T/N - Well, another 2 chapter skip.

Brief - They were practicing...and practicing…..and practicing….Tatsumi taught Kushina shadow clone jutsu in the end.

Before people ask how he learnt it, he had learnt it from the scrolls his father left.


"Since this Jutsu is so easy to use, why don't people use it indiscriminately?" Kushina asked. (She is talking about Shadow Clone)

"Because, what each clone experienced before disappearing will be sent to the main body. The exhaustion will increase exponentially, and a large amount of memory suddenly oozes into the brain. Sometimes, it is enough to turn a person into an idiot."

"You don't want to become an idiot like Nawaki, do you?" Tatsumi asked her.

Kushina quickly shook her head. She doesn't want to be like her big brother.

Kushina looked at Tatsumi's eyes, and promised: "I'll listen to you, I will not overuse this Ninjutsu."

Tatsumi nodded. Then, he shook off the dust on his clothes and stood up.

By now, it was almost dusk. Tatsumi's eyes narrowed, looking at the afterglow of the sun.

"Well, let's go back, it's late." Tatsumi smiled at Kushina.

Kushina pouted, a little unwilling to go, she gazed at Tatsumi with a look of desire on her face.

'So cute.'

Tatsumi smiled, "Ah, we haven't eaten anything, you hungry?"

Kushina, Like a puppy, quickly nodded. If she is now equipped with a tail, she would be very….. Cute. Don't misunderstand.

"Let's go. I will take you to eat the best ramen in Konoha." Tatsumi took Kushina.

While going to eat, Kushina looked at the scenery in front of her and suddenly felt a sense of deja vu.

"What's wrong, Kushina." Tatsumi stopped, letting the crowd pass through them.

"This is like my hometown." Kushina said, pointing to the distance.

Tatsumi nodded and then seriously said, "We will have a chance to see it in the future. I will accompany you. Right now Konoha is your home and we are all your family."

Kushina smiled,"It's amazing. When I first came, I was very restless, afraid of being bullied by the people. I didn't expect to have so many friends so soon."

'Uh, it would be good if you don't bully others.'

Kushina suddenly looked at Tatsumi,"Hey, you said before that you want to support me as Hokage, is it true?"

"Of course it is true." Tatsumi said without the slightest hesitation.

"Ai, but I heard Minato and Nawaki say that you said you would support them." Kushina smiled.

"ah.. ha ha." Tatsumi was a little embarrassed, after all, he was exposed on the spot.

Kushina doesn't know that Tatsumi also said that he supports Tsunade and Yasuko as the Hokage…. Anyway, his support in the end is worthless.

When it comes to Yasuko, Tatsumi has not seen her for a while now. By now, her brother, Hyuga Hizashi should be marked by the cursed seal.

Tatsumi looked somewhat absent-minded, Kushina pouted again.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" she asked.

Tatsumi recovered, looking at Kushina, he said with a smile, "I was thinking that you are better than Minato and Nawaki. Both are unsuitable for Hokage."

Kushina chuckled, then turned her back and walked to the front of Ichiraku Ramen.

"The line here is too long today." Tatsumi grumbled while holding his head. 'I would have come earlier if I knew this would happen.'

'Konoha needs family planning.'

"It's true." A strange voice made both Tatsumi and Kushina look back.

"Hoe-...Hokage-Sama!" Kushina exclaimed.

"haha, keep your voice down." Hiruzen laughed, and signaled Kushina to lower the volume so that people around would not notice him.

"What a coincidence, Kushina and Tatsumi." Hiruzen patted Kushina's head and said their names with a smile.

Tatsumi's pupils shrank, but immediately concealed.

'What a shitty lie.'

However, Tatsumi had already expected something like this to happen sooner or later. One is Konoha's future Jinchuriki, and the other is

his teammate, Uchiha Kagami's only son. The Third Hokage, as long he is a little humane, would come and contact them once.

"Hokage-Sama, good evening." Tatsumi greeted Hiruzen politely.

He and the Third Hokage still have a connection. Even after Uchiha Kagami passed away, he visited Tatsumi quite a few times.

As for the Uchiha Clan Leader, he said that his father was killed by the Third Hokage and Danzo.

Please, he is not an idiot like Obito. He will not deduce everything with just one side's story.

'The truth of the matter is certainly not what Fazumi said. Everyone will say according to what will give them favorable results.

"Just relax." The Third Hokage waved his hand so that Tatsumi wouldn't be so excited.

Then he continued, "It's nice to be young… are you two dating?"

The Third Hokage smiled at Tatsumi and asked.

'Ah, he IS the teacher of lustful Sage, Jiraiya. Is he seriously thinking 6-year-olds will date? RIght now we are not young, we are kids to be precise.'

"Nothing like that!" Kushina hushed immediately.

"We just came to eat after training. It is different from those who secretly go out during working hours!" Kushina said incoherently.


"Kushina, don't talk like that! It may hurt some people." Tatsumi said as he covered her mouth.

Third Hokage immediately waved his hand in embarrassment.

In order to stop Kushina from continuing to talk, Tatsumi hurriedly continued and said, "Hokage-Sama, you must be busy with work, why do you come here at this time?"

(OK. so this means a nation's leader may stand in a crowd in his own nation and no one will recognize him….)