Kushina was standing alone in her courtyard.

Tatsumi went to his house some time ago.

At this time, the courtyard was completely dark. If the lights were turned on right now, you can see Kushina's red face.

She gently opened the small door in front of her.

The small courtyard could be said to be the most mysterious place in Konoha and also was the safest place in Konoha.

Only a few people were allowed to enter.

Kushina opened the small door and walked to the courtyard.

The courtyard was very small, the walls and corridors were full of Uzumaki Clan's emblem.

Kushina knocked on a door lightly.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps. An old woman with white hair opened the room.

"...Grandma Cho, good evening."

Kushina changed her character of Red Hot-Blooded Habanero and became as polite as a Great Family's Young Lady.

The white-haired old man smiled, "Kushina nished training?"

"Is grandma Mito asleep?"

"She hasn't slept yet. She said you will come to see her tonight. She is still waiting for you."

Kushina nodded, "Excuse me."

She slowly walked in.

A woman was sitting on a chair.

The woman appeared to be in her thirties. Her bright red hair was tied up, with two long pendants hanging from her hair, a diamond pattern between her eyebrows, and she was wearing a white Uzumaki Clan traditional dress.

She saw Kushina walking in and stood up.

"Kushina, are you back from your date?" The voice of the woman came. It was clear from her voice that she was very old.

Kushina's calm mood immediately became turbulent, her face quickly flushed.

The woman seemed to like teasing Kushina.

Kushina widened her eyes and asked, "Grandma, why are you like this?"

"What? Did you not tell me? You said you wanted a day off and go out for a date." The woman said with a smile.

She argued, "Special training cannot be considered a date."

After Mito teased Kushina for a while, she calmed down and sat down in a chair.

"Ai, I am old, my body is not in a good condition." Uzumaki Mito sighed.

"No! Grandma is still so beautiful, you are the most beautiful person in Konoha." Kushina said.

"That's true. When I was young, I was a famous beauty in Land of Fire. I got married to that idiot Hashirama back then, which is a blessing for a lifetime."

"Obviously, it's only someone like him who can marry the beautiful Princess of the Uzumaki clan." Mito said so with a smile on her face.

Mito rarely said as much as she said today.


"Ai, I'm really old. If it weren't for the Chakra stored in the Yin Seal, my appearance would be the same as your grandma Cho. I'm way too old." Mito continued. .

"How about, are you having fun these days? What's the name of the boy you met with?" Mito pulled Kushina and kept gossiping.

Kushina showed a shy expression, "His name is Uchiha Tatsumi."

"Uchiha Tatsumi...Uchiha...Uchiha Clan" Mito frowned. She showed a slightly pensive expression.

Kushina realized she said something bad when she saw Mito's expression.

She had studied the history of Konoha and knows the relation between Uchiha Clan and Senju Clan during the Warring States.

She eagerly explained, "That...grandma, Tatsumi is an orphan like me. H-h-he is a good person..."


Tatsumi has returned to his house at this moment. He sneezed suddenly.

Kushina issued a Good Person Card to show her grandma.

Mito laughed and touched Kushina's head. "The things in the Warring States period are all old. Uchiha Clan is also a part of Konoha. Regarding that boy being from the Uchiha clan, I have no problem with it."

Mito continued, "I just remembered some old things, that's all."

"What's the matter?" Kushina asked.

"Well, let me think about it. I remember that it was about my marriage to Hashirama. Madara's younger brother, Izuna also fell in love with me. Then on the way to greet my family, Izuna brought someone to take me away."

"Then the two sides fought. Tobirama was in charge of the safety. Then, in that battle, Tobirama wounded Izuna with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu." Mito recalled, resting her chin on her hand.

"What happened after that?"

"Izuna died."


Mito is the only survivor of that era. So, she is the person who knows the most details of that era.

Of course, except for Madara who is still struggling on death's door underground.

Mito's long lifespan has been a miracle. Although most of the reason is Uzumaki Clan's physique that has inherently more life force.

Now, she is like a candle in the wind.

"...Kushina, what do you think of the village?"

After sitting in the chair for a while, Mito asked Kushina.

"The village..."


T/N - Check out the new pick, 'Alchemist in Harry Potter'