter.' Tatsumi, who didn't want to receive sunlight early in the morning, had to choose to come to the Academy a little earlier, before the sun rose.

When he opened the classroom door, he was facing a delicate fist.

"What the hell?" Tatsumi immediately tilted his head and evaded the fist.

Tatsumi looked up and found that it was his Kushina.

Kushina saw that Tatsumi was the one opening and immediately apologized.

"Sorry, Tatsumi. I recognized the wrong person." Kushina apologized.

"It's okay." Tatsumi closed the door, and took Kushina back to her place.

'The situation in the classroom seems very….chaotic. Is there a thief?'

'There are scattered tables and chairs everywhere, and books are on the floor.'

There were several male students lying on the ground, wailing constantly.

Uchiha Ryo was lying on the ground rolling his belly.

'It seems that he suffered a heavy punch in the stomach. It's just that the acting of his boyfri- minions is a bit exaggerated. They are crying as if Ryo is dead.'

"Kushina, this is so good." Tatsumi knew who did it by seeing them.

"What's going on though, Kushina?" Tatsumi looked at Kushina and asked.

"Nothing." Kushina said and averted her eyes.

"Since there is nothing wrong, why don't you look in my eyes?"

"Didn't I say that already? There really is nothing wrong." Kushina had a smile on her face, but she was reluctant to look at him.

"Minato, what's the situation?" When Tatsumi saw that Kushina was reluctant to answer, he asked Minato, who was sitting next to him.

"Um...simply put..."

"Minato, I dare you to say it!" Kushina waved her delicate fist, threatening Minato.

Minato turned his head silently with a deeply regretful expression.

Seeing this situation, Tatsumi had a guess but wanted to confirm it.

This is not the first time I'm seeing this.

'In the manga, when Kushina transferred to the academy, she said she wanted to be Konoha's first female Hokage.

The shuriken test afterwards was a mess, and didn't know answer to the questions asked in class.

So these people think Kushina is easy to bully and laugh at her.

They didn't expect that they were not Kushina's opponent. Kushina, who is proficient in Taijutsu, knocked down someone who mocked her with one punch.'

Tatsumi sighed. In this way, Kushina would not be able to peacefully integrate into Konoha.

Sitting in front, Kushina suddenly slammed her table.

That scared Tatsumi. He was about to drink a glass water.

Kushina turned her head suddenly. Her eyes were red, and she said to Tatsumi, "Tatsumi, do you have time this week? I want you to help me in doing homework." Tatsumi was taken aback.

He nodded and said "Please call me Sensei."